;;; Compiled
;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50
;;; with all optimizations.
(byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\304\305\306\307\310\302\311\312&\210\304\313\314\315\310\302\311\316&\210\304\317\320\321\310\302\311\322&\210\304\323\320\324\310\302\311\325&\210\304\326\320\327\310\302\311\330&\207" [require w3m-util w3m easymenu custom-declare-variable w3m-bookmark-file (expand-file-name "bookmark.html" w3m-profile-directory) "Bookmark file of w3m." :group :type file w3m-bookmark-file-coding-system 'euc-japan "Coding system for a created bookmark file.\nThis option is used when a new bookmark file is created, or when an\nexisting bookmark file includes ASCII characters only. If the coding\nsystem which is used to encode your using bookmark file is different\nfrom the value of this option, emacs-w3m does not change the encoding\nof your bookmark file." coding-system w3m-bookmark-default-section nil "Default section to add new entry." (radio (const :tag "Not specified" nil) (string :format "Default section name: %v")) w3m-bookmark-mode-hook "Hook run at the end of function `w3m-bookmark-mode'." hook w3m-bookmark-menu-open-new-session "If non-nil, \"Bookmark\" menu item open new session." boolean] 8)
(defconst w3m-bookmark-section-delimiter "\n")
(defconst w3m-bookmark-section-format "
(defconst w3m-bookmark-initial-format "Bookmarks\n\nBookmarks
(defvar w3m-bookmark-section-history nil)
(defvar w3m-bookmark-title-history nil)
#@72 Non-nil means that `w3m-bookmark-file' has been loaded to this buffer.
(defvar w3m-bookmark-buffer-file-name nil (#$ . 1812))
(make-variable-buffer-local 'w3m-bookmark-buffer-file-name)
#@34 *Keymap for `w3m-bookmark-mode'.
(defvar w3m-bookmark-mode-map (byte-code "\306 \307\310\211\203 @\311\n@\nA \f$\210A\211\204
$\210 *\207" [table map pair --dolist-tail-- global-map w3m-mode-map make-sparse-keymap ((kill-line . w3m-bookmark-kill-entry) (undo . w3m-bookmark-undo)) nil substitute-key-definition w3m-edit-current-url w3m-bookmark-edit] 6) (#$ . -2004))
#@42 Non-nil if w3m bookmark mode is enabled.
(defvar w3m-bookmark-mode nil (#$ . 2404))
(byte-code "\303\304!\210\304\236\204 \304\305DB\304 \236\204 \304\nB B\303\207" [minor-mode-alist minor-mode-map-alist w3m-bookmark-mode-map make-variable-buffer-local w3m-bookmark-mode " bookmark"] 2)
#@238 \
Minor mode to edit bookmark.
\[w3m-bookmark-kill-entry] Kill the current entry of this bookmark.
\[w3m-bookmark-undo] Undo some previous changes on this bookmark.
\[w3m-bookmark-edit] Open `w3m-bookmark-file'.
(defalias 'w3m-bookmark-mode #[(&optional arg) "\203\f \302!\303V\202 ?\211\205 \304\305!\207" [arg w3m-bookmark-mode prefix-numeric-value 0 run-hooks w3m-bookmark-mode-hook] 2 (#$ . 2704) "P"])
#@66 Activate `w3m-bookmark-mode', when visiting page shows bookmark.
(defalias 'w3m-bookmark-mode-setter #[(url) "\303\304\305\"\203 \306 !\307\202 \310!\207" [url w3m-bookmark-file default-directory w3m-bookmark-mode string-match "\\`about://bookmark/" file-name-directory 1 0] 4 (#$ . 3148)])
(add-hook 'w3m-display-functions 'w3m-bookmark-mode-setter)
#@168 Return the modification time of the bookmark file `w3m-bookmark-file'.
The value is a list of two time values `(HIGH LOW)' if the bookmark
file exists, otherwise nil.
(defalias 'w3m-bookmark-file-modtime #[nil "\301\302\303!!8\207" [w3m-bookmark-file 5 file-attributes file-chase-links] 4 (#$ . 3510)])
#@56 Return the buffer reading `w3m-bookmark-file' current.
(defalias 'w3m-bookmark-buffer #[(&optional no-verify-modtime) "\306!\211\203 \307\310!\210 \202b r\311\310!q\210\n\203&