;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (custom-declare-group 'w3m-symbol nil "Symbols for w3m" :group 'w3m) (defvar w3m-symbol-custom-type '(list :convert-widget w3m-widget-type-convert-widget (let* ((w `(sexp :match (lambda (_widget value) (stringp value)) :size 4)) (a `(,@w :format "%v ")) (b `(,@w :format "%v\n")) (c (list a a a a a a a b)) (d (list a a a a a b))) `(:indent 4 :tag "Customized" :value ,(if (equal w3m-language "Japanese") w3m-Japanese-symbol w3m-default-symbol) ,@c ,@c ,@c ,@c ,@d ,@d ,b ,b)))) (byte-code "\302\303\304\305\306\307\310&\210\302\311\312\313\306\307\310&\210\302\314\315\316\306\307\310&\210\302\317\320\321\306\307\310&\210\302\322\323\324\306\307\310&\210\302\325\326\327\306\307\310&\210\302\301\330\331\306\307\310\332 \203R\202S\333&\210\302\307\334\335\306\307\310\336\337\340\341\342\343\344\345 \205j\346\347\257 &\207" [w3m-symbol-custom-type w3m-mule-unicode-symbol custom-declare-variable w3m-default-symbol '("-+" " |" "--" " +" "-|" " |" "-+" #1="" "--" " +" "--" #1# "-+" #1# #1# #1# "-+" " |" "--" " +" "-|" " |" "-+" #1# "--" " +" "--" #1# "-+" #1# #1# #1# " *" " +" " o" " #" " @" " -" " =" " x" " %" " *" " o" " #" " #" "<=UpDn ") "List of symbol string used by default." :group w3m-symbol :type w3m-Chinese-BIG5-symbol '("┼" "├" "┬" "┌" "┤" "│" "┐" #1# "┴" "└" "─" #1# "┘" #1# #1# #1# "┼" "├" "┬" "┌" "┤" "│" "┐" #1# "┴" "└" "─" #1# "┘" #1# #1# #1# "‧" "□" "☆" "○" "■" "★" "◎" "●" "△" "●" "○" "□" "●" "《↑↓") "List of symbol string, used in Chienese-BIG5 environment." w3m-Chinese-CNS-symbol '("┼" "├" "┬" "┌" "┤" "│" "┐" #1# "┴" "└" "─" #1# "┘" #1# #1# #1# "┼" "├" "┬" "┌" "┤" "│" "┐" #1# "┴" "└" "─" #1# "┘" #1# #1# #1# "・" "□" "☆" "○" "■" "★" "◎" "●" "△" "●" "○" "□" "●" "《↑↓") "List of symbol string, used in Chienese-CNS environment." w3m-Chinese-GB-symbol '("┼" "├" "┬" "┌" "┤" "│" "┐" #1# "┴" "└" "─" #1# "┘" #1# #1# #1# "┼" "┠" "┯" "┏" "┨" "┃" "┓" #1# "┷" "┗" "━" #1# "┛" #1# #1# #1# "・" "□" "☆" "○" "■" "★" "◎" "●" "△" "●" "○" "□" "●" "《↑↓") "List of symbol string, used in Chienese-GB environment." w3m-Japanese-symbol '("┼" "├" "┬" "┌" "┤" "│" "┐" #1# "┴" "└" "─" #1# "┘" #1# #1# #1# "┼" "┠" "┯" "┏" "┨" "┃" "┓" #1# "┷" "┗" "━" #1# "┛" #1# #1# #1# "・" "□" "☆" "○" "■" "★" "◎" "●" "△" "●" "○" "□" "●" "≪↑↓") "List of symbol string, used in Japanese environment." w3m-Korean-symbol '("┼" "├" "┬" "┌" "┤" "│" "┐" #1# "┴" "└" "─" #1# "┘" #1# #1# #1# "┼" "┠" "┯" "┏" "┨" "┃" "┓" #1# "┷" "┗" "━" #1# "┛" #1# #1# #1# "·" "□" "☆" "○" "■" "★" "◎" "●" "△" "●" "○" "□" "●" "≪↑↓") "List of symbol string, used in Korean environment." (when (w3m-mule-unicode-p) (append (mapcar (lambda (p) (if p (char-to-string (make-char (or (nth 2 p) 'mule-unicode-2500-33ff) (car p) (cadr p))) #1#)) '((32 92) (32 60) (32 76) (32 44) (32 68) (32 34) (32 48) nil (32 84) (32 52) (32 32) nil (32 56) nil nil nil (32 92) (32 64) (32 79) (32 47) (32 72) (32 35) (32 51) nil (32 87) (32 55) (32 33) nil (32 59) nil nil nil (115 34 mule-unicode-0100-24ff) (33 97) (34 102) (34 43) (33 96) (34 101) (34 46) (34 47) (33 115) (34 47) (34 43) (33 97) (34 47))) (list (format "%c %c %c " (make-char 'mule-unicode-0100-24ff 121 42) (make-char 'mule-unicode-0100-24ff 118 113) (make-char 'mule-unicode-0100-24ff 118 115))))) "List of symbol string, using mule-unicode characters." w3m-mule-unicode-p (const :format "%{%t%}: %v") nil "List of symbol string." radio (const :format "Auto detect " nil) (const :tag "Default" w3m-default-symbol) (const :format "Chinese BIG5 " w3m-Chinese-BIG5-symbol) (const :format "Chinese CNS " w3m-Chinese-CNS-symbol) (const :tag "Chinese GB" w3m-Chinese-GB-symbol) (const :format "Japanese " w3m-Japanese-symbol) (const :format "Korean " w3m-Korean-symbol) (const :tag "Mule-Unicode" w3m-mule-unicode-symbol) (variable :format "%t symbol: %v" :value w3m-default-symbol)] 18) (defalias 'w3m-use-symbol #[nil "\301!\203  \207\207" [w3m-use-symbol functionp] 2]) (defalias 'w3m-symbol #[nil "\2039\203\fJ\207\207 \306=\203\n\2066 \206\f\307\310\311\312 \"!!\2050\310\311\312 \"!J)\2066 \207" [w3m-symbol w3m-output-coding-system w3m-mule-unicode-symbol w3m-language current-language-environment lang utf-8 boundp intern format "w3m-%s-symbol" w3m-default-symbol] 5]) (defalias 'w3m-replace-symbol #[nil "\305 \205J\306 \212eb\210\307\310\311\312#\205I\313\314\315!!8`\311\211\316\317\311\312#\210\320\224\321 \n{!\321\f!\245 b\210 \n|\210\322\323\324 \f\"\"c\210,\202\f*\207" [symbol-list symbol-cnt end start symbol w3m-use-symbol w3m-symbol re-search-forward "<_SYMBOL TYPE=\\([0-9]+\\)>" nil t string-to-number match-string 1 search-forward "" 0 string-width apply concat make-list] 5]) (provide 'w3m-symbol)