;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@28 Keymap for `textile-mode'. (defvar textile-mode-map (byte-code "\301 \302\303\304#\210)\207" [map make-sparse-keymap define-key [foo] textile-do-foo] 4) (#$ . 87)) #@85 Concatenate the elements of a list with a \| separator and non-matching parentheses (defalias 'textile-re-concat #[(l) "\301\302\303\304#\305Q\207" [l "\\(?:" mapconcat identity "\\|" "\\)"] 5 (#$ . 260)]) (defvar textile-attributes '("{[^}]*}" "([^)]*)" "\\[[^]]*\\]")) (defvar textile-blocks '("^h1" "^h2" "^h3" "^h4" "^h5" "^h6" "^p" "^bq" "^fn[0-9]+" "^#+ " "^\\*+ " "^table")) (defvar textile-inline-markup '("\\*" "\\*\\*" "_" "__" "\\?\\?" "@" "-" "\\+" "^" "~" "%")) (defvar textile-alignments '("<>" "<" ">" "=" "(+" ")+")) (defvar textile-table-alignments '("<>" "<" ">" "=" "_" "\\^" "~" "\\\\[0-9]+" "/[0-9]+")) #@24 Regexp matching a URL. (defvar textile-url-regexp "\\(?:\\b\\(?:\\(?:www\\.\\|\\(?:s?https?\\|ftp\\|file\\|gopher\\|nntp\\|news\\|telnet\\|wais\\|mailto\\|info\\):\\)\\(?://[-a-z0-9_.]+:[0-9]*\\)?[-a-z0-9_=!?#$@~%&*+\\/:;.,[:word:]]+[-a-z0-9_=#$@~%&*+\\/[:word:]]\\)\\)" (#$ . 891)) #@47 Return the matcher regexp for a block element (defalias 'textile-block-matcher #[(bloc) "\303\304 !\305\304\n!\306\260\207" [bloc textile-alignments textile-attributes "^" textile-re-concat "?" "*\\. \\(\\(?:.\\|\n\\)*?\\)\n\n"] 6 (#$ . 1180)]) #@44 Return the matcher regexp for an attribute (defalias 'textile-attribute-matcher #[(attr-start attr-end) "\306\307 \"!\306\n!\310\306!\311\f\312 \313\230\203 \314\202 \315 \316\260\207" [textile-blocks textile-inline-markup textile-alignments textile-attributes attr-start attr-end textile-re-concat append "*" "*\\(" "[^" "\\]" "]" "]*" "\\)"] 11 (#$ . 1433)]) #@48 Return the matcher regexp for an inline markup (defalias 'textile-inline-markup-matcher #[(markup) "\301\302\303\260\207" [markup "\\W\\(" "\\(?:\\w\\|\\w.*?\\w\\|[[{(].*?\\w\\)" "\\)\\W"] 5 (#$ . 1806)]) #@45 Return the matcher regexp for a list bullet (defalias 'textile-list-bullet-matcher #[(bullet) "\303\304\305 !\306\305\n!\307\260\207" [bullet textile-alignments textile-attributes "^\\(" "\\)" textile-re-concat "*" "* "] 7 (#$ . 2020)]) #@60 Return the matcher regexp for an alignments or indentation (defalias 'textile-alignments-matcher #[nil "\302\303!\304\303 !\305\260\207" [textile-blocks textile-alignments "\\(?:" textile-re-concat "\\|!\\)\\(" "+\\)"] 5 (#$ . 2265)]) #@53 Return the matcher regexp for a table row or header (defalias 'textile-table-matcher #[nil "\302\303!\304\303 !\305\303!\304\303 !\306\303!\304\303 !\307\260 \207" [textile-table-alignments textile-attributes "\\(?:^table" textile-re-concat "*" "*\\. *$\\|^" "*\\(?:\\. *|\\)\\||" "*\\(?:\\. \\)?\\|| *$\\)"] 13 (#$ . 2508)]) #@38 Return the matcher regexp for a link (defalias 'textile-link-matcher #[nil "\301\302Q\207" [textile-url-regexp "\\(\".*?\"\\):\\(?:\\(" "\\)\\|\\([^ \n ]+\\)\\)"] 3 (#$ . 2843)]) #@42 Return the matcher regexp for a link ali (defalias 'textile-link-alias-matcher #[nil "\301\302Q\207" [textile-url-regexp "\\(\\[.*?\\]\\)\\(" "\\)"] 3 (#$ . 3029)]) #@45 Return the matcher regexp for an image link (defalias 'textile-image-matcher #[nil "\301\302!\303Q\207" [textile-alignments "!" textile-re-concat "*/?\\w[^ \n ]*?\\(?: *(.*?)\\|\\w\\)!:?"] 3 (#$ . 3201)]) #@42 Return the matcher regexp for an acronym (defalias 'textile-acronym-matcher #[nil "\300\207" ["\\w+(.*?)"] 1 (#$ . 3413)]) #@49 Keywords/Regexp for fontlocking of textile-mode (defvar textile-font-lock-keywords (byte-code "\301\302!\303B\301\304!\305B\301\306!\307B\301\310!\311B\301\312!\313B\301\314!\315B\301\316!\317B\301\320!\321B\322\323 \324B\325\326!\327B\325\330!\331B\332\325\333!\334B\325\335!\336B\337\325\340!\341B\325\342!\343B\325\344!\345B\325\346!\347B\325\350!\351B\325\352!\353B\325\354!\355B\356 \357B\360\361!\362B\360\363!\364B\365\366\367\"\370B\365\371\372\"\373B\365\374\375\"\376B\377 \201@ B\201A \201B B\201C \201D B\201E \201F B\201G B\201H \201I \257$\207" [textile-url-regexp textile-block-matcher "h1" (1 'textile-h1-face t t) "h2" (1 'textile-h2-face t t) "h3" (1 'textile-h3-face t t) "h4" (1 'textile-h4-face t t) "h5" (1 'textile-h5-face t t) "h6" (1 'textile-h6-face t t) "bq" (1 'textile-blockquote-face t t) "fn[0-9]+" (1 'textile-footnote-face t t) ("\\(?:\\w\\|\\s.\\)\\(\\[[0-9]+\\]\\)" 1 'textile-footnotemark-face prepend t) textile-acronym-matcher (0 'textile-acronym-face t t) textile-inline-markup-matcher "__" (1 'textile-emph-face prepend t) "_" (1 'textile-emph-face prepend t) ("\\(.\\|\n\\)*?" 0 'textile-emph-face prepend t) "\\*\\*" (1 'textile-strong-face prepend t) "\\*" (1 'textile-strong-face prepend t) ("\\(.\\|\n\\)*?" 0 'textile-strong-face prepend t) "\\?\\?" (1 'textile-citation-face prepend t) "@" (1 'textile-inline-code-face prepend t) "-" (1 'textile-deleted-face prepend t) "\\+" (1 'textile-inserted-face prepend t) "\\^" (1 'textile-superscript-face prepend t) "~" (1 'textile-subscript-face prepend t) "%" (1 'textile-span-face prepend t) textile-image-matcher (0 'textile-image-face t t) textile-list-bullet-matcher "#+" (1 'textile-ol-bullet-face) "\\*+" (1 'textile-ul-bullet-face) textile-attribute-matcher "{" "}" (1 'textile-style-face t t) "(" ")" (1 'textile-class-face t t) "\\[" "\\]" (1 'textile-lang-face t t) textile-alignments-matcher (1 'textile-alignments-face t t) textile-table-matcher (0 'textile-table-face t t) textile-link-matcher ((1 'textile-link-face) (2 'textile-url-face t t) (3 'textile-lang-face t t)) textile-link-alias-matcher ((1 'textile-lang-face) (2 'textile-url-face)) (0 'textile-link-face) ("
\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\n?" 0 'textile-pre-face t) ("
\n?" 0 'textile-code-face t)] 36) (#$ . 3542))
#@43 Expressions for generating imenu entries.
(defvar textile-imenu-generic-expression '(("Headings" "^h[[:digit:]]\\..*?\\([[:ascii:]].*?\\)$" 1)) (#$ . 5883))
(defvar textile-mode-hook nil)
(byte-code "\300\301N\204\f \302\300\301\303#\210\304\305!\204 \302\305\306\307#\210\300\207" [textile-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering Textile mode.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)" boundp textile-mode-map definition-name textile-mode] 4)
(defvar textile-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(byte-code "\301\302N\204 \303\301\302\304\305!#\210\306\307!\204 \303\307\310\311#\210\312\313 !\210\307\302N\204- \303\307\302\304\314!#\210\306\300!\204B \303\300\310\311#\210\315\316\300\317\"\210!\210\300\302N\204P \303\300\302\304\320!#\210\303\311\321\322#\207" [textile-mode-abbrev-table textile-mode-map variable-documentation put purecopy "Keymap for `textile-mode'." boundp textile-mode-syntax-table definition-name textile-mode (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar textile-mode-syntax-table def-tmp-var)) make-syntax-table "Syntax table for `textile-mode'." (lambda (def-tmp-var) (defvar textile-mode-abbrev-table def-tmp-var)) define-abbrev-table nil "Abbrev table for `textile-mode'." derived-mode-parent text-mode] 5)
#@233 A major mode for editing textile files.
In addition to any hooks its parent mode `text-mode' might have run,
this mode runs the hook `textile-mode-hook', as the final or
penultimate step during initialization.
(defalias 'textile-mode #[nil "\306\300!\210\307\310 \210\311\312\310\313N\203 \314\311\313\310\313N#\210\315!\204' \316\317 \"\210\320\f!\211\2036
\321 =\203<