{ "domain": { "prefix": "domain", "body": [ ";Header and description", "", "(define (domain ${1:domain_name})", "", ";remove requirements that are not needed", "(:requirements :strips :fluents :durative-actions :timed-initial-literals :typing :conditional-effects :negative-preconditions :duration-inequalities :equality)", "", "(:types ;todo: enumerate types and their hierarchy here, e.g. car truck bus - vehicle", ")", "", "; un-comment following line if constants are needed", ";(:constants )", "", "(:predicates ;todo: define predicates here", ")", "", "", "(:functions ;todo: define numeric functions here", ")", "", ";define actions here", "$0", ")" ], "description": "Define domain" }, "problem": { "prefix": "problem", "body": [ "(define (problem ${1:problem_name}) (:domain ${2:domain_name})", "(:objects $0", ")", "", "(:init", " ;todo: put the initial state's facts and numeric values here", ")", "", "(:goal (and", " ;todo: put the goal condition here", "))", "", ";un-comment the following line if metric is needed", ";(:metric ${3|minimize,maximize|} (???))", ")", "" ], "description": "Creates a problem skeleton" } }