;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (defalias 'wlf:aif '(macro . #[(test-form then-form &rest else-forms) "\303\304DC\305\304 \nBBBE\207" [test-form then-form else-forms let it if] 6])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\306#\300\207" [put wlf:aif edebug-form-spec (form form &rest form) function-put lisp-indent-function 2] 4) (defalias 'wlf:acond '(macro . #[(&rest clauses) "\205\"@\303 \304 \n@DC\305 \304\306 DC\nABB\307ABFE*\207" [clauses sym cl1 gensym let if it wlf:acond] 7])) (put 'wlf:acond 'edebug-form-spec '(&rest form)) #@79 [internal] return the point at the beginning of the first line of the WINDOW. (defalias 'wlf:current-first-line-point #[(window) "\302!\205 \303!r\304\216\305 @\306\"\210r\307!q\210\212\310\311!\210`-\207" [window save-selected-window--state windowp internal--before-with-selected-window #[nil "\301!\207" [save-selected-window--state internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord window-buffer move-to-window-line 0] 3 (#$ . 604)]) #@43 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:wset-p'. (defalias 'wlf:wset-p--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:wset-p (and (memq (type-of cl-x) cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags) t)) nil] 7 (#$ . 1067)]) (put 'wlf:wset-p 'compiler-macro 'wlf:wset-p--cmacro) (defalias 'wlf:wset-p #[(cl-x) "\302! >\205 \303\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags type-of t] 2]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put wlf:wset-p side-effect-free error-free put wlf:wset cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@48 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:wset-recipe'. (defalias 'wlf:wset-recipe--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:wset-recipe (progn (or (wlf:wset-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:wset cl-x))) (aref cl-x 1))) nil] 7 (#$ . 1630)]) (put 'wlf:wset-recipe 'compiler-macro 'wlf:wset-recipe--cmacro) #@49 Access slot "recipe" of `wlf:wset' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:wset-recipe #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 1] 4 (#$ . 2017)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:wset-recipe side-effect-free t] 4) #@52 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:wset-winfo-list'. (defalias 'wlf:wset-winfo-list--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:wset-winfo-list (progn (or (wlf:wset-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:wset cl-x))) (aref cl-x 2))) nil] 7 (#$ . 2339)]) (put 'wlf:wset-winfo-list 'compiler-macro 'wlf:wset-winfo-list--cmacro) #@53 Access slot "winfo-list" of `wlf:wset' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:wset-winfo-list #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2] 4 (#$ . 2746)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:wset-winfo-list side-effect-free t] 4) #@48 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:wset-wholep'. (defalias 'wlf:wset-wholep--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:wset-wholep (progn (or (wlf:wset-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:wset cl-x))) (aref cl-x 3))) nil] 7 (#$ . 3080)]) (put 'wlf:wset-wholep 'compiler-macro 'wlf:wset-wholep--cmacro) #@49 Access slot "wholep" of `wlf:wset' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:wset-wholep #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 3] 4 (#$ . 3467)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:wset-wholep side-effect-free t] 4) #@53 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:wset-layout-hook'. (defalias 'wlf:wset-layout-hook--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:wset-layout-hook (progn (or (wlf:wset-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:wset cl-x))) (aref cl-x 4))) nil] 7 (#$ . 3789)]) (put 'wlf:wset-layout-hook 'compiler-macro 'wlf:wset-layout-hook--cmacro) #@54 Access slot "layout-hook" of `wlf:wset' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:wset-layout-hook #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 4] 4 (#$ . 4201)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put wlf:wset-layout-hook side-effect-free t defalias copy-wlf:wset copy-sequence] 4) #@113 compiler-macro for inlining `make-wlf:wset'. (fn CL-WHOLE &cl-quote &key RECIPE WINFO-LIST WHOLEP LAYOUT-HOOK) (defalias 'make-wlf:wset--cmacro #[(cl-whole &rest #1=#:--cl-rest--) "\306\307\"A@\306\310\"A@\306\311\"A@\306\312\"A@ \203H @\313>\2031 AA\211\202\314>A@\203?\315\211\202\316\317 @\"\210\202)\320\321\322\315\315 \n \f& ,\207" [#1# recipe winfo-list wholep layout-hook #2=#:--cl-keys-- plist-member :recipe :winfo-list :wholep :layout-hook (:recipe :winfo-list :wholep :layout-hook :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:recipe :winfo-list :wholep :layout-hook)" cl--defsubst-expand (recipe winfo-list wholep layout-hook) (cl-block make-wlf:wset (record 'wlf:wset recipe winfo-list wholep layout-hook)) cl-whole] 11 (#$ . 4586)]) (put 'make-wlf:wset 'compiler-macro 'make-wlf:wset--cmacro) #@93 Constructor for objects of type `wlf:wset'. (fn &key RECIPE WINFO-LIST WHOLEP LAYOUT-HOOK) (defalias 'make-wlf:wset #[(&rest #1=#:--cl-rest--) "\306\307\"A@\306\310\"A@\306\311\"A@\306\312\"A@ \203H @\313>\2031 AA\211\202\314>A@\203?\315\211\202\316\317 @\"\210\202)\320\321 \n \f%,\207" [#1# recipe winfo-list wholep layout-hook #2=#:--cl-keys-- plist-member :recipe :winfo-list :wholep :layout-hook (:recipe :winfo-list :wholep :layout-hook :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:recipe :winfo-list :wholep :layout-hook)" record wlf:wset] 7 (#$ . 5460)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\305\303& \207" [function-put make-wlf:wset side-effect-free t cl-struct-define wlf:wset "Window-set management structure\n\nrecipe : an input recipe object.\nwinfo-list : a list of window management structures.\nwholep : if non nil, this function uses whole frame window.\nlayout-hook : if doing layout windows, these hooks are called. \n The hook function has one argument: wset object." cl-structure-object record nil ((cl-tag-slot) (recipe) (winfo-list) (wholep) (layout-hook)) cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags] 11) #@45 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-p'. (defalias 'wlf:window-p--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-p (and (memq (type-of cl-x) cl-struct-wlf:window-tags) t)) nil] 7 (#$ . 6684)]) (put 'wlf:window-p 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-p--cmacro) (defalias 'wlf:window-p #[(cl-x) "\302! >\205 \303\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of t] 2]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\301#\207" [function-put wlf:window-p side-effect-free error-free put wlf:window cl-deftype-satisfies] 5) #@48 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-name'. (defalias 'wlf:window-name--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-name (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 1))) nil] 7 (#$ . 7267)]) (put 'wlf:window-name 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-name--cmacro) #@49 Access slot "name" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-name #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 1] 4 (#$ . 7658)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:window-name side-effect-free t] 4) #@51 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-options'. (defalias 'wlf:window-options--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-options (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 2))) nil] 7 (#$ . 7984)]) (put 'wlf:window-options 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-options--cmacro) #@52 Access slot "options" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-options #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 2] 4 (#$ . 8390)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:window-options side-effect-free t] 4) #@49 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-shown'. (defalias 'wlf:window-shown--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-shown (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 3))) nil] 7 (#$ . 8725)]) (put 'wlf:window-shown 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-shown--cmacro) #@50 Access slot "shown" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-shown #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 3] 4 (#$ . 9121)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:window-shown side-effect-free t] 4) #@50 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-window'. (defalias 'wlf:window-window--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-window (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 4))) nil] 7 (#$ . 9450)]) (put 'wlf:window-window 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-window--cmacro) #@51 Access slot "window" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-window #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 4] 4 (#$ . 9851)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:window-window side-effect-free t] 4) #@52 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-vertical'. (defalias 'wlf:window-vertical--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-vertical (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 5))) nil] 7 (#$ . 10183)]) (put 'wlf:window-vertical 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-vertical--cmacro) #@53 Access slot "vertical" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-vertical #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 5] 4 (#$ . 10595)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:window-vertical side-effect-free t] 4) #@53 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-last-size'. (defalias 'wlf:window-last-size--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-last-size (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 6))) nil] 7 (#$ . 10934)]) (put 'wlf:window-last-size 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-last-size--cmacro) #@54 Access slot "last-size" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-last-size #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 6] 4 (#$ . 11351)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:window-last-size side-effect-free t] 4) #@49 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-edges'. (defalias 'wlf:window-edges--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-edges (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 7))) nil] 7 (#$ . 11693)]) (put 'wlf:window-edges 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-edges--cmacro) #@50 Access slot "edges" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-edges #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 7] 4 (#$ . 12090)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:window-edges side-effect-free t] 4) #@60 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-first-line-point'. (defalias 'wlf:window-first-line-point--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-first-line-point (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 8))) nil] 7 (#$ . 12420)]) (put 'wlf:window-first-line-point 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-first-line-point--cmacro) #@61 Access slot "first-line-point" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-first-line-point #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 8] 4 (#$ . 12872)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\300\207" [function-put wlf:window-first-line-point side-effect-free t] 4) #@56 compiler-macro for inlining `wlf:window-window-point'. (defalias 'wlf:window-window-point--cmacro #[(_cl-whole-arg cl-x) "\301\302\303\304\211\211&\207" [cl-x cl--defsubst-expand (cl-x) (cl-block wlf:window-window-point (progn (or (wlf:window-p cl-x) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'wlf:window cl-x))) (aref cl-x 9))) nil] 7 (#$ . 13235)]) (put 'wlf:window-window-point 'compiler-macro 'wlf:window-window-point--cmacro) #@57 Access slot "window-point" of `wlf:window' struct CL-X. (defalias 'wlf:window-window-point #[(cl-x) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\207" [cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 9] 4 (#$ . 13667)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\"\207" [function-put wlf:window-window-point side-effect-free t defalias copy-wlf:window copy-sequence] 4) #@159 compiler-macro for inlining `make-wlf:window'. (fn CL-WHOLE &cl-quote &key NAME OPTIONS SHOWN WINDOW VERTICAL LAST-SIZE EDGES FIRST-LINE-POINT WINDOW-POINT) (defalias 'make-wlf:window--cmacro #[(cl-whole &rest #1=#:--cl-rest--) "\306\307\"A@\306\310\"A@\306\311\"A@\306\312\"A@\306\313\"A@\306\314\"A@\306\315\"A@\306\316\"A@\306\317\"A@\203v@\320>\203]AA\211\202H\321>A@\203l\322\211\202H\323\324@\"\210\202F)\325\326\327\322\322 \n \f &. \207" [#1# name options shown window vertical plist-member :name :options :shown :window :vertical :last-size :edges :first-line-point :window-point (:name :options :shown :window :vertical :last-size :edges :first-line-point :window-point :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:name :options :shown :window :vertical :last-size :edges :first-line-point :window-point)" cl--defsubst-expand (name options shown window vertical last-size edges first-line-point window-point) (cl-block make-wlf:window (record 'wlf:window name options shown window vertical last-size edges first-line-point window-point)) last-size edges first-line-point window-point #2=#:--cl-keys-- cl-whole] 16 (#$ . 14068)]) (put 'make-wlf:window 'compiler-macro 'make-wlf:window--cmacro) #@139 Constructor for objects of type `wlf:window'. (fn &key NAME OPTIONS SHOWN WINDOW VERTICAL LAST-SIZE EDGES FIRST-LINE-POINT WINDOW-POINT) (defalias 'make-wlf:window #[(&rest #1=#:--cl-rest--) "\306\307\"A@\306\310\"A@\306\311\"A@\306\312\"A@\306\313\"A@\306\314\"A@\306\315\"A@\306\316\"A@\306\317\"A@\203v@\320>\203]AA\211\202H\321>A@\203l\322\211\202H\323\324@\"\210\202F)\325\326 \n \f &\n. \207" [#1# name options shown window vertical plist-member :name :options :shown :window :vertical :last-size :edges :first-line-point :window-point (:name :options :shown :window :vertical :last-size :edges :first-line-point :window-point :allow-other-keys) :allow-other-keys nil error "Keyword argument %s not one of (:name :options :shown :window :vertical :last-size :edges :first-line-point :window-point)" record wlf:window last-size edges first-line-point window-point #2=#:--cl-keys--] 12 (#$ . 15370)]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\305\306\307\310\311\312\313\305\303& \207" [function-put make-wlf:window side-effect-free t cl-struct-define wlf:window "Window management structure\n\nname : a symbol of the window name.\noptions : an option plist given by the recipe.\nshown : 'show/'hide. if 'hide, the window is not displayed.\nwindow : a window object.\nvertical : if the window is split vertically, the value is t.\nlast-size : if the window is alive, the window size is saved before laying out.\nedges : a list of window edges returned by `window-edges'.\nfirst-line-point : the cursor position of the window.\nwindow-point : the scroll position of the window.\n(If more than 2 windows display the same buffer, \nthe values of first-line-point and window-point may \nbe different between windows.)" cl-structure-object record nil ((cl-tag-slot) (name) (options) (shown) (window) (vertical) (last-size) (edges) (first-line-point) (window-point)) cl-struct-wlf:window-tags] 11) #@62 [internal] translate the argument: nil -> 'hide / t -> 'show (defalias 'wlf:window-shown-set #[(winfo i) "\304! >\204\305\306\307D\"\210\211\310 \203\311\202\312I)\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #1=#:v i type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 3 show hide] 5 (#$ . 17340)]) #@53 [internal] Return t, if the window should be shown. (defalias 'wlf:window-shown-p #[(winfo) "\302! >\204\303\304\305D\"\210\306H\307=\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 3 show] 4 (#$ . 17643)]) #@44 [internal] Toggle window displaying state. (defalias 'wlf:window-shown-toggle #[(winfo) "\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\211\307\310!\203#\311!\203#\312\202$\313I)\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #1=#:v type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 3 wlf:window-shown-p wlf:window-live-window hide show] 5 (#$ . 17897)]) #@148 [internal] Return a window object which corresponding to WINFO. This function retrieves the window object from the edge position in current frame. (defalias 'wlf:window-window-by-edge #[(winfo) "\306! >\204\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\205\316\306! >\204$\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\211G\313U\2037\n\211A\242\202>\307\314\315\nGD\"\n\211A\242\n\211A\242\n\242\316\317 \\\317\f\\\"\211\205\314\320!\211G\313U\203t\211A\242\202|\307\314\321GD\"\211A\242\211A\242\242 \232\203\253\322\fZ!\323W\203\253\324\202\306\325\326\306! >\204\274\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\320!#\210\327-\205\314.\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #1=#:--cl-rest-- left top right type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 7 4 wrong-number-of-arguments (left top right bottom) window-at 2 window-edges (sl st sr sb) abs 3 t message "OLD:%S NEW:%S" nil bottom swin #2=#:--cl-rest-- sl st sr sb] 7 (#$ . 18241)]) #@94 [internal] Return a window object if the window is not null and alive, return nil otherwise. (defalias 'wlf:window-live-window #[(winfo) "\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H\310!\205$\n\205$\311\n!\205$\n)\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags win type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 4 wlf:window-shown-p window-live-p] 4 (#$ . 19197)]) #@40 [internal] Return current window size. (defalias 'wlf:window-size #[(winfo) "\303! >\204\304\305\306D\"\210\307H\303! >\204\"\304\305\306D\"\210\310H\203.\311\n!\2021\312\n!)\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags window type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 4 5 window-height window-width] 4 (#$ . 19560)]) #@65 [internal] Return an option value from an option property list. (defalias 'wlf:window-option-get '(macro . #[(winfo option-key) "\302\303D\304 DE\207" [winfo option-key plist-get wlf:window-options quote] 4 (#$ . 19893)])) #@76 [internal] Destroy windows and return the window object to start dividing. (defalias 'wlf:clear-windows #[(winfo-list wholep) "\203\f\306\307 !\210\307 \207 \310\211\310\311\n:\2034\n@\312 !\211\203+\f B\nA\310\202 \237-\211G\313V\203gA\310:\203f@\314 \204]\315!\210A\211\202J*@\206o\316 )\207" [wholep winfo-list #1=#:--cl-var-- i win #2=#:--cl-var-- delete-other-windows get-largest-window nil t wlf:window-live-window 1 one-window-p delete-window selected-window #3=#:--cl-var-- wins #4=#:--cl-var-- w] 3 (#$ . 20123)]) #@59 [internal] Select a window info object from a winfo list. (defalias 'wlf:get-winfo #[(name winfo-list) "\306\307\306 :\203; @\310\n! >\204\311\312\313\nD\"\210\n\314H=\2030\n\306\211\2021\307\203; A\211\202 \f,\211\203H\202M\315\316\")\207" [winfo-list #1=#:--cl-var-- i #2=#:--cl-var-- #3=#:--cl-var-- cl-struct-wlf:window-tags nil t type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 1 error "Window name %s is not found." name it] 5 (#$ . 20697)]) #@55 [internal] Split the selected window with the recipe. (defalias 'wlf:build-windows-rec #[(recipe winfo-list) "@\211\306\267\202\307\202\310\202\307\211\307=A@AA\211@ A@!\n \"\311 #\312#!\204;\313\314!\210\315#!\210\f\203P\316\f\317\"\203P\320\f \"\210 9\203\330\321 $\"%\322%!&>\204p\323\324\325%D\"\210%\326H\204\226\327%\316\322%!&>\204\215\323\324\325%D\"\210%\330H\331\"?\"\210\322%!&>\204\250\323\324\325%D\"\210%\211'\332#I\210)\322%!&>\204\305\323\324\325%D\"\210%\211(\333 I\210)\334%!\210)\202\337\335 $\"\210\312\"!\204\352\313\336!\210\315\"!\210\f\203\377\316\f\337\"\203\377\320\f \"\210!9\203\210\321!$\"%\322%!&>\204\323\324\325%D\"\210%\326H\204E\327%\316\322%!&>\204<\323\324\325%D\"\210%\330H\331\"?\"\210\322%!&>\204W\323\324\325%D\"\210%\211)\332\"I\210)\322%!&>\204t\323\324\325%D\"\210%\211*\333\n\307=I\210)\334%!)\202\216\335!$\". \207" [recipe split-type split-action verticalp split-options recipe-nodes #s(hash-table size 2 test eq rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8125 purecopy t data (- 9 | 13)) split-window-vertically split-window-horizontally selected-window window-live-p error "Can not create a window (former-window is not live)" select-window plist-get :leftp wlf:apply-split-options wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 3 wlf:window-shown-set 2 :default-hide 4 5 wlf:apply-winfo wlf:build-windows-rec "Can not create a window (latter-window is not live.)" :rightp former-recipe latter-recipe latter-window former-window winfo-list winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #1=#:v #2=#:v #3=#:v #4=#:v] 8 (#$ . 21175)]) #@55 [internal] Apply split options to the current window. (defalias 'wlf:apply-split-options #[(split-options verticalp) "\203 \306 \202 \307 \3101c\311\n\312\"\211\203- \211 W\205)\313\314  \fZ#)\202^\311\n\315\"\211\203B \316\314 \f#)\202]\311\n\317\"\211\205\\\316\314 \320\321 _\f_!#))))0\202k\322\323\"))\207" [verticalp size split-options #1=#:g0 it #2=#:g1 window-height window-width (error) plist-get :max-size wlf:window-shrink selected-window :size wlf:window-resize :size-ratio truncate 2 message "wlf:warning : %s" #3=#:g2 err] 7 (#$ . 22850)]) #@32 [internal] Shrink window size. (defalias 'wlf:window-shrink #[(window verticalp shrink-size) "\203\302 !\207\303 !\207" [verticalp shrink-size shrink-window shrink-window-horizontally] 2 (#$ . 23437)]) #@27 [internal] Resize window. (defalias 'wlf:window-resize #[(window verticalp target-size) "\305!r\306\216\307 @\310\"\210\n\203\311!\312 \fZ!)\202(\313!\314 \fZ!)+\207" [window save-selected-window--state verticalp current-size target-size internal--before-with-selected-window #[nil "\301!\207" [save-selected-window--state internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord window-height shrink-window window-width shrink-window-horizontally] 3 (#$ . 23648)]) #@56 [internal] Apply layout options to the current window. (defalias 'wlf:apply-winfo #[(winfo) "\304!\204 \305\306 !\207\307\310! >\204\311\312\313D\"\210\314H\315\"\211\2052\316\n9\2030\nJ\2021\n!)\317 !\205?\320\306 \")\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags it buffer wlf:window-shown-p delete-window selected-window plist-get type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 2 :buffer get-buffer buffer-live-p set-window-buffer] 6 (#$ . 24137)]) #@80 [internal] Set the scroll position and cursor one which are recorded in WINFO. (defalias 'wlf:set-window-points #[(winfo) "\306! >\204\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\313\n!\205v\314\n!r\315\216\316 @\317\"\210\306! >\2045\307\310\311D\"\210\320H\211\203D\fb\210\321\322!\210)\306! >\204T\307\310\311D\"\210\323H\211\205u\324\325\326\"\f W\204md U\203q\f\202s Sb),)\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags window save-selected-window--state it win-last-point type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 4 window-live-p internal--before-with-selected-window #[nil "\301!\207" [save-selected-window--state internal--after-with-selected-window] 2] select-window norecord 8 recenter 0 9 window-end nil t] 5 (#$ . 24600)]) #@94 [internal] At the end of window laying out, this function is called to collect window edges. (defalias 'wlf:collect-window-edges #[(winfo-list) "\305 :\203C @\306\n!\203<\307\n! >\204!\310\311\312\nD\"\210\n\211\313\314\307\n! >\2045\310\311\312\nD\"\210\n\315H!I\210) A\211\202*\305\207" [winfo-list #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #2=#:v nil wlf:window-live-window type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 7 window-edges 4] 8 (#$ . 25341)]) #@128 [internal] Calculate summations of the last window size: width and height. Return a cons cell, car is width and cdr is height. (defalias 'wlf:calculate-last-window-sizes #[(winfo-list) "\306\307\211\306\310 :\203W @\311\n!>\204%\312\313\314\nD\"\210\n\315H\211\203N\311\n!>\204=\312\313\314\nD\"\210\n\316H\203J\f \\\202N \\ A\306\202 \f.B\207" [winfo-list #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo width height size nil 0 t type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 6 5 #2=#:--cl-var-- cl-struct-wlf:window-tags] 5 (#$ . 25824)]) #@131 [internal] Calculate summations of the initial window size: width and height. Return a cons cell, car is width and cdr is height. (defalias 'wlf:calculate-init-window-sizes #[(winfo-list) "\306\307\211\306\310 :\203K @\311\n!\211\203B\312\n!>\204-\313\314\315\nD\"\210\n\316H\203<\f\317 !\\\202B \320 !\\ A\306\202 \f.B\207" [winfo-list #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo width height win nil 0 t wlf:window-live-window type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 5 window-height window-width #2=#:--cl-var-- cl-struct-wlf:window-tags] 5 (#$ . 26375)]) #@69 [internal] Restore the window sizes those are modified by the user. (defalias 'wlf:restore-window-sizes #[(winfo-list) "\306!\307! @ A\310\n@ \"\310\nA\f\"\311\211\311\211\312:\203\310@\313!\314!>\204P\315\316\317D\"\210\320H\314!>\204h\315\316\317D\"\210\321H\203\275\203\275\322\314!>\204\213\315\316\317D\"\210\323H\324\"\204\275\203\247\203\275\310\f\"?\202\261 \203\275\310 \"?\203\275\325#\210A\311\202-.\f\311\207" [winfo-list init-size last-size total-width total-height width-remainp wlf:calculate-init-window-sizes wlf:calculate-last-window-sizes eql nil t wlf:window-live-window type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 6 5 plist-get 2 :fix-size wlf:window-resize height-remainp #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo win to-size verticalp #2=#:--cl-var-- cl-struct-wlf:window-tags] 6 (#$ . 26948)]) #@50 [internal] Return a list of window info objects. (defalias 'wlf:make-winfo-list #[(wparams) "\304\211 :\203( @\305\306\307\n\310\"\n\304\211\211\211\211\211\211&\n B A\211\202 \237+\207" [wparams #1=#:--cl-var-- p #2=#:--cl-var-- nil record wlf:window plist-get :name] 12 (#$ . 27850)]) #@139 [internal] Translate split options recursively. :left-foo, :upper-foo --> :leftp t :foo :right-foo, :lower-foo --> :rightp t :foo  (defalias 'wlf:translate-recipe #[(recipe) "9\204 \204 \207\306\211G\307U\203A\202\"A@AA \203\235 \306\f:\203\234\f@\2119\203\221\310 !\311\312\"\211\203b\313\314\225\306OP\315\nB\316\nB)\202\205\311\317\"\211\203\204\313\314\225\306OP\320\nB\316\nB)))\321!\nB)\202\225 \nB\fA\211\202,*@\n\237\322 @!\322 A@!F+\207" [recipe split-options new-split-options recipe-nodes #1=#:--cl-var-- i nil 3 symbol-name string-match ":\\(left\\|upper\\)-" ":" 0 :leftp t ":\\(right\\|lower\\)-" :rightp intern wlf:translate-recipe label-name #2=#:g3 it #3=#:g4] 6 (#$ . 28154)]) #@117 [internal] If current window size is equal to the frame size (maximum window size), return t. Otherwise return nil. (defalias 'wlf:max-window-size-p #[(winfo) "\303!\304!\n>\204\305\306\307D\"\210\310H\203! \311 SY\202& \312 SY)\207" [winfo wsize cl-struct-wlf:window-tags wlf:window-size type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 5 frame-height frame-width] 4 (#$ . 28926)]) #@183 [internal] Save current window sizes and points, before clearing the windows. The saved sizes are used at `wlf:restore-window-sizes'. The saved points are used in `wlf:apply-winfo'. (defalias 'wlf:save-current-window-sizes #[(recipe winfo-list) "\306 :\203* @\307\n! >\204\310\311\312\nD\"\210\n\211\313\306I\210) A\211\202*\314\315 \316\"\211\203\272 \232\203\272\306:\203\271@\317\n!\307\n! >\204_\310\311\312\nD\"\210\n\211\313\205r\320\n!\205r\321\n!I\210)\307\n! >\204\204\310\311\312\nD\"\210\n\211\322\205\222\323!I\210)\307\n! >\204\244\310\311\312\nD\"\210\n\211\324\325!I\210*A\211\202C*)\326\315 \316#\207" [winfo-list #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #2=#:v it nil type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:window 6 frame-parameter selected-frame wlf:recipe wlf:window-live-window wlf:max-window-size-p wlf:window-size 9 window-point 8 wlf:current-first-line-point set-frame-parameter recipe #3=#:--cl-var-- win #4=#:v #5=#:v #6=#:v] 5 (#$ . 29322)]) #@391 Lay out windows and return a management object. RECIPE is a structure of splitting windows. WINDOW-PARAMS is a list of the window layout parameters. If SUBWINDOW-P is nil, this function uses the entire space of the current frame. If SUBWINDOW-P is non-nil, this function splits the windows within the current window. See the comment text to know the further information about parameters.  (defalias 'wlf:layout #[(recipe window-params &optional subwindow-p) "\303\304 \n#!\207" [recipe window-params subwindow-p wlf:layout-internal wlf:no-layout] 5 (#$ . 30359)]) #@121 Just return a management object, does not change window layout. See the comment of `wlf:layout' function for arguments. (defalias 'wlf:no-layout #[(recipe window-params &optional subwindow-p) "\303\304\305!\306\307 !\310\n?&\207" [recipe window-params subwindow-p make-wlf:wset :recipe wlf:translate-recipe :winfo-list wlf:make-winfo-list :wholep] 7 (#$ . 30932)]) #@66 Define local variables: recipe, winfo-list, wholep, layout-hook. (defalias 'wlf:with-wset '(macro . #[(wset &rest body) "\301\302BB\207" [body let* ((recipe (wlf:wset-recipe wset)) (winfo-list (wlf:wset-winfo-list wset)) (wholep (wlf:wset-wholep wset)) (layout-hook (wlf:wset-layout-hook wset)))] 3 (#$ . 31305)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\210\304\301\305\306#\300\207" [put wlf:with-wset edebug-form-spec (symbolp &rest form) function-put lisp-indent-function 1] 4) #@182 [internal] Lay out windows and return a management object. If RESTORE-WINDOW-SIZE is not nil, this function does not restore the current window size which can be modified by users. (defalias 'wlf:layout-internal #[(wset &optional restore-window-size) "\306 \210\307! >\204\310\311\312D\"\210\313H\307! >\204%\310\311\312D\"\210\314H\307! >\2048\310\311\312D\"\210\315H\307! >\204K\310\311\312D\"\210\316H\317\320 \"p\321 \322\n \"\210\323\324 \f\"!\210\325\n \"\210\326\327 \"\210!\204{\330 !\210\331 !\210\332\312\n \f\321%\307! >\204\227\310\311\312D\"\210\316H\"\321#\":\203\267\"@\211#!\210\"A\211\"\202\241*\3331\305\334 \"0\202\311\210\202\314\206\320\335!\211$\203\333\323$!\210).\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags recipe winfo-list wholep layout-hook wlf:maximize-info-clear type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 1 2 3 4 wlf:get-window-name selected-window nil wlf:save-current-window-sizes select-window wlf:clear-windows wlf:build-windows-rec mapc wlf:set-window-points wlf:restore-window-sizes wlf:collect-window-edges record (error) wlf:get-window get-buffer-window val last-buffer last-wname restore-window-size #1=#:--cl-var-- h it] 7 (#$ . 31785)]) #@125 Add FUNC to layout-hook of the WSET, and return the layout-hook. The function FUNC should have one argument : wset object. (defalias 'wlf:layout-hook-add #[(wset func) "\305! >\204\306\307\310D\"\210\311H \n\235\2042\305! >\204(\306\307\310D\"\210\211\311 \nBI\210)\305! >\204A\306\307\310D\"\210\311H)\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags hook func #1=#:v type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 4] 5 (#$ . 33022)]) #@71 Remove FUNC from layout-hook of the WSET, and return the layout-hook. (defalias 'wlf:layout-hook-remove #[(wset func) "\305! >\204\306\307\310D\"\210\311H \n\235\2033\305! >\204(\306\307\310D\"\210\211\311\312 \n\"I\210)\305! >\204B\306\307\310D\"\210\311H)\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags hook func #1=#:v type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 4 remove] 6 (#$ . 33464)]) #@91 Refresh the window layout. WSET is a management object which is returned by `wlf:layout'. (defalias 'wlf:refresh #[(wset) "\301!\207" [wset wlf:layout-internal] 2 (#$ . 33867)]) #@53 Reset the window sizes by window recipe parameters. (defalias 'wlf:reset-window-sizes #[(wset) "\301\302\"\207" [wset wlf:layout-internal t] 3 (#$ . 34052)]) #@74 Reset the window sizes and display statuses by window recipe parameters. (defalias 'wlf:reset-init #[(wset) "\306! >\204\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\313\n:\203;\n@\306 !\f>\204,\307\310\314 D\"\210 \211\315\313I\210)\nA\211\202*\316\317\"\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #2=#:v type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 nil wlf:window 3 wlf:layout-internal t] 5 (#$ . 34217)]) #@166 Display the window. WSET is the management object which is returned by `wlf:layout'. WINFO-NAME is the window name which is defined by the argument of `wlf:layout'. (defalias 'wlf:show #[(wset &rest winfo-names) "\305 :\203, @\306\307\n\310 !\f>\204\311\312\313 D\"\210 \314H\"\315\"\210 A\211\202*\316 !\207" [winfo-names #1=#:--cl-var-- wn wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags nil wlf:window-shown-set wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 t wlf:layout-internal] 8 (#$ . 34667)]) #@163 Hide the window. WSET is the management object which is returned by `wlf:layout'. WINFO-NAME is the window name which is defined by the argument of `wlf:layout'. (defalias 'wlf:hide #[(wset &rest winfo-names) "\305 :\203, @\306\307\n\310 !\f>\204\311\312\313 D\"\210 \314H\"\305\"\210 A\211\202*\315 !\207" [winfo-names #1=#:--cl-var-- wn wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags nil wlf:window-shown-set wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 wlf:layout-internal] 8 (#$ . 35180)]) #@165 Toggle the window. WSET is the management object which is returned by `wlf:layout'. WINFO-NAME is the window name which is defined by the argument of `wlf:layout'. (defalias 'wlf:toggle #[(wset &rest winfo-names) "\305 :\203+ @\306\307\n\310 !\f>\204\311\312\313 D\"\210 \314H\"!\210 A\211\202*\315 !\207" [winfo-names #1=#:--cl-var-- wn wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags nil wlf:window-shown-toggle wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 wlf:layout-internal] 8 (#$ . 35688)]) #@231 Select the indicated window. WSET is the management object which is returned by `wlf:layout'. WINFO-NAME is the window name which is defined by the argument of `wlf:layout'. If the window is nil or deleted, no window is selected. (defalias 'wlf:select #[(wset winfo-name) "\304\305\306 !\n>\204\307\310\311 D\"\210 \312H\"!\211\205\313 !)\207" [winfo-name wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags it wlf:window-live-window wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 select-window] 8 (#$ . 36198)]) #@687 Return the indicated window. WSET is the management object which is returned by `wlf:layout'. WINFO-NAME is the window name which is defined by the argument of `wlf:layout'. If the window is nil or deleted, return nil. Note that after the other window configuration is applied by `set-window-configuration', this function may return nil because the window configured by wlf is not alive. Since many functions calls `set-window-configuration', programs depend on `wlf:get-window' should watch invocations of `set-window-configuration'. See also `wlf:get-window-name'. It is approximately the inverse function of `wlf:get-window'. `wlf:get-window-name' converts window to window name. (defalias 'wlf:get-window #[(wset winfo-name) "\303\304\305 !\n>\204\306\307\310 D\"\210 \311H\"!\207" [winfo-name wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags wlf:window-live-window wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2] 7 (#$ . 36714)]) #@230 Set the buffer on the window. WSET is the management object which is returned by `wlf:layout'. WINFO-NAME is the window name which is defined by the argument of `wlf:layout'. BUF is a buffer name or object to show in the window. (defalias 'wlf:set-buffer #[(wset winfo-name buf &optional selectp) ";\203 \306!\307 \310\n! >\204\311\312\313\nD\"\210\n\314H\"\315\f!\316 \317!\2042\320\321 \"\210\322\310\f!>\204C\311\312\323\fD\"\210\f\314H\324#\210 \203^\325\306!\326 !\"\204^\327 \"\210\203j\330 !\210\202t\331 \203t\330\332 !\210 +\207" [buf winfo-name wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags winfo window get-buffer wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 wlf:window-live-window selected-window buffer-live-p error "Buffer is dead. at wlf:set-buffer. (%s)" plist-put wlf:window :buffer eql window-buffer set-window-buffer select-window active-minibuffer-window minibuffer-window curwin cl-struct-wlf:window-tags selectp] 6 (#$ . 37655)]) #@257 Return the buffer object on the window. This function uses the structure data, not currently displayed window. WSET is the management object which is returned by `wlf:layout'. WINFO-NAME is the window name which is defined by the argument of `wlf:layout'. (defalias 'wlf:get-buffer #[(wset winfo-name) "\305\306\307 !\n>\204\310\311\312 D\"\210 \313H\"\307 !\f>\204&\310\311\314 D\"\210 \313H)\315\"\207" [winfo-name wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags cl-x cl-struct-wlf:window-tags plist-get wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 wlf:window :buffer] 7 (#$ . 38637)]) #@62 Return t if WINFO-NAME exists in WSET. Otherwise return nil. (defalias 'wlf:window-name-p #[(wset winfo-name) "\303\304 !\n>\204\305\306\307 D\"\210 \310H\"\205\311\207" [winfo-name wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 t] 6 (#$ . 39232)]) #@74 Return t if the window of WINFO-NAME is displayed. Otherwise return nil. (defalias 'wlf:window-displayed-p #[(wset winfo-name) "\304\305 !\n>\204\306\307\310 D\"\210 \311H\"\211\205\312 !)\207" [winfo-name wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags it wlf:get-winfo type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 wlf:window-shown-p] 7 (#$ . 39534)]) #@240 Helper function for the argument of `wlf:layout'. This function replaces or adds buffer objects in the window options. WOPTS is a window option list. BUFFER-ALIST is an alist of pairs of a window name and a buffer object (or buffer name). (defalias 'wlf:wopts-replace-buffer #[(wopts buffer-alist) "\306\211\306\211\307\f :\203h @\211@\nA \306\307\306:\203U@\310\311\" =\203H\306\211\202I\307\203UA\211\202*,\312 \313\f#\210 A\306\f\202 . \207" [buffer-alist #1=#:--cl-var-- pair name buf opts nil t plist-get :name plist-put :buffer #2=#:--cl-var-- wopts #3=#:--cl-var-- i #4=#:--cl-var-- #5=#:--cl-var--] 5 (#$ . 39882)]) #@69 Return a copied wset object for `set-window-configuration' hacking. (defalias 'wlf:copy-windows #[(wset) "\305\306\307! >\204\310\311\312D\"\210\313H\314\307! >\204$\310\311\312D\"\210\315H\316\211\n:\203A\n@\317 !\fB\nA\211\202-\f\237+\320\307! >\204T\310\311\312D\"\210\321H\322\307! >\204g\310\311\312D\"\210\323H&\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- i #2=#:--cl-var-- make-wlf:wset :recipe type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 1 :winfo-list 2 nil wlf:copy-winfo :wholep 3 :layout-hook 4] 13 (#$ . 40563)]) #@51 [internal] Return a shallow copied window object. (defalias 'wlf:copy-winfo #[(winfo) "\302\303\304! >\204\305\306\303D\"\210\307H\310\304! >\204$\305\306\303D\"\210\311H!\304! >\2047\305\306\303D\"\210\312H\304! >\204I\305\306\303D\"\210\313H\304! >\204[\305\306\303D\"\210\314H\304! >\204m\305\306\303D\"\210\315H\304! >\204\305\306\303D\"\210\316H\317\211&\n\207" [winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags record wlf:window type-of signal wrong-type-argument 1 copy-sequence 2 3 4 5 6 7 nil] 12 (#$ . 41127)]) #@41 [internal] Return toggle-maximize info. (defalias 'wlf:maximize-info-get #[nil "\300\301 \302\"\207" [frame-parameter selected-frame wlf:maximize] 3 (#$ . 41667)]) #@38 [internal] Set toggle-maximize info. (defalias 'wlf:maximize-info-set #[(val) "\301\302 \303#\207" [val set-frame-parameter selected-frame wlf:maximize] 4 (#$ . 41837)]) #@40 [internal] Clear toggle-maximize info. (defalias 'wlf:maximize-info-clear #[nil "\300\301!\207" [wlf:maximize-info-set nil] 2 (#$ . 42014)]) #@43 [internal] Collect current window states. (defalias 'wlf:collect-window-states #[(wset) "\306! >\204\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\313\211\n:\203?\n@\306 ! >\204.\307\310\314 D\"\210 \315H\316 !B\fB\nA\211\202\f\237+\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo #2=#:--cl-var-- cl-struct-wlf:window-tags type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 nil wlf:window 1 wlf:window-shown-p] 5 (#$ . 42161)]) #@85 [internal] Revert window states whose are collected by `wlf:collect-window-states'. (defalias 'wlf:revert-window-states #[(wset states) "\306\307 !\f>\204\310\311\312 D\"\210 \313H\306\211\314 :\203C @\211@\315 \"\316\nA\"\210 A\306\202 .\306\207" [states #1=#:--cl-var-- s wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags winfo-list nil type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 t wlf:get-winfo wlf:window-shown-set wname winfo #2=#:--cl-var--] 5 (#$ . 42592)]) #@90 [internal] Set show state at the WINFO-NAME window, set hide state at the other windows. (defalias 'wlf:maximize-window-states #[(wset winfo-name) "\306! >\204\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\313\n:\203H\n@\306 !\f>\204,\307\310\314 D\"\210 \315H =\203<\316 \317\"\210\202A\316 \313\"\210\nA\211\202*\313\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags winfo-name type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 nil wlf:window 1 wlf:window-shown-set t] 5 (#$ . 43072)]) #@38 Toggle WINFO-NAME window maximizing. (defalias 'wlf:toggle-maximize #[(wset winfo-name) "\306 \307!\310\211\2032\f A@=\203 \311 AA@\"\210\202< \211A\f\240\210) \312\f\"\210\202<\312\f\"\210\313\f\nE\314!\210\315 !+\207" [wset next-states current-states prev-states winfo-name #1=#:v wlf:maximize-info-get wlf:collect-window-states nil wlf:revert-window-states wlf:maximize-window-states wlf:maximize wlf:layout-internal wlf:maximize-info-set] 4 (#$ . 43588)]) #@206 Return the window name that is corresponding to the WINDOW object. If the WINDOW is not found, return nil. See also `wlf:get-window'. It is sort of the inverse function. It returns WINDOW by given name. (defalias 'wlf:get-window-name #[(wset window) "\306! >\204\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\313\211\314\211\313\n:\203u\n@\306 !>\2047\307\310\315 D\"\210 \316H\211\203h\317\f!\203h\320\f\"\203h\306 !>\204]\307\310\315 D\"\210 \321H\313\211\202i\314\203u\nA\313\202.\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo win #2=#:--cl-var-- type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 nil t wlf:window 4 window-live-p eql 1 #3=#:--cl-var-- #4=#:--cl-var-- cl-struct-wlf:window-tags window] 5 (#$ . 44070)]) #@50 Return t if WSET is valid, return nil otherwise. (defalias 'wlf:wset-live-p #[(wset) "\306\211\307\n! >\204\310\311\312\nD\"\210\n\313H\314\211\315\f:\203]\f@\307 !>\2047\310\311\316 D\"\210 \317H\320 !\203TT\203Q\321!\204T T\fA\314\202, \306U\203h\315\202\n\3222\n\307\n! >\204{\310\311\312\nD\"\210\n\313H\314\211\314\211\314\211\314\211 \315!:\203@\307 !>\204\264\310\311\316 D\"\210 \323H\211\211A\242\211A\242\211A\242@\324\"\211\203\373 >\203\364\325\322\314\"\210\202\373 B A\314!\202\232.\n\3150*\207" [shown-count die-count wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo 0 type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 nil t wlf:window 4 wlf:window-shown-p window-live-p --cl-block-nil-- 7 window-at throw win #2=#:--cl-var-- cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #3=#:--cl-var-- left top right bottom #4=#:--cl-var-- sw windows #5=#:--cl-var--] 5 (#$ . 44825)]) #@221 Clear the last preserved window-point and first-line-point slots for all windows. If users want change the window layout and re-use `wlf:wset' instance, this function should be called to forget wrong window-positions. (defalias 'wlf:wset-clear-window-points #[(wset) "\306! >\204\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\313\n:\203S\n@\306 !\f>\204,\307\310\314 D\"\210 \211\315\313I\210)\306 !\f>\204C\307\310\314 D\"\210 \211\316\313I\210)\nA\211\202*\313\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo cl-struct-wlf:window-tags #2=#:v type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 nil wlf:window 9 8 #3=#:v] 5 (#$ . 45803)]) #@71 Update window object instances with the current window configuration. (defalias 'wlf:wset-fix-windows #[(wset) "\306! >\204\307\310\311D\"\210\312H\313\211\314\n:\2030\n@\306 !>\2041\307\310\315 D\"\210 \316H\317 !\203\366\f\203\274\320 !\211\203\201\306 !>\204X\307\310\315 D\"\210 \211\316I\210)\306 !>\204r\307\310\315 D\"\210 \211\321\322!I\210)\202\270\323 \313\"\210\306 !>\204\226\307\310\315 D\"\210 \211\316\313I\210)\306 !>\204\257\307\310\315 D\"\210 \211\321\313I\210))\202(\323 \313\"\210\306 !>\204\321\307\310\315 D\"\210 \211\316\313I\210)\306 !>\204\352\307\310\315 D\"\210 \211\321\313I\210)\202(\306 !>\204\307\310\315 D\"\210 \211\316\313I\210)\306 !>\204\307\310\315 D\"\210 \211\321\313I\210)\nA\313\202,\313\207" [wset cl-struct-wlf:wset-tags #1=#:--cl-var-- winfo win #2=#:--cl-var-- type-of signal wrong-type-argument wlf:wset 2 nil t wlf:window 4 wlf:window-shown-p wlf:window-window-by-edge 7 window-edges wlf:window-shown-set cl-struct-wlf:window-tags swin #3=#:v #4=#:v #5=#:v #6=#:v #7=#:v #8=#:v #9=#:v #10=#:v] 5 (#$ . 46449)]) (provide 'window-layout)