Êþº¾4" json()ZRuntimeVisibleAnnotationsLaQute/lib/getopt/Description;valueSerialize to JSONfull0Show full diff tree (also wen entries are equal)diffFormatted like diffallBoth add and removesremoveJust removes (no additions)addedJust additions (no removes) SourceFileRepoCommand.javaLaQute/lib/getopt/Arguments;arg newer repo [older repo]²Show the diff tree of a single repo or compare 2 repos. A diff tree is a detailed tree of all aspects of a bundle, including its packages, types, methods, fields, and modifiers.!&aQute/bnd/main/RepoCommand$diffOptions diffOptions InnerClassesjava/lang/ObjectaQute/lib/getopt/OptionsaQute/bnd/main/RepoCommand s   s   s  s s s[sss