;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\301\307\310&\210\302\311\312\313\306\301\307\314&\210\302\315\316\317\306\301\307\320&\210\302\321\322\323\306\301\307\324&\207" [require w3m custom-declare-variable w3m-dtree-default-allfiles nil "If non-nil, set 'allfiles' to default." :group :type boolean w3m-dtree-directory-depth 8 "Interger of a depth of the viewing directory." (choice (const :tag "No limit" nil) (integer :format "%t: %v" :tag "depth" 10)) w3m-dtree-indent-strings ["|-" "+-" "| " " "] "Vector of strings to be used for indentation with w3m-dtree.\n\nIf use default value or choice 'ASCII', display like this,\n/home/shirai/work/emacs-w3m/\n |-CVS/\n |-icons/\n | +-CVS/\n +-shimbun/\n +-CVS/\n\nIf you care for another style, set manually and try it :-).\n" (radio (const :format "ASCII: [\"|-\" \"+-\" \"| \" \" \"]\n" ["|-" "+-" "| " " "]) (vector :convert-widget w3m-widget-type-convert-widget (let ((defaults (if (equal w3m-language "Japanese") (vconcat '("├" "└" "│" " ")) ["|-" "+-" "| " " "]))) `(:format "Others:\n%v" :indent 4 (string :format "%{\"|-\"%} %v\n" :sample-face widget-field-face :value ,(aref defaults 0)) (string :format "%{\"+-\"%} %v\n" :sample-face widget-field-face :value ,(aref defaults 1)) (string :format "%{\"| \"%} %v\n" :sample-face widget-field-face :value ,(aref defaults 2)) (string :format "%{\" \"%} %v" :sample-face widget-field-face :value ,(aref defaults 3)))))) w3m-dtree-stop-strings ["|=" "+="] "Vector of strings to be used for indentation when a depth of directory\nover the 'w3m-dtree-directory-depth'." (radio (const :format "ASCII: [\"|=\" \"+=\"]\n" ["|=" "+="]) (const :format "ASCII Bold: [\"|-\" \"+-\"]\n" ["|-" "+-"]) (vector :convert-widget w3m-widget-type-convert-widget (let ((defaults (if (equal w3m-language "Japanese") (vconcat '("┝" "┗")) ["|=" "+="]))) `(:format "Others:\n%v" :indent 4 (string :format "\"|=\" \"%{|=%}\" %v\n" :sample-face bold :value ,(aref defaults 0)) (string :format "\"+=\" \"%{+=%}\" %v" :sample-face bold :value ,(aref defaults 1))))))] 8) (defalias 'w3m-dtree-expand-file-name #[(path) "\302\303\"\203\" \203\304\305\306\"\305\307\"Q\207\310\305\306\"\311\305\307\"R\207\207" [path w3m-use-cygdrive string-match "\\`\\(.\\):\\(.*\\)" "/cygdrive/" match-string 1 2 "/" "|"] 6]) (defalias 'w3m-dtree-directory-name #[(path) "\203\302\303 \"\203\304\305 \"\206\304\306 \"\307 \310\225\311OQ \207" [w3m-treat-drive-letter path string-match "\\`/\\(?:\\([A-Za-z]\\)[|:]?\\|cygdrive/\\([A-Za-z]\\)\\)/" match-string 1 2 ":/" 0 nil] 5]) (defalias 'w3m-dtree-has-child '(macro . #[(path) "\301\302\303\304\305\306DE\307\304\305\306DE\310BBEE\207" [path let ((w32-get-true-file-link-count t)) and nth 1 file-attributes /= (2)] 9])) (defalias 'w3m-dtree-create-sub #[(path allfiles dirprefix fileprefix indent depth) "\3061\f\307\310\"0\202\210\311C\n\250\205 \nY\211\203# \312H\202'\312H \313H!\314\211\"#\314$\315\316!\317P\315\316!\320P \"\"%\204n \211$@\211\"\203n\321\"!\204e\315\" \"$A\211$\202Q @\211#\205. G\322U\203\225\f\203\211 \322H \202\217\322H \323H!\324#!\"%\203\247\321#!\203\377\325\326& %\203\266\327\202\267\330'\331\316#!!\"\332P&c\210\f\204'%\204\351\310(\333#!A@\205\345\333#!A@\313U?)\203'\334#%')&!P T&\210\202'%\203'\335#!\203'\325\326& %\203\336\202\330)\331#!\"&c\210 A\211\202o.\207" [path files w3m-dtree-directory-depth depth limit w3m-dtree-stop-strings (error) directory-files t "----" 0 2 nil delete file-name-as-directory "." ".." file-directory-p 1 3 file-name-nondirectory format "%s%s%s%s\n" "[d]" "" w3m-dtree-expand-file-name "/" file-attributes w3m-dtree-create-sub file-exists-p "(f)" w3m-dtree-indent-strings indent-sub1 indent-sub2 file fullpath tmp allfiles indent dirprefix w32-get-true-file-link-count fileprefix] 10]) (defalias 'w3m-dtree-create #[(path allfiles dirprefix fileprefix) "\306 \"@\206 \307\310\311\312\313\n!\314\315 \316\261 \210\317\320\f\321 ! \203'\322\202(\323%c\210\324 !\203?\325 \f\326\327&\210\202D\317\330!c\210\331c)\207" [w3m-file-name-coding-system w3m-charset-coding-system-alist charset path dirprefix allfiles rassq "\n" "\n\n" "\n" "" "\n\n\n
\n" format "%s%s\n" w3m-dtree-expand-file-name " (allfiles)" "" file-directory-p w3m-dtree-create-sub " " 0 "\n

Warning: Directory not found.

\n" "
\n\n\n" fileprefix] 9]) (defalias 'w3m-about-dtree #[(url &optional nodecode allfiles &rest args) "\306\307\310\311\312\313\f\"\203\f \314\224O\315\224\203,\316\202,\203' ?\f \311O\317\320!!\211\321\322\"\210\323 \n $\210\321\324!\210,\325\207" [path fileprefix dirprefix prelen url allfiles 13 "about://dtree" "file://" nil string-match "\\?allfiles=\\(?:\\(true\\)\\|false\\)\\'" 0 1 t file-name-as-directory w3m-dtree-directory-name w3m-message "Dtree (%s)..." w3m-dtree-create "Dtree...done" "text/html" w3m-dtree-default-allfiles default-directory] 6]) #@114 Display directory tree on local file system. If called with 'prefix argument', display all directorys and files. (defalias 'w3m-dtree #[(allfiles path) "\203 ?\303\304\305\306\307\310\n!!! \203\311\202\312#!\207" [w3m-dtree-default-allfiles allfiles path w3m-goto-url format "about://dtree%s%s" w3m-dtree-expand-file-name file-name-as-directory expand-file-name "?allfiles=true" ""] 7 (#$ . 5438) "P\nDDtree directory: "]) (provide 'w3m-dtree)