;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@46 Default distance for `windower-move-border'. (defvar windower-border-move-distance 5 (#$ . 87)) #@137 Move current window's border towards DIRECTION. DIRECTION is one of 'left, 'right, 'above or 'below. (fn &optional DISTANCE DIRECTION) (defalias 'windower-move-border #[512 "\206\262\301!\203\302\202\303\211\304>\205\305\"\207" [windower-border-move-distance window-in-direction enlarge-window shrink-window (right left) horizontal] 7 (#$ . 190) nil]) #@48 Move window border to the left. (fn DISTANCE) (defalias 'windower-move-border-left #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [windower-move-border left] 4 (#$ . 563) "P"]) #@49 Move window border to the right. (fn DISTANCE) (defalias 'windower-move-border-right #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [windower-move-border right] 4 (#$ . 724) "P"]) #@43 Move window border upward. (fn DISTANCE) (defalias 'windower-move-border-above #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [windower-move-border above] 4 (#$ . 888) "P"]) #@45 Move window border downward. (fn DISTANCE) (defalias 'windower-move-border-below #[257 "\300\301\"\207" [windower-move-border below] 4 (#$ . 1046) "P"]) #@142 If 2 windows are up, swap them. Else if W1 is a window, swap it with current window. If W2 is a window too, swap both. (fn &optional W1 W2) (defalias 'windower-swap #[512 "\300 \301U\204\302!\204\302!\204\303\304!\210\206\305 @\2064\211\305 @=\2031\305 A@\2024\305 @\306!\306!\307!\307!\310\311\312\"r\211q\210\313\314\"\216\315p\"\210\315\"\210\315\"\210*\210\316\"\210\316\"\266\317!\207" [count-windows 2 windowp error "Ambiguous window selection" window-list window-buffer window-start generate-new-buffer " *temp*" t make-closure #[0 "\301\300!\205 \302\300!\207" [V0 buffer-name kill-buffer] 2] set-window-buffer set-window-start select-window] 12 (#$ . 1208) nil]) #@50 Swap current window with the window to the left. (defalias 'windower-swap-left #[0 "\300\301\302!!\207" [windower-swap window-in-direction left] 3 (#$ . 1924) nil]) #@44 Swap current window with the window below. (defalias 'windower-swap-below #[0 "\300\301\302!!\207" [windower-swap window-in-direction below] 3 (#$ . 2095) nil]) #@44 Swap current window with the window above. (defalias 'windower-swap-above #[0 "\300\301\302!!\207" [windower-swap window-in-direction above] 3 (#$ . 2262) nil]) #@51 Swap current window with the window to the right. (defalias 'windower-swap-right #[0 "\300\301\302!!\207" [windower-swap window-in-direction right] 3 (#$ . 2429) nil]) #@47 Switch to last open buffer in current window. (defalias 'windower-switch-to-last-buffer #[0 "\300\301p\302\"!\207" [switch-to-buffer other-buffer 1] 4 (#$ . 2603) nil]) #@66 Last window configuration before calling `delete-other-windows'. (defvar windower--last-configuration nil (#$ . 2778)) #@219 Un-maximize current window. If multiple windows are active, save window configuration and delete other windows. If only one window is active and a window configuration was previously save, restore that configuration. (defalias 'windower-toggle-single #[0 "\301 \302U\203\205\303!\207\304 \305 \207" [windower--last-configuration count-windows 1 set-window-configuration current-window-configuration delete-other-windows] 2 (#$ . 2904) nil]) #@98 Switch between vertical and horizontal split. It only works for frames with exactly two windows. (defalias 'windower-toggle-split #[0 "\300 \301U\205b\302 \302\303 !\304\305 !\304\303 !@@X\205$A@A@X?@\304\303 !@U\2034\306\2025\307\310 \210\305  \210\203E\311\312!\210\313\305 \"\210\313\303 \"\210\314!\210\205^\311\312!\262\266\206\207" [count-windows 2 window-buffer next-window window-edges selected-window split-window-horizontally split-window-vertically delete-other-windows other-window 1 set-window-buffer select-window] 10 (#$ . 3359) nil]) (provide 'windower)