;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307%\210\302\310\311\312\306\307%\210\302\313\314\315\306\307%\210\316\317\320\321\306\301\322\323&\210\316\324\325\326\306\301\322\327&\210\316\330\331\332\306\301\322\333&\207" [require w3m custom-declare-face w3m-lnum ((((class color) (min-colors 16) (background light)) (:foreground "gray60")) (((class color) (min-colors 16) (background dark)) (:foreground "gray50")) (t (:foreground "gray"))) "Face used to highlight link numbers." :group w3m-face w3m-lnum-minibuffer-prompt ((((class color) (background light) (type nil)) (:foreground "blue")) (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "cyan")) (t (:foreground "medium blue"))) "Face for w3m lnum minibuffer prompt." w3m-lnum-match ((((class color) (background light) (type nil)) (:background "yellow" :foreground "black")) (((class color) (background dark) (type nil)) (:background "blue" :foreground "white")) (((class color) (background light)) (:background "yellow1")) (((class color) (background dark)) (:background "RoyalBlue3")) (t (:background "gray"))) "Face used to highlight matches in `w3m-lnum-mode'." custom-declare-variable w3m-lnum-mode-hook nil "Hook run after command `w3m-lnum-mode' initialization." :type hook w3m-lnum-quick-browsing 'quick-numbers "If non-nil, do aggressive selection. Possible values are:\n`quick-numbers' quick selection only when entering numbers\n`quick-filter' ditto only when filtering\n`quick-all' always quick selecting" (radio (const :format "%v " nil) (const :format "%v " quick-numbers) (const :format "%v " quick-filter) (const :format "%v" quick-all)) w3m-lnum-context-alist '(("news.ycombinator.com" . 2) ("reddit.com" . 1)) "Alist specifying number of additional items to be numbered after\nfiltering over an url being matched by the car." (repeat (cons :format "%v" :indent 5 (string :tag "Url") integer))] 8) (defvar w3m-lnum-actions-custom-type '(repeat (choice :format "%[Value Menu%] %v" (string :tag "Information line") (group :tag "Keycode and Action" :format "\n %v" :indent 2 (character :tag "Key") function (string :tag "Prompt"))))) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\305\306\307&\210\301\310\311\312\305\306\307&\210\301\313\314\315\305\306\307&\210\301\316\317\320\305\306\307&\210\301\321\322\323\305\306\307&\207" [w3m-lnum-actions-custom-type custom-declare-variable w3m-lnum-actions-general '("---- Default ----" (70 (lambda (info) (push-mark (point)) (goto-char (cadr info))) "Move to anchor")) "Alist specifying keycodes and available actions over selected anchor." :group w3m :type w3m-lnum-actions-image-alist '("---- Image ----" (116 (lambda (info) (goto-char (cadr info)) (w3m-toggle-inline-image)) "Goto image and toggle it") (84 (lambda (info) (save-excursion (goto-char (cadr info)) (w3m-toggle-inline-image))) "Toggle") (79 (lambda (info) (w3m-external-view (nth 2 info))) "View externally") (83 (lambda (info) (w3m-download (nth 2 info))) "Save") (114 (lambda (info) (w3m-lnum-remove-overlays) (goto-char (cadr info)) (w3m-resize-image-interactive (car info))) "Resize")) "Alist specifying keycodes and available actions over a selected image." w3m-lnum-actions-link-alist '("---- Link ----" (103 (lambda (info) (w3m-lnum-visit info)) "Visit") (71 (lambda (info) (w3m-lnum-visit info t)) "Visit in new session") (66 (lambda (info) (w3m-lnum-visit info :background)) "Visit in background") (118 (lambda (info) (w3m-lnum-visit info nil t)) "Edit and visit") (86 (lambda (info) (w3m-lnum-visit info t t)) "Edit and visit in new session") (38 (lambda (info) (w3m-lnum-visit info :background t)) "Edit url and visit in background") (101 (lambda (info) (w3m-edit-url (car info))) "Edit page") (115 (lambda (info) (save-excursion (goto-char (cadr info)) (w3m-download-this-url))) "Download") (98 (lambda (info) (w3m-bookmark-add (car info) (let ((pos (cadr info))) (if (= pos 16) w3m-current-title (buffer-substring-no-properties (previous-single-property-change (1+ pos) 'w3m-href-anchor) (next-single-property-change pos 'w3m-href-anchor)))))) "Add to bookmarks") (117 (lambda (info) (let ((url (car info))) (kill-new url) (w3m-message "%s%s" (let ((im-alt (nth 3 info))) (if (zerop (length im-alt)) "" (concat im-alt ": "))) url))) "Copy") (77 (lambda (info) (w3m-view-url-with-browse-url (car info))) "Open in external browser")) "Alist specifying keycodes and available actions over a selected link." w3m-lnum-actions-button-alist '("---- Button ----" (112 (lambda (info) (push-mark (point)) (goto-char (cadr info)) (widget-button-press (cadr info) (car info))) "Goto button and push it") (80 (lambda (info) (widget-button-press (cadr info) (car info))) "Push")) "Alist specifying keycodes and available actions over a selected button." w3m-lnum-actions-form-alist '("---- Form ----" (112 (lambda (info) (setq mode-line-format original-mode-line-format) (w3m-lnum-remove-overlays) (push-mark (point)) (goto-char (cadr info)) (let ((w3m-form-new-session t) (w3m-form-download nil)) (eval action))) "Goto form and activate it") (80 (lambda (info) (w3m-lnum-remove-overlays) (save-excursion (goto-char (cadr info)) (let ((w3m-form-new-session nil) (w3m-form-download nil)) (eval action)))) "Activate")) "Alist specifying keycodes and available actions over a selected form field."] 8) #@53 Keymap used when command `w3m-lnum-mode' is active. (defvar w3m-lnum-mode-map nil (#$ . 5378)) (byte-code "\204P\303 \304\305\306 \n$\210\304\307\310 \n$\210\304\311\312 \n$\210\304\313\314 \n$\210\304\315\316 \n$\210\304\317\320 \n$\210\304\321\322 \n$\210\304\323\324 \n$\210\304\325\326 \n$\210\304\327\330 \n$\210 )\303\207" [w3m-lnum-mode-map map w3m-mode-map make-sparse-keymap substitute-key-definition w3m-view-image w3m-lnum-view-image w3m-save-image w3m-lnum-save-image w3m-download-this-url w3m-lnum-download-this-url w3m-edit-this-url w3m-lnum-edit-this-url w3m-toggle-inline-image w3m-lnum-toggle-inline-image w3m-print-this-url w3m-lnum-print-this-url w3m-view-url-with-browse-url w3m-lnum-external-view-this-url w3m-bookmark-add-this-url w3m-lnum-bookmark-add-this-url w3m-zoom-in-image w3m-lnum-zoom-in-image w3m-zoom-out-image w3m-lnum-zoom-out-image] 5) #@59 Non-nil if w3m operations using link numbers are enabled. (defvar w3m-lnum-mode nil (#$ . 6260)) (byte-code "\303\304!\210\304\236\204\304\305DB\304 \236\204\304\nB B\303\207" [minor-mode-alist minor-mode-map-alist w3m-lnum-mode-map make-variable-buffer-local w3m-lnum-mode "[ln]"] 2) #@113 Remove numbering and match overlays between START and END points. If missing, clear the current visible window. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-remove-overlays #[(&optional start end) "\306 \307 Z\n\206 Ze] \206\310 _\\d^\311\n \"\312\211\205F @\313\f\314\"\204:\313\f\315\"\203>\316\f!\210 A\211\204)\312.\207" [start-pos window-size start end overlay --dolist-tail-- window-start window-end 2 overlays-in nil overlay-get w3m-lnum-overlay w3m-lnum-match delete-overlay] 4 (#$ . 6560)]) #@192 Minor mode to extend point commands by using Conkeror style number selection. With prefix ARG 0 disable battery included point functions, otherwise enable them. With no prefix ARG - toggle. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-mode #[(&optional arg) "\n\306=\2043r\30721\310 \311\211\205/\f@\211q\210\n\306=\203'\312\307\"\210\fA\211\204\311*0) \203= \313U\202> ?\211 =?\205\205 \203[\314\315\300\"\210\316\317!\210\320\321!\210\202d\322\315\300\"\210\320\323!\210r\310 \311\211\205\204\f@\211q\210\n\306=\203| \fA\211\204n\311+)\207" [w3m-lnum-mode w3m-lnum-status major-mode buf --dolist-tail-- arg w3m-mode found-w3m buffer-list nil throw 0 add-hook w3m-mode-hook run-hooks w3m-lnum-mode-hook w3m-message "Link numbering keys on" remove-hook "Link numbering keys off"] 4 (#$ . 7062) "P"]) #@57 Set numbering overlay at POS with INDEX and until PMAX. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-set-overlay '(macro . #[(pos index pmax) "\303\304\305\306DEDC\303\307\310\311\312 \306 DEEDC\313BB\314\304\315 F\303\316\317\320BBD\321DD\322\316\323\324\325\312\321\326\321\n\327BBBEE\330\314\304\331 FFEE\257\207" [pos index pmax let overlay make-overlay 1+ num format "[%d]" setq ((overlay-put overlay 'before-string num) (w3m-add-face-property 0 (length num) 'w3m-lnum num) (overlay-put overlay 'evaporate t)) overlay-put 'w3m-lnum-overlay hseq get-char-property ('w3m-anchor-sequence) pos2 if while and (setq pos2 (next-single-property-change pos2 'w3m-anchor-sequence)) text-property-any ('w3m-anchor-sequence hseq) (setq overlay (make-overlay pos2 (1+ pos2))) 'w3m-lnum-overlay] 17 (#$ . 7872)])) #@279 Make overlays that display link numbers. Return last used index. NEXT-FUNC is function to iterate numbered elements, if not given, use `w3m-goto-next-anchor-or-image'. REG is filter string for anchor text. DONT-CLEAR-P determines whether previous numbering has to be cleared. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-set-numbering #[(&optional next-func reg dont-clear-p) "\203\306\307\310\311\312\313\314\315\316\317\320\321\322\323\324\325\326&\202\327 \206\"\330\n\204*\331 \210\332 Se]\333 d^\334\335 \f\336#\206=\3342344\203\340 4!\2114\203\34043W\203\340\3275\3374\340\"\2116\203\243\3414\340\"77\203\242\34273\3406$\2117\203\24278\3417\340\"\2117\203\2365\34387\"P5)\202p))\3434\3414\3444\340\"\203\267\340\202\300\3444\345\"\205\300\345\"\"5P\346\3479\350#)\266\203\203\334\3514\211T\":\352\3532T\2112\";\354:\355;#\210\356\334;G\357;$\210\354:\360\347#\210)\354:\3612#\210\3374\340\"47\2116\203E\3417\340\"\2117\203E\34273\3406$\2117\203E\3517\211T\":\354:\3612#\210\202+ < to submit current selection; for correction; or to quit action; `<', `>', and for scrolling page. Entering 0 may choose default anchor without . Every other character is appended to a filtering string. + is appended to the filtering string as . If `w3m-lnum-quick-browse' is non-nil, choose without on single possible selection. Return list of selected number and last applied filter. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-read-interactive #[(prompt fun type last-index &optional def-anchor filter def-num) "\203 \306\307Q\202\f\310\311 \312\313#\n\206\310 ?\206 \314U\315\21122\2030\316\2021 3\317243!2\205B\3105\2116\203R\3066\307Q\202Y\3143\31056 5\206i\311\3203!\312\313#\321\n6\260*7\3227\323\"\211\324>\204 \325\267\202\2252\203\332\n\310\230\204r\3163\326\n\314\nGS#\3278\n\"943!\3105\2116\203\267\3066\307Q\202\276\3143\31056 5\206\316\311\3203!\312\313#\321\n6\260*7\202r3\330\245\2113\314U\203\354\3163\323243!2\205\367\3105\2116\203\3066\307Q\202\3143\31056 5\206\311\3203!\312\313#\321\n6\260*7\202r\331ed\"\210\332 \210\333 \210\3278\n\323#\2119\314U\203G\314\202H\3163\323243!\3105\2116\203c\3066\307Q\202j\3143\31056 5\206z\311\3203!\312\313#\321\n6\260*7\202r\331ed\"\210\3341\227\335\315!0\210\202\234\210\202\234\210\3278\n\323#\2119\314U\203\256\314\202\257\3163\323243!\3105\2116\203\312\3066\307Q\202\321\3143\31056 5\206\341\311\3203!\312\313#\321\n6\260*7\202r\336\315!\210\202r\337\315!\210\202r3\316V\2033S\202\n93\323243!\3105\2116\203%\3066\307Q\202,\3143\31056 5\206<\311\3203!\312\313#\321\n6\260*7\202r39W\203V3T\202W\3163\323243!\3105\2116\203r\3066\307Q\202y\3143\31056 5\206\211\311\3203!\312\313#\321\n6\260*7\202r \247\203C\340 W\203C \341W\203C2\203\307 \342U\203\274\343\317\314\2113\"\210\202\321 \342Z3\3152\202\3213\330_ \\\344\\339V\203\3563\330\245\2113\314U\203\3163\3232\202:\345>\2033\330_9V\203\343\3173\"\21043!2\205\3105\2116\203 \3066\307Q\202'\3143\31056 5\2067\311\3203!\312\313#\321\n6\260*7\202r\346 \347U\203N\350\202a\351 W\203` \352W\203` \353Z\202a !\n P\3278\n\"\2119\316U\203\206:\354>\203\206\343\317\316\2113\"\210\202r9\314U\203\324d;\3558\n\356 ;^;$\206\247\3558\ne\357 $\211<\203\274\205\361 0\2103\n-D\207" [def-anchor prompt filter def-num key ch " [" "]" "" propertize face w3m-lnum-minibuffer-prompt 0 nil 1 select number-to-string " " read-event t (return 10 13 10 13 7 escape 27 27) #s(hash-table size 14 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (backspace 132 8 132 127 132 32 298 delete 390 60 493 62 500 left 507 up 507 right 584 down 584)) substring-no-properties w3m-lnum 10 w3m-lnum-remove-overlays w3m-scroll-up redisplay (error) scroll-down w3m-scroll-right w3m-scroll-left 47 58 48 throw -48 (quick-all quick-numbers) string 67108896 32 67108911 67108922 67108864 (quick-all quick-filter) w3m-lnum-next-filter window-end window-start (7 escape 27 27) keyboard-quit auto-num num fun show-num anchor temp-prompt type last-index w3m-lnum-quick-browsing pmax pos] 6 (#$ . 13343)]) #@223 Within TYPE anchor numbering with FILTER execute BODY. Types are: 0 no numbering, 1 links, 2 images, otherwise all anchors. Then clear numbering overlays. Within BODY, `last-index' is bound to the last used index number. (defalias 'w3m-with-lnum '(macro . #[(type filter &rest body) "\303\304\305\306\307\310\303\311\312 EDC\nBBF\313BBE\207" [type filter body let ((original-mode-line-format mode-line-format) (buffer (current-buffer))) unwind-protect progn (setq mode-line-format "RET: select | BACKSPACE: correction | chars, C-digit, C-SPACE: add chars, digits or space to string filter | arrows: move selection | SPACE,DEL,<,>: scroll | ESC, C-g: quit") (force-mode-line-update) last-index w3m-lnum ((with-current-buffer buffer (setq mode-line-format original-mode-line-format) (w3m-lnum-remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max))))] 11 (#$ . 17197)])) #@67 Highlight specified by ARG number anchor. Return selected anchor. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-highlight-anchor #[(arg) "\306\307\310 Se]\311 d^\"\306\211\203~\n@\312 \313\"\203%\314 !\210\202w \312 \315\"=\203w\316 !\317\f\320\f\321\f\322\"\203A\322\202M\321\f\323\"\203L\323\202M\324\"\"\325 \313\326#\210\325 \327\313#\210\204v\321\f\330\"\206u\321\f\323\"\206u\331\f\320\f\324\"\"*\nA\211\204*)\207" [marked-label overlay --dolist-tail-- arg start match-overlay nil overlays-in window-start window-end overlay-get w3m-lnum-match delete-overlay w3m-lnum-overlay overlay-start make-overlay next-single-property-change get-text-property w3m-anchor-sequence w3m-image w3m-action overlay-put t face w3m-href-anchor buffer-substring-no-properties] 8 (#$ . 18059)]) #@79 For the first overlay matching CONDITION throw through FOUND-TAG anchor info. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-get-match-info '(macro . #[(condition found-tag) "\302\303\304\305\306\307 \310BBEEE\207" [condition found-tag dolist (overlay (overlays-in (max (1- (window-start)) (point-min)) (min (window-end) (point-max)))) if let* ((pos (overlay-start overlay)) (href (w3m-anchor pos))) throw ((if href (list href pos (w3m-image pos) (w3m-image-alt pos)) (list (w3m-action pos) pos (w3m-image pos) (w3m-image-alt pos))))] 9 (#$ . 18842)])) #@134 Get info (url/action position image image-alt) of anchor numbered as NUM. If NUM is not specified, use currently highlighted anchor. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-get-anchor-info #[(&optional num) "\3052\264\203`\306\307 Se]\310 d^\"\311\211\205\\\n@\312 \313\"=\203T\314 !\315 \316\"\317\305\f\203C\f \315 \320\"\315 \321\"F\202Q\315 \322\" \315 \320\"\315 \321\"F\"\210*\nA\211\204\311*\202\263\306\307 Se]\310 d^\"\311\211\205\262\n@\312 \323\"\203\252\314 !\315 \316\"\317\305\f\203\231\f \315 \320\"\315 \321\"F\202\247\315 \322\" \315 \320\"\315 \321\"F\"\210*\nA\211\204r\311*0\207" [num overlay --dolist-tail-- pos href found overlays-in window-start window-end nil overlay-get w3m-lnum-overlay overlay-start get-text-property w3m-href-anchor throw w3m-image w3m-image-alt w3m-action w3m-lnum-match] 9 (#$ . 19376)]) #@314 Turn on link numbers and return list of url or action, position and image url if such of PROMPT selected anchor. TYPE sets types of anchors to be numbered: 0 - no numbering, 1 - only links, 2 - only images, otherwise - all anchors. Highlight every intermediate result anchor. Input 0 corresponds to location url. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-get-action #[(&optional prompt type) "\206\306 p\307\216\310\311 \210\312\313\"\314U\203.\f\315U\203.\316\317!\205\320\315!\202\f\321U\203P\314U\204P\316\322 \323Q!\203K \324\325\211F\202\326 \202\327\206W\330\331\f\314U?\205b %@\211\321U\203z\314U\204z \324\325\211F\202~\320!),\207" [type mode-line-format buffer original-mode-line-format last-index w3m-current-url 3 #[nil "rq\210 \303ed\")\207" [buffer original-mode-line-format mode-line-format w3m-lnum-remove-overlays] 3] "RET: select | BACKSPACE: correction | chars, C-digit, C-SPACE: add chars, digits or space to string filter | arrows: move selection | SPACE,DEL,<,>: scroll | ESC, C-g: quit" force-mode-line-update w3m-lnum "" 2 1 y-or-n-p "Single image found. Select it? " w3m-lnum-get-anchor-info 0 "No items found. Select default? [" "] " 16 nil keyboard-quit w3m-lnum-read-interactive "Anchor number: " w3m-lnum-highlight-anchor prompt num] 8 (#$ . 20226)]) #@95 Turn on link, image and form numbers and ask for one to go to. 0 corresponds to location url. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-goto #[nil "\301 \211\203\302`!\210A@b\202\303\304!)\207" [info w3m-lnum-get-action push-mark w3m-message "No valid anchor selected"] 3 (#$ . 21530) nil]) #@144 Visit URL determined with selection INFO. If NEW-SESSION, visit in new buffer, optionally in `:background'. If EDIT, edit URL before visiting. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-visit #[(info &optional new-session edit) "\304=\203\305 \306\216\307\n\203\310\311 @\"\202 @!*\207\2032\307\n\203.\310\311 @\"\2020 @!\207\312`!\210 A@b\210\313 \210\314\n\203K\310\315 @\"\202M @!\207" [new-session #1=#:wconfig edit info :background current-window-configuration #[nil "\301!\207" [#1# set-window-configuration] 2] w3m-goto-url-new-session read-string "Visit url in new session: " push-mark w3m-history-store-position w3m-goto-url "Visit url: "] 4 (#$ . 21812)]) #@509 Turn on link numbers, ask for one and execute appropriate action on it. If link - visit it, when button - press, when input - activate it, If image - toggle it. With prefix ARG visit link in new session or don't move over field/button/image on activation/push/toggle. With `-' ARG, for link image - go to it and toggle it, if link, visit in background. With -4 ARG, for link image - toggle it. With double prefix ARG, prompt for url to visit. With triple prefix ARG, prompt for url to visit in new session. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-follow #[(arg) "\305\306\307V\205 \310\311Q!\211\203 @\211\2044\307V\203*\212 A@b\210\312 )\202\376 A@b\210\312 \202\376\n;\203\267\307U\204K\313U\203X\314 8\204X\315 \313U\205T\316\"\202\376\313U\203h A@b\210\312 \202\376\317U\203u\315 \320\"\202\376\321U\203\215\314 8\203\215\212 A@b\210\312 )\202\376\322U\203\233\315 \323\320#\202\376\324U\203\251\315 \320\211#\202\376\321U\205\376\315 \316\320#\202\376\n@\325=\203\326\307U\203\315\326`!\210 A@b\210\327 A@\n\"\202\376\307V\203\355\212 A@b\210\323\211\330\n!+\202\376\326`!\210 A@b\210\320\323\330\n!*)\202\331\332!)\207" [arg info action w3m-form-download w3m-form-new-session w3m-lnum-get-action "Follow " 1 "in new session " "(select anchor): " w3m-toggle-inline-image -1 2 w3m-lnum-visit :background 4 t -4 16 nil 64 w3m-form-submit push-mark widget-button-press eval w3m-message "No valid anchor selected"] 5 (#$ . 22477) "p"]) #@68 Return a TEXT propertized as a link that invokes CMD when clicked. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-make-action '(macro . #[(text cmd) "\302\303 \304BBBB\207" [text cmd propertize 'action ('mouse-face 'highlight)] 5 (#$ . 23953)])) #@290 Print available options for determined by INFO element. LABEL is identifier to be echoed in the minibuffer. ACTION-ALIST is an alist of available options where each element is in the following format: (keycode function docstring). Function has to take one argument that is selection info. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-universal-dispatch #[(info label action-alist) "\306 \"\307\211\211\211\310 0\311\21612\312\216\313\314!\2113q\210\3151\3074\316 \210\317\320\"\210\321\322\323\324\325\326%\327\261\210\321\330\323\331\325\326%c\210\3324eb\210\333`\323\"\204V\307y\210\202I\3343!\210\335\321\336\337\340#\3415\342R\332\"\n\204\373 :\204x \343>\203\373 :\203\222\344 !\210\333`\323\"\211\203\216)\202\346 \345\267\202\346\346y\347U\204\245db\210\350 \210\333`\323\"\204\346\346y\347U\204\245\202\346\307y\210`dU\203\302eb\210\333`\323\"\204\346`dU\204\346\307y\210\202\302\202\346\333`\323\"\211\203\345)\n\204i\335\321\336\337\340#\3415\342R\332\"\202i- \351>?\2050\n\203\n6!\2020 \352>\203\353\2020\354 \355#\2117\203,7@6!\202/\356\357!)-\207" [action-alist w3m-lnum-actions-general selection-made default-option key char append nil current-window-configuration #[nil "\301!\207" [#1=#:wconfig set-window-configuration] 2] #[nil "\302p!\207" [original-mode-line-format mode-line-format kill-buffer] 2] get-buffer-create "*Emacs-w3m action selection*" "RET, left click: select | ,TAB/,BACKTAB: move to next/previous action" force-mode-line-update mapc #[(option) ":\203\301\302\303@!\304\3058R\306A@\307\310%\311\261\207\311\261\207" [option propertize "[ " char-to-string " ] " 2 action mouse-face highlight "\n"] 6] propertize "[Backspace] Back to selection" action #[(info) "\300\207" [restart-selection] 1] mouse-face highlight "\n" "[ ESC ] Quit" #[(info) "\300\207" [nil] 1] t get-text-property pop-to-buffer read-event "Select action: " face w3m-lnum-minibuffer-prompt "[" "]" (up down tab backtab return 10 13 10 13) mouse-set-point #s(hash-table size 9 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (up 152 backtab 152 down 182 tab 182 return 216 10 216 13 216)) -1 0 beginning-of-line (7 escape 27 27) (backspace 8 8) restart-selection assoc-default eq w3m-message "Invalid selection" #1# mode-line-format original-mode-line-format selection-buffer buffer-read-only label info dispatch] 7 (#$ . 24180)]) #@230 Turn on link numbers, ask for one and offer actions over it. It will be done depending on the selection type. Actions may be selected either by hitting corresponding key, pressing over the action line or left clicking. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-universal #[nil "\306\307\fp\310\216\311\312 \210\313\314 \"\211\315U\203&\316\307\211F\202Z\317\320\321\314 \322=?\2056 &\211@A@ \315U\203R\316\307\211F\202Y\321 !\323 !)\211\203\276@\211\204s\324\n #\202\272;\203\241\3258;\204\211\3148;\203\227\324\n\326! \"#\202\272\324\n!#\202\272@\327=\203\263\324\n\"#\202\272\324\n##)\202\301\330\331!-\332=\205\312\202+\207" [w3m-current-url num label filter mode-line-format buffer "" nil #[nil "rq\210 \303ed\")\207" [buffer original-mode-line-format mode-line-format w3m-lnum-remove-overlays] 3] "RET: select | BACKSPACE: correction | chars, C-digit, C-SPACE: add chars, digits or space to string filter | arrows: move selection | SPACE,DEL,<,>: scroll | ESC, C-g: quit" force-mode-line-update w3m-lnum 3 0 16 w3m-lnum-read-interactive "Anchor number: " w3m-lnum-highlight-anchor 1 w3m-lnum-get-anchor-info w3m-lnum-universal-dispatch 2 append w3m-form-submit w3m-message "No valid anchor selected" restart-selection original-mode-line-format last-index selection info action w3m-lnum-actions-image-alist w3m-lnum-actions-link-alist w3m-lnum-actions-button-alist w3m-lnum-actions-form-alist] 10 (#$ . 26607) nil]) #@189 If image at point, toggle it. Otherwise turn on link numbers and toggle selected image. With prefix ARG open url under image in new session. If no such url, move over image and toggle it. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-toggle-inline-image #[(&optional arg) "`\305\306 \307\"\2069n\204#\306 S\307\"\211\203# Sb\203#\2069l?\2059\306 T\307\"\211\2059 Tb\2059*\203T\310`\311\" \203P\n\203P\312\n!\202R\313 )\207\314 \203]\315\202^\316\317\"\211\203\217 \203\203\f@\203u\312\f@!\202\222\320`!\210\fA@b\210\313 \202\222\212\fA@b\210\313 )\202\222\321\322!)\207" [value position url arg im nil get-text-property w3m-image get-char-property w3m-href-anchor w3m-goto-url-new-session w3m-toggle-inline-image w3m-lnum-get-action "Open image url in new session: " "Toggle image: " 2 push-mark w3m-message "No image selected"] 4 (#$ . 28099) "P"]) #@199 Display the image under point in the external viewer. If no image at poing, turn on image numbers and display selected. The viewer is defined in `w3m-content-type-alist' for every type of an image. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-view-image #[nil "`\304\305 \306\"\2069n\204#\305 S\306\"\211\203# Sb\203#\2069l?\2059\305 T\306\"\211\2059 Tb\2059*\211\205H\307\310\n\"?\205H\n)\211\203T\311 !\202h\312\313\314\"\211\203e\311\314 8!\202h\315\316!)\207" [value position url im nil get-text-property w3m-image string-match "\\`http:///" w3m-external-view w3m-lnum-get-action "Open image url in external viewer: " 2 w3m-message "No image selected"] 4 (#$ . 28958) nil]) #@159 Save the image under point to a file. If no image at point, turn on image numbers and save selected. The default name will be the original name of the image. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-save-image #[nil "`\304\305 \306\"\2069n\204#\305 S\306\"\211\203# Sb\203#\2069l?\2059\305 T\306\"\211\2059 Tb\2059*\211\205H\307\310\n\"?\205H\n)\211\203T\311 !\202h\312\313\314\"\211\203e\311\314 8!\202h\315\316!)\207" [value position url im nil get-text-property w3m-image string-match "\\`http:///" w3m-download w3m-lnum-get-action "Save image: " 2 w3m-message "No image selected"] 4 (#$ . 29641) nil]) #@321 Zoom image under point and interactively resize after that. Numeric prefix RATE specifies how many percent the image is changed by. Default is the value of the `w3m-resize-image-scale' variable. If no image under point, activate numbering and ask for one, then interactively resize. If IN zoom in, otherwise zoom out. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-zoom-image '(macro . #[(rate &optional in) "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310\302\305\311\203\312\202\313\314\315 \316BBEDC\317\320\310 \321BBBFD\322\310\323\324\2032\325\2023\326\327Q\330BBE\331\332\305\311\203E\312\202F\313\314\315 \333BBEDC\334\320\335 \336BBBFE\257EF\207" [in rate progn (or (display-images-p) (error "Can't display images in this environment")) (or (w3m-imagick-convert-program-available-p) (error "ImageMagick's `convert' program is required")) let ((im (w3m-image))) if im percent + - 100 or (w3m-resize-image-scale) (w3m-resize-inline-image-internal im percent) w3m-resize-image-interactive ((/ percent 100.0)) setq w3m-lnum-get-action "Zoom " "in" "out" " image: " (2) save-excursion (goto-char (cadr im)) (w3m-resize-image-scale) (w3m-resize-inline-image-internal (car im) percent) (car im) ((/ percent 100.0))] 18 (#$ . 30256)])) #@336 Zoom in an image under point and interactively resize after that. Numeric prefix RATE specifies how many percent the image is enlarged by (30 means enlarging the image by 130%). The default is the value of the `w3m-resize-image-scale' variable. If no image under point, activate numbering and ask for one, then interactively resize. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-zoom-in-image #[(&optional rate) "\306 \204 \307\310!\210\311 \204\307\312!\210`\313\314 \315\"\206Kn\2045\314 S\315\"\211\2035 Sb\2035\206Kl?\205K\314 T\315\"\211\205K Tb\205K*\211\203i\316 \206W\f\\\317\n \"\210\320\n \321\245#)\202\213\322\323\324\"\212\nA@b\210\316 \206z\f\\\317\n@ \"\210\320\n@ \321\245#*)\207" [value position im rate w3m-resize-image-scale percent display-images-p error "Can't display images in this environment" w3m-imagick-convert-program-available-p "ImageMagick's `convert' program is required" nil get-text-property w3m-image 100 w3m-resize-inline-image-internal w3m-resize-image-interactive 100.0 w3m-lnum-get-action "Zoom in image: " 2] 6 (#$ . 31468) "P"]) #@337 Zoom out an image on unter point and interactively resize after that. Numeric prefix RATE specifies how many percent the image is shrunk by (30 means shrinking the image by 70%). The default is the value of the `w3m-resize-image-scale' variable. If no image under point, activate numbering and ask for one, then interactively resize. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-zoom-out-image #[(&optional rate) "\306 \204 \307\310!\210\311 \204\307\312!\210`\313\314 \315\"\206Kn\2045\314 S\315\"\211\2035 Sb\2035\206Kl?\205K\314 T\315\"\211\205K Tb\205K*\211\203i\316 \206W\fZ\317\n \"\210\320\n \321\245#)\202\213\322\323\324\"\212\nA@b\210\316 \206z\fZ\317\n@ \"\210\320\n@ \321\245#*)\207" [value position im rate w3m-resize-image-scale percent display-images-p error "Can't display images in this environment" w3m-imagick-convert-program-available-p "ImageMagick's `convert' program is required" nil get-text-property w3m-image 100 w3m-resize-inline-image-internal w3m-resize-image-interactive 100.0 w3m-lnum-get-action "Zoom out image: " 2] 6 (#$ . 32548) "P"]) #@132 Launch the external browser and display the link at point. If no link at point, turn on link numbers and open selected externally. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-external-view-this-url #[nil "`\303\304 \305\"\2069n\204#\304 S\305\"\211\203# Sb\203#\2069l?\2059\304 T\305\"\211\2059 Tb\2059*\206`\303\304 \306\"\206vn\204`\304 S\306\"\211\203` Sb\203`\206vl?\205v\304 T\306\"\211\205v Tb\205v*\206\307\310\311\"@\211\205\215\312\313\n\"?\205\215\n)\211\203\231\314\n!\202\234\315\316!)\207" [value position url nil get-text-property w3m-href-anchor w3m-image w3m-lnum-get-action "Open in external browser: " 1 string-match "\\`http:///" w3m-view-url-with-browse-url w3m-message "No URL selected"] 4 (#$ . 33629) nil]) #@108 Edit the page linked from the anchor under the cursor. If no such, turn on link numbers and edit selected. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-edit-this-url #[nil "`\303\304 \305\"\2069n\204#\304 S\305\"\211\203# Sb\203#\2069l?\2059\304 T\305\"\211\2059 Tb\2059*\211\205H\306\307\n\"?\205H\n)\206Q\310\311\312\"@\211\203\\\313\n!\202_\314\315!)\207" [value position url nil get-text-property w3m-href-anchor string-match "\\`http:///" w3m-lnum-get-action "Select link to edit: " 1 w3m-edit-url w3m-message "No URL selected"] 4 (#$ . 34380) nil]) #@133 Display the url under point in the echo area and put it into `kill-ring'. If no url under point, activate numbering and select one. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-print-this-url #[nil "`\305\306 \307\"\2069n\204#\306 S\307\"\211\203# Sb\203#\2069l?\2059\306 T\307\"\211\2059 Tb\2059*\204z`\305\306 \310\"\206vn\204`\306 S\310\"\211\203` Sb\203`\206vl?\205v\306 T\310\"\211\205v Tb\205v*\203~\311\312!\207\313\314\315\"\211\203\251\n@\316 !\210\317\320\321\n8\211G\322U\203\237\323\202\242\f\324P) #)\202\254\317\325!)\207" [value position link url im-alt nil get-text-property w3m-href-anchor w3m-image w3m-print-this-url t w3m-lnum-get-action "Select URL to copy: " 1 kill-new w3m-message "%s%s" 3 0 "" ": " "No URL selected"] 5 (#$ . 34938) nil]) #@131 Download the file or the page pointed to by the link under point. If no point, activate numbering and select andchor to download. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-download-this-url #[nil "`\303\304 \305\"\2069n\204#\304 S\305\"\211\203# Sb\203#\2069l?\2059\304 T\305\"\211\2059 Tb\2059*\204\267`\303\304 \306\"\206vn\204`\304 S\306\"\211\203` Sb\203`\206vl?\205v\304 T\306\"\211\205v Tb\205v*\204\267`\303\304 \307\"\206\263n\204\235\304 S\307\"\211\203\235 Sb\203\235\206\263l?\205\263\304 T\307\"\211\205\263 Tb\205\263*\203\272\310 \207\311\312!\211\203\316\212\nA@b\210\310 )\202\321\313\314!)\207" [value position info nil get-text-property w3m-href-anchor w3m-image w3m-action w3m-download-this-url w3m-lnum-get-action "Select anchor to download: " w3m-message "No anchor selected"] 4 (#$ . 35720) nil]) #@97 Add link under cursor to bookmarks. If no link under point, activate numbering and ask for one. (defalias 'w3m-lnum-bookmark-add-this-url #[nil "`\305\306 \307\"\2069n\204#\306 S\307\"\211\203# Sb\203#\2069l?\2059\306 T\307\"\211\2059 Tb\2059*\211\203T\310\n\311\312`T\307\"\313`\307\"\"\"\210\314\315!\202\205\316\317\320\"\211\203\202\310\n@\nA@\211\321U\203n\f\202y\311\312 T\307\"\313 \307\"\")\"\210\314\322!\202\205\314\323!)\207" [value position url pos w3m-current-title nil get-text-property w3m-href-anchor w3m-bookmark-add buffer-substring-no-properties previous-single-property-change next-single-property-change w3m-message "Added" w3m-lnum-get-action "Select URL to bookmark: " 1 16 "added" "No url selected"] 8 (#$ . 36571) nil]) (byte-code "\302\301!\203\301J\203\303\304\305\306 PEC\"\307\310!\203!\303\311\"\312\313!\207" [w3m-lnum-actions-link-alist browse-url-generic-program boundp append 109 (lambda (info) (browse-url-generic (car info))) "Open with " executable-find "curl" ((68 (lambda (info) (let ((olddir default-directory)) (cd (read-directory-name "Save to: " (getenv "HOME") nil t)) (shell-command (concat "curl -k -O '" (car info) "' &") "*Curl*") (cd olddir))) "Download with Curl")) provide w3m-lnum] 6)