using System; using Prolog; using UnityEngine; /// /// Arranges areas on screen based on screen resolution. /// internal class ConfigureWindows : MonoBehaviour { internal void Start() { // Set the camera viewport to be the left side of the screen, below the NLPrompt's input area. var prompt = FindObjectOfType(); var theCamera = Camera.main; var bottomOfUi = Math.Min(prompt.InputRect.yMin, Math.Min(prompt.CommentaryRect.yMin, prompt.ResponseRect.yMin)); var r = theCamera.pixelRect; r.height -= bottomOfUi + 50; theCamera.pixelRect = r; FindObjectOfType().UpdateCamera(theCamera); Tile.UpdateTileSize(theCamera); // Give the ELInspector and Prolog console equal real estate var console = FindObjectOfType(); var inspector = FindObjectOfType(); // ReSharper disable once PossibleLossOfFraction console.WindowRect.height = inspector.WindowRect.height = Screen.height/2; // Place the Prolog console in the upper-right-hand corner console.WindowRect.y = 0; console.WindowRect.x = Screen.width - console.WindowRect.width; // Place the EL inspector in the lower-right-hand corner inspector.WindowRect.y = console.WindowRect.y + console.WindowRect.height; inspector.WindowRect.height = Screen.height - inspector.WindowRect.height; inspector.WindowRect.x = Screen.width - inspector.WindowRect.width; } }