;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\210\300\305!\210\300\306!\210\300\307!\210\300\310!\210\300\311!\210\300\312!\210\300\313!\210\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323&\210\324\325\326\327\330DD\331\322\315\332\333&\207" [require projectile async cl-lib taskrunner-clang taskrunner-web taskrunner-java taskrunner-ruby taskrunner-static-targets taskrunner-mix taskrunner-leiningen taskrunner-general custom-declare-group taskrunner nil "A taskrunner for emacs which covers several build systems and lets the user select and run targets interactively." :prefix "taskrunner-" :group convenience custom-declare-variable taskrunner-no-previous-command-ran-warning funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [#1="No previous command has been ran in this project!"] 1 #1#] "Warning used to indicate that there is no cached previously run command." :type string] 8) #@105 Indicates whether or not the cache file has been read. Do not edit unless you want to reread the cache. (defvar taskrunner--cache-file-read nil (#$ . 957)) #@104 Used to hold the working directory argument for usage in the async package. Do not edit this manually! (defvar taskrunner--async-process-dir nil (#$ . 1120)) #@81 Warning inserted at the top of the tasks cache file to indicate not to edit it. (defconst taskrunner--cache-file-header-warning ";;This file is generated automatically. Please do not edit by hand!\n" (#$ . 1284)) #@48 Regexp used to find all buffers running tasks. (defconst taskrunner--buffer-name-regexp "*taskrunner-.+*" (#$ . 1503)) #@139 A cache used to store the last executed command for each project. It is a hashmap where each member is of the form (project-root command) (defvar taskrunner-last-command-cache (make-hash-table :test 'eq :weakness nil) (#$ . 1629)) #@137 A cache used to store project build folders for retrieval. It is a hashmap where each member is of the form (project-root build-folder) (defvar taskrunner-build-cache (make-hash-table :test 'eq :weakness nil) (#$ . 1867)) #@122 A cache used to store the tasks retrieved. It is a hashmap where each member is of the form (project-root list-of-tasks) (defvar taskrunner-tasks-cache (make-hash-table :test 'eq :weakness nil) (#$ . 2096)) #@139 A cache used to store the command history for a project. It is a hashmap where each member is of the form (project-root list-of-commands) (defvar taskrunner-command-history-cache (make-hash-table :test 'eq :weakness nil) (#$ . 2310)) #@138 A cache used to store custom commands for each project. It is a hashmap where each member is of the form (project-root list-of-commands) (defvar taskrunner-custom-command-cache (make-hash-table :test 'eq :weakness nil) (#$ . 2551)) #@78 The maximum number of commands stored in the command cache for each project. (defvar taskrunner-command-history-size 10 (#$ . 2789)) #@56 Narrow to the line entire line that the point lies on. (defalias 'taskrunner--narrow-to-line #[0 "\300 \301 }\207" [point-at-bol point-at-eol] 2 (#$ . 2928)]) #@82 Create a buffer name used to retrieve the tasks for TASKRUNNER. (fn TASKRUNNER) (defalias 'taskrunner--make-task-buff-name #[257 "\300\301Q\207" ["*taskrunner-" "-tasks-buffer*"] 4 (#$ . 3093)]) #@201 Retrieve the last command ran for the project. If DIR is non-nil then return the command for for that directory. Otherwise, use the project root for the currently visited buffer. (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-get-last-command-ran #[256 "\211\203\211\202\n\301 \302\303!\"\207" [taskrunner-last-command-cache projectile-project-root gethash intern] 5 (#$ . 3297)]) #@99 Set the COMMAND ran in DIR to be the last command ran for project in ROOT. (fn ROOT DIR COMMAND) (defalias 'taskrunner-set-last-command-ran #[771 "\301\302!D#\207" [taskrunner-last-command-cache puthash intern] 7 (#$ . 3685)]) #@227 Add TASKS for project in directory ROOT to the tasks cache. TASKS should a list of strings where each string is of the form "TASKRUNNER-PROGRAM COMMAND". The cache for ROOT is always overwritten if it exists! (fn ROOT TASKS) (defalias 'taskrunner-add-to-tasks-cache #[514 "\301\302!#\207" [taskrunner-tasks-cache puthash intern] 6 (#$ . 3924)]) #@122 Retrieve all tasks for project in ROOT if any exist. Return nil if none have been previously added. (fn &optional ROOT) (defalias 'taskrunner-get-tasks-from-cache #[256 "\211\203\211\202\n\301 \302\303!\"\207" [taskrunner-tasks-cache projectile-project-root gethash intern] 5 (#$ . 4280)]) #@77 Add BUILD-DIR as the build directory for make in ROOT. (fn ROOT BUILD-DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-add-to-build-cache #[514 "\301\302!#\207" [taskrunner-build-cache puthash intern] 6 (#$ . 4582)]) #@92 Retrieve the build folder for ROOT. Return nil if it does not exist. (fn &optional ROOT) (defalias 'taskrunner-get-build-cache #[256 "\211\203\211\202\n\301 \302\303!\"\207" [taskrunner-build-cache projectile-project-root gethash intern] 5 (#$ . 4787)]) #@74 Add COMMAND to the history cache for project in ROOT. (fn ROOT COMMAND) (defalias 'taskrunner-add-command-to-history #[514 "\302\303!\"\211\203*\211G W\203\304\303!B#\207B\262\304\303!\305!#\207\304\303!C#\207" [taskrunner-command-history-cache taskrunner-command-history-size gethash intern puthash butlast] 7 (#$ . 5054)]) #@240 Retrieve command history list from cache if possible. If ROOT is non-nil then retrieve the command history for project from that directory. Otherwise, use the project root as per the command `projectile-project-root' (fn &optional ROOT) (defalias 'taskrunner-get-commands-from-history #[256 "\211\203\211\202\n\301 \302\303!\"\207" [taskrunner-command-history-cache projectile-project-root gethash intern] 5 (#$ . 5405)]) #@188 Add a custom command COMMAND to the cache for project in ROOT. If NO-OVERWRITE is non-nil then do not overwrite the cache file used for storage. (fn ROOT COMMAND &optional NO-OVERWRITE) (defalias 'taskrunner-add-custom-command #[770 "\301\302!\"\211\203\303\302!B#\210\202 \303\302!C#\210?\205'\304 \207" [taskrunner-custom-command-cache gethash intern puthash taskrunner-write-cache-file] 8 (#$ . 5841)]) #@339 Retrieve the list of custom commands for the currently visited project. If DIR is non-nil then retrieve commands for project in that root folder. Otherwise, use command `projectile-project-root'. This function will return a list of strings of the form: ("TASKRUNNER CUSTOM-COMMAND1" "TASKRUNNER CUSTOM-COMMAND2"...) (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-get-custom-commands #[256 "\211\203\211\202\n\301 \302\303!\"\207" [taskrunner-custom-command-cache projectile-project-root gethash intern] 5 (#$ . 6269)]) #@175 Delete a custom command COMMAND for the project in directory ROOT. If NO-OVERWRITE is non-nil then do not overwrite the cache file. (fn ROOT COMMAND &optional NO-OVERWRITE) (defalias 'taskrunner-delete-custom-command #[770 "\301\302!\"\211\205\303\"\262\304\302!#\210?\205\305 \207" [taskrunner-custom-command-cache gethash intern remove puthash taskrunner-write-cache-file] 8 (#$ . 6797)]) #@274 Delete all custom tasks for a project. If DIR is non-nil then delete the tasks for the project with root DIR. Otherwise, use the output of command `projectile-project-root'. If NO-OVERWRITE is non-nil then do not overwrite the cache file. (fn &optional DIR NO-OVERWRITE) (defalias 'taskrunner-delete-all-custom-commands #[512 "\203\202\n\301 \302\303!\"\210?\205\304 \207" [taskrunner-custom-command-cache projectile-project-root remhash intern taskrunner-write-cache-file] 6 (#$ . 7209)]) #@36 Invalidate the entire build cache. (defalias 'taskrunner-invalidate-build-cache #[0 "\301!\207" [taskrunner-build-cache clrhash] 2 (#$ . 7717)]) #@35 Invalidate the entire task cache. (defalias 'taskrunner-invalidate-tasks-cache #[0 "\301!\207" [taskrunner-tasks-cache clrhash] 2 (#$ . 7869)]) #@43 Invalidate the entire last command cache. (defalias 'taskrunner-invalidate-last-command-cache #[0 "\301!\207" [taskrunner-last-command-cache clrhash] 2 (#$ . 8020)]) #@46 Invalidate the entire command history cache. (defalias 'taskrunner-invalidate-command-history-cache #[0 "\301!\207" [taskrunner-command-history-cache clrhash] 2 (#$ . 8193)]) #@45 Invalidate the entire custom command cache. (defalias 'taskrunner-invalidate-custom-command-cache #[0 "\301!\207" [taskrunner-custom-command-cache clrhash] 2 (#$ . 8375)]) #@76 Read the task cache file and initialize the task caches with its contents. (defalias 'taskrunner-read-cache-file #[0 "\306\307\310\"r\211q\210\311\312\"\216\313\314\"\315\316!\205N\306\307\310\"r\211q\210\311\317\"\216\320!\210\321\322 !@\262@A@\3238\3248G\325U\205K\3268\211*\262\266\202*\207" [user-emacs-directory taskrunner-tasks-cache taskrunner-last-command-cache taskrunner-build-cache taskrunner-command-history-cache taskrunner-custom-command-cache generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] expand-file-name "taskrunner-tasks.eld" nil file-exists-p #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] insert-file-contents read-from-string buffer-string 2 3 5 4] 7 (#$ . 8554)]) #@72 Save all tasks in the cache to the cache file in Emacs user directory. (defalias 'taskrunner-write-cache-file #[0 "\306\307\"\310\311\312 \313\n!\313 !\313\f!\313 !\313 !\257#\314#\207" [user-emacs-directory taskrunner--cache-file-header-warning taskrunner-tasks-cache taskrunner-last-command-cache taskrunner-build-cache taskrunner-command-history-cache expand-file-name "taskrunner-tasks.eld" write-region format "%s%s\n" prin1-to-string nil taskrunner-custom-command-cache] 11 (#$ . 9352)]) #@140 Delete the cache file used for persistence between Emacs sessions. The user will be asked to confirm this action before deleting the file. (defalias 'taskrunner-delete-cache-file #[0 "\301\302!\205\f\303\304\305\"!\207" [user-emacs-directory y-or-n-p "Are you sure you want to delete the cache file? " delete-file expand-file-name "taskrunner-tasks.eld"] 4 (#$ . 9857)]) #@363 Create a list containing all file names in FILE-LIST which match REGEXP. If there are any matches then the list of matching names is added to alist MATCH-LIST with key KEY. Each list element has the form: FILENAME ABSOLUTE-FILE-PATH and the absolute file path is created by concatenating DIRECTORY with filename. (fn REGEXP DIRECTORY FILE-LIST KEY MATCH-LIST) (defalias 'taskrunner-files-matching-regexp '(macro . #[1285 "\300\301\302\303D\304\305\306 \307BB\310\311\312\303EDDE\313\314\315\312\303EE\316BBEE\317\320\313\314\321BBEEF\207" [let ((match-list 'nil)) dolist elem if and string-match-p (elem) not file-directory-p expand-file-name push list (intern elem) (match-list) when match-list (match-list)] 17 (#$ . 10237)])) #@235 Look for FILE-NAME within the source folder of a project in directory ROOT. The source folder is located from ROOT-FILES which is a list containing all of the files inside of the project's root folder. (fn ROOT ROOT-FILES FILE-NAME) (defalias 'taskrunner-file-in-source-folder-p '(macro . #[771 "\300\301\302\303\304\305\306E\307\310\311\312\fEE\313BBB\314BBB\304\315\316\304\305\317BB\320BBF\321BBBB\207" [let ((src-folder-files) (src-folder-path) (found-src-flag nil) (found-file-p nil) (i 0)) while (and (not found-src-flag) (<= i (length taskrunner-build-dir-list))) when member (elt taskrunner-source-dir-list i) setq src-folder-path expand-file-name (elt taskrunner-source-dir-list i) ((setq found-src-flag t)) ((setq i (1+ i))) found-src-flag (setq src-folder-files (directory-files src-folder-path)) (src-folder-files) ((setq found-file-p t)) (found-file-p)] 14 (#$ . 10986)])) #@354 Collect the main taskrunner/build system files in DIR. This function returns an alist of the form: ((SYSTEM_1 LOCATION_1) (SYSTEM_2 LOCATION_2)... (SYSTEM_N LOCATION_N)) where LOCATION_1, LOCATION_2...LOCATION_N can either be an alist of the form: (FILE_NAME FILE_PATH) or it can be a single string containing the file path to a single file. (fn DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-collect-taskrunner-files #[257 "\301!\302\303\235\203\304\305!!\306\303\"DC\262\307\235\203*\310\306\307\"DB\262\202:\311\235\203:\310\306\311\"DB\262\312\235\203M\313\306\312\"DB\262\202]\314\235\203]\313\306\314\"DB\262\315\235\203p\316\306\315\"DB\262\202\223\317\235\203\203\316\306\317\"DB\262\202\223\320\235\203\223\316\306\320\"DB\262\321\235\203\246\322\306\321\"DB\262\202\334\323\235\203\271\322\306\323\"DB\262\202\334\324\235\203\314\322\306\324\"DB\262\202\334\325\235\203\334\322\306\325\"DB\262\326\235\203\354\327\306\326\"DB\262\330\235\203\374\331\306\330\"DB\262\332\235\203\f\333\306\332\"DB\262\334\235\203\335\306\334\"DB\262\336\235\203,\337\306\336\"DB\262\340\235\203<\341\306\340\"DB\262\342\235\203L\343\306\342\"DB\262\344\235\203\\\345\306\344\"DB\262\346\235\203l\347\306\346\"DB\262\350\235\203|\351\306\350\"DB\262\352\235\203\214\353\306\352\"DB\262\354\235\203\234\355\306\354\"DB\262\356\235\203\254\357\306\356\"DB\262\360\235\203\274\361\306\360\"DB\262\362\235\203\314\363\306\362\"DB\262\364\235\203\337\365\306\364\"DB\262\202\366\235\203\362\365\306\366\"DB\262\202\367\235\203\365\306\367\"DB\262\370\235\203\371\306\370\"DB\262\2028\372\235\203(\371\306\372\"DB\262\2028\373\235\2038\371\306\373\"DB\262\302\211\203n\211@\374\302\375\376#)\266\203\203g\377\306\"!\204g\304!\306\"DB\262A\266\202\202:\210\211\203|\201@DB\262\210\302\211\203\265\211@\201A\302\375\376#)\266\203\203\256\377\306\"!\204\256\304!\306\"DB\262A\266\202\202\210\211\203\303\201BDB\262\210\302\211\203\374\211@\201C\302\375\376#)\266\203\203\365\377\306\"!\204\365\304!\306\"DB\262A\266\202\202\306\210\211\203\n\201DDB\262\210\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data directory-files nil "package.json" intern taskrunner--yarn-or-npm expand-file-name "gulpfile.js" GULP "Gulpfile.js" "Gruntfile.js" GRUNT "Gruntfile.coffee" "Jakefile.js" JAKE "Jakefile.coffee" "Jakefile" "rakefile" RAKE "Rakefile" "rakefile.rb" "Rakefile.rb" "Cask" CASK "mix.exs" MIX "project.clj" LEIN "Cargo.toml" CARGO "stack.yaml" STACK "CMakeLists.txt" CMAKE "build.xml" ANT "Taskfile.yml" GO-TASK "dodo.py" DOIT "magefile.go" MAGE "maskfile.md" MASK "Makefile.yaml" CARGO-MAKE "tusk.yml" TUSK "buidler.config.js" BUIDLER "dobi.yml" DOBI "justfile" JUST "Justfile" "JUSTFILE" "Makefile" MAKE "makefile" "GNUmakefile" ".*gradle.*" t string-match file-directory-p GRADLE ".*cabal.*" CABAL "go\\.\\(mod\\|sum\\)" GO] 13 (#$ . 11885)]) #@372 Locate and extract all tasks for the project in directory DIR. Returns a list containing all possible tasks. Each element is of the form 'TASK-RUNNER-PROGRAM TASK-NAME'. This is done for the purpose of working with projects which might use multiple task runners. Use this function if you want to retrieve the tasks from a project without updating the cache. (fn DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-collect-tasks #[257 "\306!\307\310\235\203\311\307\312!\"\262\313\235\204\314\235\203&\311\315!\"\262\316\235\2042\317\235\203:\311\320!\"\262\321\235\204L\322\235\204L\323\235\203T\311\324!\"\262\325\235\204l\326\235\204l\327\235\204l\330\235\203t\311\331!\"\262\332\235\204\206\333\235\204\206\334\235\203\216\311\335!\"\262\336\235\203\234\311\337!\"\262\340\235\203\252\311\341!\"\262\342\235\203\270\311\343!\"\262\344\235\203\306\311\345!\"\262\346\235\203\324\311\347!\"\262\350\235\203\342\311\351!\"\262\352\235\203\360\311\353!\"\262\354\235\203\376\311\355!\"\262\356\235\203\f\311\357!\"\262\360\235\203\311\361!\"\262\362\235\204,\363\235\204,\364\235\2034\311\365!\"\262\366\235\203B\311\367!\"\262\370\235\203S\311\371!\"\262\202\237\307\211\211\211\372\204\211GX\203 \234\235\203x\373 \234 \"\262\374\262\211T\262\202X\203\221\306!\262\370\235\203\221\374\262\266\205\203\237\311\371!\"\262\375\235\203\260\311\376!\"\262\202\374\307\211\211\211\372\204\334\211GX\203\334 \234\235\203\325\373 \234 \"\262\374\262\211T\262\202\265\203\356\306!\262\375\235\203\356\374\262\266\205\203\374\311\376!\"\262\377\235\203\311\201B\377\n#\"\262\202@\201C\235\203*\311\201B\201C\n#\"\262\202@\201D\235\203@\311\201B\201D\n#\"\262\201E\235\203N\311 \"\262\201F\235\204^\201G\235\203d\311\f\"\262\201H\235\203r\311 \"\262\201I\235\203\201\311@\"\262\201J \203\216\311A!\262\207" [taskrunner-build-dir-list taskrunner-source-dir-list taskrunner-retrieve-all-make-targets taskrunner--rust-targets taskrunner--golang-targets taskrunner--cask-targets directory-files nil "package.json" append taskrunner-get-package-json-tasks "gulpfile.js" "Gulpfile.js" taskrunner-get-gulp-tasks "Gruntfile.js" "Gruntfile.coffee" taskrunner-get-grunt-tasks "Jakefile.js" "Jakefile" "Jakefile.coffee" taskrunner-get-jake-tasks "rakefile" "Rakefile" "rakefile.rb" "Rakefile.rb" taskrunner-get-rake-tasks "gradlew" "gradlew.bat" "build.gradle" taskrunner-get-gradle-tasks "build.xml" taskrunner-get-ant-tasks "mix.exs" taskrunner-get-mix-tasks "project.clj" taskrunner-get-leiningen-tasks "Taskfile.yml" taskrunner-get-go-task-tasks "dodo.py" taskrunner-get-doit-tasks "magefile.go" taskrunner-get-mage-tasks "maskfile.md" taskrunner-get-mask-tasks "tusk.yml" taskrunner-get-tusk-tasks "buidler.config.js" taskrunner-get-buidler-tasks "dobi.yml" taskrunner-get-dobi-tasks "justfile" "Justfile" "JUSTFILE" taskrunner-get-just-tasks "Makefile.yaml" taskrunner-get-cargo-make-tasks "CMakeLists.txt" taskrunner-get-cmake-tasks 0 expand-file-name t "meson.build" taskrunner-get-meson-tasks "Makefile" taskrunner--stack-targets taskrunner--cabal-targets taskrunner-get-make-targets "makefile" "GNUmakefile" "Cargo.toml" "go.mod" "go.sum" "Cask" "stack.yaml" projectile-cabal-project-p] 11 (#$ . 14946)]) #@397 Retrieve the cached tasks from the directory DIR or the current project. If the project does not have any tasks cached then collect all tasks and update the cache. If the tasks exist then simply return them. The tasks returned are in a list of strings. Each string has the form TASKRUNNER-PROGRAM TASK-NAME. Warning: This function runs synchronously and will block Emacs! (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-get-tasks-sync #[256 "\204 \301 \210\302\211\203\211\202\303 \304!\305!\204*\306!\262\307\"\210\310 \210\311\"\207" [taskrunner--cache-file-read taskrunner-read-cache-file t projectile-project-root taskrunner-get-tasks-from-cache taskrunner-get-custom-commands taskrunner-collect-tasks taskrunner-add-to-tasks-cache taskrunner-write-cache-file append] 7 (#$ . 18360)]) #@427 Run `emacs-async' to retrieve the tasks for the currently visited project. The resulting list of tasks which may be empty is then passed to the function FUNC. This function must accept only one argument which will be a list of strings consisting of taskrunner/build systems and target name. Example: ("MAKE target1" "MAKE target2"...) If DIR is non-nil then tasks are gathered from that directory. (fn FUNC &optional DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner--start-async-task-process #[513 "\211\301\302\303\304\305!\304\306!\307BBBB\310\311\"\"\207" [taskrunner--async-process-dir async-start lambda nil async-inject-variables "\\`load-path\\'" "taskrunner-.*" ((require 'cl-lib) (require 'package) (require 'taskrunner) (let* ((proj-root (if taskrunner--async-process-dir taskrunner--async-process-dir (projectile-project-root))) (proj-tasks (taskrunner-collect-tasks proj-root))) (list proj-root proj-tasks taskrunner-build-cache))) make-closure #[257 "\211@A@\3048\305!\306\"\210\307 \210\3101$\311\300\312\"!)0\207\210\313\314\315!\207" [V0 taskrunner-build-cache inhibit-quit quit-flag 2 taskrunner-get-custom-commands taskrunner-add-to-tasks-cache taskrunner-write-cache-file (quit) nil append t eval (ignore nil)] 9 "\n\n(fn TARGETS)"]] 8 (#$ . 19171)]) #@772 Retrieve the tasks for the currently visited project asynchronously. The resulting list of tasks (which may be empty) is then passed to the function FUNC. This function must accept only one argument which will be a list of strings consisting of taskrunner/build systems and target name. Example: ("MAKE target1" "MAKE target2"...) If the tasks exist in the cache then they are retrieved right away. Otherwise, an `emacs-async' process is started to collect them in the background. This means that FUNC might be called almost instantaneously or at a later time which can usually range between 2-10 seconds depending on how many tasks need to be collected from different systems. If DIR is non-nil then tasks are gathered from that directory. (fn FUNC &optional DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-get-tasks-async #[513 "\204 \303 \210\304\211\203\211\202\305 \306!\307!\2033\3101,\311\312\"!)0\207\210\304\313\314!\207\315\"\207" [taskrunner--cache-file-read inhibit-quit quit-flag taskrunner-read-cache-file t projectile-project-root taskrunner-get-tasks-from-cache taskrunner-get-custom-commands (quit) nil append eval (ignore nil) taskrunner--start-async-task-process] 9 (#$ . 20444)]) #@114 Check if either the current project or the one in directory DIR are cached. Return t or nil. (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-project-cached-p #[256 "\211\203\211\202\n\300 \301!\205\302\207" [projectile-project-root taskrunner-get-tasks-from-cache t] 4 (#$ . 21655)]) #@269 Retrieve all tasks for a project and update the tasks cache. If DIR is non-nil then the tasks are gathered from that folder, otherwise the project root is used. This function is synchronous so using it will block Emacs unless its ran on a thread. (fn &optional DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-refresh-cache-sync #[256 "\211\203\211\202\n\300 \301\302\"\210\303!\207" [projectile-project-root taskrunner-add-to-tasks-cache nil taskrunner-get-tasks-sync] 5 (#$ . 21946)]) #@332 Retrieve all tasks asynchronously and pass them to FUNC. If DIR is non-nil then refresh the tasks for the project in that directory. If there were tasks previously loaded then remove them, retrieve all tasks again and set the corresponding project to the new list. Return a list containing the new tasks. (fn FUNC &optional DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-refresh-cache-async #[513 "\211\203\211\202\n\300 \301\302\"\210\303\"\207" [projectile-project-root taskrunner-add-to-tasks-cache nil taskrunner-get-tasks-async] 6 (#$ . 22425)]) #@95 Generate a buffer name for compilation of TASK with TASKRUNNER program. (fn TASKRUNNER TASK) (defalias 'taskrunner--generate-compilation-buffer-name #[514 "\300\301#\207" [make-closure #[257 "\302!\210\303\300\304\301\305\260\207" [V0 V1 intern "*taskrunner-" "-" "*"] 6 "\n\n(fn MODE)"]] 6 (#$ . 22970)]) #@322 Run command TASK in project root or directory DIR if provided. If ASK is non-nil then ask the user to supply extra arguments to the task to be ran. If USE-BUILD-CACHE is non-nil then attempt to use the build directory for the project which is retrieved from the build cache. (fn TASK &optional DIR ASK USE-BUILD-CACHE) (defalias 'taskrunner-run-task #[1025 "\203\202\n\306 \307\310\"@\227\311\312\307\310\"A\310#\313\314 \n \f \257\"\2032\315\316\"\262\317\306 \226\310Q#\210\320\306 \226\310Q\"\210\321\230\203e\203\\\322!\203\\\322!\310Q\262\202\306\323\230\203\202\203y\322!\203y\322!\310Q\262\202\306\324\230\203\221\325Q\262\202\306\326\230\203\240\325Q\262\202\306\327\230\203\260\330\310R\262\202\306\331\230\203\300\310Q\262\202\306\310Q\262\332 \210\333\334\335\"\334$*\207" [default-directory exec-path taskrunner-go-task-bin-path taskrunner-mage-bin-path taskrunner-tusk-bin-path taskrunner-doit-bin-path projectile-project-root split-string " " mapconcat identity nil append read-string "Arguments to add to command: " taskrunner-set-last-command-ran taskrunner-add-command-to-history "ninja" taskrunner-get-build-cache "make" "npm" " run " "yarn" "buidler" "npx " "dobi" taskrunner-write-cache-file compilation-start t taskrunner--generate-compilation-buffer-name taskrunner-dobi-bin-path taskrunner-dobi-bin-name] 14 (#$ . 23288)]) #@69 Rerun the last task which was ran for the project in DIR. (fn DIR) (defalias 'taskrunner-rerun-last-task #[257 "\301!\211\203\302A@@\303\304$\207\305!\207" [taskrunner-no-previous-command-ran-warning taskrunner-get-last-command-ran taskrunner-run-task nil t message] 7 (#$ . 24722)]) #@67 Return a list of the names of all taskrunner compilation buffers. (defalias 'taskrunner-get-compilation-buffers #[0 "\301\302 \211\203 \211@\303\304!\"\203\304!B\262A\266\202\202\210\207" [taskrunner--buffer-name-regexp nil buffer-list string-match buffer-name] 7 (#$ . 25019)]) #@42 Kill all taskrunner compilation buffers. (defalias 'taskrunner-kill-compilation-buffers #[0 "\300 \211\205\211\211\205\211@\301!\210A\266\202\202\262\207" [taskrunner-get-compilation-buffers kill-buffer] 5 (#$ . 25315)]) #@213 Remove all projects which do not exist anymore from all caches. If NO-OVERWRITE is non-nil then do not overwrite the cache file. Otherwise, overwrite it with the new cache contents. (fn &optional NO-OVERWRITE) (defalias 'taskrunner-clean-up-projects #[256 "\304C\305\306\307\"\"\210\211\242\211\203-\211@\310\"\210\310 \"\210\310\n\"\210\310 \"\210A\266\202\202\f\210?\2055\311 \207" [taskrunner-tasks-cache taskrunner-command-history-cache taskrunner-last-command-cache taskrunner-build-cache nil maphash make-closure #[514 "\301\302!!?\205\300\300\242B\240\207" [V0 file-exists-p symbol-name] 5 "\n\n(fn KEY _)"] remhash taskrunner-write-cache-file] 7 (#$ . 25552)]) #@92 Insert the elements of the hashmap with HASHMAP-NAME in current buffer. (fn HASHMAP-NAME) (defalias 'taskrunner--insert-hashmap-contents '(macro . #[257 "\300\301E\207" [maphash (lambda (key elem) (insert (symbol-name key) " " (format "%s" elem) "\n"))] 4 (#$ . 26245)])) #@134 Debugging function used to show the cache contents in a new temp buffer. This is not meant to be used for anything seen by the user. (defalias 'taskrunner--debug-show-cache-contents #[0 "\305\306!\211q\210\307c\210\310\311\"\210\312c\210\310\313 \"\210\314c\210\310\315\n\"\210\316c\210\310\317 \"\210\320c\210\310\321\f\"\210\322!\207" [taskrunner-tasks-cache taskrunner-last-command-cache taskrunner-build-cache taskrunner-command-history-cache taskrunner-custom-command-cache generate-new-buffer "*taskrunner-debug-cache-contents*" "Task cache contents\n" maphash #[514 "\300!\301\302\303\"\304\261\207" [symbol-name #1=" " format #2="%s" #3="\n"] 7 "\n\n(fn KEY ELEM)"] "\nLast command cache contents\n" #[514 "\300!\301\302\303\"\304\261\207" [symbol-name #1# format #2# #3#] 7 "\n\n(fn KEY ELEM)"] "\nBuild cache contents\n" #[514 "\300!\301\302\303\"\304\261\207" [symbol-name #1# format #2# #3#] 7 "\n\n(fn KEY ELEM)"] "\nCommand history cache contents\n" #[514 "\300!\301\302\303\"\304\261\207" [symbol-name #1# format #2# #3#] 7 "\n\n(fn KEY ELEM)"] "\nCustom commands cache contents\n" #[514 "\300!\301\302\303\"\304\261\207" [symbol-name #1# format #2# #3#] 7 "\n\n(fn KEY ELEM)"] switch-to-buffer] 4 (#$ . 26526) nil]) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305#\203+\306\304\307\310#)\266\203\203+\302\303!\210\311\312\313\"\210\311\314\315\"\210\311\316\317\"\210\320\321!\207" [system-configuration-features inhibit-changing-match-data require notifications nil noerror "NOTIFY" t string-match defalias taskrunner--show-notification #[514 "\303\304!\204\f\303\305!\205s\306!\307\211\211\307\310\311#)\266\203\205q\312\313\"A@\262\312\211\313\"AA@\314\"@\262\315\316\317\260\262\n\320=\204L\n\321=\203\\\303\304!\205q\304\322\323\324\325\326&\207\n\327=\205q\303\330!\205q\330\322\323\324\331\332&\266\204\207" [taskrunner--buffer-name-regexp inhibit-changing-match-data system-type fboundp notifications-notify w32-notifications-notify buffer-name nil t string-match split-string "-" "*" "The command \"" " " "\" has finished!" darwin gnu/linux :title "Emacs Taskrunner" :body :urgency low windows-nt w32-notification-notify :level info] 13 "Show a desktop notification when compilation/comint mode is finished running\n\n(fn BUFF _)"] taskrunner-notification-on #[0 "\301>?\205\f\301B\211\207" [compilation-finish-functions taskrunner--show-notification] 2 "Turn on notifications which are shown when a task ran with taskrunner is finished.."] taskrunner-notification-off #[0 "\301>\205\f\302\301\"\211\207" [compilation-finish-functions taskrunner--show-notification remove] 3 "Turn off notifications which are shown when a task ran with taskrunner is finished.."] provide taskrunner] 7)