Maven Internal State-Management Plugins org.apache.maven.plugins.internal maven-state-management 2.1 statemgmt false true start-fork Setup the appropriate build state to initiate a forked execution. false false false false false true org.apache.maven.lifecycle.statemgmt.StartForkedExecutionMojo java per-lookup once-per-session project org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject true false The current MavenProject instance, which will have a new executionProject set after execution. session org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession true false The current MavenSession instance, which will handle the fork context. forkId int true true The current fork identifier. ${forkId} end-fork Restore the non-fork currentProject instance, for use in the forking mojo. false false false false false true org.apache.maven.lifecycle.statemgmt.EndForkedExecutionMojo java per-lookup once-per-session session org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession true false The current MavenSession instance, which will handle the fork context. forkId int true true The current fork identifier. ${forkId} clear-fork-context Tear down any build state used during the previous forked execution. false false false false false true org.apache.maven.lifecycle.statemgmt.ClearForkedContextMojo java per-lookup once-per-session project org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject true false The current MavenProject instance, which will have the current executionProject cleared after execution. forkId int true true The current fork identifier. ${forkId} resolve-late-bound-plugin Resolve a late-bound plugin during a build, right before it is to be used. false false false false false true org.apache.maven.lifecycle.statemgmt.ResolveLateBoundPluginMojo java per-lookup once-per-session project org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject true false The current MavenProject instance, for building a new MojoBinding instance. session org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession true false The current MavenSession instance, which will handle the fork context. groupId java.lang.String true true The plugin's groupId. artifactId java.lang.String true true The plugin's artifactId. version java.lang.String false true The plugin's version. goal java.lang.String true true The mojo's goal that we're looking for, as an extra validation step. ${groupId} ${artifactId} ${version} ${goal} org.apache.maven.plugin.loader.PluginLoader pluginLoader org.apache.maven.lifecycle.binding.MojoBindingFactory bindingFactory