;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require seq dired-aux] 2) (defconst tsc-dyn-get--version-file "DYN-VERSION") #@51 The directory where the library `tsc' is located. (defconst tsc--dir (byte-code "\300\301\302!\206\303!\207" [file-name-directory locate-library "tsc.el" ""] 3) (#$ . 205)) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\304\305%\210\306\307\310\311\312DD\313\304\301\314\315&\207" [custom-declare-group tsc nil "Core tree-sitter APIs." :group languages custom-declare-variable tsc-dyn-dir funcall function #[0 "\207" [tsc--dir] 1] "The directory that `tsc-dyn' module is resided.\nThis should be set before `tsc' is loaded.\n\nIn Windows you may want to set this to prevent package upgrade failure by loaded\nmodule deletion. See ubolonton/emacs-tree-sitter#122 for more detail.\n\nExample setting:\n(setq tsc-dyn-dir (expand-file-name \"tree-sitter/\" user-emacs-directory))" :type directory] 8) #@50 Return the directory to put `tsc-dyn' module in. (defalias 'tsc-dyn-get--dir #[0 "\206\301\302!\207" [tsc-dyn-dir error "Could not locate the directory for `tsc-dyn'"] 2 (#$ . 994)]) #@70 Download the pre-compiled VERSION of `tsc-dyn' module. (fn VERSION) (defalias 'tsc-dyn-get--download #[257 "\304 \211\305\306!\204\307!\210 \310\267\202!\311\202%\312\202%\313\202%\314\315 \"\316\317\"\316\320\"\321\322\"\316\323\203>\202?#\324\325\"\210\203R\326\327#\210\202e\326\"\210\330!\203a\331!\210\332!\210\n\333\334\335\"\336\337\"\216r\211q\210\340 c*rq\210\341\305\211\305\342%\210*\266\202)\207" [default-directory system-type tsc-dyn-get--version-file coding-system-for-write tsc-dyn-get--dir nil file-directory-p make-directory #s(hash-table size 3 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (windows-nt 21 darwin 25 gnu/linux 29)) "dll" "dylib" "so" error "Unsupported system-type %s" format "tsc-dyn.%s" "%s.gz" version< "0.7.0" "https://github.com/ubolonton/emacs-tree-sitter/releases/download/%s/%s" message "Downloading %s" url-copy-file :ok-if-already-exists file-exists-p delete-file dired-compress-file generate-new-buffer " *temp file*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] utf-8 write-region 0] 17 (#$ . 1186)]) #@84 Try loading `tsc-dyn' from FILE. Return nil if the file does not exist. (fn FILE) (defalias 'tsc--try-load-dyn #[257 "\300\301!\206\3021\303!0\207\304\262\207" [featurep tsc-dyn (module-open-failed) module-load nil] 3 (#$ . 2333)]) #@46 Search and load the dynamic module on macOS. (defalias 'tsc--mac-load-dyn #[0 "\302\203 \303\304!\302P!\210\303\302!\210\305\306\307\" \"\207" [load-file-name load-path "tsc-dyn.dylib" tsc--try-load-dyn file-name-directory seq-find make-closure #[257 "\301\302!!\300P\303!\207" [V0 file-name-as-directory expand-file-name tsc--try-load-dyn] 4 "\n\n(fn DIR)"]] 5 (#$ . 2578)]) #@100 Try to load a specific VERSION of `tsc-dyn'. If it's not found, try to download it. (fn VERSION) (defalias 'tsc-dyn-get-ensure #[257 "\306 \307 !\205!\310\311\312\"r\211q\210\313\314\"\216\315\316 !\210\317 +\262\211\320\230\2046\211\2032\321\"\2036\322!\210)\210 C\f\244\323\324!\204L \325=\203L\326 \210\327\324\330\331#\204X\322!\210\323\324!\204k \325=\203g\326 \210\327\324!\210)\211\230?\205~\332\333\334\335#\336#\207" [default-directory tsc-dyn-get--version-file coding-system-for-read tsc-dyn-dir load-path system-type tsc-dyn-get--dir file-exists-p generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] utf-8 insert-file-contents buffer-string "LOCAL" version< tsc-dyn-get--download featurep tsc-dyn darwin tsc--mac-load-dyn require nil :noerror display-warning tree-sitter format "Version %s of tsc-dyn was already loaded. Please restart Emacs to load the requested version %s" :emergency tsc-dyn--version] 7 (#$ . 2967)]) (provide 'tsc-dyn-get)