{ "extension.description": "AI-assisted development", "setting.modelDownloadPath": "Specifies the folder path where downloaded model files are stored. Defaults to the extension install directory if not specified.", "setting.pythonEnabled": "Enable Visual Studio IntelliCode completions for Python", "setting.javaEnabled": "Enable Visual Studio IntelliCode completions for Java", "setting.typescriptEnabled": "Enable Visual Studio IntelliCode completions for TypeScript and JavaScript", "setting.sqlEnabled": "Enable Visual Studio IntelliCode completions for MSSQL", "setting.suggestSelection.markdown": "Control whether Visual Studio IntelliCode will modify `editor.suggestSelection` if it is set to a value (`recentlyUsed`) that will result in IntelliCode suggested completion items not being visible.", "setting.suggestSelection.enabled": "Allows IntelliCode to modify the editor.suggestSelection setting on your behalf.", "setting.suggestSelection.disabled": "You've explicitly opted out of having this configuration controlled by IntelliCode.", "setting.suggestSelection.automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue": "(DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY) IntelliCode will set this to record that configuration has been automatically modified to override a default value.", "setting.suggestSelection.choseToUpdateConfiguration": "(DO NOT SET THIS MANUALLY) IntelliCode will set this to record that you've chosen to let IntelliCode change the configuration from a value that was explicitly set." }