/** Print the contents of filename, url, or stream (like Unix cat) */ bsh.help.cat = "usage: cat( filename )"; /** cat comment */ cat( String filename ) { this.file = pathToFile( filename ); if ( !file.exists() || !file.canRead() ) { print( "Can't read " + file ); return; } cat( new FileReader( file ) ); } /** cat comment */ cat( URL url ) { cat( url.openStream() ); } cat( InputStream ins ) { this.bin = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( ins ) ); cat( bin ); } cat( Reader reader ) { try { this.bin = new BufferedReader( reader ); while ( (this.line=bin.readLine() ) != null ) print( line ); } catch ( Exception e ) { print( "Error reading stream:"+ e); } }