;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. #@66 Return an array of bitmap symbols containing the fringe bitmaps. (defalias 'wisi-fringe-create-bitmaps #[nil "\302\303\304\305\306\211\211\211\211\305\306\307\305&\n\"\210\310\311\312\"\313 GX\203\207 S\302\314\315\316\"!\304\317Y\2034\320\2025\305\305\317\246\321Y\203B\320\202C\305\305\321\246\322Y\203P\320\202Q\305\305\322\246\323Y\203^\320\202_\305\305\323\246\324Y\203l\320\202m\305\305\324\246\313Y\203z\320\202{\305& \"I\210T\211\202 *\207" [i result define-fringe-bitmap wisi-fringe--double-exclaim-bmp vector 0 102 86 make-vector 64 nil 1 intern format "wisi-fringe--line-%d-bmp" 32 255 16 8 4 2] 18 (#$ . 87)]) #@29 Array of 64 bitmap symbols. (defconst wisi-fringe-bitmaps (wisi-fringe-create-bitmaps) (#$ . 743)) (defalias 'wisi-fringe--put-right #[(line bitmap-index) "\212eb\210Sy\210\306 \307 \211T\" \fH\310\n\311\312\313\314\315 \316E##\210\310\n\317\320#,\207" [line endpos ov wisi-fringe-bitmaps bitmap-index bmp line-end-position make-overlay overlay-put after-string propertize "-" display right-fringe compilation-error wisi-fringe t] 9]) (defalias 'wisi-fringe--put-left #[(line) "\212eb\210Sy\210\304 \305 \211T\"\306\307\n\310\311\312\313\314 \315E##\210\307\n\316\317#,\207" [line endpos ov bmp line-end-position make-overlay wisi-fringe--double-exclaim-bmp overlay-put before-string propertize "-" display left-fringe compilation-error wisi-fringe t] 9]) #@360 Return a cons (LINE . BIN) for ERROR-LINE, where LINE is the line to display the error bar on, and BIN is a 6-bit bit vector giving the relative position in that line. BUFFER-LINES is the count of lines in the buffer. WINDOW-LINE-FIRST is the first and last lines of the buffer visible in the window. WINDOW-LINES is the count of lines visible in the window. (defalias 'wisi-fringe--scale #[(error-line buffer-lines window-line-first window-lines) "\306 !\245\307\n _! \307\f\n\245!Z\f\f\\\310\311\312\307 \313\n__!^\"+B\207" [window-lines buffer-lines scale error-line line rem float floor lsh 1 5 6 window-line-first] 8 (#$ . 1514)]) #@31 Remove all wisi-fringe marks. (defalias 'wisi-fringe-clean #[nil "\300ed\301\302$\207" [remove-overlays wisi-fringe t] 5 (#$ . 2161)]) #@189 Display markers in the left and right fringe for each buffer position in POSITIONS. The buffer containing POSITIONS must be current, and the window displaying that buffer must be current. (defalias 'wisi-fringe-display-errors #[(positions) "\306 \210\307\310d!\311 \312 \313 \310\312 !\307\211\203u@\310!\314\f $\nY\203I X\203I\315!\210 \203f @@@U\203f @\316 @AA\"\241\210\202k B*A\211\204\"* \307\211\205\231@\317@AS\"\210A\211\204\200\307.\207" [window-line-first window-pos-last window-pos-first window-lines buffer-lines scaled-posns wisi-fringe-clean nil line-number-at-pos window-height window-start window-end wisi-fringe--scale wisi-fringe--put-left logior wisi-fringe--put-right positions pos --dolist-tail-- line scaled-pos] 8 (#$ . 2303)]) (provide 'wisi-fringe)