;;; w3m-dtree.el --- The add-on program to display local directory tree. ;; Copyright (C) 2001-2003, 2005-2007, 2009, 2017, 2019 ;; TSUCHIYA Masatoshi ;; Author: Hideyuki SHIRAI , ;; TSUCHIYA Masatoshi ;; Keywords: w3m, WWW, hypermedia, directory, tree ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; w3m-dtree.el is the add-on program of emacs-w3m to display local ;; directory tree. For more detail about emacs-w3m, see: ;; ;; http://emacs-w3m.namazu.org/ ;;; Code: (require 'w3m) (defcustom w3m-dtree-default-allfiles nil "If non-nil, set 'allfiles' to default." :group 'w3m :type 'boolean) (defcustom w3m-dtree-directory-depth 8 "Interger of a depth of the viewing directory." :group 'w3m :type '(choice (const :tag "No limit" nil) (integer :format "%t: %v" :tag "depth" 10))) (defcustom w3m-dtree-indent-strings ["|-" "+-" "| " " "] "Vector of strings to be used for indentation with w3m-dtree. If use default value or choice 'ASCII', display like this, /home/shirai/work/emacs-w3m/ |-CVS/ |-icons/ | +-CVS/ +-shimbun/ +-CVS/ If you care for another style, set manually and try it :-). " :group 'w3m :type '(radio (const :format "ASCII: [\"|-\" \"+-\" \"| \" \" \"]\n" ["|-" "+-" "| " " "]) (vector :convert-widget w3m-widget-type-convert-widget (let ((defaults (if (equal w3m-language "Japanese") (vconcat '("├" "└" "│" " ")) ["|-" "+-" "| " " "]))) `(:format "Others:\n%v" :indent 4 (string :format "%{\"|-\"%} %v\n" :sample-face widget-field-face :value ,(aref defaults 0)) (string :format "%{\"+-\"%} %v\n" :sample-face widget-field-face :value ,(aref defaults 1)) (string :format "%{\"| \"%} %v\n" :sample-face widget-field-face :value ,(aref defaults 2)) (string :format "%{\" \"%} %v" :sample-face widget-field-face :value ,(aref defaults 3))))))) (defcustom w3m-dtree-stop-strings ["|=" "+="] "Vector of strings to be used for indentation when a depth of directory over the 'w3m-dtree-directory-depth'." :group 'w3m :type '(radio (const :format "ASCII: [\"|=\" \"+=\"]\n" ["|=" "+="]) (const :format "ASCII Bold: [\"|-\" \"+-\"]\n" ["|-" "+-"]) (vector :convert-widget w3m-widget-type-convert-widget (let ((defaults (if (equal w3m-language "Japanese") (vconcat '("┝" "┗")) ["|=" "+="]))) `(:format "Others:\n%v" :indent 4 (string :format "\"|=\" \"%{|=%}\" %v\n" :sample-face bold :value ,(aref defaults 0)) (string :format "\"+=\" \"%{+=%}\" %v" :sample-face bold :value ,(aref defaults 1))))))) (defun w3m-dtree-expand-file-name (path) (if (string-match "\\`\\(.\\):\\(.*\\)" path) (if w3m-use-cygdrive (concat "/cygdrive/" (match-string 1 path) (match-string 2 path)) (concat "/" (match-string 1 path) "|" (match-string 2 path))) path)) (defun w3m-dtree-directory-name (path) (when (and w3m-treat-drive-letter (string-match "\\`/\\(?:\\([A-Za-z]\\)[|:]?\\|cygdrive/\\([A-Za-z]\\)\\)/" path)) (setq path (concat (or (match-string 1 path) (match-string 2 path)) ":/" (substring path (match-end 0))))) path) (defmacro w3m-dtree-has-child (path) `(let ((w32-get-true-file-link-count t)) ;; true link count for Meadow (and (nth 1 (file-attributes ,path)) (/= (nth 1 (file-attributes ,path)) 2)))) (defun w3m-dtree-create-sub (path allfiles dirprefix fileprefix indent depth) (let* ((files (condition-case err (directory-files path t) (error (list "----")))) (limit (and (integerp w3m-dtree-directory-depth) (>= depth w3m-dtree-directory-depth))) (indent-sub1 (if limit (aref w3m-dtree-stop-strings 0) (aref w3m-dtree-indent-strings 0))) (indent-sub2 (aref w3m-dtree-indent-strings 2)) file fullpath tmp) (setq files (delete (concat (file-name-as-directory path) ".") (delete (concat (file-name-as-directory path) "..") files))) (unless allfiles (setq tmp files) (while (setq file (car tmp)) (unless (file-directory-p file) (setq files (delete file files))) (setq tmp (cdr tmp)))) (while (setq fullpath (car files)) (when (= (length files) 1) (if limit (setq indent-sub1 (aref w3m-dtree-stop-strings 1)) (setq indent-sub1 (aref w3m-dtree-indent-strings 1))) (setq indent-sub2 (aref w3m-dtree-indent-strings 3))) (setq file (file-name-nondirectory fullpath)) (cond ((or (not allfiles) (file-directory-p fullpath)) (insert (format "%s%s%s%s\n" indent indent-sub1 (if allfiles "[d]" "") dirprefix (w3m-dtree-expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory fullpath)) (concat file "/"))) (when (and (null limit) (or allfiles (w3m-dtree-has-child fullpath))) (w3m-dtree-create-sub fullpath allfiles dirprefix fileprefix (concat indent indent-sub2) (1+ depth)))) ((and allfiles (file-exists-p fullpath)) (insert (format "%s%s%s%s\n" indent indent-sub1 (if allfiles "(f)" "") fileprefix (w3m-dtree-expand-file-name fullpath) file)))) (setq files (cdr files))))) (defun w3m-dtree-create (path allfiles dirprefix fileprefix) (let ((charset (or (car (rassq w3m-file-name-coding-system w3m-charset-coding-system-alist)) w3m-file-name-coding-system))) (insert "\n" "\n\n" "\n" "" path "\n\n\n
    (insert (format "%s%s\n"
		    dirprefix (w3m-dtree-expand-file-name path) path
		    (if allfiles " (allfiles)" "")))
    (if (file-directory-p path)
	(w3m-dtree-create-sub path allfiles dirprefix fileprefix " " 0)
      (insert (format "\n

Warning: Directory not found.

\n"))) (insert "
\n\n\n"))) ;;;###autoload (defun w3m-about-dtree (url &optional nodecode allfiles &rest args) (let ((prelen (length "about://dtree")) (dirprefix "about://dtree") (fileprefix "file://") path) (if (string-match "\\?allfiles=\\(?:\\(true\\)\\|false\\)\\'" url) (progn (setq path (substring url prelen (match-beginning 0))) (if (match-beginning 1) (setq allfiles t))) (if w3m-dtree-default-allfiles (setq allfiles (not allfiles))) (setq path (substring url prelen))) ;; counter drive letter (setq path (file-name-as-directory (w3m-dtree-directory-name path))) (setq default-directory path) (w3m-message "Dtree (%s)..." path) (w3m-dtree-create path allfiles dirprefix fileprefix) (w3m-message "Dtree...done") "text/html")) ;;;###autoload (defun w3m-dtree (allfiles path) "Display directory tree on local file system. If called with 'prefix argument', display all directorys and files." (interactive "P\nDDtree directory: ") (if w3m-dtree-default-allfiles (setq allfiles (not allfiles))) (w3m-goto-url (format "about://dtree%s%s" (w3m-dtree-expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name path))) (if allfiles "?allfiles=true" "")))) (provide 'w3m-dtree) ;;; w3m-dtree.el ends here