;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (require 'cl) #@40 Cached value of last visible position. (defvar window-end-visible--cache nil (#$ . 101)) #@53 Cache data for `window-end-visible--pos-visible-p'. (defvar window-end-visible--pos-visible-p-cache nil (#$ . 196)) #@298 A cached version of `pos-visible-in-window-p'. POS and WINDOW are as documented at `pos-visible-in-window-p'. WINDOW-CONFIGURATION should be the current window configuration. When WINDOW-CONFIGURATION changes, the cache data is cleared. PARTIALLY is as documented at `pos-visible-in-window-p'. (defalias 'window-end-visible--pos-visible-p #[(pos window window-configuration &optional partially) "@ \232\204 \306D\306\307 \f EA\"\203&\307 \f EA\"A\211\202B\310 \f # \f E\nB \211\n \nAB\241\210*\n)\207" [window-end-visible--pos-visible-p-cache window-configuration vis pos window partially nil assoc pos-visible-in-window-p #1=#:x #2=#:v] 5 (#$ . 319)]) #@499 Return the last visible position in WINDOW. Works around a limitation of `window-end', at a speed penalty. The issue this function solves is that the following is not true as might be expected: (pos-visible-in-window-p (window-end)) The speed penalty varies greatly depending on your configuration. For example, tabbar.el makes calling `pos-visible-in-window-p' quite expensive. WINDOW and UPDATE are as documented at `window-end'. PARTIALLY is as documented at `pos-visible-in-window-p'. (defalias 'window-end-visible #[(&optional window update partially) "\206\306 \307 \n@ E\232\203\nA\202\274\310\311\f\"\211\312!r\313!q\210e)]\314  $\204J \315ZV\203J \315Z\2021\314  $\203c \316\\W\203c \316\\\202J\314  $\204| \317ZV\203| \317Z\202c\314  $\203\223 TW\203\223 T\202|\314  $\204\252 SV\203\252 S\202\223\314  $\205\273 E B +)\207" [window cwc window-end-visible--cache partially update pos selected-window current-window-configuration nil window-end window-start window-buffer window-end-visible--pos-visible-p 20 10 5 orig-pos lim] 6 (#$ . 998)]) (provide 'window-end-visible)