# Changelog ## [0.8.23] * fixed some bugs ## [0.8.20] * fixed windows path bugs for ecl ## [0.8.18] * fixed some bugs ## [0.8.13] * resolve and escape breakpoint pathes in prologDebugger.ts for Windows ## [0.8.11] * goto definition for dcg non-terminal ## [0.8.10] * fixed a bug in loading file in terminal ## [0.8.9] * fixed a bug of escape in formatter.swi.pl * add some commands into menus ## [0.8.7] * setting of prolog.format.enabled ## [0.8.6] * fixed a bug in definitionProvider.ts ## [0.8.5] * fixed a hover bug ## [0.8.4] * support linter disabled option ## [0.8.3] * replaced jsesc with js-string-escape which is unicode safe ## [0.8.2] * updated readme ## [0.8.0] * windows 10 support ## [0.7.0] * remove logtalk support to avoid possible conflict with VSC-Logtalk ## [0.6.5] * fixed a bug of find all references ## [0.6.4] * fixed a bug of goto-definition ## [0.6.3] * fixed a logtalk linter bug ## [0.6.2] * load logtalk source file into integrated termninal ## [0.6.1] * supported linter for logtalk with ecl as backend ## [0.6.0] * supported linter and formatter for logtalk package of swi ## [0.5.13] * supported lgt source file extension ## [0.5.12] * fixed a formatting bug concerning ecl line comment ## [0.5.11] * fixed a bug concerning query goal under cursor ## [0.5.10] * fixed comments highlighting bugs ## [0.5.9] * fixed a goto definition bug for ecl ## [0.5.7] * fixed a formatting bug for ecl ## [0.5.3] * fixed duplicated msgs bug in linter for ecl ## [0.5.0] * supported "find all references" and "refactoring predicate" for ECLiPe clp. * fixed some bugs ## [0.4.7] * fixed a bug in formatting ecl codes ## [0.4.6] * added modules of fs-extra,graceful-fs,jsonfile,universalify into .vscodeignore ## [0.4.0] * some features support eclipseclp ## [0.3.6] * fixed a bug in 'add dynamic' ## [0.3.5] * republished after failed times: fixed a bug in refactor ## [0.3.0] * added refactoring feature * fixed several bugs ## [0.2.22] * preciser moduling in finding all references ## [0.2.21] * fixed an async/await bug in referenceProvider.ts ## [0.2.20] * fixed a bug in loading active document in linter ## [0.2.19] * fixed a version err ## [0.2.17] * fixed a code formatting bug ## [0.2.16] * refined formatting ## [0.2.15] * fixed a bug ## [0.2.13] * updated readme ## [0.2.12] * changed icon ## [0.2.11] * changed default swipl path to /usr/bin/swipl ## [0.2.10] * enhanced predicate picking in direct name/arity literal ## [0.2.9] * fixed cyclic import issue of linter ## [0.2.8] ## [0.2.3] * added several node modules in .vscodeignore ## [0.2.2] * revised this file ## [0.2.1] * fixed a readme link err ## [0.2.0] * added 'find all references' feature ## [0.1.7] * fixed cwd bug ## [0.1.6] * added icon ## [0.1.5] ## [0.1.2] * updated README.md ## [0.1.1] * fixed bug reporting address error ## [0.1.0] * Initial usable release