-- Abstract : -- -- Summarize error recover log. -- -- Copyright (C) 2019 - 2020 Stephen Leake All Rights Reserved. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at -- your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the -- hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even -- the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR -- PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You -- should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- distributed with this program; see file COPYING. If not, write to -- the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, -- MA 02110-1335, USA. pragma License (GPL); with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO; with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Maps; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic; with SAL.Gen_Stats.Gen_Image; with SAL.Long_Float_Stats; with WisiToken.Parse.LR; procedure Recover_Stats is subtype Strategies is WisiToken.Parse.LR.Strategies; File : File_Type; Delimiters : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set (",() "); Number : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set ("0123456789"); type Strategy_Counts is array (Strategies) of Natural; type Recover_Label is (Full, Partial); type Recover_Summary is record Event_Count : Integer := 0; -- 1 per recover event (1 line in log file) Enqueue_Stats : SAL.Long_Float_Stats.Stats_Type; Check_Stats : SAL.Long_Float_Stats.Stats_Type; Strat_Counts_Total : Strategy_Counts := (others => 0); Strat_Counts_Present : Strategy_Counts := (others => 0); -- 1 per recover event if used Recover_Count_Present : Integer := 0; -- 1 per parser in recover result Recover_Count_Total : Integer := 0; -- Sum of all strategy counts Fail_Event_Count : Integer := 0; -- for all reasons Fail_Enqueue_Limit : Integer := 0; Fail_No_Configs_Left : Integer := 0; Fail_Programmer_Error : Integer := 0; Fail_Other : Integer := 0; end record; Summary : array (Recover_Label) of Recover_Summary; begin Open (File, In_File, Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1)); loop exit when End_Of_File (File); declare -- The recover log is written by code in -- wisitoken-parse-lr-parser.adb Parse (search for Recover_Log). -- -- A line has the syntax: -- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss pre_parser_count '' ()... -- -- where there is one ( is: -- -- () -- -- Note that the per-parser success is always TRUE; it would not be -- active if recover had failed. Line : constant String := Get_Line (File); First : Integer := Index (Line, " "); -- after date Last : Integer; Label : Recover_Label := Full; function Line_Eq (Item : in String) return Boolean is begin return Line (First .. First + Item'Length - 1) = Item; end Line_Eq; function Next_Integer return Integer is begin Find_Token (Line, Number, From => Last + 1, Test => Ada.Strings.Inside, First => First, Last => Last); return Integer'Value (Line (First .. Last)); exception when Constraint_Error => raise Constraint_Error with "bad integer '" & Line (First .. Last - 1) & "' " & Ada.Text_IO.Count'Image (Ada.Text_IO.Line (File) - 1) & First'Image & Last'Image; end Next_Integer; function Next_Boolean return Boolean is begin First := Last + 2; Last := -1 + Index (Line, Delimiters, First); return Boolean'Value (Line (First .. Last)); end Next_Boolean; function Read_Strat_Counts (Strategy_Found : out Boolean) return Strategy_Counts is begin Strategy_Found := False; Last := Index (Line, "(", Last + 1); return Result : Strategy_Counts do for I in Strategies loop Result (I) := Next_Integer; if Result (I) > 0 then Strategy_Found := True; end if; end loop; Last := 1 + Index (Line, ")", Last + 1); end return; end Read_Strat_Counts; begin First := Index (Line, " ", First + 1); -- after time Last := Index (Line, " ", First + 1); -- after Partial_Parse_Active if Boolean'Value (Line (First + 1 .. Last - 1)) then Label := Partial; end if; Summary (Label).Event_Count := Summary (Label).Event_Count + 1; First := Last + 1; if Line (First .. First + 3) = "FAIL" then Summary (Label).Fail_Event_Count := Summary (Label).Fail_Event_Count + 1; First := First + 4; if Line_Eq ("NO_CONFIGS_LEFT") then Summary (Label).Fail_No_Configs_Left := Summary (Label).Fail_No_Configs_Left + 1; elsif Line_Eq ("ENQUEUE_LIMIT") then Summary (Label).Fail_Enqueue_Limit := Summary (Label).Fail_Enqueue_Limit + 1; elsif Line_Eq ("PROGRAMMER_ERROR") then Summary (Label).Fail_Programmer_Error := Summary (Label).Fail_Programmer_Error + 1; else Summary (Label).Fail_Other := Summary (Label).Fail_Other + 1; end if; else -- Process per-parser data Last := Index (Line, "(", Last + 1); loop exit when Line (Last + 1) = ')'; declare Strategy_Found : Boolean; Strat_Counts : constant Strategy_Counts := Read_Strat_Counts (Strategy_Found); Enqueue_Count : constant Integer := Next_Integer; Check_Count : constant Integer := Next_Integer; Success : constant Boolean := Next_Boolean; pragma Unreferenced (Success); begin Summary (Label).Recover_Count_Present := Summary (Label).Recover_Count_Present + 1; if not Strategy_Found then raise SAL.Programmer_Error; else Summary (Label).Enqueue_Stats.Accumulate (Long_Float (Enqueue_Count)); Summary (Label).Check_Stats.Accumulate (Long_Float (Check_Count)); for I in Strategies loop Summary (Label).Recover_Count_Total := Summary (Label).Recover_Count_Total + Strat_Counts (I); Summary (Label).Strat_Counts_Total (I) := Summary (Label).Strat_Counts_Total (I) + Strat_Counts (I); if Strat_Counts (I) > 0 then Summary (Label).Strat_Counts_Present (I) := Summary (Label).Strat_Counts_Present (I) + 1; end if; end loop; end if; end; end loop; end if; end; end loop; declare use Ada.Strings; Label_Field : String (1 .. 23); -- fits strategy and fail labels Count_Field : String (1 .. 8); Percent_Field : String (1 .. 4); -- Shared by Put_If, Put_Percent procedure Put_If (Summary_Label : in Recover_Label; Name : in String; Count : in Integer; Always : in Boolean := False) is Percent_Present : constant Integer := Integer (100.0 * Float (Count) / Float (Summary (Summary_Label).Event_Count)); begin if Count > 0 or Always then Move (Name, Label_Field); Put (Label_Field & " => "); Move (Count'Image, Count_Field, Justify => Right); Put (Count_Field); Move (Percent_Present'Image & "%", Percent_Field, Justify => Right); Put_Line (Percent_Field); end if; end Put_If; package Stats_Image is new SAL.Long_Float_Stats.Gen_Image (Real_IO => Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO, Default_Mean_Fore => 7, Default_Mean_Aft => 0, Default_Mean_Exp => 0, Default_Sd_Fore => 7, Default_Sd_Aft => 1, Default_Sd_Exp => 0); procedure Put_Percent (Summary_Label : in Recover_Label; Present, Total : in Integer; Name : in String) is Percent_Present : constant Integer := Integer (100.0 * Float (Present) / Float (Summary (Summary_Label).Recover_Count_Present)); Percent_Total : constant Integer := Integer (100.0 * Float (Total) / Float (Summary (Summary_Label).Recover_Count_Total)); begin Move (Name, Label_Field); Put (Label_Field); Move (Present'Image, Count_Field, Justify => Right); Put (Count_Field); Move (Percent_Present'Image & "%", Percent_Field, Justify => Right); Put (Percent_Field & " /"); Move (Total'Image, Count_Field, Justify => Right); Put (Count_Field); Move (Percent_Total'Image & "%", Percent_Field, Justify => Right); Put_Line (Percent_Field); end Put_Percent; begin for I in Recover_Label loop Put_Line (I'Image); Put_Line ("present/total:" & Summary (I).Event_Count'Image & " /" & Summary (I).Recover_Count_Total'Image); if Summary (I).Event_Count > 0 then Put_Line (" mean std. dev. min max"); Put_Line ("Enqueue: " & Stats_Image.Image (Summary (I).Enqueue_Stats.Display)); Put_Line ("Check: " & Stats_Image.Image (Summary (I).Check_Stats.Display)); Put_If (I, "FAIL", Summary (I).Fail_Event_Count, Always => True); Put_If (I, "FAIL_ENQUEUE_LIMIT", Summary (I).Fail_Enqueue_Limit); Put_If (I, "FAIL_NO_CONFIGS_LEFT", Summary (I).Fail_No_Configs_Left); Put_If (I, "FAIL_PROGRAMMER_ERROR", Summary (I).Fail_Programmer_Error); Put_If (I, "FAIL_OTHER", Summary (I).Fail_Other); for J in Strategies loop Put_Percent (I, Summary (I).Strat_Counts_Present (J), Summary (I).Strat_Counts_Total (J), J'Image); end loop; end if; New_Line; end loop; end; exception when E : others => Put_Line (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name (E) & ": " & Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Message (E)); Put_Line (GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic.Symbolic_Traceback (E)); end Recover_Stats;