Did you know that Ctrl + / comments out the current line? Press it again to un-comment it.
Did you know you can press F2 to rename a predicate/function/type globally across domain and related problem files? Open all applicable files in the editor, select the symbol you want to rename, press F2...
Did you know you can right click on file/folder in the Explorer side bar and select Open in Command Prompt? The terminal window will open and the current directory will be what you clicked on! You can then directly call any command line tools (planner, parser, validator, ...) in that folder.
Did you know you can export the plan visualization as a self-contained, full screen HTML page? It shows more detail. Click on the and select Generate plan report. HTML page will open in your default browser (ideally Chrome).
Did you know that you can press F12 to jump to a predicate, function or type declaration?
Did you know that you can get more screen space for your code by pressing Ctrl + B and Ctrl + J to show/hide the left side-bar and bottom output panel respectively?
Did you know you can make the font bigger/smaller by pressing Ctrl + or Ctrl -?
Did you know you can indent/un-indent text in the editor by pressing Ctrl + [ or Ctrl + ]?
Did you know that Ctrl + Shift + O shows symbols (predicates/functions/actions) defined in the active file and lets you quickly navigate as you type a symbol name?
Research Scientist – Artificial Intelligence position is currently open in Schlumberger in Cambridge, UK. Join us!