;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (require 'tramp) #@157 Change Tramp syntax. SYNTAX can be one of the symbols `default' (default), `simplified' (ange-ftp like) or `separate' (XEmacs like). (fn &optional SYNTAX) (defalias 'tramp-change-syntax #[256 "\211\205\300\301\"\207" [customize-set-variable tramp-syntax] 4 (#$ . 105) (byte-code "\301\302\303 \304\305\306!%\211\307\230?\205\310!C\207" [tramp-syntax completing-read "Enter Tramp syntax: " tramp-syntax-values nil t symbol-name "" intern] 7)]) #@48 Return a list of all Tramp connection buffers. (defalias 'tramp-list-tramp-buffers #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304\303\305\306 \"\"\"\301\307\303\304\303\305\306 \"\"\"\301\310\303\304\303\305\306 \"\"\"#\207" [append all-completions "*tramp" mapcar list buffer-name buffer-list "*debug tramp" "*trace tramp"] 10 (#$ . 562)]) #@63 Return a list of all buffers with remote `default-directory'. (defalias 'tramp-list-remote-buffers #[0 "\300\301\302\303\304 \"\"\207" [delq nil mapcar #[257 "r\211q\210\301!\205 \211)\207" [default-directory tramp-tramp-file-p] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] buffer-list] 5 (#$ . 888)]) #@131 List of functions to be called after Tramp connection is cleaned up. Each function is called with the current vector as argument. (defvar tramp-cleanup-connection-hook nil (#$ . 1170)) #@407 Flush all connection related objects. This includes password cache, file cache, connection cache, buffers, processes. KEEP-DEBUG non-nil preserves the debug buffer. KEEP-PASSWORD non-nil preserves the password cache. KEEP-PROCESSES non-nil preserves the asynchronous processes. When called interactively, a Tramp connection has to be selected. (fn VEC &optional KEEP-DEBUG KEEP-PASSWORD KEEP-PROCESSES) (defalias 'tramp-cleanup-connection #[1025 "\204\303\304!\207\204\305!\210\306 \211\2037\211@\211\307H\310=\2030\311\312H@\"\2030\313!\210A\266\202\202\210\n\306C\314\315\316\"\"\210\211\242\237\266\202\211\203{\211@\317!\203t\311\320\321\"\"\203t\203l\211\322!=\203t\323!\210\324!\210A\266\202\202H\210\325\326!!?\205\214\325\327!!\330\331\306#E\211\203\252\211@\332!\203\243\333!\210A\266\202\202\223\210\334\335\"\210\323!\210\336\337\"\207" [tramp-current-connection timer-list tramp-cache-data message "No Tramp connection found." tramp-clear-passwd nil 5 tramp-timeout-session tramp-file-name-equal-p 6 cancel-timer maphash make-closure #[514 "\300\300\242B\240\207" [V0] 5 "\n\n(fn K --CL-VAR--)"] processp process-get vector tramp-get-process tramp-flush-connection-properties delete-process get-buffer tramp-buffer-name tramp-debug-buffer-name tramp-get-connection-property "process-buffer" bufferp kill-buffer tramp-flush-directory-properties "" run-hook-with-args tramp-cleanup-connection-hook] 10 (#$ . 1362) (byte-code "\300\301\302 \"\303\205 \304\305\303\306\307\310\"%\262\311!\205 \312!\266\202\303\211E\207" [mapcar tramp-make-tramp-file-name tramp-list-connections nil completing-read "Enter Tramp connection: " t try-completion "" tramp-tramp-file-p tramp-dissect-file-name] 10)]) #@74 Flush all connection related objects of the current buffer's connection. (defalias 'tramp-cleanup-this-connection #[0 "\301!\205\f\302\303\304\"!\207" [default-directory tramp-tramp-file-p tramp-cleanup-connection tramp-dissect-file-name noexpand] 4 (#$ . 3137) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put tramp-cleanup-this-connection completion-predicate tramp-command-completion-p] 4) #@76 List of functions to be called after all Tramp connections are cleaned up. (defvar tramp-cleanup-all-connections-hook nil (#$ . 3549)) #@104 Flush all Tramp internal objects. This includes password cache, file cache, connection cache, buffers. (defalias 'tramp-cleanup-all-connections #[0 "\303 \210\304!\210 \211\2036\3051\306\307\310\311@8#0\202 \210\202/\203/\312@ \"\211\262\202\211A\262\202\210 \203D\n\203D\313\301 \"\210\314\315!\210\316 \211\203o\211@\317\320!!\203\\\321!\210\322\323!!\203h\324!\210A\266\202\202J\210\325\326!\207" [tramp-cache-data tramp-default-proxies-alist tramp-save-ad-hoc-proxies password-reset clrhash (error) get-text-property 0 tramp-ad-hoc 2 delete customize-save-variable cancel-function-timers tramp-timeout-session tramp-list-tramp-buffers processp get-buffer-process delete-process bufferp get-buffer kill-buffer run-hooks tramp-cleanup-all-connections-hook] 7 (#$ . 3691) nil]) #@26 Kill all remote buffers. (defalias 'tramp-cleanup-all-buffers #[0 "\300 \210\301 \211\205\211@\302\303!!\203\304!\210A\266\202\202\207" [tramp-cleanup-all-connections tramp-list-remote-buffers bufferp get-buffer kill-buffer] 5 (#$ . 4503) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304DD\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\300\314\302\303\315DD\316\306\307\310\311\312\317& \207" [custom-declare-variable tramp-default-rename-alist funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "Default target for renaming remote buffer file names.\nThis is an alist of cons cells (SOURCE . TARGET). The first\nmatching item specifies the target to be applied for renaming\nbuffer file names from source via `tramp-rename-files'. SOURCE\nis a regular expressions, which matches a remote file name.\nTARGET must be a directory name, which could be remote (including\nremote directories Tramp infers by default, such as\n\"/method:user@host:\").\n\nTARGET can contain the patterns %m, %u or %h, which are replaced\nby the method name, user name or host name of SOURCE when calling\n`tramp-rename-files'.\n\nSOURCE could also be a Lisp form, which will be evaluated. The\nresult must be a string or nil, which is interpreted as a regular\nexpression which always matches." :group tramp :version "27.1" :type (repeat (cons (choice :tag "Source regexp" regexp sexp) (choice :tag "Target name" string (const nil)))) tramp-confirm-rename-file-names #[0 "\300\207" [t] 1] "Whether renaming a buffer file name must be confirmed." boolean] 10) #@221 Determine default file name for renaming according to STRING. The user option `tramp-default-rename-alist' is consulted, finding the default mapping. If there is no matching entry, the function returns nil (fn STRING) (defalias 'tramp-default-rename-file #[257 "\302!\205`\303\304\"\206\305\303\306\"\206\305\303\307\"\206\305\310\211\211A\262\242\211\262\203^\311@\312\"\2066\305\310\312\313#)\266\203\203!\310\262\314A\315\316\317 \320\n&\"\262\202!\266\205\207" [tramp-default-rename-alist inhibit-changing-match-data tramp-tramp-file-p file-remote-p method "" user host nil eval t string-match format-spec format-spec-make 109 117 104] 16 (#$ . 6028)]) #@87 Return the DIR entry to be applied in `read-file-name', based on STRING. (fn STRING) (defalias 'tramp-rename-read-file-name-dir #[257 "\300!\205\f\301!\302\303O\207" [tramp-tramp-file-p file-remote-p 0 -1] 4 (#$ . 6727)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put tramp-rename-read-file-name-dir speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@88 Return the INIT entry to be applied in `read-file-name', based on STRING. (fn STRING) (defalias 'tramp-rename-read-file-name-init #[257 "\300!\205%\211\300!\205\301!\302\303O\262\304\"\203#\211G\305O\207\262\207" [tramp-tramp-file-p file-remote-p 0 -1 string-prefix-p nil] 6 (#$ . 7116)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\207" [function-put tramp-rename-read-file-name-init speed -1 put byte-optimizer byte-compile-inline-expand] 5) #@1436 Replace in all buffers the visiting file name from SOURCE to TARGET. SOURCE is a remote directory name, which could contain also a localname part. TARGET is the directory name SOURCE is replaced with. Often, TARGET is a remote directory name on another host, but it can also be a local directory name. If TARGET has no local part, the local part from SOURCE is used. If TARGET is nil, it is selected according to the first match in `tramp-default-rename-alist'. If called interactively, this match is offered as initial value for selection. On all buffers, which have a `buffer-file-name' matching SOURCE, this name is modified by replacing SOURCE with TARGET. This is applied by calling `set-visited-file-name'. The new `buffer-file-name' is prompted for modification in the minibuffer. The buffers are marked modified, and must be saved explicitly. If user option `tramp-confirm-rename-file-names' is nil, changing the file name happens without confirmation. This requires a matching entry in `tramp-default-rename-alist'. Remote buffers related to the remote connection identified by SOURCE, which are not visiting files, or which are visiting files not matching SOURCE, are not modified. Interactively, TARGET is selected from `tramp-default-rename-alist' without confirmation if the prefix argument is non-nil. The remote connection identified by SOURCE is flushed by `tramp-cleanup-connection'. (fn SOURCE TARGET) (defalias 'tramp-rename-files #[514 "\303!\204\f\304\305\306#\210\211\204\307!\211\262\204\304\305\310\"\210\311\"\203*\304\305\312\"\210\313!\230\2039\211\314!P\262\315!\262\315!\262\316 \317\320\"\216r\321\322?\205S\323\305\324 \211\203\211@\325!\210\326 \211;\205p\327\n\n#\330\331\332\333\n!!#\334!\203\374;\203\374\335\f\"\203\374\336>\204\374\323=\204\241\337 \"\262\340=\203\261\341\342\343!#\262\344>\203\306\345 EB\262\346!\210\347>\203\370\203\370\350\351!\203\370\211\203\367\211@r\211@q\210\346A@!\210\352\3538!\210)A\266\202\202\330\210\354\305!\210\266A\266\202\202X\210)\266*\210\355\356!!\207" [tramp-confirm-rename-file-names help-form help-char tramp-tramp-file-p tramp-user-error nil "Source %s must be remote." tramp-default-rename-file "There is no target specified. Check `tramp-default-rename-alist' for a proper entry." tramp-equal-remote "Source and target must have different remote." file-remote-p tramp-file-local-name directory-file-name current-window-configuration make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\207" [V0 set-window-configuration] 2] "Type SPC or `y' to set visited file name,\nDEL or `n' to skip to next,\n`e' to edit the visited file name,\nESC or `q' to quit without changing further buffers,\n`!' to change all remaining buffers with no more questions." (121 32 110 127 33 101 113 27) 33 tramp-list-remote-buffers switch-to-buffer buffer-file-name tramp-compat-string-replace format-message "Set visited file name to `%s' [Type yn!eq or %s] " key-description vector buffer-live-p string-prefix-p (113 27) read-char-choice 101 read-file-name "New visited file name: " file-name-directory (121 32 33 101) buffer-modified-p set-visited-file-name (113 27) y-or-n-p "Do you want to revert applied changes?" set-buffer-modified-p 2 message tramp-cleanup-connection tramp-dissect-file-name] 17 (#$ . 7585) (byte-code "\306\307\310 \"\311\312\313\211\204\314\313\315\"\210\202\221\313\311\316\317\320\321 \"!\322\323\324 !\2061\325\326 \"%)\262\f?\205\217\327!\206A\211\322!\205N\324!\330\331O\262\322!\205z\211\322!\205d\324!\330\331O\262\332\"\203x\211G\313O\266\203\202|\262\262\333\324!!\312\334\335\336&)\266\203\262*D\207" [read-file-name-function completing-read-function non-essential default-directory current-prefix-arg tramp-ignored-file-name-regexp mapcar tramp-make-tramp-file-name tramp-list-connections completing-read-default read-file-name-default nil tramp-user-error "There are no remote connections." "Enter old Tramp connection: " completion-table-dynamic make-closure #[257 "\301!\204 \302\300\"\207\303\304\305\"\306 \"\207" [V0 tramp-tramp-file-p all-completions mapcar make-closure #[257 "\301!\302!\205\303\300\"\205\211;\205\304!\207" [V0 buffer-file-name buffer-live-p tramp-equal-remote file-name-directory] 5 "\n\n(fn BUFFER)"] tramp-list-remote-buffers] 5 "\n\n(fn STRING)"] tramp-tramp-file-p t file-remote-p try-completion "" tramp-default-rename-file 0 -1 string-prefix-p regexp-quote "Enter new Tramp connection: " confirm file-directory-p] 15)]) #@383 Replace visiting file names to TARGET. The current buffer must be related to a remote connection. In all buffers, which are visiting a file with the same directory name, the buffer file name is changed. Interactively, TARGET is selected from `tramp-default-rename-alist' without confirmation if the prefix argument is non-nil. For details, see `tramp-rename-files'. (fn TARGET) (defalias 'tramp-rename-these-files #[257 "\301\"\207" [default-directory tramp-rename-files] 4 (#$ . 12176) (byte-code "\305\306\307\310!\204\311\305\312\313!\"\210\202v ?\205t\314!\206\"\211\310!\205/\315!\316\317O\262\310!\205[\211\310!\205E\315!\316\317O\262\320\"\203Y\211G\305O\266\203\202]\262\262\321\315!!\307\322\323\"\324\325&)\266\203\262*\211C\207" [default-directory read-file-name-function completing-read-function current-prefix-arg tramp-ignored-file-name-regexp nil completing-read-default read-file-name-default tramp-tramp-file-p tramp-user-error substitute-command-keys "Current buffer is not remote. Consider `\\[tramp-rename-files]' instead." tramp-default-rename-file file-remote-p 0 -1 string-prefix-p regexp-quote format "Change Tramp connection `%s': " confirm file-directory-p] 12)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put tramp-rename-these-files completion-predicate tramp-command-completion-p] 4) #@160 A predicate for `tramp-recompile-elpa'. It is completed by "M-x TAB" only if package.el is loaded, and Tramp is an installed ELPA package. (fn SYMBOL BUFFER) (defalias 'tramp-recompile-elpa-command-completion-p #[514 "\301\302\300!\205\236\205\303\304!\205\304\301!\207" [package-alist tramp boundp functionp package--user-installed-p] 5 (#$ . 13550)]) #@97 Recompile the installed Tramp ELPA package. This is needed if there are compatibility problems. (defalias 'tramp-recompile-elpa #[0 "\305\306!\205\306\307\310\311\300!\205\"@!\211\205Y\312\313\314#\211\203-\211@\315!\210A\266\202\202\210r\316 !q\210\317\320 \210db\210\321c\210\322\323 \f\"\324\317\211\325\326\327\330\331\332\f\"&\n\210\333\334!*\207" [package-alist byte-compile-log-buffer inhibit-read-only invocation-name invocation-directory functionp package-desc-dir alist-get tramp boundp directory-files full "\\.elc\\'" delete-file get-buffer-create t compilation-mode "\f\n" call-process expand-file-name nil "-Q" "-batch" "-L" "--eval" format "(byte-recompile-directory %S 0 t)" message "Package `tramp' recompiled."] 14 (#$ . 13917) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put tramp-recompile-elpa completion-predicate tramp-recompile-elpa-command-completion-p] 4) #@76 Print version number of tramp.el in echo area or current buffer. (fn ARG) (defalias 'tramp-version #[257 "\211\203c\207\301!\207" [tramp-version message] 3 (#$ . 14832) "P"]) (autoload 'reporter-submit-bug-report "reporter") #@46 Submit a bug report to the Tramp developers. (defalias 'tramp-bug #[0 "\306\307 \310\311\n \f$\312\313\314\315\316\317\315\320\321\322 \323#\"\324\"\"\"\325\"\326\327\330\331\332\333#&)\207" [reporter-prompt-for-summary-p tramp-bug-report-address tramp-version tramp-repository-branch tramp-repository-version obarray t reporter-submit-bug-report format "tramp (%s %s/%s)" sort delq nil mapcar #[257 "\211\205\300!\205\211\301N?\205\211\302B\207" [boundp tramp-suppress-trace tramp-reporter-dump-variable] 3 "\n\n(fn X)"] append intern all-completions "tramp-" boundp (shell-prompt-pattern backup-by-copying backup-by-copying-when-linked backup-by-copying-when-mismatch backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch backup-directory-alist password-cache password-cache-expiry remote-file-name-inhibit-cache connection-local-profile-alist connection-local-criteria-alist file-name-handler-alist) #[514 "\300@!\300@!\231\207" [symbol-name] 5 "\n\n(fn X Y)"] tramp-load-report-modules tramp-append-tramp-buffers propertize "\n" display "Enter your bug report in this message, including as much detail\nas you possibly can about the problem, what you did to cause it\nand what the local and remote machines are.\n\nIf you can give a simple set of instructions to make this bug\nhappen reliably, please include those. Thank you for helping\nkill bugs in Tramp.\n\nBefore reproducing the bug, you might apply\n\n M-x tramp-cleanup-all-connections\n\nThis allows us to investigate from a clean environment. Another\nuseful thing to do is to put\n\n (setq tramp-verbose 9)\n\nin your init file and to repeat the bug. Then, include the\ncontents of the *tramp/foo* buffer and the *debug tramp/foo*\nbuffer in your bug report.\n\n--bug report follows this line--\n"] 15 (#$ . 15068) nil]) #@79 Pretty-print the value of the variable in symbol VARSYM. (fn VARSYM MAILBUF) (defalias 'tramp-reporter-dump-variable #[514 "\300Jrq\210J)\303!\203\304\305\306\307!\"!L\210\202P\211;\203P\310\311\301!\205+ \312Q\313\314\315#)\266\203\203Prq\210\316\317\320\321\322\"!D\323BBL\210)\324\"\210\303!\204q\325y\210\326\327!\203n\330\331!\210\332 \210\333c\210\334y\210rq\210L*\207" [reporter-eval-buffer mm-7bit-chars inhibit-changing-match-data hash-table-p read format "(%s)" tramp-cache-print "[^" boundp "]" nil t string-match decode-coding-string base64-decode-string base64-encode-string encode-coding-string raw-text ('raw-text) reporter-dump-variable -1 looking-at "\\(^.*\\)\"\\((base64-decode-string \\)\\\\\\(\".*\\)\\\\\\(\")\\)\"$" replace-match "\\1\\2\\3\\4" beginning-of-line " ;; Variable encoded due to non-printable characters.\n" 1] 10 (#$ . 16866)]) #@36 Load needed modules for reporting. (defalias 'tramp-load-report-modules #[0 "\300 \210\301\302!\207" [message-mode mml-mode t] 2 (#$ . 17766)]) #@70 Append Tramp buffers and buffer local variables into the bug report. (defalias 'tramp-append-tramp-buffers #[0 "db\210\305c\210\306\307\310\311\312 \"\"\211\203g\211@\211\313\314!r\211q\210\315 \210\316 \210\317\320\321!\"c\210\322 \210\323\324\310\325\326\327\330 !\"\"\331\"\332\"\211\203Q\211@\333\"\210A\266\202\202?\210\322 \210\334c\210)\335!\210)\266A\266\202\202\210\336c\210\3371}\340\341\342\343\344!\345\"\"0\210\202~\210 \346=\2056\347\302!\2056\n\2056\350\351 p\2054\352\353\307!!\210\354 \210\307eb\210m\204\307\355\356 \344#\203\267\357y\210\202\244\360y\210`\357y\210\361`\"\266\202\244\362c\210\f\363Y\203\336\364c\210`\365c\210\366`\367#\266\370\307!\210\344eb\210\371\372!\2054\373\307!\210\352!\210db\210\374\345\375\376#c\210\211\2030\211@\377\201@\201A\201B\201C\201D\201E\201F\201G \201H & \210A\266\202\202\210\370\307!\266\203\207" [reporter-eval-buffer major-mode mml-mode buffer-read-only tramp-verbose "\nlocal variables:\n================" delq nil mapcar #[257 "\301\302!\303\304\305#)\266\203\205\211\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "\\*tramp/" buffer-name nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn B)"] buffer-list get-buffer-create " *tmp-reporter-buffer*" emacs-lisp-mode erase-buffer format "\n;; %s\n(setq-local\n" buffer-name lisp-indent-line sort append intern all-completions "tramp-" buffer-local-variables (connection-local-variables-alist default-directory) string< reporter-dump-variable ")\n" insert-buffer-substring "\nload-path shadows:\n==================\n" (error) mapc #[257 "\301\302\303\304#)\266\203\205\211\305\261\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "tramp" nil t string-match "\n"] 8 "\n\n(fn X)"] split-string list-load-path-shadows t "\n" message-mode boundp "\\*\\(debug \\)?tramp/" tramp-list-tramp-buffers switch-to-buffer list-buffers-noselect delete-other-windows re-search-forward point-at-eol 1 0 kill-region "\nThe buffer(s) above will be appended to this message. If you\ndon't want to append a buffer because it contains sensitive data,\nor because the buffer is too large, you should delete the\nrespective buffer. The buffer(s) will contain user and host\nnames. Passwords will never be included there." 6 "\n\n" "Please note that you have set `tramp-verbose' to a value of at\nleast 6. Therefore, the contents of files might be included in\nthe debug buffer(s)." add-text-properties (face italic) set-buffer-modified-p y-or-n-p "Do you want to append the buffer(s)? " kill-buffer propertize display "\nThis is a special notion of the `gnus/message' package. If you\nuse another mail agent (by copying the contents of this buffer)\nplease ensure that the buffers are attached to your email.\n\n" mml-insert-empty-tag part type "text/plain" encoding "base64" disposition "attachment" buffer description] 17 (#$ . 17916)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304\305\"\210\306\307!\207" [defalias tramp-submit-bug tramp-bug add-hook tramp-unload-hook #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [unload-feature tramp-cmds force] 3] provide tramp-cmds] 3)