;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311&\207" [require cl-lib custom-declare-group terminal-here nil "Open external terminal emulators in the current buffer's directory." :group external :prefix "terminal-here-"] 8) #@55 Pick a good default command to use for DIR. (fn DIR) (defalias 'terminal-here-default-terminal-command #[257 "\301\267\202\302\303\304F\207\305\306\307\305F\207\310\207" [system-type #s(hash-table size 4 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (darwin 6 windows-nt 12 ms-dos 12 cygwin 12)) "open" "-a" "Terminal.app" "cmd.exe" "/C" "start" ("x-terminal-emulator")] 5 (#$ . 322)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311&\210\300\312\302\303\313DD\314\306\307\310\303&\207" [custom-declare-variable terminal-here-terminal-command funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [terminal-here-default-terminal-command] 1] "The command used to start a terminal.\n\nEither a list of strings: (terminal-binary arg1 arg2 ...); or a\nfunction taking a directory and returning such a list." :group terminal-here :type (choice (repeat string) (function)) terminal-here-project-root-function #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [cl-find-if fboundp (projectile-project-root vc-root-dir)] 3] "Function called to find the current project root directory.\n\nGood options include `projectile-project-root', which requires\nyou install the `projectile' package, or `vc-root-dir' which is\navailable in Emacs >= 25.1.\n\nThe function should return nil or signal an error if the current\nbuffer is not in a project."] 8) #@47 Launch a terminal in directory DIR. (fn DIR) (defalias 'terminal-here-launch-in-directory #[257 "\302!\203\f!\202 \211@\303\304\305$\306\307\310\"\"\210\311\305\")\207" [terminal-here-terminal-command default-directory functionp apply start-process nil set-process-sentinel make-closure #[514 "\301!\302=\205\303!\304U?\205\305\306\307\310\300\311#\303!#\207" [V0 process-status exit process-exit-status 0 message "Error: in terminal here, command `%s` exited with error code %d" mapconcat identity " "] 8 "\n\n(fn PROC _)"] set-process-query-on-exit-flag] 9 (#$ . 1651)]) #@142 Launch a terminal in the current working directory. This is the directory of the current buffer unless you have changed it by running `cd'. (defalias 'terminal-here-launch #[0 "\301!\207" [default-directory terminal-here-launch-in-directory] 2 (#$ . 2253) nil]) (defalias 'terminal-here 'terminal-here-launch) #@150 Launch a terminal in the current project root. If projectile is installed the projectile root will be used, Otherwise `vc-root-dir' will be used. (defalias 'terminal-here-project-launch #[0 "\204 \301\302\303\"\210 \211\204\301\302\304\"\210\305!\207" [terminal-here-project-root-function signal user-error "No `terminal-here-project-root-function' is set." "Not in any project according to `terminal-here-project-root-function'" terminal-here-launch-in-directory] 4 (#$ . 2572) nil]) (provide 'terminal-here)