/** Show component in a frame, centered and packed, handling disposal with the close button.

Display the component, centered and packed, in a Frame, JFrame, or JInternalFrame. Returns the frame. If the GUI desktop is running then a JInternaFrame will be used and automatically added to the desktop. Otherwise if Swing is available a top level JFrame will be created. Otherwise a plain AWT Frame will be created. @method Frame | JFrame | JInternalFrame frame( Component component ) */ bsh.help.frame = "usage: frame( Component component )"; import java.awt.*; import bsh.Capabilities; frame( Component comp ) { // Ignore unhandled method invocations from listeners. invoke( method, args ) { } windowClosing( event ) { frame.dispose(); } // if the desktop is there make an internal frame if ( bsh.system.desktop != void ) { this.frame = bsh.system.desktop.makeInternalFrame("frame"); frame.setClosable(true); frame.getContentPane().add( comp, "Center" ); frame.pack(); // must pack before adding to desktop? bsh.system.desktop.addInternalFrame( frame ); } else { // make an external JFrame or Frame if ( Capabilities.haveSwing() ) { this.frame = new javax.swing.JFrame(); frame.getContentPane().add( comp, "Center" ); } else { this.frame = new Frame(); frame.add( comp, "Center" ); } frame.addWindowListener(this); frame.pack(); } frame.show(); return frame; }