Êþº¾4'!$%output()Ljava/lang/String;RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsLaQute/lib/getopt/Description;valueƒPath to the output, default the name of the input jar with the '.bar' extension. If this is a directory, the output is place there. properties%A file with properties in bnd format. classpath()Ljava/util/List; Signature&()Ljava/util/List;A classpath specificationforce()Z"Allow override of an existing filebsn#Set the bundle symbolic name to useversion()LaQute/bnd/version/Version;Set the version to use SourceFilebnd.javaýWrap a jar into a bundle. This is a poor man's facility to quickly turn a non-OSGi JAR into an OSGi bundle. It is usually better to write a bnd file and use the bnd .bnd command because that has greater control. Even better is to wrap in bndtools.LaQute/lib/getopt/Arguments;arg [...]&aQute/bnd/main/bnd$wrapOptions wrapOptions InnerClassesjava/lang/ObjectaQute/lib/getopt/OptionsaQute/bnd/main/bnd s   s   s s s ss[ss#  "