application/access mdf # Microsoft Access #application/excel xls # Microsoft Excel application/ xls # Microsoft Excel application/font-tdpfr pfr # TrueDoc Portable Font Resource application/futuresplash spl # Macromedia Flash application/hep hep # Hummingbird Host Explorer Profiles application/lotus-123 wks # Lotus 123 application/mac-binhex40 hqx # Macintosh binhexed archives application/mspowerpoint ppt # Microsoft Powerpoint application/msword doc # Microsoft Word application/octet-stream bin exe ani # Binary File application/oda oda application/pagemaker pm5 pt5 pm # PageMaker application/pdf pdf # Adobe Acrobat application/postscript ai eps ps # Postscript File application/rtf rtf # Rich Text File application/toolbook tbk # Toolbook application/wordperfect wp # WordPerfect application/wordperfect5.1 wp5 # WordPerfect Version 5.1 application/wordperfect6.1 wp6 # WordPerfect Version 6.1 application/wordperfectd wpd # WordPerfect application/x-bcpio bcpio # application/x-cpio cpio # application/x-csh csh # C-Shell Program application/x-director dcr # Director File application/x-dvi dvi # TeX dvi Format application/x-gtar gtar # Gzip and Tar file application/x-gzip gz tgz # Gzip and Tar file application/x-compress z # Gzip and Tar file application/x-hdf hdf # NCSA HDF application/x-ica ica # WinFrames application/x-javascript js # Javascript application/x-latex latex # Latex File application/x-mif mif # application/x-netcdf nc cdf # #application/x-sh sh # sh Shell Program application/x-shar shar # application/x-shockwave-flash swf # Macromedia Shockwave file application/x-spss sav spp sbs sps spo # SPSS application/x-stuffit sit # Macintosh Stuff-It application/x-sv4cpio sv4cpio # application/x-sv4crc sv4crc # application/x-tar tar # UNIX Tape Archive application/x-tcl tcl # TCL Programming Language application/x-tex tex # Tex/LaTeX application/x-texinfo texinfo texi # TexInfo application/x-troff t tr roff # Troff file application/x-troff-man man # Troff with MAN macros application/x-troff-me me # Troff with ME macros application/x-troff-ms ms # Troff with MS macros application/x-ustar ustar # Ustar file application/ mdb mda mde # MS Access application/ mpp # MS Project application/x-wais-source src # WAIS Sources application/zip zip jar # ZIP Compressed File audio/basic au snd # Audio Sound File audio/x-aiff aif aiff aifc # AIFF Sound File audio/x-midi mid # MIDI Sound File audio/x-pn-realaudio ra ram rm rpm # REALAUDIO Sound File audio/x-wav wav # WAV Sound File audio/x-mpegurl mp3 # MP3 Sound File audio/mpeg3 mp3 # MP3 Sound File audio/x-mpeg-3 mp3 # MP3 Sound File audio/mpeg mp2 mpa mpg mpga # MP2 Sound File audio/x-mpeg mp2 # MP2 Sound File chemical/x-pdb pdb # PDB Chemistry Model File chemical/x-xyz xyz # XYZ Chemistry Model File drawing/x-dwf dwf # AutoCAD image/gif gif # GIF image file image/ief ief # Image Exchange image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe # JPG image file image/png png # Portable Network Graphics image/tiff tiff tif # TIFF image file image/x-cmu-raster ras # image/x-portable-anymap pnm # image/x-portable-bitmap pbm # image/x-portable-graymap pgm # image/x-portable-pixmap ppm # image/x-rgb rgb # RGB Image File image/x-xbitmap xbm # X-bitmap Image File image/x-xpixmap xpm # X-pixmap Image File image/x-xwindowdump xwd # text/css css # Cascading Style Sheet text/html html htm # HTML Document text/plain txt ini log in cfg m4 sh # Plain Text File text/richtext rtx # Rich Text File text/tab-separated-values tsv # text/x-setext etx # text/x-sgml sgml sgm # SGML Document video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe # MPEG Movie File video/quicktime qt mov # Quicktime Movie File video/x-ms-asf asf asx # Windows Media File video/x-msvideo avi # AVI Movie File video/x-sgi-movie movie # SGI Movie File