;ELC ;;; Compiled ;;; in Emacs version 26.3 ;;; with all optimizations. ;;; This file uses dynamic docstrings, first added in Emacs 19.29. ;;; This file does not contain utf-8 non-ASCII characters, ;;; and so can be loaded in Emacs versions earlier than 23. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (byte-code "\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\207" [require ztree-util ztree-view ztree-protocol] 2) #@86 Hidden files regexp. By default all filest starting with dot `.', including . and .. (defconst ztree-hidden-files-regexp "^\\." (#$ . 511)) #@83 Defines if move focus to opened window on hard-action command (RETURN) on a file. (defvar ztree-dir-move-focus nil (#$ . 657)) #@229 List of regexp file names to filter out. By default paths starting with dot (like .git) are ignored. One could add own filters in the following way: (setq-default ztree-dir-filter-list (cons "^.*\.pyc" ztree-dir-filter-list))  (defvar ztree-dir-filter-list (list ztree-hidden-files-regexp) (#$ . 791)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ztree-dir-filter-list) #@43 Show or not files from the filtered list. (defvar ztree-dir-show-filtered-files nil (#$ . 1152)) (byte-code "\300\301!\210\302\303\304\305\306\307\306\310&\207" [make-variable-buffer-local ztree-dir-show-filtered-files custom-declare-face ztreep-header-face ((((type tty pc) (class color)) :foreground "lightblue" :weight bold) (((background dark)) (:height 1.2 :foreground "lightblue" :weight bold)) (t :height 1.2 :foreground "darkblue" :weight bold)) "*Face used for the header in Ztree buffer." :group Ztree font-lock-highlighting-faces] 8) (defvar ztreep-header-face 'ztreep-header-face) #@95 Non-nil if ZtreeDir mode is enabled. Use the command `ztreedir-mode' to change this variable. (defvar ztreedir-mode nil (#$ . 1752)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'ztreedir-mode) #@83 A minor mode for displaying the directory trees in text mode. (fn &optional ARG) (defalias 'ztreedir-mode #[256 "\301 \302=\203 ?\202\303!\304V\305\306\203\307\202\310\"\210\311\312!\203B\301 \2032\211\301 \232\203B\313\314\315\203=\316\202>\317#\266\210\320 \210\207" [ztreedir-mode current-message toggle prefix-numeric-value 0 run-hooks ztreedir-mode-hook ztreedir-mode-on-hook ztreedir-mode-off-hook called-interactively-p any " in current buffer" message "ZtreeDir mode %sabled%s" "en" "dis" force-mode-line-update] 7 (#$ . 1935) (byte-code "\206\301C\207" [current-prefix-arg toggle] 1)]) (defvar ztreedir-mode-hook nil) (byte-code "\300\301N\204\f\302\300\301\303#\210\300\207" [ztreedir-mode-hook variable-documentation put "Hook run after entering or leaving `ztreedir-mode'.\nNo problems result if this variable is not bound.\n`add-hook' automatically binds it. (This is true for all hook variables.)"] 4) #@29 Keymap for `ztreedir-mode'. (defvar ztreedir-mode-map (byte-code "\300\301B\302\303B\304\305B\306\307BF\310!\203\211\202&\211<\203\"\311!\202&\312\313\"\207" ["H" ztree-dir-toggle-show-filtered-files ">" ztree-dir-narrow-to-dir "<" ztree-dir-widen-to-parent "d" ztree-dir-open-dired-at-point keymapp easy-mmode-define-keymap error "Invalid keymap %S"] 5) (#$ . 2884)) (byte-code "\301\302\303\304\211%\207" [ztreedir-mode-map add-minor-mode ztreedir-mode " Dir" nil] 6) #@40 Insert the header to the ztree buffer. (defalias 'ztree-insert-buffer-header #[0 "`\300c\210\301c\210\302c\210\303`\304#\266\301c\207" ["Directory tree" "\n" "==============" set-text-properties (face ztreep-header-face)] 5 (#$ . 3369)]) #@72 Determines if the file with FILENAME should be visible. (fn FILENAME) (defalias 'ztree-file-not-hidden #[257 "\302!\211\303\230\206\f\211\304\230?\205%\206%\305\306\307\310\311\312!\313\"\314\315% \"?\207" [ztree-dir-show-filtered-files ztree-dir-filter-list ztree-file-short-name "." ".." cl-find-if make-byte-code 257 "\301\300\"\207" vconcat vector [string-match] 4 "\n\n(fn RX)"] 9 (#$ . 3615)]) #@153 Find the file at NODE. If HARD is non-nil, the file is opened in another window. Otherwise, the ztree window is used to find the file. (fn NODE HARD) (defalias 'ztree-find-file #[514 ";\2052\301!\2052\211\203\203\302!\207\211\203/\303 r\304\305\306\307\310!\311\"\312$\216\302!*\207\313!\207" [ztree-dir-move-focus file-readable-p find-file-other-window internal--before-save-selected-window make-byte-code 0 "\301\300!\207" vconcat vector [internal--after-save-selected-window] 2 find-file] 9 (#$ . 4031)]) #@42 Toggle visibility of the filtered files. (defalias 'ztree-dir-toggle-show-filtered-files #[0 "?\301\203\f\302\202 \303\304P!\210\305 \207" [ztree-dir-show-filtered-files message "Show" "Hide" " filtered files" ztree-refresh-buffer] 3 (#$ . 4561) nil]) #@69 Return the list of files/directories for the given PATH. (fn PATH) (defalias 'ztree-dir-directory-files #[257 "\300\301\302\303\"\"\207" [cl-remove-if #[257 "\301\302\303\304#)\207" [inhibit-changing-match-data "/\\.\\.?$" nil t string-match] 8 "\n\n(fn X)"] directory-files full] 6 (#$ . 4824)]) #@72 Change the start node to NODE and update current directory. (fn NODE) (defalias 'ztree-dir-change-directory #[257 "\301!\210\211\211\207" [default-directory ztree-change-start-node] 3 (#$ . 5134)]) #@195 Interactive command to narrow the current directory buffer. The buffer is narrowed to the directory under the cursor. If the cursor is on a file, the buffer is narrowed to the parent directory. (defalias 'ztree-dir-narrow-to-dir #[0 "\300 \301!\302!\303!\203\304!\202\211\205\304\301!!\207" [line-number-at-pos ztree-find-node-in-line ztree-get-parent-for-line file-directory-p ztree-dir-change-directory] 6 (#$ . 5342) nil]) #@239 Interactive command to widen the current directory buffer to parent. The buffer is widened to the parent of the directory of the current buffer. This allows to jump to the parent directory if this directory is one level up of the opened. (defalias 'ztree-dir-widen-to-parent #[0 "\301\302!!\211\205 \303!\207" [ztree-start-node file-name-directory directory-file-name ztree-dir-change-directory] 4 (#$ . 5786) nil]) #@112 If the point is on a directory, open DIRED with this directory. Otherwise open DIRED with the parent directory (defalias 'ztree-dir-open-dired-at-point #[0 "\300 \301!\302!\203\303!\203\304!\202!\211\205!\304\301!!\207" [line-number-at-pos ztree-find-node-in-line ztree-get-parent-for-line file-directory-p dired] 6 (#$ . 6213) nil]) (byte-code "\300\301\302\303\302\304%\210\300\305\302\306\302\307%\210\300\310\302\311\302\312%\210\300\313\302\314\302\315%\210\300\316\302\317\302\320%\210\300\321\302\322\302\323%\207" [cl-generic-define-method ztree-node-visible-p nil ((file string)) #[257 "\300!\207" [ztree-file-not-hidden] 3 "Return T if the NODE shall be visible.\n\n(fn FILE)"] ztree-node-short-name ((file string)) #[257 "\300!\207" [ztree-file-short-name] 3 "Return the short name for a node.\n\n(fn FILE)"] ztree-node-expandable-p ((file string)) #[257 "\300!\207" [file-directory-p] 3 "Return T if the node is expandable.\n\n(fn FILE)"] ztree-node-equal ((file1 string) (file2 string)) #[514 "\230\207" [] 4 "Equality function for NODE1 and NODE2.\nReturn T if nodes are equal\n\n(fn FILE1 FILE2)"] ztree-node-children ((file string)) #[257 "\300!\207" [ztree-dir-directory-files] 3 "Return a list of NODE children\n\n(fn FILE)"] ztree-node-action ((file string) hard) #[514 "\300\"\207" [ztree-find-file] 5 "Perform an action when the Return is pressed on a NODE.\n\n(fn FILE HARD)"]] 6) #@84 Create an interactive buffer with the directory tree of the PATH given. (fn PATH) (defalias 'ztree-dir #[257 "\300!\205\301!\205\302\303Q\304\305\306\307!!\310\311%\262\207" [file-exists-p file-directory-p "*Directory " " tree*" ztree-view ztree-insert-buffer-header expand-file-name substitute-in-file-name ztreedir-mode nil] 8 (#$ . 7642) "DDirectory: "]) (provide 'ztree-dir)