Êþº¾4-'*+api()ZRuntimeVisibleAnnotationsLaQute/lib/getopt/Description;valuehPrint the api usage. This shows the usage constraints on exported packages when only public API is used.verify3Before printing, verify that the bundle is correct.manifestPrint the manifest.listList the resourcesimpexp-List the imports exports, versions and rangesusespShow for each contained package, what other package it uses. Is either an private, exported, or imported packagebyDTransposed uses. Will show for each known package who it is used by. componentShow components in detailtypemetaShow any metatype datajava7Keep references to java in --api, --uses, and --usedby.xport5Show all packages, not just exported, in the API view capabilitiesShow the capabilities SourceFilebnd.javaLaQute/lib/getopt/Arguments;arg jar-file...ªProvides detailed view of the bundle. It will analyze the bundle and then show its contents from different perspectives. If no options are specified, prints the manifest.,aQute/bnd/main/bnd$printOptions printOptions InnerClassesjava/lang/ObjectaQute/lib/getopt/OptionsaQute/bnd/main/bnd  s   s   s  s s s s s s s s s !"#[s$s%) &(