/** Print the BeanShell banner (version and author line) - GUI or non GUI. @author Daniel Leuck */ import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import java.awt.*; import bsh.Interpreter; import bsh.Capabilities; import bsh.util.JConsole; /* Note: any errors thrown in here will be caught by interpreter and ignored... printing the default message. */ printBanner() { if ( bsh.console != void && Capabilities.haveSwing() && (bsh.console instanceof JConsole) ) { this.jconsole = bsh.console; jconsole.println( new ImageIcon( getResource("/bsh/util/lib/small_bean_shell.gif")) ); jconsole.print( Interpreter.VERSION + " - by Pat Niemeyer (pat@pat.net)", new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12), new Color(20,100,20) ); jconsole.println(); } else print( "BeanShell " + Interpreter.VERSION +" - by Pat Niemeyer (pat@pat.net)"); }