;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\301\307\310&\207" [require w3m custom-declare-variable w3m-mail-subject '("Emailing:" url) "A list of strings and symbols used to generate the subject header.\nValid symbols include `url' which is replaced with the url of the page\nand `title' which is replaced with the page title. You can also use\njust a string for this variable." :group :type (radio (editable-list :format "%v%i\n" :indent 0 (radio-button-choice (const :format "%v " url) (const :format "%v " title) (string :format "%v "))) string (const :format "no subject" nil))] 8) #@418 Alist of mail user agents and functions to compose a mail. The function will be called with the arguments `source', `url', `charset', `content-type', `to', `subject', and `other-headers'; where `source' is a string containing the page source, `url' is the url of the page, `charset' is a charset that the page uses, `content-type' is the one such as "text/html", and the rest are the same as those of `compose-mail'. (defvar w3m-mail-user-agent-compose-function-alist (byte-code "\303\304\305\304\306\307\n\"\"*\207" [composer alist w3m-mail-user-agents ((gnus-user-agent . w3m-mail-compose-with-mml) (message-user-agent . w3m-mail-compose-with-mml) (mew-user-agent . w3m-mail-compose-with-mew) (vm-user-agent . w3m-mail-compose-with-vm) (wl-user-agent . w3m-mail-compose-with-semi)) nil delq mapcar #[(agent) " \236A\211\205\f\nB\207" [agent alist composer] 2]] 5) (#$ . 681)) (autoload 'mm-find-mime-charset-region "mm-util") #@27 Compose a mail using Mew. (autoload 'w3m-mail-compose-with-mew "mew-w3m" '(#$ . 1621) t) #@46 Return a string used for the Subject header. (defalias 'w3m-mail-make-subject #[nil ":\203\301\302\303\301\304\305\306\307\305###\207;\203\207\310\207" [w3m-mail-subject replace-regexp-in-string "\\(?:\\` \\| \\'\\)" "" "[ \n ]+" " " mapconcat #[(elem) "\303\267\202\n \207\n\207;\203\207\304\305\"\207" [elem w3m-current-url w3m-current-title #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (url 6 title 8)) format "%s"] 3] "(no subject)"] 10 (#$ . 1716)]) #@55 Compute a base url of the page if it is not provided. (defalias 'w3m-mail-compute-base-url #[nil "\306\307O\310\311 \"?\205\207\212eb\210\312\307\211\313\314\307\312#\211\205{\313\315\307\312#\211\205{ b\210\316\317\n\312#\205{\307\320\307w\210\321\322!\203X\323\324\325!\206R\324\326!\206R\324\327!!\211\202a\321\330!\204d\321\331!\203o\332\225b\210\320\307w\210\202<\333\307w\210\307u\210 G\332V)?\205\206\334\335 \"\332\336O,)\207" [w3m-current-url url end start case-fold-search href 15 nil string-match "\\`about:" t search-forward "" "" re-search-forward " \f\n]*\\)" w3m-remove-redundant-spaces match-string-no-properties 2 3 1 "[A-Za-z]*[ \f\n]*=[ \f\n]*\\(\"\\([^\"]+\\)\"\\|'\\([^']+\\)'\\|[^\"'<> \f\n]*\\)" "[^<> \f\n]+" 0 "^>" w3m-expand-url "x" -1] 4 (#$ . 2232)]) #@27 Embed BASE-URL in SOURCE. (defalias 'w3m-mail-embed-base-url #[(source base-url) "\306\307\310\"rq\210\311\216\312\310!\210\310\nc\210eb\210\313\314\315\310#\203&\316\317!\210\202eb\210\310eeD\320\321\322\315\310#\203A\323\225\320\225Di\321\324\315\310#\203S\315\323\225\320\225Di\325 \326\"\f@b\210\327\330\f\"\210 \203r\317 \331\332 \261\210\202|\317 \333\334 \261\210+\335 +\207" [#1=#:temp-buffer case-fold-search source margin points nohead generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t #[nil "\301!\205 \302!\207" [#1# buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] set-buffer-multibyte search-forward " \n" nil replace-match "\n" 0 re-search-forward "\\(\\)[ \n ]*" 1 "\\(\\)[ \n ]*" make-string 32 apply delete-region "\n" "\n" buffer-string base-url] 6 (#$ . 3168)]) #@53 Go to the beginning of the body and clear the body. (defalias 'w3m-mail-goto-body-and-clear-body #[nil "eb\210\301\302\303!\304Q\305\306#\203`d|\207n\203\307\202\310c\207" [mail-header-separator re-search-forward "^\\(?:" regexp-quote "\\)?\n" nil move "\n" "\n\n"] 4 (#$ . 4008)]) #@71 Go to empty or bogus header, otherwise the beginning of the body BOB. (defalias 'w3m-mail-position-point #[(bob) "eb\210\301\302\303#\205\304\225\206\305\225b\207" [bob re-search-forward "^\\(Subject: \\)(no subject)\\|^\\([0-9A-Za-z-]+: ?\\)[ ]*\n\\(?:[ ]+\n\\)*[^ ]" move 1 2] 4 (#$ . 4303)]) #@27 Compose a mail using MML. (defalias 'w3m-mail-compose-with-mml #[(source url charset content-type to subject other-headers) "\306\307!rq\210\310\311\312 \"?!\210\nc\210) \313=\203,\314\315!\210\316\317 #$#\210)\2024\317 #$#\210\320\321D\322\323\324\325%\210\326 \210\327`\330\331\332 \300\333!\334\335\336\205W\337!\340\341\342%& \210!)\207" [buffer content-type source mail-user-agent gnus-newsgroup-name to generate-new-buffer " *w3m-mail*" set-buffer-multibyte string-match "\\`image/" gnus-user-agent require gnus nil compose-mail message-add-action kill-buffer exit kill postpone send w3m-mail-goto-body-and-clear-body w3m-mail-position-point mml-insert-empty-tag part type buffer-name encoding "base64" charset symbol-name disposition "inline" description subject other-headers url] 16 (#$ . 4612)]) #@26 Compose a mail using VM. (defalias 'w3m-mail-compose-with-vm #[(source url charset content-type to subject other-headers) "\205\306!\211?\205\206\307\310\n\"?\205\311 !\312\313!r q\210\314 ?\205,\f!\210 \203;\315 \"c\210\202h\f\203e c\210\316ed\"@\211\203h\306!\211\203h\315\317 \"\320 \210\314\321!\210c\210\202h c\210)\322\323!\210\324 #\210\325 D\211!\"\235\203\210\"\210\202\217!\"B\")\326\327\330\321\325 DE\321\331$\210\332 \210\333`\334 \n\205\253\335!#$\210!+\207" [charset coding content-type source multibytep buffer w3m-charset-to-coding-system string-match "\\`image/" multibyte-string-p generate-new-buffer " *w3m-mail*" set-buffer-multibyte encode-coding-string mm-find-mime-charset-region buffer-string erase-buffer nil require vm-startup compose-mail kill-buffer add-hook kill-buffer-hook lambda t w3m-mail-goto-body-and-clear-body w3m-mail-position-point vm-mime-attach-buffer symbol-name to subject other-headers #1=#:x mail-send-actions url] 8 (#$ . 5441)]) #@28 Compose a mail using SEMI. (defalias 'w3m-mail-compose-with-semi #[(source url charset content-type to subject other-headers) "\306\307!\210\205 \310\227\311\"\312\313 !!\314\315\n\"\203%\316\232\203%\317\2021\314\315\n\"\2030\320\2021\n@\2068\321A@\206@\322\3233\3244\3255\3236\326 !7\f\321\23087\203\2177@\f\230\203\2177A@ \230\203\217\327783\33078\206|44\33178\206\20755\332786\3339:;#\210\334 \210\335`p\323<=>?\336\337\340\"@r@q\210\341\2168\203\342Ac\210B\204\310\342ed\"BB\203\352\343\344B!B3B3\345edB#\210\202\352\346\323!\210Ac\210\347ed4#\210p<=q\210\350\f ?3!\3515?6!\352 \260#\210\3534!\210\214``}\210\354!.\207" [content-type url basename filename type subtype require mime-edit split-string "/" file-name-nondirectory w3m-url-strip-query string-match "\\`[ ]*\\'" ("text" "html") "index.html" "dummy" "text" "html" nil "base64" "inline" mime-find-file-type 2 3 4 5 compose-mail w3m-mail-goto-body-and-clear-body #[(parameters) "\205 \301\302\303#\207" [parameters mapconcat #[(parameter) "\302@\303A\304=\203\305 !\202AR\207" [parameter filename "; " "=" file std11-wrap-as-quoted-string] 5] ""] 4] generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t #[nil "\301!\205 \302!\207" [#1=#:temp-buffer buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] detect-mime-charset-region "charset" symbol-name encode-mime-charset-region set-buffer-multibyte mime-encode-region mime-edit-insert-tag "\nContent-Disposition: " "\nContent-Description: " mime-edit-define-encoding insert-buffer-substring "\n" "attachment" ("7bit" "8bit" "binary") add-text-properties (invisible t mime-edit-invisible t) w3m-mail-position-point parameters encoding disposition-type disposition-params guess textp to subject other-headers work-buffer edit-buffer body parameters-to-string #1# source charset] 9 (#$ . 6467)]) #@317 Send a web page as a mail. By default the subject is generated according to `w3m-mail-subject'. The optional HEADERS is a list in which each element is a cons of the symbol of a header name and a string. Here is an example to use this function: (w3m-mail '((To . "foo@bar") (Subject . "The emacs-w3m home page"))) (defalias 'w3m-mail #[(&optional headers) " \236A\306\307\211\211\211\211\211\211 \211!\204&\310\311\"\210\202\300\"\2042\310\312!\210\202\300\313\314\"\"\203d\315 \316 \317 \210\"\320#\321\"\322\"\304\"\206]\323\"\307\"@\317 \210\202\300\313\324\"\"\203\231\317 \210\315 \316 \317 \210\"\320#\321\"\322\"\304\"\206\222\323\"\307\"@\325 \210\202\300\"\320#\321\"\322\"\304\"\206\261\323\"\307\"@\317 \210\315 \316 \317 \210\203\323\f\326\230\203\323\327\"\330$\236\206\336\303$\236\331$\236\206\352\302$\236 \204\363\n\203\332 \332\n\333$!\"\"$ A\nA\n\204\"\334 )! \f \n$&. \207" [mail-user-agent w3m-mail-user-agent-compose-function-alist subject to content-type charset t nil error "`%s' is not supported (yet) by `w3m-mail'" "The source for this page is not available" string-match "\\`about://source/" buffer-string w3m-mail-compute-base-url w3m-view-source coding-system-get :mime-charset w3m-arrived-get w3m-attributes "\\`about://header/" w3m-view-header "text/html" w3m-mail-embed-base-url To Subject delq copy-sequence w3m-mail-make-subject url base source w3m-history-reuse-history-elements composer w3m-current-url w3m-current-coding-system headers] 10 (#$ . 8401) (byte-code "\302=?\205 \303\304 \"\207" [major-mode this-command w3m-mode error "`%s' must be invoked from an emacs-w3m buffer"] 3)])