;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\311%\210\312\313\314\315\310\305%\210\312\316\317\320\310\305%\210\312\321\322\323\310\305%\210\312\324\325\326\310\305%\210\312\327\330\331\310\305%\210\312\332\333\334\310\305%\210\312\335\336\337\310\305%\210\312\340\341\342\310\305%\210\312\343\344\345\310\305%\210\346\347\350\351\352\353\310\305&\210\346\354\355\356\310\305\352\357&\210\346\360\361\362\310\305\352\363&\210\346\364\365\366\310\305\352\367&\210\346\370\371\372\310\305\352\373&\207" [require cl-lib thingatpt seq custom-declare-group symbol-overlay nil "Highlight symbols with keymap-enabled overlays." :group convenience custom-declare-face symbol-overlay-default-face ((t (:inherit highlight))) "Symbol Overlay default face" symbol-overlay-face-1 ((t (:background "dodger blue" :foreground "black"))) "Symbol Overlay default candidate 1" symbol-overlay-face-2 ((t (:background "hot pink" :foreground "black"))) "Symbol Overlay default candidate 2" symbol-overlay-face-3 ((t (:background "yellow" :foreground "black"))) "Symbol Overlay default candidate 3" symbol-overlay-face-4 ((t (:background "orchid" :foreground "black"))) "Symbol Overlay default candidate 4" symbol-overlay-face-5 ((t (:background "red" :foreground "black"))) "Symbol Overlay default candidate 5" symbol-overlay-face-6 ((t (:background "salmon" :foreground "black"))) "Symbol Overlay default candidate 6" symbol-overlay-face-7 ((t (:background "spring green" :foreground "black"))) "Symbol Overlay default candidate 7" symbol-overlay-face-8 ((t (:background "turquoise" :foreground "black"))) "Symbol Overlay default candidate 8" custom-declare-variable symbol-overlay-faces '(symbol-overlay-face-1 symbol-overlay-face-2 symbol-overlay-face-3 symbol-overlay-face-4 symbol-overlay-face-5 symbol-overlay-face-6 symbol-overlay-face-7 symbol-overlay-face-8) "Faces used for overlays." :type (repeat face) symbol-overlay-displayed-window t "See `symbol-overlay-maybe-put-temp'." boolean symbol-overlay-idle-time 0.5 "Idle time after every command and before the temporary highlighting." float symbol-overlay-overlay-created-functions 'nil "Functions called after overlay creation that may modify the overlay." hook symbol-overlay-ignore-functions '((c-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-c) (c++-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-c++) (python-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-python) (java-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-java) (go-mode . symbol-overlay-ignore-function-go)) "Functions to determine whether a symbol should be ignored.\n\nThis is an association list that maps a MAJOR-MODE symbol to a\nfunction that determines whether a symbol should be ignored.\nFor instance, such a function could use a major mode's font-lock\ndefinitions to prevent a language's keywords from getting highlighted." (repeat (cons (function :tag "Mode") function))] 8) #@245 When non-nil, don't use `symbol-overlay-map'. This is intended for buffers/modes that use the keymap text property for their own purposes. Because this package uses overlays it would always override the text property keymaps of such packages. (defvar symbol-overlay-inhibit-map nil (#$ . 2978)) (put 'symbol-overlay-inhibit-map 'safe-local-variable 'booleanp) #@102 Keymap automatically activated inside overlays. You can re-bind the commands to any keys you prefer. (defvar symbol-overlay-map (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304#\210\302\305\306#\210\302\307\310#\210\302\311\312#\210\302\313\314#\210\302\315\316#\210\302\317\320#\210\302\321\322#\210\302\323\324#\210\302\325\326#\210\302\327\330#\210\302\331\332#\210\302\333\334#\210)\207" [map make-sparse-keymap define-key "i" symbol-overlay-put "h" symbol-overlay-map-help "p" symbol-overlay-jump-prev "n" symbol-overlay-jump-next "<" symbol-overlay-jump-first ">" symbol-overlay-jump-last "w" symbol-overlay-save-symbol "t" symbol-overlay-toggle-in-scope "e" symbol-overlay-echo-mark "d" symbol-overlay-jump-to-definition "s" symbol-overlay-isearch-literally "q" symbol-overlay-query-replace "r" symbol-overlay-rename] 4) (#$ . 3346)) (defvar symbol-overlay-keywords-alist nil nil) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\301\303\304#\207" [make-variable-buffer-local symbol-overlay-keywords-alist put permanent-local t] 4) #@47 Display the bindings in `symbol-overlay-map'. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-map-help #[nil "\306\307! \310\211\223\210\311\nB\312 B\313 \314\307!\211\310\211rq\210\315\316!c)r q\210\317 \310\")\320\321!\203F\321\"\202H.\207" [buf help-window-point-marker temp-buffer-window-setup-hook temp-buffer-window-show-hook help-window-old-frame #1=#:buffer get-buffer-create "*Help*" nil help-mode-setup help-mode-finish selected-frame temp-buffer-window-setup substitute-command-keys "\\{symbol-overlay-map}" temp-buffer-window-show functionp help-window-setup standard-output #2=#:window #3=#:value] 4 (#$ . 4368) nil]) #@107 Non-nil if Symbol-Overlay mode is enabled. Use the command `symbol-overlay-mode' to change this variable. (defvar symbol-overlay-mode nil (#$ . 5009)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'symbol-overlay-mode) #@593 Minor mode for auto-highlighting symbol at point. This is a minor mode. If called interactively, toggle the `Symbol-Overlay mode' mode. If the prefix argument is positive, enable the mode, and if it is zero or negative, disable the mode. If called from Lisp, toggle the mode if ARG is `toggle'. Enable the mode if ARG is nil, omitted, or is a positive number. Disable the mode if ARG is a negative number. To check whether the minor mode is enabled in the current buffer, evaluate `symbol-overlay-mode'. The mode's hook is called both when the mode is enabled and when it is disabled. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-mode #[(&optional arg) "\306  \307=\203\n?\202 \247\203 \310W\203\311\202\312\313\303!\2032\314\302 \"\n\2032\302 B\n\203D\315\316\317\311\312$\210\320\f!\210\202P\321\316\317\312#\210\322 \210\323 \210\324\325\n\203Z\326\202[\327\"\210\330\331!\203\200\306 \203o\306 \232\203\200\332\333\334\n\203{\335\202|\336 #\210))\337 \210\n\207" [#1=#:last-message arg symbol-overlay-mode local-minor-modes symbol-overlay-idle-time local current-message toggle 1 nil t boundp delq add-hook post-command-hook symbol-overlay-post-command symbol-overlay-update-timer remove-hook symbol-overlay-cancel-timer symbol-overlay-remove-temp run-hooks symbol-overlay-mode-hook symbol-overlay-mode-on-hook symbol-overlay-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any " in current buffer" message "Symbol-Overlay mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update] 5 (#$ . 5217) (list (if current-prefix-arg (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 'toggle))]) (defvar symbol-overlay-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\302\300\304\305#\210\302\300\306\307C#\207" [symbol-overlay-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `symbol-overlay-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" custom-type hook standard-value nil] 4) #@35 Keymap for `symbol-overlay-mode'. (defvar symbol-overlay-mode-map (byte-code "\301 \302!\203 \202<\203\303!\202\304\305\")\207" [m make-sparse-keymap keymapp easy-mmode-define-keymap error "Invalid keymap %S"] 3) (#$ . 7214)) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\211%\207" [symbol-overlay-mode-map add-minor-mode symbol-overlay-mode " SO" nil] 6) #@196 Get all highlighted overlays in the buffer. If SYMBOL is non-nil, get the overlays that belong to it. DIR is an integer. If EXCLUDE is non-nil, get all overlays excluding those belong to SYMBOL. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-get-list #[(dir &optional symbol exclude) "\303`!\210\304 \305V\203\306\202\305W\205\307\310\311 \203% \n!\202+\312\n@\nA\"\"*\207" [dir func lists overlay-recenter overlay-lists 0 cdr car seq-filter (lambda (ov) (let ((value (overlay-get ov 'symbol))) (and value (or (not symbol) (if (string= value symbol) (not exclude) (and exclude (not (string= value "")))))))) append] 5 (#$ . 7574)]) #@90 Get the symbol at point. If NOERROR is non-nil, just return nil when no symbol is found. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-get-symbol #[(&optional noerror) "\301\302!\206?\205\303\304!\207" [noerror thing-at-point symbol user-error "No symbol at point"] 2 (#$ . 8203)]) #@34 Return a regexp to match SYMBOL. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-regexp #[(symbol) "\301\302!\303Q\207" [symbol "\\_<" regexp-quote "\\_>"] 3 (#$ . 8476)]) #@66 Get SYMBOL's associated list in `symbol-overlay-keywords-alist'. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-assoc #[(symbol) "\302 \"\207" [symbol symbol-overlay-keywords-alist assoc] 3 (#$ . 8633)]) #@47 Delete the KEYWORD list and all its overlays. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-maybe-remove #[(keyword) "\205\302\303\304\305@\"\"\210\306 \"AA\207" [keyword symbol-overlay-keywords-alist mapc delete-overlay symbol-overlay-get-list 0 delq] 5 (#$ . 8823)]) #@36 Symbol for temporary highlighting. (defvar symbol-overlay-temp-symbol nil (#$ . 9085)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'symbol-overlay-temp-symbol) #@69 If non-nil, force to narrow to scope before temporary highlighting. (defvar symbol-overlay-scope nil (#$ . 9235)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'symbol-overlay-scope) #@112 Narrow to a specific region. Region might be current scope or displayed window, depending on SCOPE and WINDOW. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-narrow #[(scope &optional window) "\2035`\306\211\211\212\214\307 \210ed\f`U?\206\fdU*\212 \2030\310 \210`\311 \210` \n}-\207 \205E\312 p=\205E\313 \314 }\207" [scope p max min pt window nil narrow-to-defun backward-paragraph forward-paragraph window-buffer window-start window-end] 4 (#$ . 9407)]) #@32 Delete all temporary overlays. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-remove-temp #[nil "\301\302\303\304\305\"\"\210\306\211\207" [symbol-overlay-temp-symbol mapc delete-overlay symbol-overlay-get-list 0 "" nil] 5 (#$ . 9865)]) #@174 Highlight symbol at point when there are more than 2 occurrences. This only affects symbols in the current displayed window if `symbol-overlay-displayed-window' is non-nil. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-maybe-put-temp #[nil "\205b\306\307\310!\306\n\205a\311\n!?\205a\312\n!?\205a\313 \210\212\214\314\f \"\210eb\210\315\n!\316\306\310#\210\317 \320\216\316\306\310#\203S\321\n!\210 \204=\310\202=* \205`\321\n!\210\n\211++\207" [symbol-overlay-mode case-fold-search symbol p symbol-overlay-scope symbol-overlay-displayed-window nil symbol-overlay-get-symbol t symbol-overlay-assoc symbol-overlay-ignored-p symbol-overlay-remove-temp symbol-overlay-narrow symbol-overlay-regexp re-search-forward match-data #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3] symbol-overlay-put-one re save-match-data-internal symbol-overlay-temp-symbol] 4 (#$ . 10089)]) #@61 Determine whether SYMBOL should be temporarily highlighted. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-ignored-p #[(symbol) "\304 \"A\211\205 \n !)\207" [major-mode symbol-overlay-ignore-functions f symbol assoc] 4 (#$ . 10996)]) #@35 Timer for temporary highlighting. (defvar symbol-overlay-timer nil (#$ . 11218)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'symbol-overlay-timer) #@49 Cancel `symbol-overlay-timer' if it is running. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-cancel-timer #[nil "\205\301!\207" [symbol-overlay-timer cancel-timer] 2 (#$ . 11356)]) #@163 Idle timer callback for BUF. This is used to maybe highlight the symbol at point, but only if the buffer is visible in the currently-selected window at the time. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-idle-timer #[(buf) "\301!\205\302 =\205rq\210\303 )\207" [buf buffer-live-p window-buffer symbol-overlay-maybe-put-temp] 2 (#$ . 11529)]) #@57 Update `symbol-overlay-timer' with new idle-time VALUE. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-update-timer #[(value) "\302 \210\205\303V\205\304\305\306p$\211\207" [value symbol-overlay-timer symbol-overlay-cancel-timer 0 run-with-idle-timer t symbol-overlay-idle-timer] 5 (#$ . 11868)]) #@35 Installed on `post-command-hook'. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-post-command #[nil "\301\302!\230?\205 \303 \207" [symbol-overlay-temp-symbol symbol-overlay-get-symbol t symbol-overlay-remove-temp] 2 (#$ . 12158)]) #@159 Put overlay on current occurrence of SYMBOL after a match. If FACE is non-nil, use it as the overlay’s face. Otherwise apply `symbol-overlay-default-face'. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-put-one #[(symbol &optional face) "\306\307\224\307\225\" \203*\310\301 #\210\n\204\310\311 #\210\310\312\313#\210\310\304\f#\210\2026\310\301\314#\210\310\304\315#\210 \316\211\205S@\211!\210A\211\204@\316+\207" [ov face symbol-overlay-inhibit-map symbol-overlay-map symbol symbol-overlay-overlay-created-functions make-overlay 0 overlay-put keymap evaporate t symbol-overlay-default-face "" nil fun --dolist-tail--] 5 (#$ . 12378)]) #@248 Put overlays on all occurrences of SYMBOL in the buffer. The face is randomly picked from `symbol-overlay-faces'. If SCOPE is non-nil, put overlays only on occurrences in scope. If KEYWORD is non-nil, remove it then use its color on new overlays. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-put-all #[(symbol scope &optional keyword) "\306 G\307 !\206 \310\n!\234 \311\312\"`G\nW\2037\313\f\"\203? \310\n!\234\202&\307\314!@!\203G\315 \210\212\214\316!\210eb\210\317!\320\306\321#\203i\322\f\"\210\202W+\fBB\211 B .\207" [case-fold-search symbol-overlay-faces limit keyword face symbol-overlay-keywords-alist nil symbol-overlay-maybe-remove random mapcar cddr seq-position last symbol-overlay-remove-temp symbol-overlay-narrow symbol-overlay-regexp re-search-forward t symbol-overlay-put-one alist faces pt symbol-overlay-temp-symbol scope symbol re] 5 (#$ . 13030)]) #@112 Show the number of KEYWORD's occurrences. If SHOW-COLOR is non-nil, display the color used by current overlay. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-maybe-count #[(keyword &optional show-color) "\2054@\306\307 \"\306\310 \"\nG\311\312\313A@\205\314\205*\315\316AA\"Q \fT\f G\\$-\207" [keyword symbol before after count message-log-max symbol-overlay-get-list -1 1 nil message "%s: %d/%d" " in scope" format " (%s)" show-color] 6 (#$ . 13933)]) #@149 Return non-nil is SYMBOL is among KEYWORDS. KEYWORDS is a list of strings. SYMBOL is expected to be a return value of `symbol-overlay-get-symbol'. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-match-keyword-list #[(symbol keywords) "\302 \303\304$\207" [symbol keywords cl-find :test string=] 5 (#$ . 14387)]) #@127 Refresh overlays. Installed on `after-change-functions'. BEG, END and LEN are the beginning, end and length of changed text. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-refresh #[(beg end len) "\306 \206 \206\n ??\205a\307\310\212\311 \312\216 b\210\n\313\314!)\262\203-\315\316!b\210\317\313\314!)\262\204S\320\n\321Q\313\314!)\262\203S\322\317!\323\324\325 \"\"\210\323\326\"-\207" [symbol-overlay-keywords-alist symbol-overlay-temp-symbol re case-fold-search save-match-data-internal end minibufferp nil "\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+" match-data #[nil "\301\302\"\207" [save-match-data-internal set-match-data evaporate] 3] t looking-at re-search-forward "\\_>" "\\_<" "\\(" "\\|\\_>\\)" re-search-backward mapc #[(ov) "\301\302\"\205\n\303!\207" [ov overlay-get symbol delete-overlay] 3] overlays-in #[(keyword) "@\305 ! b\210\306\n\f\307#\205\310 AA\"\210\202\n*\207" [keyword symbol re beg end symbol-overlay-regexp re-search-forward t symbol-overlay-put-one] 4] inhibit-changing-match-data beg] 5 (#$ . 14686)]) (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'symbol-overlay-refresh) #@49 Restore overlays after the buffer was reverted. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-after-revert #[nil "\214~\210\300ed\301#)\207" [symbol-overlay-refresh nil] 4 (#$ . 15784)]) (add-hook 'after-revert-hook 'symbol-overlay-after-revert) #@58 Determine whether SYMBOL should be ignored (C Language). (defalias 'symbol-overlay-ignore-function-c #[(symbol) "\302\303 \304\"\"\207" [symbol c-font-lock-extra-types symbol-overlay-match-keyword-list append ("auto" "break" "case" "char" "const" "continue" "default" "do" "double" "else" "enum" "extern" "float" "for" "goto" "if" "inline" "int" "long" "register" "restrict" "return" "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" "struct" "switch" "typedef" "union" "unsigned" "void" "volatile" "while")] 5 (#$ . 16016)]) #@51 Determine whether SYMBOL should be ignored (C++). (defalias 'symbol-overlay-ignore-function-c++ #[(symbol) "\302\303 \304\"\"\207" [symbol c++-font-lock-extra-types symbol-overlay-match-keyword-list append ("alignas" "alignof" "asm" "auto" "bool" "break" "case" "catch" "char" "char16_t" "char32_t" "class" "const" "const_cast" "constexpr" "continue" "decltype" "default" "delete" "do" "double" "dynamic_cast" "else" "enum" "explicit" "export" "extern" "false" "final" "float" "for" "friend" "goto" "if" "inline" "int" "long" "mutable" "namespace" "new" "noexcept" "nullptr" "operator" "override" "private" "protected" "public" "register" "reinterpret_cast" "return" "short" "signed" "sizeof" "static" "static_assert" "static_cast" "struct" "switch" "template" "this" "thread_local" "throw" "true" "try" "typedef" "typeid" "typename" "union" "unsigned" "using" "virtual" "void" "volatile" "wchar_t" "while")] 5 (#$ . 16534)]) #@54 Determine whether SYMBOL should be ignored (Python). (defalias 'symbol-overlay-ignore-function-python #[(symbol) "@\211;\203\f \202\305 !\211 \306\307\310#)\266\203*\207" [python-font-lock-keywords keyword-symbol keyword symbol inhibit-changing-match-data symbol-name nil t string-match] 8 (#$ . 17467)]) #@50 Determine whether SYMBOL should be ignored (Go). (defalias 'symbol-overlay-ignore-function-go #[(symbol) "\304 \"\206\304\n\"\206\304 \"\207" [symbol go-builtins go-constants go-mode-keywords symbol-overlay-match-keyword-list] 3 (#$ . 17788)]) #@52 Determine whether SYMBOL should be ignored (Java). (defalias 'symbol-overlay-ignore-function-java #[(symbol) "\301\302\"\207" [symbol symbol-overlay-match-keyword-list ("abstract" "continue" "for" "new" "switch" "assert" "default" "goto" "package" "synchronized" "boolean" "do" "if" "private" "this" "break" "double" "implements" "protected" "throw" "byte" "else" "import" "public" "throws" "case" "enum" "instanceof" "return" "transient" "catch" "extends" "int" "short" "try" "char" "final" "interface" "static" "void" "class" "finally" "long" "strictfp" "volatile" "const*" "float" "native" "super" "while")] 3 (#$ . 18045)]) #@41 Toggle all overlays of symbol at point. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-put #[nil "\303 ?\2052\304 \305!\306 \210 \203*\307 \"\203!\310 !\2021\311 !\210\312 \2021\310\313\n\"\314\"*\207" [symbol keyword symbol-overlay-scope minibufferp symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-assoc symbol-overlay-adjust-position symbol-overlay-maybe-reput symbol-overlay-maybe-count symbol-overlay-maybe-remove symbol-overlay-maybe-put-temp symbol-overlay-put-all t] 4 (#$ . 18680) nil]) #@48 Backward one char if at the end of the symbol. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-adjust-position #[nil "\301\302\303!)\262\205\304u\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "\\_>" t looking-at -1] 3 (#$ . 19163)]) #@32 Show count of symbol at point. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-count #[nil "\302 ?\205\303 \304!\305 \210\306 !*\207" [symbol keyword minibufferp symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-assoc symbol-overlay-adjust-position symbol-overlay-maybe-count] 2 (#$ . 19373) nil]) #@123 Remove all highlighted symbols in the buffer. When called interactively, then also reset `symbol-overlay-keywords-alist'. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-remove-all #[nil "\301 ?\205\302\303\304\305!\"\210\306\307!\205\310\211\207" [symbol-overlay-keywords-alist minibufferp mapc delete-overlay symbol-overlay-get-list 0 called-interactively-p any nil] 4 (#$ . 19652) nil]) (add-hook 'before-revert-hook 'symbol-overlay-remove-all) #@23 Copy symbol at point. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-save-symbol #[nil "\301 ?\205\302\303!\304@A\"\210\305\306!)\207" [bounds minibufferp bounds-of-thing-at-point symbol kill-ring-save message "Current symbol saved"] 3 (#$ . 20089) nil]) #@58 Toggle overlays to be showed in buffer or only in scope. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-toggle-in-scope #[nil "\304 ?\205*\305 \306!\211\203% A@?\307\310\n #!\210\n\211)\202) ?\211*\207" [symbol keyword scope symbol-overlay-scope minibufferp symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-assoc symbol-overlay-maybe-count symbol-overlay-put-all] 6 (#$ . 20334) nil]) #@98 Put overlays on SYMBOL that is not highlighted in scope. KEYWORD provides the scope information. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-maybe-reput #[(symbol keyword) "A@\205\302\303\304\305\301!@!\"?\205\306 \307#\207" [keyword symbol seq-find #[(ov) "\302\301\" \230\207" [ov symbol overlay-get] 3] overlays-at bounds-of-thing-at-point symbol-overlay-put-all t] 5 (#$ . 20706)]) #@24 Jump back to the mark. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-echo-mark #[nil "\303 \304 \305 !\203b\210\306 \n\"+\207" [pt symbol keyword mark symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-assoc symbol-overlay-maybe-reput] 3 (#$ . 21087) nil]) #@95 A general jumping process during which JUMP-FUNCTION is called to jump. DIR must be non-zero. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-jump-call #[(jump-function dir) "\304 ?\205$\305 \306!\307\310\311\"\210\n \"\210 \205#\312 \"\210\313 !*\207" [symbol keyword jump-function dir minibufferp symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-assoc push-mark nil t symbol-overlay-maybe-reput symbol-overlay-maybe-count] 3 (#$ . 21327)]) #@76 Jump to SYMBOL's next location in the direction DIR. DIR must be non-zero. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-basic-jump #[(symbol dir) "\306\307\305!`\n\310V\203 A\202 @Z\306\311 !\f` Zb\210\312\f\306\313\n$\211\204C\n\310V\2038e\2029db\210\312\f\306\211\n$\f \\b-\207" [case-fold-search bounds dir offset target symbol nil bounds-of-thing-at-point 0 symbol-overlay-regexp re-search-forward t re] 6 (#$ . 21752)]) #@47 Jump to the next location of symbol at point. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-jump-next #[nil "\300 \210\301\302\303\"\207" [symbol-overlay-adjust-position symbol-overlay-jump-call symbol-overlay-basic-jump 1] 3 (#$ . 22180) nil]) #@51 Jump to the previous location of symbol at point. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-jump-prev #[nil "\300 \210\301\302\303\"\207" [symbol-overlay-adjust-position symbol-overlay-jump-call symbol-overlay-basic-jump -1] 3 (#$ . 22411) nil]) #@29 Jump to the first location. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-jump-first #[nil "\303 \210\304 \305\306\"\211G\307\310\n[\"+\207" [symbol before count symbol-overlay-adjust-position symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-get-list -1 symbol-overlay-jump-call symbol-overlay-basic-jump] 4 (#$ . 22647) nil]) #@28 Jump to the last location. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-jump-last #[nil "\303 \210\304 \305\306\"\211G\307\310\nS\"+\207" [symbol after count symbol-overlay-adjust-position symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-get-list 1 symbol-overlay-jump-call symbol-overlay-basic-jump] 4 (#$ . 22956) nil]) #@49 An one-argument function that returns a regexp. (defvar symbol-overlay-definition-function '(lambda (symbol) (concat "(?def[a-z-]* " (symbol-overlay-regexp symbol))) (#$ . 23261)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'symbol-overlay-definition-function) #@205 Jump to the definition of symbol at point. The definition syntax should be defined in a function stored in `symbol-overlay-definition-function' that returns the definition's regexp with the input symbol. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-jump-to-definition #[nil "\300\301\302\"\207" [symbol-overlay-jump-call (lambda (symbol dir) (let ((pt (point)) p) (symbol-overlay-basic-jump symbol dir) (while (not (or p (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " ") (looking-at-p (funcall symbol-overlay-definition-function symbol))))) (symbol-overlay-basic-jump symbol dir) (and (= pt (point)) (setq p t))))) 1] 3 (#$ . 23513) nil]) #@93 Switch to the closest symbol highlighted nearby, in the direction DIR. DIR must be 1 or -1. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-switch-symbol #[(dir) "\303 ?\2057\304\305!\306 \305#\211\204%\307\310 \311V\203 \312\202!\313\314Q!\210\315\316\305\"\210\317\n@!b\210\320\321\304 !!*\207" [symbol dir list minibufferp symbol-overlay-get-symbol t symbol-overlay-get-list user-error "No more " 0 "forward" "backward" " symbols" push-mark nil overlay-start symbol-overlay-maybe-count symbol-overlay-assoc] 5 (#$ . 24151)]) #@35 Switch forward to another symbol. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-switch-forward #[nil "\300\301!\207" [symbol-overlay-switch-symbol 1] 2 (#$ . 24670) nil]) #@36 Switch backward to another symbol. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-switch-backward #[nil "\300\301!\207" [symbol-overlay-switch-symbol -1] 2 (#$ . 24827) nil]) #@36 Isearch symbol at point literally. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-isearch-literally #[nil "\301 ?\205\302 \303\300!\210\304\305\306\"\210\307!)\207" [symbol minibufferp symbol-overlay-get-symbol beginning-of-thing isearch-forward nil t isearch-yank-string] 3 (#$ . 24987) nil]) #@32 Query replace symbol at point. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-query-replace #[nil "\306 ?\205j\307\310 \311 !\211A@\307\211 \203\312\313!\210\314\301!\210\315\307\316\"\210\317\320 \" B \230\204Y\321\311 !!\210\322 \n#\323\324 ! \"\210\325W\203U\f\202W\fC \310\316!\230\205h\314\301!\210\326\n!.\207" [case-fold-search symbol keyword scope defaults new minibufferp nil symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-assoc user-error "Query-replace invalid in scope" beginning-of-thing push-mark t read-string "Replacement: " symbol-overlay-maybe-remove symbol-overlay-put-all query-replace-regexp symbol-overlay-regexp 25 symbol-overlay-maybe-count emacs-major-version query-replace-defaults] 5 (#$ . 25270) nil]) #@48 Rename symbol at point on all its occurrences. (defalias 'symbol-overlay-rename #[nil "\306 ?\205w\307\310 \311 !\211\203\nA@\202 \307\312\301!\210\313\307\314\"\210\315\316\f\205-\317\320Q \"\211 \230\204k\321\311 !!\210\212\214\322\f!\210eb\210\314\323 !\324\307\314#\203`\325 \314\"\210\202O,\n\203k\326 \f\n# \310\314!\230\205v\327\n!-\207" [case-fold-search symbol keyword symbol-overlay-scope scope new minibufferp nil symbol-overlay-get-symbol symbol-overlay-assoc beginning-of-thing push-mark t read-string "Rename" " in scope" " to: " symbol-overlay-maybe-remove symbol-overlay-narrow symbol-overlay-regexp re-search-forward replace-match symbol-overlay-put-all symbol-overlay-maybe-count re inhibit-modification-hooks] 5 (#$ . 26003) nil]) (provide 'symbol-overlay)