;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\306\307\310\311\312DD\313\314\315\304\301&\210\306\316\310\311\317DD\320\314\315\304\301&\210\306\321\310\311\322DD\323\314\315\304\301&\210\306\324\310\311\325DD\326\314\327\304\301&\210\330\331!\207" [custom-declare-group symex nil "A language for editing symbolic expressions." :group lisp custom-declare-variable symex-highlight-p funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Whether selected symexes should be highlighted." :type boolean symex-refocus-p #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether to refocus on the selected symex when it's close to the edge of the screen." symex-remember-branch-positions-p #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether movement in the vertical direction should remember branch positions." symex-modal-backend #[0 "\300\207" [evil] 1] "Whether to use hydra or evil as the backend for the modal interface." symbol provide symex-custom] 8)