;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require lispy paredit symex-data] 2) #@88 Attempt OPERATION and if it fails, then do DO-WHAT. (fn DO-WHAT OPERATION &rest BODY) (defalias 'symex-if-stuck '(macro . #[642 "\300\301\302\303BBBF\207" [let ((orig-pt (point))) if (= orig-pt (point))] 10 (#$ . 178)])) #@36 Check if point is at a root symex. (defalias 'symex--point-at-root-symex-p #[0 "\212`\300 \210\211`U\205\f\301\262)\207" [symex--exit t] 3 (#$ . 411)]) #@53 Check if point is at the first symex at some level. (defalias 'symex--point-at-first-symex-p #[0 "\212`\300 \210\211`U\205\f\301\262)\207" [symex--backward t] 3 (#$ . 571)]) #@52 Check if point is at the last symex at some level. (defalias 'symex--point-at-last-symex-p #[0 "\212`\300 \210\211`U\205\f\301\262)\207" [symex--forward t] 3 (#$ . 753)]) #@52 Check if point is at the last symex in the buffer. (defalias 'symex--point-at-final-symex-p #[0 "\212`\300 \210\211`U\205`\301 \210\211`U\205\302\262\262)\207" [symex--forward symex--exit t] 4 (#$ . 932)]) #@53 Check if point is at the first symex in the buffer. (defalias 'symex--point-at-initial-symex-p #[0 "\212\3001o\206\301\302!\210\303\304!?0\202\210\305)\207" [(error) backward-sexp 1 thing-at-point sexp nil] 2 (#$ . 1150)]) #@17 A comment line. (defvar symex--re-comment-line "^[[:space:]]*;" (#$ . 1385)) #@16 An empty line. (defvar symex--re-empty-line "^$" (#$ . 1468)) #@59 A blank line, either empty or containing only whitespace. (defvar symex--re-blank-line "^[[:space:]]*$" (#$ . 1536)) #@51 A line that isn't blank and isn't a comment line. (defvar symex--re-symex-line "^[[:space:]]*[^;[:space:]\n]" (#$ . 1659)) #@58 Check if we're currently at the start of a comment line. (defalias 'symex-comment-line-p #[0 "\212\301 \210\302\303\304!)\262)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data back-to-indentation ";" t looking-at] 3 (#$ . 1788)]) #@33 Check if the symex is a string. (defalias 'symex-string-p #[0 "\301\302\303!)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "\"" t looking-at] 3 (#$ . 2012)]) #@46 Check if point is at an opening parenthesis. (defalias 'symex-opening-round-p #[0 "\301\302\303!)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "(" t looking-at] 3 (#$ . 2167)]) #@49 Check if point is at an opening square bracket. (defalias 'symex-opening-square-p #[0 "\301\302\303!)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "\\[" t looking-at] 3 (#$ . 2341)]) #@48 Check if point is at an opening curly bracket. (defalias 'symex-opening-curly-p #[0 "\301\302\303!)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "{" t looking-at] 3 (#$ . 2521)]) #@42 Check if we're looking at an empty list. (defalias 'symex-empty-list-p #[0 "\212\302!\205\303u\210\304 \305 \")\207" [lispy-left lispy-right looking-at 2 looking-back line-beginning-position] 3 (#$ . 2697)]) #@32 Check if the symex is an atom. (defalias 'symex-atom-p #[0 "\301!?\207" [lispy-left looking-at] 2 (#$ . 2914)]) #@63 Check if the symex is a composite expression, i.e. a nonatom. (defalias 'symex-form-p #[0 "\300 ?\207" [symex-atom-p] 1 (#$ . 3033)]) #@20 Forward one symex. (defalias 'symex--forward-one #[0 "`\300\301\302!\2032\3031\304\305!\210\305\211\2620\210\202G\210\3061+\304\307!\210\307\211\2620\210\202G\210\300\262\202G\3101C\304\307!\210\307\211\2620\210\202G\210\300\262\3111Y\312\307!\210\211S\211\2620\210\202Z\210`U\203d\300\262\210\207" [0 thing-at-point sexp (error) forward-sexp 2 (error) 1 (error) (error) backward-sexp] 5 (#$ . 3173)]) #@407 Forward symex. Go forward COUNT times, defaulting to one. This is a primitive operation that is provided below the public abstraction level of symex.el. It currently uses built-in Emacs commands and third party tools like paredit to perform its function. This procedure is not to be used except in the low-level internals of symex mode (use the public `symex-go-forward` instead). (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'symex--forward #[256 "\211\206\300\301\301\211W\203\302\303 \211\\\262\266\211T\262\202\266\211\301V\205+\304\301\"\207" [1 0 nil symex--forward-one symex-make-move] 9 (#$ . 3603) nil]) #@21 Backward one symex. (defalias 'symex--backward-one #[0 "\300\301 \204\3021\303\304!\210\304\211\2620\210\207\210\207" [0 symex--point-at-initial-symex-p (error) backward-sexp 1] 3 (#$ . 4227)]) #@410 Backward symex. Go backward COUNT times, defaulting to one. This is a primitive operation that is provided below the public abstraction level of symex.el. It currently uses built-in Emacs commands and third party tools like paredit to perform its function. This procedure is not to be used except in the low-level internals of symex mode (use the public `symex-go-backward` instead). (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'symex--backward #[256 "\211\206\300\301\301\211W\203\302\303 \211\\\262\266\211T\262\202\266\211\301V\205,\304[\301\"\207" [1 0 nil symex--backward-one symex-make-move] 9 (#$ . 4433) nil]) #@22 Find the next symex. (defalias 'symex--find-next #[0 "\301!\210\302 \207" [symex--re-symex-line re-search-forward back-to-indentation] 2 (#$ . 5063)]) #@18 Enter one level. (defalias 'symex--enter-one #[0 "\301\302!\203\303 \204\304u\210\207\302\305P!\203\306u\210\207\302\307P!\203(\310u\210\207\311\207" [lispy-left 1 looking-at symex-empty-list-p nil "#['`]" 3 "[#'`]" 2 0] 4 (#$ . 5221)]) #@408 Enter higher symex level. Enter COUNT times, defaulting to one. This is a primitive operation that is provided below the public abstraction level of symex.el. It currently uses built-in Emacs commands and third party tools like paredit to perform its function. This procedure is not to be used except in the low-level internals of symex mode (use the public `symex-go-up` instead). (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'symex--enter #[256 "\211\206\300\301\301\211W\203\302\303 \211\\\262\266\211T\262\202\266\211\301V\205+\304\301\"\207" [1 0 nil symex--enter-one symex-make-move] 9 (#$ . 5475) nil]) #@17 Exit one level. (defalias 'symex--exit-one #[0 "\3001$\301\302!\210\303\304\305 \"\203\306u\210\202!\303\307\305 \"\203!\310u\210\3020\207\210\311\207" [(error) paredit-backward-up 1 looking-back "#['`]" line-beginning-position -2 "[#'`]" -1 0] 3 (#$ . 6096)]) #@410 Exit to lower symex level. Exit COUNT times, defaulting to one. This is a primitive operation that is provided below the public abstraction level of symex.el. It currently uses built-in Emacs commands and third party tools like paredit to perform its function. This procedure is not to be used except in the low-level internals of symex mode (use the public `symex-go-down` instead). (fn &optional COUNT) (defalias 'symex--exit #[256 "\211\206\300\301\301\211W\203\302\303 \211\\\262\266\211T\262\202\266\211\301V\205,\304\301[\"\207" [1 0 nil symex--exit-one symex-make-move] 9 (#$ . 6369) nil]) (provide 'symex-primitives)