;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@1175 Match VALUE against SPEC. Returns a boolean indicating whether VALUE matches SPEC. Matching is done as follows: * If SPEC is a function, it is called with VALUE as its only argument and the result is returned. * If SPEC is a cons cell with a car of `regexp' and a cdr that is a string, the string will be matched against VALUE using `string-match-p'. VALUE will be converted from a symbol to a string if necessary. * If SPEC is a conse cell with a car of `not', then VALUE will be matched against the cdr and the result will be inverted. * If SPEC is a list, VALUE is matched recursively against each element of SPEC, and this returns non-nil if any element of SPEC results in a match. * If SPEC and VALUE are both either symbols or strings, they are compared using `string=' (which compares symbols using their print names). * If SPEC is anything else, it is compared to VALUE using `equal'. For example, if VALUE is a symbol and SPEC is a list of symbols, this will return TRUE if VALUE occurs in SPEC. Note that since matching is done using several different functions, a match may not always return `t', but it will return some non-nil value. (defalias 'system-specific-settings-do-match #[(value spec) "\303!\203\n !\207:\203@\304=\203\305 A\"?\207:\203E@\306=\203EA;\203E 9\2038\307 !A \310\311\312#)\207\3131P \2300\202T\210\202W\206g<\203d\314\315\305 \"\"\207 \232\207" [spec value inhibit-changing-match-data functionp not system-specific-settings-do-match regexp symbol-name nil t string-match (error) cl-some apply-partially] 7 (#$ . 89)]) #@116 If COND matches `system-type', do THEN, else do ELSE. Matching is done using `system-specific-settings-do-match'. (defalias 'if-system-type-match '(macro . #[(cond then &rest else) "\303\304\305E \nBBB\207" [cond then else if system-specific-settings-do-match system-type] 4 (#$ . 1707)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put if-system-type-match lisp-indent-function 2] 4) #@116 If COND matches `system-name', do THEN, else do ELSE. Matching is done using `system-specific-settings-do-match'. (defalias 'if-system-name-match '(macro . #[(cond then &rest else) "\303\304\305E \nBBB\207" [cond then else if system-specific-settings-do-match system-name] 4 (#$ . 2107)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put if-system-name-match lisp-indent-function 2] 4) #@108 Eval BODY only if `system-type' matches COND. Matching is done using `system-specific-settings-do-match'. (defalias 'when-system-type-match '(macro . #[(cond &rest body) "\302\303 BE\207" [cond body if-system-type-match progn] 4 (#$ . 2507)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put when-system-type-match lisp-indent-function 1] 4) #@108 Eval BODY only if `system-name' matches COND. Matching is done using `system-specific-settings-do-match'. (defalias 'when-system-name-match '(macro . #[(cond &rest body) "\302\303 BE\207" [cond body if-system-name-match progn] 4 (#$ . 2863)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\307#\210\310\305\306\311#\210\304\312\301\307#\210\310\312\301\311#\210\313\314!\207" [function-put when-system-name-match lisp-indent-function 1 defalias eval-on-system-type when-system-type-match nil make-obsolete "0.2" eval-on-host provide system-specific-settings] 5)