;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@24 This version of Tramp. (defconst tramp-version "2.5.1" (#$ . 87)) #@39 Email address to send bug reports to. (defconst tramp-bug-report-address "tramp-devel@gnu.org" (#$ . 159)) #@45 The repository branch of the Tramp sources. (defconst tramp-repository-branch (byte-code "\3031'\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\206\211;\205\"\312!\205\"\313!*\266\2030\207\210\305\207" [source-directory debug-on-error inhibit-message (error) t nil locate-dominating-file locate-library "tramp" ".git" file-directory-p emacs-repository-get-branch] 5) (#$ . 272)) #@47 The repository revision of the Tramp sources. (defconst tramp-repository-version (byte-code "\3031'\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\206\211;\205\"\312!\205\"\313!*\266\2030\207\210\305\207" [source-directory debug-on-error inhibit-message (error) t nil locate-dominating-file locate-library "tramp" ".git" file-directory-p emacs-repository-get-version] 5) (#$ . 649)) (byte-code "\301\231\204\n\302\202\303\304\305\306\307\300 #\"\211\302\230\204\310\311\"\210\207" [emacs-version "25.1" "ok" format "Tramp 2.5.1 is not fit for %s" replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "" error "%s"] 6) #@64 Version string provided by INSIDE_EMACS enmvironment variable. (defalias 'tramp-inside-emacs #[0 "\302\303!\206\304 Q\207" [emacs-version tramp-version getenv "INSIDE_EMACS" ",tramp:"] 3 (#$ . 1249)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\"\210\303\304\305\"\210\306\307!\207" [add-to-list customize-package-emacs-version-alist (Tramp ("2.0.55" . "22.1") ("2.0.57" . "22.2") ("2.0.58-pre" . "22.3") ("2.1.15" . "23.1") ("2.1.18-23.2" . "23.2") ("2.1.20" . "23.3") ("2.1.21-pre" . "23.4") ("2.2.3-24.1" . "24.1") ("2.2.3-24.1" . "24.2") ("2.2.6-24.3" . "24.3") ("2.2.9-24.4" . "24.4") ("2.2.11-24.5" . "24.5") ("" . "25.1") ("" . "25.2") ("" . "25.3") ("2.3.3" . "26.1") ("" . "26.1") ("" . "26.2") ("" . "26.3") ("" . "27.1") ("" . "27.2")) add-hook tramp-unload-hook #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [unload-feature trampver force] 3] provide trampver] 3)