;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\300\304!\207" [require racket-mode nil noerror subr-x] 4) #@429 Internal function to send CODE to the Racket REPL for evaluation. Before sending the code (in string form), calls `racket-repl' and `racket--repl-forget-errors'. Also inserts a ? at the process mark so that output goes on a fresh line, not on the same line as the prompt. Afterwards call `racket--repl-show-and-move-to-end'. This function is based on code from an old version of the `racket-mode` Emacs package. (fn CODE) (defalias 'symex--racket-send-to-repl #[257 "\301\302!\210\303 \210\304!\305\212\306!b\210\307c\210\306!`\310\223)!\210\311\"\210\311\312\"\266\313\314!\2050\314 \207" [racket-repl-buffer-name racket-repl t racket--repl-forget-errors get-buffer-process with-racket-repl-buffer process-mark 10 nil comint-send-string "\n" fboundp racket--repl-show-and-move-to-end] 6 (#$ . 180)]) #@79 Eval last sexp. Accounts for different point location in evil vs Emacs mode. (defalias 'symex-eval-racket #[0 "\212\301=\203\n\302u\210\303 )\207" [evil-state normal nil racket-send-last-sexp] 2 (#$ . 1001) nil]) #@36 Eval entire containing definition. (defalias 'symex-eval-definition-racket #[0 "\300\301!\207" [racket-send-definition nil] 2 (#$ . 1223)]) #@63 Evaluate symex and render the result in a useful string form. (defalias 'symex-eval-pretty-racket #[0 "\300\301 `{\302BB\303\304\305#\266\202\306!\207" ["(let ([result " racket--repl-last-sexp-start ("])" " (cond [(stream? result) (stream->list result)]\n [(sequence? result) (sequence->list result)]\n [else result]))") nil mapconcat identity symex--racket-send-to-repl] 6 (#$ . 1369) nil]) #@70 Evaluate symex as a 'thunk,' i.e. as a function taking no arguments. (defalias 'symex-eval-thunk-racket #[0 "\300\301 `{\302BB\303\304\305#\266\202\306!\207" ["(" racket--repl-last-sexp-start (")") nil mapconcat identity symex--racket-send-to-repl] 6 (#$ . 1836) nil]) #@40 Eval symex and print result in buffer. (defalias 'symex-eval-print-racket #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1 (#$ . 2114) nil]) #@27 Describe symbol at point. (defalias 'symex-describe-symbol-racket #[0 "\300 \207" [racket-describe] 1 (#$ . 2235) nil]) #@13 Go to REPL. (defalias 'symex-repl-racket #[0 "\300 \207" [racket-repl] 1 (#$ . 2361)]) #@18 Evaluate buffer. (defalias 'symex-run-racket #[0 "\300 \207" [racket-run] 1 (#$ . 2454)]) (provide 'symex-interface-racket)