;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 28.0.50 ;;; with all optimizations. (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\207" [require loop dash] 2) #@86 Replace all occurrences of atom FROM with TO in an (arbitrarily nested) proper LIST. (defalias 'with-namespace--replace-nested-list #[(from to list) "\301\302\"\207" [list mapcar #[(it) "\210:\203 \303 \n#\207 =\203\n\207\207" [it from to with-namespace--replace-nested-list] 4]] 3 (#$ . 150)]) (defvar with-namespace--suported-defs (list 'defun 'defvar 'defmacro 'defconst 'defstruct)) (defalias 'with-namespace--get-definitions #[(definitions) "\306\3072C \306 \205A\3102= @ A\n@\nA@\211 >\204,\311\312\n@\"\210\f\235\2036\202;\fB\211*0\210\202\n*0\210)\207" [ns-symbols definitions definition #1=#:list new-symbol definition-type nil loop-break loop-continue error "with-namespace doesn't support %s definitions -- file a bug!" with-namespace--suported-defs] 4]) (defvar with-namespace--separator "-") #@89 Rewrite a list DEFINITIONS of defun or defvar sexps so their symbol starts with PREFIX. (defalias 'with-namespace '(macro . #[(prefix &rest definitions) "\306!\30724 \310 \2052\3112. @ A\312\f \313\n!Q!\314\n#\211)0\210\202\f*0\210\315)B\207" [definitions ns-symbols ns-symbol #1=#:list prefix with-namespace--separator with-namespace--get-definitions loop-break nil loop-continue intern symbol-name with-namespace--replace-nested-list progn fully-qualified-symbol] 5 (#$ . 990)])) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303#\304\301\305\306#\210\307\301!\207" [function-put with-namespace lisp-indent-function defun put edebug-form-spec (stringp "prefix" &rest form) provide] 5)