{"extension":["Sorry, something went wrong activating IntelliCode support for Python. Please check the \"Python\" and \"VS IntelliCode\" output windows for details.","Sorry, something went wrong activating IntelliCode support for SQL. Please check the \"MSSQL\" and \"VS IntelliCode\" output windows for details.","Sorry, something went wrong activating IntelliCode support for TypeScript/JavaScript. Please check the \"VS IntelliCode\" output window for details.","Sorry, something went wrong activating IntelliCode support for Java. Please check the \"Language Support for Java\" and \"VS IntelliCode\" output windows for details.","You can install the {0} extension to get an enhanced completion experience with IntelliCode","Please update the {0} extension to get an enhanced completion experience with IntelliCode.\nIntelliCode requires version {1} or newer.","View details"],"models/BlobStore":["Downloading IntelliCode models"],"models/ModelProvider":["Couldn't download IntelliCode model. Please check your network connectivity or firewall settings."],"util/config":["IntelliCode wasn't able to apply the user setting '{0}.{1}': '{2}' automatically, please manually set it.","Yes","Don't ask again","The configuration 'editor.{0}': '{1}' may cause you to not see IntelliCode completions. Would you like to change it?"]}