{ "comments": { // symbol used for single line comment. Remove this entry if your language does not support line comments "lineComment": ";" }, // symbols used as brackets "brackets": [ ["(", ")"] ], // symbols that are auto closed when typing "autoClosingPairs": [ ["{", "}"], ["[", "]"], ["(", ")"], ["\"", "\""], ["'", "'"], ["%", "%"] // used by some popular templating libraries: {% %} ], // symbols that that can be used to surround a selection "surroundingPairs": [ ["(", ")"] ], // PDDL allows hyphen character on the second and further character of identifiers "wordPattern": { "pattern": "\\w[-\\w]*", "flags": "g" }, "folding": { "markers": { "start": "^\\s*;;\\(", "end": "^\\s*;;\\)" } } }