;;; xcb-xproto.el --- X11 core protocol -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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;;; Commentary:
;; This file was generated by 'el_client.el' from 'xproto.xml',
;; which you can retrieve from .
;;; Code:
(require 'xcb-types)
(defclass xcb:CHAR2B
((byte1 :initarg :byte1 :type xcb:CARD8)
(byte2 :initarg :byte2 :type xcb:CARD8)))
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:WINDOW 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:PIXMAP 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:CURSOR 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:FONT 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:GCONTEXT 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:COLORMAP 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:ATOM 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:DRAWABLE 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:FONTABLE 'xcb:-u4)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:BOOL32 'xcb:CARD32)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:VISUALID 'xcb:CARD32)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:TIMESTAMP 'xcb:CARD32)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:KEYSYM 'xcb:CARD32)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:KEYCODE 'xcb:CARD8)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:KEYCODE32 'xcb:CARD32)
(xcb:deftypealias 'xcb:BUTTON 'xcb:CARD8)
(defclass xcb:POINT
((x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)))
(defclass xcb:RECTANGLE
((x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:ARC
((x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(angle1 :initarg :angle1 :type xcb:INT16)
(angle2 :initarg :angle2 :type xcb:INT16)))
(defclass xcb:FORMAT
((depth :initarg :depth :type xcb:CARD8)
(bits-per-pixel :initarg :bits-per-pixel :type xcb:CARD8)
(scanline-pad :initarg :scanline-pad :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 5 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defconst xcb:VisualClass:StaticGray 0)
(defconst xcb:VisualClass:GrayScale 1)
(defconst xcb:VisualClass:StaticColor 2)
(defconst xcb:VisualClass:PseudoColor 3)
(defconst xcb:VisualClass:TrueColor 4)
(defconst xcb:VisualClass:DirectColor 5)
(defclass xcb:VISUALTYPE
((visual-id :initarg :visual-id :type xcb:VISUALID)
(class :initarg :class :type xcb:CARD8)
(bits-per-rgb-value :initarg :bits-per-rgb-value :type xcb:CARD8)
(colormap-entries :initarg :colormap-entries :type xcb:CARD16)
(red-mask :initarg :red-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(green-mask :initarg :green-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(blue-mask :initarg :blue-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(pad~0 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:DEPTH
((depth :initarg :depth :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(visuals-len :initarg :visuals-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad)
(visuals~ :initform
'(name visuals type xcb:VISUALTYPE size
(xcb:-fieldref 'visuals-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(visuals :initarg :visuals :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:EventMask:NoEvent 0)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:KeyPress 1)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:KeyRelease 2)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:ButtonPress 4)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:ButtonRelease 8)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:EnterWindow 16)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:LeaveWindow 32)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:PointerMotion 64)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:PointerMotionHint 128)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:Button1Motion 256)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:Button2Motion 512)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:Button3Motion 1024)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:Button4Motion 2048)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:Button5Motion 4096)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:ButtonMotion 8192)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:KeymapState 16384)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:Exposure 32768)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:VisibilityChange 65536)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:StructureNotify 131072)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:ResizeRedirect 262144)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:SubstructureNotify 524288)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:SubstructureRedirect 1048576)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:FocusChange 2097152)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:PropertyChange 4194304)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:ColorMapChange 8388608)
(defconst xcb:EventMask:OwnerGrabButton 16777216)
(defconst xcb:BackingStore:NotUseful 0)
(defconst xcb:BackingStore:WhenMapped 1)
(defconst xcb:BackingStore:Always 2)
(defclass xcb:SCREEN
((root :initarg :root :type xcb:WINDOW)
(default-colormap :initarg :default-colormap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(white-pixel :initarg :white-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(black-pixel :initarg :black-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(current-input-masks :initarg :current-input-masks :type xcb:CARD32)
(width-in-pixels :initarg :width-in-pixels :type xcb:CARD16)
(height-in-pixels :initarg :height-in-pixels :type xcb:CARD16)
(width-in-millimeters :initarg :width-in-millimeters :type xcb:CARD16)
(height-in-millimeters :initarg :height-in-millimeters :type xcb:CARD16)
(min-installed-maps :initarg :min-installed-maps :type xcb:CARD16)
(max-installed-maps :initarg :max-installed-maps :type xcb:CARD16)
(root-visual :initarg :root-visual :type xcb:VISUALID)
(backing-stores :initarg :backing-stores :type xcb:BYTE)
(save-unders :initarg :save-unders :type xcb:BOOL)
(root-depth :initarg :root-depth :type xcb:CARD8)
(allowed-depths-len :initarg :allowed-depths-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(allowed-depths~ :initform
'(name allowed-depths type xcb:DEPTH size
(xcb:-fieldref 'allowed-depths-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(allowed-depths :initarg :allowed-depths :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:SetupRequest
((byte-order :initarg :byte-order :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(protocol-major-version :initarg :protocol-major-version :type xcb:CARD16)
(protocol-minor-version :initarg :protocol-minor-version :type xcb:CARD16)
(authorization-protocol-name-len :initarg :authorization-protocol-name-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(authorization-protocol-data-len :initarg :authorization-protocol-data-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(authorization-protocol-name~ :initform
'(name authorization-protocol-name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'authorization-protocol-name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(authorization-protocol-name :initarg :authorization-protocol-name :type xcb:-ignore)
(pad~2 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad-align)
(authorization-protocol-data~ :initform
'(name authorization-protocol-data type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'authorization-protocol-data-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(authorization-protocol-data :initarg :authorization-protocol-data :type xcb:-ignore)
(pad~3 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad-align)))
(defclass xcb:SetupFailed
((status :initarg :status :type xcb:CARD8)
(reason-len :initarg :reason-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(protocol-major-version :initarg :protocol-major-version :type xcb:CARD16)
(protocol-minor-version :initarg :protocol-minor-version :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :initarg :length :type xcb:CARD16)
(reason~ :initform
'(name reason type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'reason-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(reason :initarg :reason :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:SetupAuthenticate
((status :initarg :status :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 5 :type xcb:-pad)
(length :initarg :length :type xcb:CARD16)
(reason~ :initform
'(name reason type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'length)
:type xcb:-list)
(reason :initarg :reason :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:ImageOrder:LSBFirst 0)
(defconst xcb:ImageOrder:MSBFirst 1)
(defclass xcb:Setup
((status :initarg :status :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(protocol-major-version :initarg :protocol-major-version :type xcb:CARD16)
(protocol-minor-version :initarg :protocol-minor-version :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :initarg :length :type xcb:CARD16)
(release-number :initarg :release-number :type xcb:CARD32)
(resource-id-base :initarg :resource-id-base :type xcb:CARD32)
(resource-id-mask :initarg :resource-id-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(motion-buffer-size :initarg :motion-buffer-size :type xcb:CARD32)
(vendor-len :initarg :vendor-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(maximum-request-length :initarg :maximum-request-length :type xcb:CARD16)
(roots-len :initarg :roots-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(pixmap-formats-len :initarg :pixmap-formats-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(image-byte-order :initarg :image-byte-order :type xcb:CARD8)
(bitmap-format-bit-order :initarg :bitmap-format-bit-order :type xcb:CARD8)
(bitmap-format-scanline-unit :initarg :bitmap-format-scanline-unit :type xcb:CARD8)
(bitmap-format-scanline-pad :initarg :bitmap-format-scanline-pad :type xcb:CARD8)
(min-keycode :initarg :min-keycode :type xcb:KEYCODE)
(max-keycode :initarg :max-keycode :type xcb:KEYCODE)
(pad~1 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad)
(vendor~ :initform
'(name vendor type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'vendor-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(vendor :initarg :vendor :type xcb:-ignore)
(pad~2 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad-align)
(pixmap-formats~ :initform
'(name pixmap-formats type xcb:FORMAT size
(xcb:-fieldref 'pixmap-formats-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(pixmap-formats :initarg :pixmap-formats :type xcb:-ignore)
(roots~ :initform
'(name roots type xcb:SCREEN size
(xcb:-fieldref 'roots-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(roots :initarg :roots :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:ModMask:Shift 1)
(defconst xcb:ModMask:Lock 2)
(defconst xcb:ModMask:Control 4)
(defconst xcb:ModMask:1 8)
(defconst xcb:ModMask:2 16)
(defconst xcb:ModMask:3 32)
(defconst xcb:ModMask:4 64)
(defconst xcb:ModMask:5 128)
(defconst xcb:ModMask:Any 32768)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Shift 1)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Lock 2)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Control 4)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Mod1 8)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Mod2 16)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Mod3 32)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Mod4 64)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Mod5 128)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Button1 256)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Button2 512)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Button3 1024)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Button4 2048)
(defconst xcb:KeyButMask:Button5 4096)
(defconst xcb:Window:None 0)
(defclass xcb:KeyPress
((~code :initform 2)
(detail :initarg :detail :type xcb:KEYCODE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(root :initarg :root :type xcb:WINDOW)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(child :initarg :child :type xcb:WINDOW)
(root-x :initarg :root-x :type xcb:INT16)
(root-y :initarg :root-y :type xcb:INT16)
(event-x :initarg :event-x :type xcb:INT16)
(event-y :initarg :event-y :type xcb:INT16)
(state :initarg :state :type xcb:CARD16)
(same-screen :initarg :same-screen :type xcb:BOOL)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:KeyRelease
(xcb:-event xcb:KeyPress)
((~code :initform 3)))
(defconst xcb:ButtonMask:1 256)
(defconst xcb:ButtonMask:2 512)
(defconst xcb:ButtonMask:3 1024)
(defconst xcb:ButtonMask:4 2048)
(defconst xcb:ButtonMask:5 4096)
(defconst xcb:ButtonMask:Any 32768)
(defclass xcb:ButtonPress
((~code :initform 4)
(detail :initarg :detail :type xcb:BUTTON)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(root :initarg :root :type xcb:WINDOW)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(child :initarg :child :type xcb:WINDOW)
(root-x :initarg :root-x :type xcb:INT16)
(root-y :initarg :root-y :type xcb:INT16)
(event-x :initarg :event-x :type xcb:INT16)
(event-y :initarg :event-y :type xcb:INT16)
(state :initarg :state :type xcb:CARD16)
(same-screen :initarg :same-screen :type xcb:BOOL)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:ButtonRelease
(xcb:-event xcb:ButtonPress)
((~code :initform 5)))
(defconst xcb:Motion:Normal 0)
(defconst xcb:Motion:Hint 1)
(defclass xcb:MotionNotify
((~code :initform 6)
(detail :initarg :detail :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(root :initarg :root :type xcb:WINDOW)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(child :initarg :child :type xcb:WINDOW)
(root-x :initarg :root-x :type xcb:INT16)
(root-y :initarg :root-y :type xcb:INT16)
(event-x :initarg :event-x :type xcb:INT16)
(event-y :initarg :event-y :type xcb:INT16)
(state :initarg :state :type xcb:CARD16)
(same-screen :initarg :same-screen :type xcb:BOOL)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defconst xcb:NotifyDetail:Ancestor 0)
(defconst xcb:NotifyDetail:Virtual 1)
(defconst xcb:NotifyDetail:Inferior 2)
(defconst xcb:NotifyDetail:Nonlinear 3)
(defconst xcb:NotifyDetail:NonlinearVirtual 4)
(defconst xcb:NotifyDetail:Pointer 5)
(defconst xcb:NotifyDetail:PointerRoot 6)
(defconst xcb:NotifyDetail:None 7)
(defconst xcb:NotifyMode:Normal 0)
(defconst xcb:NotifyMode:Grab 1)
(defconst xcb:NotifyMode:Ungrab 2)
(defconst xcb:NotifyMode:WhileGrabbed 3)
(defclass xcb:EnterNotify
((~code :initform 7)
(detail :initarg :detail :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(root :initarg :root :type xcb:WINDOW)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(child :initarg :child :type xcb:WINDOW)
(root-x :initarg :root-x :type xcb:INT16)
(root-y :initarg :root-y :type xcb:INT16)
(event-x :initarg :event-x :type xcb:INT16)
(event-y :initarg :event-y :type xcb:INT16)
(state :initarg :state :type xcb:CARD16)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(same-screen-focus :initarg :same-screen-focus :type xcb:BYTE)))
(defclass xcb:LeaveNotify
(xcb:-event xcb:EnterNotify)
((~code :initform 8)))
(defclass xcb:FocusIn
((~code :initform 9)
(detail :initarg :detail :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(pad~0 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:FocusOut
(xcb:-event xcb:FocusIn)
((~code :initform 10)))
(defclass xcb:KeymapNotify
((~code :initform 11)
(keys~ :initform
'(name keys type xcb:CARD8 size 31)
:type xcb:-list)
(keys :initarg :keys :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:Expose
((~code :initform 12)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:CARD16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:CARD16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(count :initarg :count :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:GraphicsExposure
((~code :initform 13)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:CARD16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:CARD16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(minor-opcode :initarg :minor-opcode :type xcb:CARD16)
(count :initarg :count :type xcb:CARD16)
(major-opcode :initarg :major-opcode :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~1 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:NoExposure
((~code :initform 14)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(minor-opcode :initarg :minor-opcode :type xcb:CARD16)
(major-opcode :initarg :major-opcode :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~1 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defconst xcb:Visibility:Unobscured 0)
(defconst xcb:Visibility:PartiallyObscured 1)
(defconst xcb:Visibility:FullyObscured 2)
(defclass xcb:VisibilityNotify
((~code :initform 15)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(state :initarg :state :type xcb:BYTE)
(pad~1 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:CreateNotify
((~code :initform 16)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(parent :initarg :parent :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(border-width :initarg :border-width :type xcb:CARD16)
(override-redirect :initarg :override-redirect :type xcb:BOOL)
(pad~1 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:DestroyNotify
((~code :initform 17)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:UnmapNotify
((~code :initform 18)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(from-configure :initarg :from-configure :type xcb:BOOL)
(pad~1 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:MapNotify
((~code :initform 19)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(override-redirect :initarg :override-redirect :type xcb:BOOL)
(pad~1 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:MapRequest
((~code :initform 20)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(parent :initarg :parent :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:ReparentNotify
((~code :initform 21)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(parent :initarg :parent :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(override-redirect :initarg :override-redirect :type xcb:BOOL)
(pad~1 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:ConfigureNotify
((~code :initform 22)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(above-sibling :initarg :above-sibling :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(border-width :initarg :border-width :type xcb:CARD16)
(override-redirect :initarg :override-redirect :type xcb:BOOL)
(pad~1 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:ConfigureRequest
((~code :initform 23)
(stack-mode :initarg :stack-mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(parent :initarg :parent :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(sibling :initarg :sibling :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(border-width :initarg :border-width :type xcb:CARD16)
(value-mask :initarg :value-mask :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:GravityNotify
((~code :initform 24)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)))
(defclass xcb:ResizeRequest
((~code :initform 25)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defconst xcb:Place:OnTop 0)
(defconst xcb:Place:OnBottom 1)
(defclass xcb:CirculateNotify
((~code :initform 26)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:WINDOW)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(pad~1 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad)
(place :initarg :place :type xcb:BYTE)
(pad~2 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:CirculateRequest
(xcb:-event xcb:CirculateNotify)
((~code :initform 27)))
(defconst xcb:Property:NewValue 0)
(defconst xcb:Property:Delete 1)
(defclass xcb:PropertyNotify
((~code :initform 28)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(atom :initarg :atom :type xcb:ATOM)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(state :initarg :state :type xcb:BYTE)
(pad~1 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:SelectionClear
((~code :initform 29)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(owner :initarg :owner :type xcb:WINDOW)
(selection :initarg :selection :type xcb:ATOM)))
(defconst xcb:Time:CurrentTime 0)
(defconst xcb:Atom:None 0)
(defconst xcb:Atom:Any 0)
(defconst xcb:Atom:PRIMARY 1)
(defconst xcb:Atom:SECONDARY 2)
(defconst xcb:Atom:ARC 3)
(defconst xcb:Atom:ATOM 4)
(defconst xcb:Atom:BITMAP 5)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CARDINAL 6)
(defconst xcb:Atom:COLORMAP 7)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CURSOR 8)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CUT_BUFFER0 9)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CUT_BUFFER1 10)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CUT_BUFFER2 11)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CUT_BUFFER3 12)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CUT_BUFFER4 13)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CUT_BUFFER5 14)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CUT_BUFFER6 15)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CUT_BUFFER7 16)
(defconst xcb:Atom:DRAWABLE 17)
(defconst xcb:Atom:FONT 18)
(defconst xcb:Atom:INTEGER 19)
(defconst xcb:Atom:PIXMAP 20)
(defconst xcb:Atom:POINT 21)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RECTANGLE 22)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RESOURCE_MANAGER 23)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RGB_COLOR_MAP 24)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RGB_BEST_MAP 25)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RGB_BLUE_MAP 26)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RGB_DEFAULT_MAP 27)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RGB_GRAY_MAP 28)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RGB_GREEN_MAP 29)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RGB_RED_MAP 30)
(defconst xcb:Atom:STRING 31)
(defconst xcb:Atom:VISUALID 32)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WINDOW 33)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_COMMAND 34)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_HINTS 35)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_CLIENT_MACHINE 36)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_ICON_NAME 37)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_ICON_SIZE 38)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_NAME 39)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_NORMAL_HINTS 40)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_SIZE_HINTS 41)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_ZOOM_HINTS 42)
(defconst xcb:Atom:MIN_SPACE 43)
(defconst xcb:Atom:NORM_SPACE 44)
(defconst xcb:Atom:MAX_SPACE 45)
(defconst xcb:Atom:END_SPACE 46)
(defconst xcb:Atom:SUPERSCRIPT_X 47)
(defconst xcb:Atom:SUPERSCRIPT_Y 48)
(defconst xcb:Atom:SUBSCRIPT_X 49)
(defconst xcb:Atom:SUBSCRIPT_Y 50)
(defconst xcb:Atom:UNDERLINE_POSITION 51)
(defconst xcb:Atom:UNDERLINE_THICKNESS 52)
(defconst xcb:Atom:STRIKEOUT_ASCENT 53)
(defconst xcb:Atom:STRIKEOUT_DESCENT 54)
(defconst xcb:Atom:ITALIC_ANGLE 55)
(defconst xcb:Atom:X_HEIGHT 56)
(defconst xcb:Atom:QUAD_WIDTH 57)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WEIGHT 58)
(defconst xcb:Atom:POINT_SIZE 59)
(defconst xcb:Atom:RESOLUTION 60)
(defconst xcb:Atom:COPYRIGHT 61)
(defconst xcb:Atom:NOTICE 62)
(defconst xcb:Atom:FONT_NAME 63)
(defconst xcb:Atom:FAMILY_NAME 64)
(defconst xcb:Atom:FULL_NAME 65)
(defconst xcb:Atom:CAP_HEIGHT 66)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_CLASS 67)
(defconst xcb:Atom:WM_TRANSIENT_FOR 68)
(defclass xcb:SelectionRequest
((~code :initform 30)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(owner :initarg :owner :type xcb:WINDOW)
(requestor :initarg :requestor :type xcb:WINDOW)
(selection :initarg :selection :type xcb:ATOM)
(target :initarg :target :type xcb:ATOM)
(property :initarg :property :type xcb:ATOM)))
(defclass xcb:SelectionNotify
((~code :initform 31)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(requestor :initarg :requestor :type xcb:WINDOW)
(selection :initarg :selection :type xcb:ATOM)
(target :initarg :target :type xcb:ATOM)
(property :initarg :property :type xcb:ATOM)))
(defconst xcb:ColormapState:Uninstalled 0)
(defconst xcb:ColormapState:Installed 1)
(defconst xcb:Colormap:None 0)
(defclass xcb:ColormapNotify
((~code :initform 32)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(colormap :initarg :colormap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(new :initarg :new :type xcb:BOOL)
(state :initarg :state :type xcb:BYTE)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:ClientMessageData
((~size :initform 20)
(data8~ :initform
'(name data8 type xcb:CARD8 size 20)
:type xcb:-list)
(data8 :initarg :data8 :type xcb:-ignore)
(data16~ :initform
'(name data16 type xcb:CARD16 size 10)
:type xcb:-list)
(data16 :initarg :data16 :type xcb:-ignore)
(data32~ :initform
'(name data32 type xcb:CARD32 size 5)
:type xcb:-list)
(data32 :initarg :data32 :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ClientMessage
((~code :initform 33)
(format :initarg :format :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(type :initarg :type :type xcb:ATOM)
(data :initarg :data :type xcb:ClientMessageData)))
(defconst xcb:Mapping:Modifier 0)
(defconst xcb:Mapping:Keyboard 1)
(defconst xcb:Mapping:Pointer 2)
(defclass xcb:MappingNotify
((~code :initform 34)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(request :initarg :request :type xcb:BYTE)
(first-keycode :initarg :first-keycode :type xcb:KEYCODE)
(count :initarg :count :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~1 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:GeGeneric
((pad~0 :initform 22 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:Request
((~code :initform 1)
(bad-value :initarg :bad-value :type xcb:CARD32)
(minor-opcode :initarg :minor-opcode :type xcb:CARD16)
(major-opcode :initarg :major-opcode :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:Value
((~code :initform 2)
(bad-value :initarg :bad-value :type xcb:CARD32)
(minor-opcode :initarg :minor-opcode :type xcb:CARD16)
(major-opcode :initarg :major-opcode :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:Window
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 3)))
(defclass xcb:Pixmap
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 4)))
(defclass xcb:Atom
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 5)))
(defclass xcb:Cursor
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 6)))
(defclass xcb:Font
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 7)))
(defclass xcb:Match
(xcb:-error xcb:Request)
((~code :initform 8)))
(defclass xcb:Drawable
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 9)))
(defclass xcb:Access
(xcb:-error xcb:Request)
((~code :initform 10)))
(defclass xcb:Alloc
(xcb:-error xcb:Request)
((~code :initform 11)))
(defclass xcb:Colormap
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 12)))
(defclass xcb:GContext
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 13)))
(defclass xcb:IDChoice
(xcb:-error xcb:Value)
((~code :initform 14)))
(defclass xcb:Name
(xcb:-error xcb:Request)
((~code :initform 15)))
(defclass xcb:Length
(xcb:-error xcb:Request)
((~code :initform 16)))
(defclass xcb:Implementation
(xcb:-error xcb:Request)
((~code :initform 17)))
(defconst xcb:WindowClass:CopyFromParent 0)
(defconst xcb:WindowClass:InputOutput 1)
(defconst xcb:WindowClass:InputOnly 2)
(defconst xcb:CW:BackPixmap 1)
(defconst xcb:CW:BackPixel 2)
(defconst xcb:CW:BorderPixmap 4)
(defconst xcb:CW:BorderPixel 8)
(defconst xcb:CW:BitGravity 16)
(defconst xcb:CW:WinGravity 32)
(defconst xcb:CW:BackingStore 64)
(defconst xcb:CW:BackingPlanes 128)
(defconst xcb:CW:BackingPixel 256)
(defconst xcb:CW:OverrideRedirect 512)
(defconst xcb:CW:SaveUnder 1024)
(defconst xcb:CW:EventMask 2048)
(defconst xcb:CW:DontPropagate 4096)
(defconst xcb:CW:Colormap 8192)
(defconst xcb:CW:Cursor 16384)
(defconst xcb:BackPixmap:None 0)
(defconst xcb:BackPixmap:ParentRelative 1)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:BitForget 0)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:WinUnmap 0)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:NorthWest 1)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:North 2)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:NorthEast 3)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:West 4)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:Center 5)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:East 6)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:SouthWest 7)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:South 8)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:SouthEast 9)
(defconst xcb:Gravity:Static 10)
(defclass xcb:CreateWindow
((~opcode :initform 1 :type xcb:-u1)
(depth :initarg :depth :type xcb:CARD8)
(wid :initarg :wid :type xcb:WINDOW)
(parent :initarg :parent :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(border-width :initarg :border-width :type xcb:CARD16)
(class :initarg :class :type xcb:CARD16)
(visual :initarg :visual :type xcb:VISUALID)
(value-mask :initarg :value-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(value-list :initform
(xcb:-fieldref 'value-mask)
((1 background-pixmap)
(2 background-pixel)
(4 border-pixmap)
(8 border-pixel)
(16 bit-gravity)
(32 win-gravity)
(64 backing-store)
(128 backing-planes)
(256 backing-pixel)
(512 override-redirect)
(1024 save-under)
(2048 event-mask)
(4096 do-not-propogate-mask)
(8192 colormap)
(16384 cursor)))
:type xcb:-switch)
(background-pixmap :initarg :background-pixmap :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(background-pixel :initarg :background-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(border-pixmap :initarg :border-pixmap :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(border-pixel :initarg :border-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(bit-gravity :initarg :bit-gravity :type xcb:CARD32)
(win-gravity :initarg :win-gravity :type xcb:CARD32)
(backing-store :initarg :backing-store :type xcb:CARD32)
(backing-planes :initarg :backing-planes :type xcb:CARD32)
(backing-pixel :initarg :backing-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(override-redirect :initarg :override-redirect :type xcb:BOOL32)
(save-under :initarg :save-under :type xcb:BOOL32)
(event-mask :initarg :event-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(do-not-propogate-mask :initarg :do-not-propogate-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(colormap :initarg :colormap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(cursor :initarg :cursor :type xcb:CURSOR)))
(defclass xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
((~opcode :initform 2 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(value-mask :initarg :value-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(value-list :initform
(xcb:-fieldref 'value-mask)
((1 background-pixmap)
(2 background-pixel)
(4 border-pixmap)
(8 border-pixel)
(16 bit-gravity)
(32 win-gravity)
(64 backing-store)
(128 backing-planes)
(256 backing-pixel)
(512 override-redirect)
(1024 save-under)
(2048 event-mask)
(4096 do-not-propogate-mask)
(8192 colormap)
(16384 cursor)))
:type xcb:-switch)
(background-pixmap :initarg :background-pixmap :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(background-pixel :initarg :background-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(border-pixmap :initarg :border-pixmap :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(border-pixel :initarg :border-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(bit-gravity :initarg :bit-gravity :type xcb:CARD32)
(win-gravity :initarg :win-gravity :type xcb:CARD32)
(backing-store :initarg :backing-store :type xcb:CARD32)
(backing-planes :initarg :backing-planes :type xcb:CARD32)
(backing-pixel :initarg :backing-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(override-redirect :initarg :override-redirect :type xcb:BOOL32)
(save-under :initarg :save-under :type xcb:BOOL32)
(event-mask :initarg :event-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(do-not-propogate-mask :initarg :do-not-propogate-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(colormap :initarg :colormap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(cursor :initarg :cursor :type xcb:CURSOR)))
(defconst xcb:MapState:Unmapped 0)
(defconst xcb:MapState:Unviewable 1)
(defconst xcb:MapState:Viewable 2)
(defclass xcb:GetWindowAttributes
((~opcode :initform 3 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:GetWindowAttributes~reply
((backing-store :initarg :backing-store :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(visual :initarg :visual :type xcb:VISUALID)
(class :initarg :class :type xcb:CARD16)
(bit-gravity :initarg :bit-gravity :type xcb:CARD8)
(win-gravity :initarg :win-gravity :type xcb:CARD8)
(backing-planes :initarg :backing-planes :type xcb:CARD32)
(backing-pixel :initarg :backing-pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(save-under :initarg :save-under :type xcb:BOOL)
(map-is-installed :initarg :map-is-installed :type xcb:BOOL)
(map-state :initarg :map-state :type xcb:CARD8)
(override-redirect :initarg :override-redirect :type xcb:BOOL)
(colormap :initarg :colormap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(all-event-masks :initarg :all-event-masks :type xcb:CARD32)
(your-event-mask :initarg :your-event-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(do-not-propagate-mask :initarg :do-not-propagate-mask :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:DestroyWindow
((~opcode :initform 4 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:DestroySubwindows
((~opcode :initform 5 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defconst xcb:SetMode:Insert 0)
(defconst xcb:SetMode:Delete 1)
(defclass xcb:ChangeSaveSet
((~opcode :initform 6 :type xcb:-u1)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:ReparentWindow
((~opcode :initform 7 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(parent :initarg :parent :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)))
(defclass xcb:MapWindow
((~opcode :initform 8 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:MapSubwindows
((~opcode :initform 9 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:UnmapWindow
((~opcode :initform 10 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:UnmapSubwindows
((~opcode :initform 11 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defconst xcb:ConfigWindow:X 1)
(defconst xcb:ConfigWindow:Y 2)
(defconst xcb:ConfigWindow:Width 4)
(defconst xcb:ConfigWindow:Height 8)
(defconst xcb:ConfigWindow:BorderWidth 16)
(defconst xcb:ConfigWindow:Sibling 32)
(defconst xcb:ConfigWindow:StackMode 64)
(defconst xcb:StackMode:Above 0)
(defconst xcb:StackMode:Below 1)
(defconst xcb:StackMode:TopIf 2)
(defconst xcb:StackMode:BottomIf 3)
(defconst xcb:StackMode:Opposite 4)
(defclass xcb:ConfigureWindow
((~opcode :initform 12 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(value-mask :initarg :value-mask :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(value-list :initform
(xcb:-fieldref 'value-mask)
((1 x)
(2 y)
(4 width)
(8 height)
(16 border-width)
(32 sibling)
(64 stack-mode)))
:type xcb:-switch)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT32)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT32)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD32)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD32)
(border-width :initarg :border-width :type xcb:CARD32)
(sibling :initarg :sibling :type xcb:WINDOW)
(stack-mode :initarg :stack-mode :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defconst xcb:Circulate:RaiseLowest 0)
(defconst xcb:Circulate:LowerHighest 1)
(defclass xcb:CirculateWindow
((~opcode :initform 13 :type xcb:-u1)
(direction :initarg :direction :type xcb:CARD8)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:GetGeometry
((~opcode :initform 14 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)))
(defclass xcb:GetGeometry~reply
((depth :initarg :depth :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(root :initarg :root :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(border-width :initarg :border-width :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:QueryTree
((~opcode :initform 15 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:QueryTree~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(root :initarg :root :type xcb:WINDOW)
(parent :initarg :parent :type xcb:WINDOW)
(children-len :initarg :children-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 14 :type xcb:-pad)
(children~ :initform
'(name children type xcb:WINDOW size
(xcb:-fieldref 'children-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(children :initarg :children :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:InternAtom
((~opcode :initform 16 :type xcb:-u1)
(only-if-exists :initarg :only-if-exists :type xcb:BOOL)
(name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:InternAtom~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(atom :initarg :atom :type xcb:ATOM)))
(defclass xcb:GetAtomName
((~opcode :initform 17 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(atom :initarg :atom :type xcb:ATOM)))
(defclass xcb:GetAtomName~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 22 :type xcb:-pad)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:PropMode:Replace 0)
(defconst xcb:PropMode:Prepend 1)
(defconst xcb:PropMode:Append 2)
(defclass xcb:ChangeProperty
((~opcode :initform 18 :type xcb:-u1)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:CARD8)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(property :initarg :property :type xcb:ATOM)
(type :initarg :type :type xcb:ATOM)
(format :initarg :format :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)
(data-len :initarg :data-len :type xcb:CARD32)
(data~ :initform
'(name data type xcb:void size
(xcb:-fieldref 'data-len)
(xcb:-fieldref 'format))
:type xcb:-list)
(data :initarg :data :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:DeleteProperty
((~opcode :initform 19 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(property :initarg :property :type xcb:ATOM)))
(defconst xcb:GetPropertyType:Any 0)
(defclass xcb:GetProperty
((~opcode :initform 20 :type xcb:-u1)
(delete :initarg :delete :type xcb:BOOL)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(property :initarg :property :type xcb:ATOM)
(type :initarg :type :type xcb:ATOM)
(long-offset :initarg :long-offset :type xcb:CARD32)
(long-length :initarg :long-length :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:GetProperty~reply
((format :initarg :format :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(type :initarg :type :type xcb:ATOM)
(bytes-after :initarg :bytes-after :type xcb:CARD32)
(value-len :initarg :value-len :type xcb:CARD32)
(pad~0 :initform 12 :type xcb:-pad)
(value~ :initform
'(name value type xcb:void size
(xcb:-fieldref 'value-len)
(xcb:-fieldref 'format)
:type xcb:-list)
(value :initarg :value :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ListProperties
((~opcode :initform 21 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:ListProperties~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(atoms-len :initarg :atoms-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 22 :type xcb:-pad)
(atoms~ :initform
'(name atoms type xcb:ATOM size
(xcb:-fieldref 'atoms-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(atoms :initarg :atoms :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:SetSelectionOwner
((~opcode :initform 22 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(owner :initarg :owner :type xcb:WINDOW)
(selection :initarg :selection :type xcb:ATOM)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)))
(defclass xcb:GetSelectionOwner
((~opcode :initform 23 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(selection :initarg :selection :type xcb:ATOM)))
(defclass xcb:GetSelectionOwner~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(owner :initarg :owner :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:ConvertSelection
((~opcode :initform 24 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(requestor :initarg :requestor :type xcb:WINDOW)
(selection :initarg :selection :type xcb:ATOM)
(target :initarg :target :type xcb:ATOM)
(property :initarg :property :type xcb:ATOM)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)))
(defconst xcb:SendEventDest:PointerWindow 0)
(defconst xcb:SendEventDest:ItemFocus 1)
(defclass xcb:SendEvent
((~opcode :initform 25 :type xcb:-u1)
(propagate :initarg :propagate :type xcb:BOOL)
(destination :initarg :destination :type xcb:WINDOW)
(event-mask :initarg :event-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(event~ :initform
'(name event type xcb:char size 32)
:type xcb:-list)
(event :initarg :event :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:GrabMode:Sync 0)
(defconst xcb:GrabMode:Async 1)
(defconst xcb:GrabStatus:Success 0)
(defconst xcb:GrabStatus:AlreadyGrabbed 1)
(defconst xcb:GrabStatus:InvalidTime 2)
(defconst xcb:GrabStatus:NotViewable 3)
(defconst xcb:GrabStatus:Frozen 4)
(defconst xcb:Cursor:None 0)
(defclass xcb:GrabPointer
((~opcode :initform 26 :type xcb:-u1)
(owner-events :initarg :owner-events :type xcb:BOOL)
(grab-window :initarg :grab-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(event-mask :initarg :event-mask :type xcb:CARD16)
(pointer-mode :initarg :pointer-mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(keyboard-mode :initarg :keyboard-mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(confine-to :initarg :confine-to :type xcb:WINDOW)
(cursor :initarg :cursor :type xcb:CURSOR)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)))
(defclass xcb:GrabPointer~reply
((status :initarg :status :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:UngrabPointer
((~opcode :initform 27 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)))
(defconst xcb:ButtonIndex:Any 0)
(defconst xcb:ButtonIndex:1 1)
(defconst xcb:ButtonIndex:2 2)
(defconst xcb:ButtonIndex:3 3)
(defconst xcb:ButtonIndex:4 4)
(defconst xcb:ButtonIndex:5 5)
(defclass xcb:GrabButton
((~opcode :initform 28 :type xcb:-u1)
(owner-events :initarg :owner-events :type xcb:BOOL)
(grab-window :initarg :grab-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(event-mask :initarg :event-mask :type xcb:CARD16)
(pointer-mode :initarg :pointer-mode :type xcb:CARD8)
(keyboard-mode :initarg :keyboard-mode :type xcb:CARD8)
(confine-to :initarg :confine-to :type xcb:WINDOW)
(cursor :initarg :cursor :type xcb:CURSOR)
(button :initarg :button :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(modifiers :initarg :modifiers :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:UngrabButton
((~opcode :initform 29 :type xcb:-u1)
(button :initarg :button :type xcb:CARD8)
(grab-window :initarg :grab-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(modifiers :initarg :modifiers :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:ChangeActivePointerGrab
((~opcode :initform 30 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cursor :initarg :cursor :type xcb:CURSOR)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(event-mask :initarg :event-mask :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:GrabKeyboard
((~opcode :initform 31 :type xcb:-u1)
(owner-events :initarg :owner-events :type xcb:BOOL)
(grab-window :initarg :grab-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(pointer-mode :initarg :pointer-mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(keyboard-mode :initarg :keyboard-mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:GrabKeyboard~reply
((status :initarg :status :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:UngrabKeyboard
((~opcode :initform 32 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)))
(defconst xcb:Grab:Any 0)
(defclass xcb:GrabKey
((~opcode :initform 33 :type xcb:-u1)
(owner-events :initarg :owner-events :type xcb:BOOL)
(grab-window :initarg :grab-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(modifiers :initarg :modifiers :type xcb:CARD16)
(key :initarg :key :type xcb:KEYCODE)
(pointer-mode :initarg :pointer-mode :type xcb:CARD8)
(keyboard-mode :initarg :keyboard-mode :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 3 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:UngrabKey
((~opcode :initform 34 :type xcb:-u1)
(key :initarg :key :type xcb:KEYCODE)
(grab-window :initarg :grab-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(modifiers :initarg :modifiers :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defconst xcb:Allow:AsyncPointer 0)
(defconst xcb:Allow:SyncPointer 1)
(defconst xcb:Allow:ReplayPointer 2)
(defconst xcb:Allow:AsyncKeyboard 3)
(defconst xcb:Allow:SyncKeyboard 4)
(defconst xcb:Allow:ReplayKeyboard 5)
(defconst xcb:Allow:AsyncBoth 6)
(defconst xcb:Allow:SyncBoth 7)
(defclass xcb:AllowEvents
((~opcode :initform 35 :type xcb:-u1)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:CARD8)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)))
(defclass xcb:GrabServer
((~opcode :initform 36 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:UngrabServer
((~opcode :initform 37 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:QueryPointer
((~opcode :initform 38 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:QueryPointer~reply
((same-screen :initarg :same-screen :type xcb:BOOL)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(root :initarg :root :type xcb:WINDOW)
(child :initarg :child :type xcb:WINDOW)
(root-x :initarg :root-x :type xcb:INT16)
(root-y :initarg :root-y :type xcb:INT16)
(win-x :initarg :win-x :type xcb:INT16)
(win-y :initarg :win-y :type xcb:INT16)
(mask :initarg :mask :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:TIMECOORD
((time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)))
(defclass xcb:GetMotionEvents
((~opcode :initform 39 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(start :initarg :start :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)
(stop :initarg :stop :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)))
(defclass xcb:GetMotionEvents~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(events-len :initarg :events-len :type xcb:CARD32)
(pad~1 :initform 20 :type xcb:-pad)
(events~ :initform
'(name events type xcb:TIMECOORD size
(xcb:-fieldref 'events-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(events :initarg :events :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:TranslateCoordinates
((~opcode :initform 40 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(src-window :initarg :src-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(dst-window :initarg :dst-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(src-x :initarg :src-x :type xcb:INT16)
(src-y :initarg :src-y :type xcb:INT16)))
(defclass xcb:TranslateCoordinates~reply
((same-screen :initarg :same-screen :type xcb:BOOL)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(child :initarg :child :type xcb:WINDOW)
(dst-x :initarg :dst-x :type xcb:INT16)
(dst-y :initarg :dst-y :type xcb:INT16)))
(defclass xcb:WarpPointer
((~opcode :initform 41 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(src-window :initarg :src-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(dst-window :initarg :dst-window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(src-x :initarg :src-x :type xcb:INT16)
(src-y :initarg :src-y :type xcb:INT16)
(src-width :initarg :src-width :type xcb:CARD16)
(src-height :initarg :src-height :type xcb:CARD16)
(dst-x :initarg :dst-x :type xcb:INT16)
(dst-y :initarg :dst-y :type xcb:INT16)))
(defconst xcb:InputFocus:None 0)
(defconst xcb:InputFocus:PointerRoot 1)
(defconst xcb:InputFocus:Parent 2)
(defconst xcb:InputFocus:FollowKeyboard 3)
(defclass xcb:SetInputFocus
((~opcode :initform 42 :type xcb:-u1)
(revert-to :initarg :revert-to :type xcb:CARD8)
(focus :initarg :focus :type xcb:WINDOW)
(time :initarg :time :type xcb:TIMESTAMP)))
(defclass xcb:GetInputFocus
((~opcode :initform 43 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:GetInputFocus~reply
((revert-to :initarg :revert-to :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(focus :initarg :focus :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:QueryKeymap
((~opcode :initform 44 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:QueryKeymap~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(keys~ :initform
'(name keys type xcb:CARD8 size 32)
:type xcb:-list)
(keys :initarg :keys :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:OpenFont
((~opcode :initform 45 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(fid :initarg :fid :type xcb:FONT)
(name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:CloseFont
((~opcode :initform 46 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(font :initarg :font :type xcb:FONT)))
(defconst xcb:FontDraw:LeftToRight 0)
(defconst xcb:FontDraw:RightToLeft 1)
(defclass xcb:FONTPROP
((name :initarg :name :type xcb:ATOM)
(value :initarg :value :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:CHARINFO
((left-side-bearing :initarg :left-side-bearing :type xcb:INT16)
(right-side-bearing :initarg :right-side-bearing :type xcb:INT16)
(character-width :initarg :character-width :type xcb:INT16)
(ascent :initarg :ascent :type xcb:INT16)
(descent :initarg :descent :type xcb:INT16)
(attributes :initarg :attributes :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:QueryFont
((~opcode :initform 47 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(font :initarg :font :type xcb:FONTABLE)))
(defclass xcb:QueryFont~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(min-bounds :initarg :min-bounds :type xcb:CHARINFO)
(pad~1 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad)
(max-bounds :initarg :max-bounds :type xcb:CHARINFO)
(pad~2 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad)
(min-char-or-byte2 :initarg :min-char-or-byte2 :type xcb:CARD16)
(max-char-or-byte2 :initarg :max-char-or-byte2 :type xcb:CARD16)
(default-char :initarg :default-char :type xcb:CARD16)
(properties-len :initarg :properties-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(draw-direction :initarg :draw-direction :type xcb:BYTE)
(min-byte1 :initarg :min-byte1 :type xcb:CARD8)
(max-byte1 :initarg :max-byte1 :type xcb:CARD8)
(all-chars-exist :initarg :all-chars-exist :type xcb:BOOL)
(font-ascent :initarg :font-ascent :type xcb:INT16)
(font-descent :initarg :font-descent :type xcb:INT16)
(char-infos-len :initarg :char-infos-len :type xcb:CARD32)
(properties~ :initform
'(name properties type xcb:FONTPROP size
(xcb:-fieldref 'properties-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(properties :initarg :properties :type xcb:-ignore)
(char-infos~ :initform
'(name char-infos type xcb:CHARINFO size
(xcb:-fieldref 'char-infos-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(char-infos :initarg :char-infos :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:QueryTextExtents
((~opcode :initform 48 :type xcb:-u1)
(odd-length :type xcb:BOOL)
(font :initarg :font :type xcb:FONTABLE)
(string~ :initform
'(name string type xcb:CHAR2B size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(string :initarg :string :type xcb:-ignore)))
(cl-defmethod xcb:marshal
((obj xcb:QueryTextExtents))
(slot-value obj 'odd-length)
(xcb:-fieldref 'string))
(cl-call-next-method obj))
(defclass xcb:QueryTextExtents~reply
((draw-direction :initarg :draw-direction :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(font-ascent :initarg :font-ascent :type xcb:INT16)
(font-descent :initarg :font-descent :type xcb:INT16)
(overall-ascent :initarg :overall-ascent :type xcb:INT16)
(overall-descent :initarg :overall-descent :type xcb:INT16)
(overall-width :initarg :overall-width :type xcb:INT32)
(overall-left :initarg :overall-left :type xcb:INT32)
(overall-right :initarg :overall-right :type xcb:INT32)))
(defclass xcb:STR
((name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ListFonts
((~opcode :initform 49 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(max-names :initarg :max-names :type xcb:CARD16)
(pattern-len :initarg :pattern-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pattern~ :initform
'(name pattern type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'pattern-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(pattern :initarg :pattern :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ListFonts~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(names-len :initarg :names-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 22 :type xcb:-pad)
(names~ :initform
'(name names type xcb:STR size
(xcb:-fieldref 'names-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(names :initarg :names :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ListFontsWithInfo
((~opcode :initform 50 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(max-names :initarg :max-names :type xcb:CARD16)
(pattern-len :initarg :pattern-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pattern~ :initform
'(name pattern type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'pattern-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(pattern :initarg :pattern :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ListFontsWithInfo~reply
((name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(min-bounds :initarg :min-bounds :type xcb:CHARINFO)
(pad~0 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad)
(max-bounds :initarg :max-bounds :type xcb:CHARINFO)
(pad~1 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad)
(min-char-or-byte2 :initarg :min-char-or-byte2 :type xcb:CARD16)
(max-char-or-byte2 :initarg :max-char-or-byte2 :type xcb:CARD16)
(default-char :initarg :default-char :type xcb:CARD16)
(properties-len :initarg :properties-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(draw-direction :initarg :draw-direction :type xcb:BYTE)
(min-byte1 :initarg :min-byte1 :type xcb:CARD8)
(max-byte1 :initarg :max-byte1 :type xcb:CARD8)
(all-chars-exist :initarg :all-chars-exist :type xcb:BOOL)
(font-ascent :initarg :font-ascent :type xcb:INT16)
(font-descent :initarg :font-descent :type xcb:INT16)
(replies-hint :initarg :replies-hint :type xcb:CARD32)
(properties~ :initform
'(name properties type xcb:FONTPROP size
(xcb:-fieldref 'properties-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(properties :initarg :properties :type xcb:-ignore)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:SetFontPath
((~opcode :initform 51 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(font-qty :initarg :font-qty :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(font~ :initform
'(name font type xcb:STR size
(xcb:-fieldref 'font-qty))
:type xcb:-list)
(font :initarg :font :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:GetFontPath
((~opcode :initform 52 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:GetFontPath~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(path-len :initarg :path-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 22 :type xcb:-pad)
(path~ :initform
'(name path type xcb:STR size
(xcb:-fieldref 'path-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(path :initarg :path :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:CreatePixmap
((~opcode :initform 53 :type xcb:-u1)
(depth :initarg :depth :type xcb:CARD8)
(pid :initarg :pid :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:FreePixmap
((~opcode :initform 54 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(pixmap :initarg :pixmap :type xcb:PIXMAP)))
(defconst xcb:GC:Function 1)
(defconst xcb:GC:PlaneMask 2)
(defconst xcb:GC:Foreground 4)
(defconst xcb:GC:Background 8)
(defconst xcb:GC:LineWidth 16)
(defconst xcb:GC:LineStyle 32)
(defconst xcb:GC:CapStyle 64)
(defconst xcb:GC:JoinStyle 128)
(defconst xcb:GC:FillStyle 256)
(defconst xcb:GC:FillRule 512)
(defconst xcb:GC:Tile 1024)
(defconst xcb:GC:Stipple 2048)
(defconst xcb:GC:TileStippleOriginX 4096)
(defconst xcb:GC:TileStippleOriginY 8192)
(defconst xcb:GC:Font 16384)
(defconst xcb:GC:SubwindowMode 32768)
(defconst xcb:GC:GraphicsExposures 65536)
(defconst xcb:GC:ClipOriginX 131072)
(defconst xcb:GC:ClipOriginY 262144)
(defconst xcb:GC:ClipMask 524288)
(defconst xcb:GC:DashOffset 1048576)
(defconst xcb:GC:DashList 2097152)
(defconst xcb:GC:ArcMode 4194304)
(defconst xcb:GX:clear 0)
(defconst xcb:GX:and 1)
(defconst xcb:GX:andReverse 2)
(defconst xcb:GX:copy 3)
(defconst xcb:GX:andInverted 4)
(defconst xcb:GX:noop 5)
(defconst xcb:GX:xor 6)
(defconst xcb:GX:or 7)
(defconst xcb:GX:nor 8)
(defconst xcb:GX:equiv 9)
(defconst xcb:GX:invert 10)
(defconst xcb:GX:orReverse 11)
(defconst xcb:GX:copyInverted 12)
(defconst xcb:GX:orInverted 13)
(defconst xcb:GX:nand 14)
(defconst xcb:GX:set 15)
(defconst xcb:LineStyle:Solid 0)
(defconst xcb:LineStyle:OnOffDash 1)
(defconst xcb:LineStyle:DoubleDash 2)
(defconst xcb:CapStyle:NotLast 0)
(defconst xcb:CapStyle:Butt 1)
(defconst xcb:CapStyle:Round 2)
(defconst xcb:CapStyle:Projecting 3)
(defconst xcb:JoinStyle:Miter 0)
(defconst xcb:JoinStyle:Round 1)
(defconst xcb:JoinStyle:Bevel 2)
(defconst xcb:FillStyle:Solid 0)
(defconst xcb:FillStyle:Tiled 1)
(defconst xcb:FillStyle:Stippled 2)
(defconst xcb:FillStyle:OpaqueStippled 3)
(defconst xcb:FillRule:EvenOdd 0)
(defconst xcb:FillRule:Winding 1)
(defconst xcb:SubwindowMode:ClipByChildren 0)
(defconst xcb:SubwindowMode:IncludeInferiors 1)
(defconst xcb:ArcMode:Chord 0)
(defconst xcb:ArcMode:PieSlice 1)
(defclass xcb:CreateGC
((~opcode :initform 55 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cid :initarg :cid :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(value-mask :initarg :value-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(value-list :initform
(xcb:-fieldref 'value-mask)
((1 function)
(2 plane-mask)
(4 foreground)
(8 background)
(16 line-width)
(32 line-style)
(64 cap-style)
(128 join-style)
(256 fill-style)
(512 fill-rule)
(1024 tile)
(2048 stipple)
(4096 tile-stipple-x-origin)
(8192 tile-stipple-y-origin)
(16384 font)
(32768 subwindow-mode)
(65536 graphics-exposures)
(131072 clip-x-origin)
(262144 clip-y-origin)
(524288 clip-mask)
(1048576 dash-offset)
(2097152 dashes)
(4194304 arc-mode)))
:type xcb:-switch)
(function :initarg :function :type xcb:CARD32)
(plane-mask :initarg :plane-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(foreground :initarg :foreground :type xcb:CARD32)
(background :initarg :background :type xcb:CARD32)
(line-width :initarg :line-width :type xcb:CARD32)
(line-style :initarg :line-style :type xcb:CARD32)
(cap-style :initarg :cap-style :type xcb:CARD32)
(join-style :initarg :join-style :type xcb:CARD32)
(fill-style :initarg :fill-style :type xcb:CARD32)
(fill-rule :initarg :fill-rule :type xcb:CARD32)
(tile :initarg :tile :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(stipple :initarg :stipple :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(tile-stipple-x-origin :initarg :tile-stipple-x-origin :type xcb:INT32)
(tile-stipple-y-origin :initarg :tile-stipple-y-origin :type xcb:INT32)
(font :initarg :font :type xcb:FONT)
(subwindow-mode :initarg :subwindow-mode :type xcb:CARD32)
(graphics-exposures :initarg :graphics-exposures :type xcb:BOOL32)
(clip-x-origin :initarg :clip-x-origin :type xcb:INT32)
(clip-y-origin :initarg :clip-y-origin :type xcb:INT32)
(clip-mask :initarg :clip-mask :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(dash-offset :initarg :dash-offset :type xcb:CARD32)
(dashes :initarg :dashes :type xcb:CARD32)
(arc-mode :initarg :arc-mode :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:ChangeGC
((~opcode :initform 56 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(value-mask :initarg :value-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(value-list :initform
(xcb:-fieldref 'value-mask)
((1 function)
(2 plane-mask)
(4 foreground)
(8 background)
(16 line-width)
(32 line-style)
(64 cap-style)
(128 join-style)
(256 fill-style)
(512 fill-rule)
(1024 tile)
(2048 stipple)
(4096 tile-stipple-x-origin)
(8192 tile-stipple-y-origin)
(16384 font)
(32768 subwindow-mode)
(65536 graphics-exposures)
(131072 clip-x-origin)
(262144 clip-y-origin)
(524288 clip-mask)
(1048576 dash-offset)
(2097152 dashes)
(4194304 arc-mode)))
:type xcb:-switch)
(function :initarg :function :type xcb:CARD32)
(plane-mask :initarg :plane-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(foreground :initarg :foreground :type xcb:CARD32)
(background :initarg :background :type xcb:CARD32)
(line-width :initarg :line-width :type xcb:CARD32)
(line-style :initarg :line-style :type xcb:CARD32)
(cap-style :initarg :cap-style :type xcb:CARD32)
(join-style :initarg :join-style :type xcb:CARD32)
(fill-style :initarg :fill-style :type xcb:CARD32)
(fill-rule :initarg :fill-rule :type xcb:CARD32)
(tile :initarg :tile :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(stipple :initarg :stipple :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(tile-stipple-x-origin :initarg :tile-stipple-x-origin :type xcb:INT32)
(tile-stipple-y-origin :initarg :tile-stipple-y-origin :type xcb:INT32)
(font :initarg :font :type xcb:FONT)
(subwindow-mode :initarg :subwindow-mode :type xcb:CARD32)
(graphics-exposures :initarg :graphics-exposures :type xcb:BOOL32)
(clip-x-origin :initarg :clip-x-origin :type xcb:INT32)
(clip-y-origin :initarg :clip-y-origin :type xcb:INT32)
(clip-mask :initarg :clip-mask :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(dash-offset :initarg :dash-offset :type xcb:CARD32)
(dashes :initarg :dashes :type xcb:CARD32)
(arc-mode :initarg :arc-mode :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:CopyGC
((~opcode :initform 57 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(src-gc :initarg :src-gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(dst-gc :initarg :dst-gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(value-mask :initarg :value-mask :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:SetDashes
((~opcode :initform 58 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(dash-offset :initarg :dash-offset :type xcb:CARD16)
(dashes-len :initarg :dashes-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(dashes~ :initform
'(name dashes type xcb:CARD8 size
(xcb:-fieldref 'dashes-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(dashes :initarg :dashes :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:ClipOrdering:Unsorted 0)
(defconst xcb:ClipOrdering:YSorted 1)
(defconst xcb:ClipOrdering:YXSorted 2)
(defconst xcb:ClipOrdering:YXBanded 3)
(defclass xcb:SetClipRectangles
((~opcode :initform 59 :type xcb:-u1)
(ordering :initarg :ordering :type xcb:BYTE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(clip-x-origin :initarg :clip-x-origin :type xcb:INT16)
(clip-y-origin :initarg :clip-y-origin :type xcb:INT16)
(rectangles~ :initform
'(name rectangles type xcb:RECTANGLE size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(rectangles :initarg :rectangles :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:FreeGC
((~opcode :initform 60 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)))
(defclass xcb:ClearArea
((~opcode :initform 61 :type xcb:-u1)
(exposures :initarg :exposures :type xcb:BOOL)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:CopyArea
((~opcode :initform 62 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(src-drawable :initarg :src-drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(dst-drawable :initarg :dst-drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(src-x :initarg :src-x :type xcb:INT16)
(src-y :initarg :src-y :type xcb:INT16)
(dst-x :initarg :dst-x :type xcb:INT16)
(dst-y :initarg :dst-y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:CopyPlane
((~opcode :initform 63 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(src-drawable :initarg :src-drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(dst-drawable :initarg :dst-drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(src-x :initarg :src-x :type xcb:INT16)
(src-y :initarg :src-y :type xcb:INT16)
(dst-x :initarg :dst-x :type xcb:INT16)
(dst-y :initarg :dst-y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(bit-plane :initarg :bit-plane :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defconst xcb:CoordMode:Origin 0)
(defconst xcb:CoordMode:Previous 1)
(defclass xcb:PolyPoint
((~opcode :initform 64 :type xcb:-u1)
(coordinate-mode :initarg :coordinate-mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(points~ :initform
'(name points type xcb:POINT size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(points :initarg :points :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:PolyLine
((~opcode :initform 65 :type xcb:-u1)
(coordinate-mode :initarg :coordinate-mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(points~ :initform
'(name points type xcb:POINT size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(points :initarg :points :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:SEGMENT
((x1 :initarg :x1 :type xcb:INT16)
(y1 :initarg :y1 :type xcb:INT16)
(x2 :initarg :x2 :type xcb:INT16)
(y2 :initarg :y2 :type xcb:INT16)))
(defclass xcb:PolySegment
((~opcode :initform 66 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(segments~ :initform
'(name segments type xcb:SEGMENT size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(segments :initarg :segments :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:PolyRectangle
((~opcode :initform 67 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(rectangles~ :initform
'(name rectangles type xcb:RECTANGLE size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(rectangles :initarg :rectangles :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:PolyArc
((~opcode :initform 68 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(arcs~ :initform
'(name arcs type xcb:ARC size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(arcs :initarg :arcs :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:PolyShape:Complex 0)
(defconst xcb:PolyShape:Nonconvex 1)
(defconst xcb:PolyShape:Convex 2)
(defclass xcb:FillPoly
((~opcode :initform 69 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(shape :initarg :shape :type xcb:CARD8)
(coordinate-mode :initarg :coordinate-mode :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(points~ :initform
'(name points type xcb:POINT size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(points :initarg :points :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:PolyFillRectangle
((~opcode :initform 70 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(rectangles~ :initform
'(name rectangles type xcb:RECTANGLE size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(rectangles :initarg :rectangles :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:PolyFillArc
((~opcode :initform 71 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(arcs~ :initform
'(name arcs type xcb:ARC size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(arcs :initarg :arcs :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:ImageFormat:XYBitmap 0)
(defconst xcb:ImageFormat:XYPixmap 1)
(defconst xcb:ImageFormat:ZPixmap 2)
(defclass xcb:PutImage
((~opcode :initform 72 :type xcb:-u1)
(format :initarg :format :type xcb:CARD8)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(dst-x :initarg :dst-x :type xcb:INT16)
(dst-y :initarg :dst-y :type xcb:INT16)
(left-pad :initarg :left-pad :type xcb:CARD8)
(depth :initarg :depth :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(data~ :initform
'(name data type xcb:BYTE size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(data :initarg :data :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:GetImage
((~opcode :initform 73 :type xcb:-u1)
(format :initarg :format :type xcb:CARD8)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)
(plane-mask :initarg :plane-mask :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:GetImage~reply
((depth :initarg :depth :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(visual :initarg :visual :type xcb:VISUALID)
(pad~0 :initform 20 :type xcb:-pad)
(data~ :initform
'(name data type xcb:BYTE size
(xcb:-fieldref 'length)
:type xcb:-list)
(data :initarg :data :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:PolyText8
((~opcode :initform 74 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(items~ :initform
'(name items type xcb:BYTE size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(items :initarg :items :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:PolyText16
((~opcode :initform 75 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(items~ :initform
'(name items type xcb:BYTE size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(items :initarg :items :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ImageText8
((~opcode :initform 76 :type xcb:-u1)
(string-len :initarg :string-len :type xcb:BYTE)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(string~ :initform
'(name string type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'string-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(string :initarg :string :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ImageText16
((~opcode :initform 77 :type xcb:-u1)
(string-len :initarg :string-len :type xcb:BYTE)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(gc :initarg :gc :type xcb:GCONTEXT)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:INT16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:INT16)
(string~ :initform
'(name string type xcb:CHAR2B size
(xcb:-fieldref 'string-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(string :initarg :string :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:ColormapAlloc:None 0)
(defconst xcb:ColormapAlloc:All 1)
(defclass xcb:CreateColormap
((~opcode :initform 78 :type xcb:-u1)
(alloc :initarg :alloc :type xcb:BYTE)
(mid :initarg :mid :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(visual :initarg :visual :type xcb:VISUALID)))
(defclass xcb:FreeColormap
((~opcode :initform 79 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)))
(defclass xcb:CopyColormapAndFree
((~opcode :initform 80 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(mid :initarg :mid :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(src-cmap :initarg :src-cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)))
(defclass xcb:InstallColormap
((~opcode :initform 81 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)))
(defclass xcb:UninstallColormap
((~opcode :initform 82 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)))
(defclass xcb:ListInstalledColormaps
((~opcode :initform 83 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)))
(defclass xcb:ListInstalledColormaps~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(cmaps-len :initarg :cmaps-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 22 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmaps~ :initform
'(name cmaps type xcb:COLORMAP size
(xcb:-fieldref 'cmaps-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(cmaps :initarg :cmaps :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:AllocColor
((~opcode :initform 84 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(red :initarg :red :type xcb:CARD16)
(green :initarg :green :type xcb:CARD16)
(blue :initarg :blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:AllocColor~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(red :initarg :red :type xcb:CARD16)
(green :initarg :green :type xcb:CARD16)
(blue :initarg :blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(pixel :initarg :pixel :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:AllocNamedColor
((~opcode :initform 85 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:AllocNamedColor~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(pixel :initarg :pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(exact-red :initarg :exact-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(exact-green :initarg :exact-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(exact-blue :initarg :exact-blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(visual-red :initarg :visual-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(visual-green :initarg :visual-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(visual-blue :initarg :visual-blue :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:AllocColorCells
((~opcode :initform 86 :type xcb:-u1)
(contiguous :initarg :contiguous :type xcb:BOOL)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(colors :initarg :colors :type xcb:CARD16)
(planes :initarg :planes :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:AllocColorCells~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(pixels-len :initarg :pixels-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(masks-len :initarg :masks-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 20 :type xcb:-pad)
(pixels~ :initform
'(name pixels type xcb:CARD32 size
(xcb:-fieldref 'pixels-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(pixels :initarg :pixels :type xcb:-ignore)
(masks~ :initform
'(name masks type xcb:CARD32 size
(xcb:-fieldref 'masks-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(masks :initarg :masks :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:AllocColorPlanes
((~opcode :initform 87 :type xcb:-u1)
(contiguous :initarg :contiguous :type xcb:BOOL)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(colors :initarg :colors :type xcb:CARD16)
(reds :initarg :reds :type xcb:CARD16)
(greens :initarg :greens :type xcb:CARD16)
(blues :initarg :blues :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:AllocColorPlanes~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(pixels-len :initarg :pixels-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(red-mask :initarg :red-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(green-mask :initarg :green-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(blue-mask :initarg :blue-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(pad~2 :initform 8 :type xcb:-pad)
(pixels~ :initform
'(name pixels type xcb:CARD32 size
(xcb:-fieldref 'pixels-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(pixels :initarg :pixels :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:FreeColors
((~opcode :initform 88 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(plane-mask :initarg :plane-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(pixels~ :initform
'(name pixels type xcb:CARD32 size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(pixels :initarg :pixels :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:ColorFlag:Red 1)
(defconst xcb:ColorFlag:Green 2)
(defconst xcb:ColorFlag:Blue 4)
(defclass xcb:COLORITEM
((pixel :initarg :pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(red :initarg :red :type xcb:CARD16)
(green :initarg :green :type xcb:CARD16)
(blue :initarg :blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(flags :initarg :flags :type xcb:BYTE)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:StoreColors
((~opcode :initform 89 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(items~ :initform
'(name items type xcb:COLORITEM size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(items :initarg :items :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:StoreNamedColor
((~opcode :initform 90 :type xcb:-u1)
(flags :initarg :flags :type xcb:CARD8)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(pixel :initarg :pixel :type xcb:CARD32)
(name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:RGB
((red :initarg :red :type xcb:CARD16)
(green :initarg :green :type xcb:CARD16)
(blue :initarg :blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defclass xcb:QueryColors
((~opcode :initform 91 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(pixels~ :initform
'(name pixels type xcb:CARD32 size nil)
:type xcb:-list)
(pixels :initarg :pixels :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:QueryColors~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(colors-len :initarg :colors-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 22 :type xcb:-pad)
(colors~ :initform
'(name colors type xcb:RGB size
(xcb:-fieldref 'colors-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(colors :initarg :colors :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:LookupColor
((~opcode :initform 92 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cmap :initarg :cmap :type xcb:COLORMAP)
(name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:LookupColor~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(exact-red :initarg :exact-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(exact-green :initarg :exact-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(exact-blue :initarg :exact-blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(visual-red :initarg :visual-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(visual-green :initarg :visual-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(visual-blue :initarg :visual-blue :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defconst xcb:Pixmap:None 0)
(defclass xcb:CreateCursor
((~opcode :initform 93 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cid :initarg :cid :type xcb:CURSOR)
(source :initarg :source :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(mask :initarg :mask :type xcb:PIXMAP)
(fore-red :initarg :fore-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(fore-green :initarg :fore-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(fore-blue :initarg :fore-blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-red :initarg :back-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-green :initarg :back-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-blue :initarg :back-blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(x :initarg :x :type xcb:CARD16)
(y :initarg :y :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defconst xcb:Font:None 0)
(defclass xcb:CreateGlyphCursor
((~opcode :initform 94 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cid :initarg :cid :type xcb:CURSOR)
(source-font :initarg :source-font :type xcb:FONT)
(mask-font :initarg :mask-font :type xcb:FONT)
(source-char :initarg :source-char :type xcb:CARD16)
(mask-char :initarg :mask-char :type xcb:CARD16)
(fore-red :initarg :fore-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(fore-green :initarg :fore-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(fore-blue :initarg :fore-blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-red :initarg :back-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-green :initarg :back-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-blue :initarg :back-blue :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:FreeCursor
((~opcode :initform 95 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cursor :initarg :cursor :type xcb:CURSOR)))
(defclass xcb:RecolorCursor
((~opcode :initform 96 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(cursor :initarg :cursor :type xcb:CURSOR)
(fore-red :initarg :fore-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(fore-green :initarg :fore-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(fore-blue :initarg :fore-blue :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-red :initarg :back-red :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-green :initarg :back-green :type xcb:CARD16)
(back-blue :initarg :back-blue :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defconst xcb:QueryShapeOf:LargestCursor 0)
(defconst xcb:QueryShapeOf:FastestTile 1)
(defconst xcb:QueryShapeOf:FastestStipple 2)
(defclass xcb:QueryBestSize
((~opcode :initform 97 :type xcb:-u1)
(class :initarg :class :type xcb:CARD8)
(drawable :initarg :drawable :type xcb:DRAWABLE)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:QueryBestSize~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(width :initarg :width :type xcb:CARD16)
(height :initarg :height :type xcb:CARD16)))
(defclass xcb:QueryExtension
((~opcode :initform 98 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(name-len :initarg :name-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(name~ :initform
'(name name type xcb:char size
(xcb:-fieldref 'name-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(name :initarg :name :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:QueryExtension~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(present :initarg :present :type xcb:BOOL)
(major-opcode :initarg :major-opcode :type xcb:CARD8)
(first-event :initarg :first-event :type xcb:CARD8)
(first-error :initarg :first-error :type xcb:CARD8)))
(defclass xcb:ListExtensions
((~opcode :initform 99 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:ListExtensions~reply
((names-len :initarg :names-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(pad~0 :initform 24 :type xcb:-pad)
(names~ :initform
'(name names type xcb:STR size
(xcb:-fieldref 'names-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(names :initarg :names :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:ChangeKeyboardMapping
((~opcode :initform 100 :type xcb:-u1)
(keycode-count :initarg :keycode-count :type xcb:CARD8)
(first-keycode :initarg :first-keycode :type xcb:KEYCODE)
(keysyms-per-keycode :initarg :keysyms-per-keycode :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(keysyms~ :initform
'(name keysyms type xcb:KEYSYM size
(xcb:-fieldref 'keycode-count)
(xcb:-fieldref 'keysyms-per-keycode)))
:type xcb:-list)
(keysyms :initarg :keysyms :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:GetKeyboardMapping
((~opcode :initform 101 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(first-keycode :initarg :first-keycode :type xcb:KEYCODE)
(count :initarg :count :type xcb:CARD8)))
(defclass xcb:GetKeyboardMapping~reply
((keysyms-per-keycode :initarg :keysyms-per-keycode :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(pad~0 :initform 24 :type xcb:-pad)
(keysyms~ :initform
'(name keysyms type xcb:KEYSYM size
(xcb:-fieldref 'length))
:type xcb:-list)
(keysyms :initarg :keysyms :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:KB:KeyClickPercent 1)
(defconst xcb:KB:BellPercent 2)
(defconst xcb:KB:BellPitch 4)
(defconst xcb:KB:BellDuration 8)
(defconst xcb:KB:Led 16)
(defconst xcb:KB:LedMode 32)
(defconst xcb:KB:Key 64)
(defconst xcb:KB:AutoRepeatMode 128)
(defconst xcb:LedMode:Off 0)
(defconst xcb:LedMode:On 1)
(defconst xcb:AutoRepeatMode:Off 0)
(defconst xcb:AutoRepeatMode:On 1)
(defconst xcb:AutoRepeatMode:Default 2)
(defclass xcb:ChangeKeyboardControl
((~opcode :initform 102 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(value-mask :initarg :value-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(value-list :initform
(xcb:-fieldref 'value-mask)
((1 key-click-percent)
(2 bell-percent)
(4 bell-pitch)
(8 bell-duration)
(16 led)
(32 led-mode)
(64 key)
(128 auto-repeat-mode)))
:type xcb:-switch)
(key-click-percent :initarg :key-click-percent :type xcb:INT32)
(bell-percent :initarg :bell-percent :type xcb:INT32)
(bell-pitch :initarg :bell-pitch :type xcb:INT32)
(bell-duration :initarg :bell-duration :type xcb:INT32)
(led :initarg :led :type xcb:CARD32)
(led-mode :initarg :led-mode :type xcb:CARD32)
(key :initarg :key :type xcb:KEYCODE32)
(auto-repeat-mode :initarg :auto-repeat-mode :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:GetKeyboardControl
((~opcode :initform 103 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:GetKeyboardControl~reply
((global-auto-repeat :initarg :global-auto-repeat :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(led-mask :initarg :led-mask :type xcb:CARD32)
(key-click-percent :initarg :key-click-percent :type xcb:CARD8)
(bell-percent :initarg :bell-percent :type xcb:CARD8)
(bell-pitch :initarg :bell-pitch :type xcb:CARD16)
(bell-duration :initarg :bell-duration :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 2 :type xcb:-pad)
(auto-repeats~ :initform
'(name auto-repeats type xcb:CARD8 size 32)
:type xcb:-list)
(auto-repeats :initarg :auto-repeats :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:Bell
((~opcode :initform 104 :type xcb:-u1)
(percent :initarg :percent :type xcb:INT8)))
(defclass xcb:ChangePointerControl
((~opcode :initform 105 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(acceleration-numerator :initarg :acceleration-numerator :type xcb:INT16)
(acceleration-denominator :initarg :acceleration-denominator :type xcb:INT16)
(threshold :initarg :threshold :type xcb:INT16)
(do-acceleration :initarg :do-acceleration :type xcb:BOOL)
(do-threshold :initarg :do-threshold :type xcb:BOOL)))
(defclass xcb:GetPointerControl
((~opcode :initform 106 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:GetPointerControl~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(acceleration-numerator :initarg :acceleration-numerator :type xcb:CARD16)
(acceleration-denominator :initarg :acceleration-denominator :type xcb:CARD16)
(threshold :initarg :threshold :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~1 :initform 18 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defconst xcb:Blanking:NotPreferred 0)
(defconst xcb:Blanking:Preferred 1)
(defconst xcb:Blanking:Default 2)
(defconst xcb:Exposures:NotAllowed 0)
(defconst xcb:Exposures:Allowed 1)
(defconst xcb:Exposures:Default 2)
(defclass xcb:SetScreenSaver
((~opcode :initform 107 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(timeout :initarg :timeout :type xcb:INT16)
(interval :initarg :interval :type xcb:INT16)
(prefer-blanking :initarg :prefer-blanking :type xcb:CARD8)
(allow-exposures :initarg :allow-exposures :type xcb:CARD8)))
(defclass xcb:GetScreenSaver
((~opcode :initform 108 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:GetScreenSaver~reply
((pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(timeout :initarg :timeout :type xcb:CARD16)
(interval :initarg :interval :type xcb:CARD16)
(prefer-blanking :initarg :prefer-blanking :type xcb:BYTE)
(allow-exposures :initarg :allow-exposures :type xcb:BYTE)
(pad~1 :initform 18 :type xcb:-pad)))
(defconst xcb:HostMode:Insert 0)
(defconst xcb:HostMode:Delete 1)
(defconst xcb:Family:Internet 0)
(defconst xcb:Family:DECnet 1)
(defconst xcb:Family:Chaos 2)
(defconst xcb:Family:ServerInterpreted 5)
(defconst xcb:Family:Internet6 6)
(defclass xcb:ChangeHosts
((~opcode :initform 109 :type xcb:-u1)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:CARD8)
(family :initarg :family :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(address-len :initarg :address-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(address~ :initform
'(name address type xcb:BYTE size
(xcb:-fieldref 'address-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(address :initarg :address :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:HOST
((family :initarg :family :type xcb:CARD8)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(address-len :initarg :address-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(address~ :initform
'(name address type xcb:BYTE size
(xcb:-fieldref 'address-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(address :initarg :address :type xcb:-ignore)
(pad~1 :initform 4 :type xcb:-pad-align)))
(defclass xcb:ListHosts
((~opcode :initform 110 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:ListHosts~reply
((mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(hosts-len :initarg :hosts-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(pad~0 :initform 22 :type xcb:-pad)
(hosts~ :initform
'(name hosts type xcb:HOST size
(xcb:-fieldref 'hosts-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(hosts :initarg :hosts :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:AccessControl:Disable 0)
(defconst xcb:AccessControl:Enable 1)
(defclass xcb:SetAccessControl
((~opcode :initform 111 :type xcb:-u1)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:CARD8)))
(defconst xcb:CloseDown:DestroyAll 0)
(defconst xcb:CloseDown:RetainPermanent 1)
(defconst xcb:CloseDown:RetainTemporary 2)
(defclass xcb:SetCloseDownMode
((~opcode :initform 112 :type xcb:-u1)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:CARD8)))
(defconst xcb:Kill:AllTemporary 0)
(defclass xcb:KillClient
((~opcode :initform 113 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(resource :initarg :resource :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:RotateProperties
((~opcode :initform 114 :type xcb:-u1)
(pad~0 :initform 1 :type xcb:-pad)
(window :initarg :window :type xcb:WINDOW)
(atoms-len :initarg :atoms-len :type xcb:CARD16)
(delta :initarg :delta :type xcb:INT16)
(atoms~ :initform
'(name atoms type xcb:ATOM size
(xcb:-fieldref 'atoms-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(atoms :initarg :atoms :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:ScreenSaver:Reset 0)
(defconst xcb:ScreenSaver:Active 1)
(defclass xcb:ForceScreenSaver
((~opcode :initform 115 :type xcb:-u1)
(mode :initarg :mode :type xcb:CARD8)))
(defconst xcb:MappingStatus:Success 0)
(defconst xcb:MappingStatus:Busy 1)
(defconst xcb:MappingStatus:Failure 2)
(defclass xcb:SetPointerMapping
((~opcode :initform 116 :type xcb:-u1)
(map-len :initarg :map-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(map~ :initform
'(name map type xcb:CARD8 size
(xcb:-fieldref 'map-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(map :initarg :map :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:SetPointerMapping~reply
((status :initarg :status :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:GetPointerMapping
((~opcode :initform 117 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:GetPointerMapping~reply
((map-len :initarg :map-len :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(pad~0 :initform 24 :type xcb:-pad)
(map~ :initform
'(name map type xcb:CARD8 size
(xcb:-fieldref 'map-len))
:type xcb:-list)
(map :initarg :map :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defconst xcb:MapIndex:Shift 0)
(defconst xcb:MapIndex:Lock 1)
(defconst xcb:MapIndex:Control 2)
(defconst xcb:MapIndex:1 3)
(defconst xcb:MapIndex:2 4)
(defconst xcb:MapIndex:3 5)
(defconst xcb:MapIndex:4 6)
(defconst xcb:MapIndex:5 7)
(defclass xcb:SetModifierMapping
((~opcode :initform 118 :type xcb:-u1)
(keycodes-per-modifier :initarg :keycodes-per-modifier :type xcb:CARD8)
(keycodes~ :initform
'(name keycodes type xcb:KEYCODE size
(xcb:-fieldref 'keycodes-per-modifier)
:type xcb:-list)
(keycodes :initarg :keycodes :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:SetModifierMapping~reply
((status :initarg :status :type xcb:BYTE)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)))
(defclass xcb:GetModifierMapping
((~opcode :initform 119 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defclass xcb:GetModifierMapping~reply
((keycodes-per-modifier :initarg :keycodes-per-modifier :type xcb:CARD8)
(~sequence :type xcb:CARD16)
(length :type xcb:CARD32)
(pad~0 :initform 24 :type xcb:-pad)
(keycodes~ :initform
'(name keycodes type xcb:KEYCODE size
(xcb:-fieldref 'keycodes-per-modifier)
:type xcb:-list)
(keycodes :initarg :keycodes :type xcb:-ignore)))
(defclass xcb:NoOperation
((~opcode :initform 127 :type xcb:-u1)))
(defconst xcb:error-number-class-alist
'((1 . xcb:Request)
(2 . xcb:Value)
(3 . xcb:Window)
(4 . xcb:Pixmap)
(5 . xcb:Atom)
(6 . xcb:Cursor)
(7 . xcb:Font)
(8 . xcb:Match)
(9 . xcb:Drawable)
(10 . xcb:Access)
(11 . xcb:Alloc)
(12 . xcb:Colormap)
(13 . xcb:GContext)
(14 . xcb:IDChoice)
(15 . xcb:Name)
(16 . xcb:Length)
(17 . xcb:Implementation))
"(error-number . error-class) alist.")
(defconst xcb:event-number-class-alist
'((2 . xcb:KeyPress)
(3 . xcb:KeyRelease)
(4 . xcb:ButtonPress)
(5 . xcb:ButtonRelease)
(6 . xcb:MotionNotify)
(7 . xcb:EnterNotify)
(8 . xcb:LeaveNotify)
(9 . xcb:FocusIn)
(10 . xcb:FocusOut)
(11 . xcb:KeymapNotify)
(12 . xcb:Expose)
(13 . xcb:GraphicsExposure)
(14 . xcb:NoExposure)
(15 . xcb:VisibilityNotify)
(16 . xcb:CreateNotify)
(17 . xcb:DestroyNotify)
(18 . xcb:UnmapNotify)
(19 . xcb:MapNotify)
(20 . xcb:MapRequest)
(21 . xcb:ReparentNotify)
(22 . xcb:ConfigureNotify)
(23 . xcb:ConfigureRequest)
(24 . xcb:GravityNotify)
(25 . xcb:ResizeRequest)
(26 . xcb:CirculateNotify)
(27 . xcb:CirculateRequest)
(28 . xcb:PropertyNotify)
(29 . xcb:SelectionClear)
(30 . xcb:SelectionRequest)
(31 . xcb:SelectionNotify)
(32 . xcb:ColormapNotify)
(33 . xcb:ClientMessage)
(34 . xcb:MappingNotify)
(35 . xcb:GeGeneric))
"(event-number . event-class) alist.")
(provide 'xcb-xproto)
;;; xcb-xproto.el ends here