;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313& \210\314\315\316\317\320DD\321\322\323\310\303&\210\314\324\316\317\325DD\326\322\327\310\303&\207" [require s custom-declare-group use-ttf nil "Use .ttf file in Emacs." :prefix "use-ttf-" :group appearance :link (url-link :tag "Repository" "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/use-ttf") custom-declare-variable use-ttf-default-ttf-fonts funcall function #[0 "\300\207" [nil] 1] "List of TTF fonts you want to use in the currnet OS." :type list use-ttf-default-ttf-font-name #[0 "\300\207" [#1=""] 1 #1#] "Name of the font we want to use as default.\nThis you need to check the font name in the system manually." string] 10) #@76 Check if IN-STR contain in any string in the IN-LIST. (fn IN-LIST IN-STR) (defalias 'use-ttf--is-contain-list-string #[514 "\300\301\302\"\"\207" [cl-some make-closure #[257 "\302!\300\303\304\305#)\207" [V0 inhibit-changing-match-data regexp-quote nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn LB-SUB-STR)"]] 6 (#$ . 773)]) #@193 Get the either the file name or last directory from the IN-PATH. If optional argument IGNORE-ERRORS-T is non-nil; then ignore errors for this function. (fn IN-PATH &optional IGNORE-ERRORS-T) (defalias 'use-ttf--get-file-name-or-last-dir-from-path #[513 "\301!\204\302!\204\211\204\303\304\"\207\305\211\306\307\305\310\311#)\266\203\2031\312\307\"\262\202`\313\305\310\311#)\266\203\203J\312\313\"\262\202`\314\305\310\311#)\266\203\203`\312\314\"\262GS\262\2118\262\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data file-directory-p file-exists-p error "Directory/File you trying get does not exists : %s" nil 0 "/" t string-match split-string "\\" "\\\\"] 12 (#$ . 1098)]) #@60 Install all .ttf fonts in the `use-ttf-default-ttf-fonts'. (defalias 'use-ttf-install-fonts #[0 "\211\203\352\211@\211\302\303\"\304\211 \305\230\203O\306\307!P\262\310\311\312#\262\313!\203\320\314\315\316!\317Q!\210\314\320\316\321!\322\316\323P!\324\316 !\325\260!\210\303\262\202\320 \326\230\203\217\306\307!P\262\310\312\311#\262\313!\203\320\306\307!\327P\262\330!\204|\331\303\"\210\314\332\316!\333\316!R!\210\303\262\202\320 \334\230\203\320\306\307!P\262\310\312\311#\262\313!\203\320\306\307!\335P\262\330!\204\274\331\303\"\210\314\332\316!\333\316!R!\210\314\336!\210\303\262\203\335\337\340\"\266\202\343\337\341\"\266A\266\202\202\210\337\342!\207" [use-ttf-default-ttf-fonts system-type use-ttf--get-file-name-or-last-dir-from-path t nil "windows-nt" getenv "HOME" s-replace "/" "\\" file-exists-p shell-command "echo F|xcopy /y /s /e /o " shell-quote-argument " \"%systemroot%\\Fonts\"" "reg add " "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts" " /v " " (TrueType)" " /t REG_SZ /d " " /f" "darwin" "/Library/Fonts" file-directory-p mkdir "cp " " " "gnu/linux" "/.fonts" "fc-cache -f -v" message "[Done install font '%s'.]" "[Font '%s' you specify is not install.]" "[Done install all the fonts.]"] 14 (#$ . 1804) nil]) #@114 Use the font by `use-ttf-default-ttf-font-name` variable. This will actually set your Emacs to your target font. (defalias 'use-ttf-set-default-font #[0 "\203;\203\301\230\203\302\303!\207\304\305 \"\204\306\307!\210\304\305 \"\2032\310\311\312#\210\313\314\"\207\313\315!\207" [use-ttf-default-ttf-font-name "" user-error "Your default font name cannot be 'nil' or 'empty string'" use-ttf--is-contain-list-string font-family-list call-interactively use-ttf-install-fonts set-frame-font nil t message "[Set default font to '%s'.]" "[Install fonts process still running, please call 'use-ttf-set-default-font' after a while.]"] 4 (#$ . 3126) nil]) (provide 'use-ttf)