/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2013, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module('$syspreds', [ leash/1, visible/1, style_check/1, (spy)/1, (nospy)/1, trace/1, trace/2, nospyall/0, debugging/0, rational/3, atom_prefix/2, dwim_match/2, source_file_property/2, source_file/1, unload_file/1, prolog_load_context/2, stream_position_data/3, current_predicate/2, '$defined_predicate'/1, predicate_property/2, '$predicate_property'/2, clause_property/2, recorda/2, recordz/2, current_module/1, module_property/2, module/1, shell/1, shell/0, on_signal/3, current_signal/3, open_shared_object/2, open_shared_object/3, format/1, garbage_collect/0, set_prolog_stack/2, prolog_stack_property/2, absolute_file_name/2, require/1, call_with_depth_limit/3, numbervars/3, % +Term, +Start, -End nb_setval/2 % +Var, +Value ]). /******************************** * DEBUGGER * *********************************/ %% map_bits(:Pred, +Modify, +OldBits, -NewBits) :- meta_predicate map_bits(2, +, +, -). map_bits(_, Var, _, _) :- var(Var), !, '$instantiation_error'(Var). map_bits(_, [], Bits, Bits) :- !. map_bits(Pred, [H|T], Old, New) :- map_bits(Pred, H, Old, New0), map_bits(Pred, T, New0, New). map_bits(Pred, +Name, Old, New) :- !, % set a bit bit(Pred, Name, Bits), !, New is Old \/ Bits. map_bits(Pred, -Name, Old, New) :- !, % clear a bit bit(Pred, Name, Bits), !, New is Old /\ (\Bits). map_bits(Pred, ?(Name), Old, Old) :- !, % ask a bit bit(Pred, Name, Bits), Old /\ Bits > 0. map_bits(_, Term, _, _) :- '$type_error'('+|-|?(Flag)', Term). bit(Pred, Name, Bits) :- call(Pred, Name, Bits), !. bit(_:Pred, Name, _) :- '$domain_error'(Pred, Name). :- public port_name/2. % used by library(test_cover) port_name( call, 2'000000001). port_name( exit, 2'000000010). port_name( fail, 2'000000100). port_name( redo, 2'000001000). port_name( unify, 2'000010000). port_name( break, 2'000100000). port_name( cut_call, 2'001000000). port_name( cut_exit, 2'010000000). port_name( exception, 2'100000000). port_name( cut, 2'011000000). port_name( all, 2'000111111). port_name( full, 2'000101111). port_name( half, 2'000101101). % ' leash(Ports) :- '$leash'(Old, Old), map_bits(port_name, Ports, Old, New), '$leash'(_, New). visible(Ports) :- '$visible'(Old, Old), map_bits(port_name, Ports, Old, New), '$visible'(_, New). style_name(atom, 0x0001). style_name(singleton, 0x0042). % semantic and syntactic style_name(discontiguous, 0x0008). style_name(dynamic, 0x0010). style_name(charset, 0x0020). style_name(no_effect, 0x0080). style_name(var_branches, 0x0100). %% style_check(+Spec) is nondet. style_check(Var) :- var(Var), !, '$instantiation_error'(Var). style_check(?(Style)) :- !, ( var(Style) -> enum_style_check(Style) ; enum_style_check(Style) -> true ). style_check(Spec) :- '$style_check'(Old, Old), map_bits(style_name, Spec, Old, New), '$style_check'(_, New). enum_style_check(Style) :- '$style_check'(Bits, Bits), style_name(Style, Bit), Bit /\ Bits =\= 0. %% prolog:debug_control_hook(+Action) % % Allow user-hooks in the Prolog debugger interaction. See the calls % below for the provided hooks. We use a single predicate with action % argument to avoid an uncontrolled poliferation of hooks. % % TBD: What hooks to provide for trace/[1,2] :- multifile prolog:debug_control_hook/1. % +Action %% trace(:Preds) is det. %% trace(:Preds, +PortSpec) is det. % % Start printing messages if control passes specified ports of % the given predicates. :- meta_predicate trace(:), trace(:, +). trace(Preds) :- trace(Preds, +all). trace(_:X, _) :- var(X), !, throw(error(instantiation_error, _)). trace(_:[], _) :- !. trace(M:[H|T], Ps) :- !, trace(M:H, Ps), trace(M:T, Ps). trace(Pred, Ports) :- '$find_predicate'(Pred, Preds), Preds \== [], set_prolog_flag(debug, true), ( '$member'(PI, Preds), pi_to_head(PI, Head), ( Head = _:_ -> QHead0 = Head ; QHead0 = user:Head ), '$define_predicate'(QHead0), ( predicate_property(QHead0, imported_from(M)) -> QHead0 = _:Plain, QHead = M:Plain ; QHead = QHead0 ), '$trace'(Ports, QHead), trace_ports(QHead, Tracing), print_message(informational, trace(QHead, Tracing)), fail ; true ). trace_alias(all, [trace_call, trace_redo, trace_exit, trace_fail]). trace_alias(call, [trace_call]). trace_alias(redo, [trace_redo]). trace_alias(exit, [trace_exit]). trace_alias(fail, [trace_fail]). '$trace'([], _) :- !. '$trace'([H|T], Head) :- !, '$trace'(H, Head), '$trace'(T, Head). '$trace'(+H, Head) :- trace_alias(H, A0), !, tag_list(A0, +, A1), '$trace'(A1, Head). '$trace'(+H, Head) :- !, trace_alias(_, [H]), '$set_predicate_attribute'(Head, H, 1). '$trace'(-H, Head) :- trace_alias(H, A0), !, tag_list(A0, -, A1), '$trace'(A1, Head). '$trace'(-H, Head) :- !, trace_alias(_, [H]), '$set_predicate_attribute'(Head, H, 0). '$trace'(H, Head) :- atom(H), '$trace'(+H, Head). tag_list([], _, []). tag_list([H0|T0], F, [H1|T1]) :- H1 =.. [F, H0], tag_list(T0, F, T1). :- meta_predicate spy(:), nospy(:). %% spy(:Spec) is det. %% nospy(:Spec) is det. %% nospyall is det. % % Set/clear spy-points. A successfully set or cleared spy-point is % reported using print_message/2, level =informational=, with one % of the following terms, where Spec is of the form M:Head. % % - spy(Spec) % - nospy(Spec) % % @see spy/1 and nospy/1 call the hook prolog:debug_control_hook/1 % to allow for alternative specifications of the thing to % debug. spy(_:X) :- var(X), throw(error(instantiation_error, _)). spy(_:[]) :- !. spy(M:[H|T]) :- !, spy(M:H), spy(M:T). spy(Spec) :- notrace(prolog:debug_control_hook(spy(Spec))), !. spy(Spec) :- '$find_predicate'(Spec, Preds), '$member'(PI, Preds), pi_to_head(PI, Head), '$define_predicate'(Head), '$spy'(Head), fail. spy(_). nospy(_:X) :- var(X), throw(error(instantiation_error, _)). nospy(_:[]) :- !. nospy(M:[H|T]) :- !, nospy(M:H), nospy(M:T). nospy(Spec) :- notrace(prolog:debug_control_hook(nospy(Spec))), !. nospy(Spec) :- '$find_predicate'(Spec, Preds), '$member'(PI, Preds), pi_to_head(PI, Head), '$nospy'(Head), fail. nospy(_). nospyall :- notrace(prolog:debug_control_hook(nospyall)), fail. nospyall :- spy_point(Head), '$nospy'(Head), fail. nospyall. pi_to_head(M:PI, M:Head) :- !, pi_to_head(PI, Head). pi_to_head(Name/Arity, Head) :- functor(Head, Name, Arity). %% debugging is det. % % Report current status of the debugger. debugging :- notrace(prolog:debug_control_hook(debugging)), !. debugging :- current_prolog_flag(debug, true), !, print_message(informational, debugging(on)), findall(H, spy_point(H), SpyPoints), print_message(informational, spying(SpyPoints)), findall(trace(H,P), trace_point(H,P), TracePoints), print_message(informational, tracing(TracePoints)). debugging :- print_message(informational, debugging(off)). spy_point(Module:Head) :- current_predicate(_, Module:Head), '$get_predicate_attribute'(Module:Head, spy, 1), \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)). trace_point(Module:Head, Ports) :- current_predicate(_, Module:Head), '$get_predicate_attribute'(Module:Head, trace_any, 1), \+ predicate_property(Module:Head, imported_from(_)), trace_ports(Module:Head, Ports). trace_ports(Head, Ports) :- findall(Port, (trace_alias(Port, [AttName]), '$get_predicate_attribute'(Head, AttName, 1)), Ports). /******************************* * RATIONAL * *******************************/ %% rational(+Rat, -Numerator, -Denominator) is semidet. % % True when Rat is a rational number with given Numerator and % Denominator. rational(Rat, M, N) :- rational(Rat), ( Rat = rdiv(M, N) -> true ; integer(Rat) -> M = Rat, N = 1 ). /******************************** * ATOMS * *********************************/ dwim_match(A1, A2) :- dwim_match(A1, A2, _). atom_prefix(Atom, Prefix) :- sub_atom(Atom, 0, _, _, Prefix). /******************************** * SOURCE * *********************************/ %% source_file(-File) is nondet. %% source_file(+File) is semidet. % % True if File is loaded into Prolog. If File is unbound it is % bound to the canonical name for it. If File is bound it succeeds % if the canonical name as defined by absolute_file_name/2 is % known as a loaded filename. % % Note that Time = 0.0 is used by PlDoc and other code that needs % to create a file record without being interested in the time. source_file(File) :- ( current_prolog_flag(access_level, user) -> Level = user ; true ), ( ground(File) -> ( '$time_source_file'(File, Time, Level) ; absolute_file_name(File, Abs), '$time_source_file'(Abs, Time, Level) ), ! ; '$time_source_file'(File, Time, Level) ), Time > 0.0. %% source_file_property(?File, ?Property) is nondet. % % True if Property is a property of the loaded source-file File. source_file_property(File, P) :- nonvar(File), !, canonical_source_file(File, Path), property_source_file(P, Path). source_file_property(File, P) :- property_source_file(P, File). property_source_file(modified(Time), File) :- '$time_source_file'(File, Time, user). property_source_file(module(M), File) :- ( nonvar(M) -> '$current_module'(M, File) ; nonvar(File) -> '$current_module'(ML, File), ( atom(ML) -> M = ML ; '$member'(M, ML) ) ; '$current_module'(M, File) ). property_source_file(load_context(Module, Location, Options), File) :- '$time_source_file'(File, _, user), clause(system:'$load_context_module'(File, Module, Options), true, Ref), ( clause_property(Ref, file(FromFile)), clause_property(Ref, line_count(FromLine)) -> Location = FromFile:FromLine ; Location = user ). property_source_file(includes(Master, Stamp), File) :- system:'$included'(File, _Line, Master, Stamp). property_source_file(included_in(Master, Line), File) :- system:'$included'(Master, Line, File, _). property_source_file(derived_from(DerivedFrom, Stamp), File) :- system:'$derived_source'(File, DerivedFrom, Stamp). %% canonical_source_file(+Spec, -File) is semidet. % % File is the canonical representation of the source-file Spec. canonical_source_file(Spec, File) :- atom(Spec), '$time_source_file'(Spec, _, _), !, File = Spec. canonical_source_file(Spec, File) :- system:'$included'(_Master, _Line, Spec, _), !, File = Spec. canonical_source_file(Spec, File) :- absolute_file_name(Spec, [ file_type(prolog), access(read), file_errors(fail) ], File), source_file(File). %% prolog_load_context(+Key, -Value) % % Provides context information for term_expansion and directives. % Note that only the line-number info is valid for the % '$stream_position'. Largely Quintus compatible. prolog_load_context(module, Module) :- '$set_source_module'(Module, Module). prolog_load_context(file, F) :- source_location(F, _). prolog_load_context(source, F) :- % SICStus compatibility source_location(F0, _), '$input_context'(Context), '$top_file'(Context, F0, F). prolog_load_context(stream, S) :- source_location(F, _), ( system:'$load_input'(F, S0) -> S = S0 ). prolog_load_context(directory, D) :- source_location(F, _), file_directory_name(F, D). prolog_load_context(dialect, D) :- current_prolog_flag(emulated_dialect, D). prolog_load_context(term_position, '$stream_position'(0,L,0,0,0)) :- source_location(_, L). prolog_load_context(script, Bool) :- ( '$toplevel':loaded_init_file(script, Path), source_location(Path, _) -> Bool = true ; Bool = false ). prolog_load_context(variable_names, Bindings) :- nb_current('$variable_names', Bindings). %% unload_file(+File) is det. % % Remove all traces of loading file. unload_file(File) :- ( canonical_source_file(File, Path) -> '$unload_file'(Path), retractall(system:'$load_context_module'(Path, _)) ; true ). /******************************* * STREAMS * *******************************/ %% stream_position_data(?Field, +Pos, ?Date) % % Extract values from stream position objects. '$stream_position' is % of the format '$stream_position'(Byte, Char, Line, LinePos) stream_position_data(Prop, Term, Value) :- nonvar(Prop), !, ( stream_position_field(Prop, Pos) -> arg(Pos, Term, Value) ; throw(error(domain_error(stream_position_data, Prop))) ). stream_position_data(Prop, Term, Value) :- stream_position_field(Prop, Pos), arg(Pos, Term, Value). stream_position_field(char_count, 1). stream_position_field(line_count, 2). stream_position_field(line_position, 3). stream_position_field(byte_count, 4). /******************************* * CONTROL * *******************************/ %% call_with_depth_limit(:Goal, +DepthLimit, -Result) % % Try to proof Goal, but fail on any branch exceeding the indicated % depth-limit. Unify Result with the maximum-reached limit on success, % depth_limit_exceeded if the limit was exceeded and fails otherwise. :- meta_predicate call_with_depth_limit(0, +, -). call_with_depth_limit(G, Limit, Result) :- '$depth_limit'(Limit, OLimit, OReached), ( catch(G, E, '$depth_limit_except'(OLimit, OReached, E)), '$depth_limit_true'(Limit, OLimit, OReached, Result, Det), ( Det == ! -> ! ; true ) ; '$depth_limit_false'(OLimit, OReached, Result) ). /******************************** * DATA BASE * *********************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The predicate current_predicate/2 is a difficult subject since the introduction of defaulting modules and dynamic libraries. current_predicate/2 is normally called with instantiated arguments to verify some predicate can be called without trapping an undefined predicate. In this case we must perform the search algorithm used by the prolog system itself. If the pattern is not fully specified, we only generate the predicates actually available in this module. This seems the best for listing, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ :- meta_predicate current_predicate(?, :), '$defined_predicate'(:). current_predicate(Name, Module:Head) :- (var(Module) ; var(Head)), !, generate_current_predicate(Name, Module, Head). current_predicate(Name, Term) :- '$c_current_predicate'(Name, Term), '$defined_predicate'(Term), !. current_predicate(Name, Module:Head) :- default_module(Module, DefModule), '$c_current_predicate'(Name, DefModule:Head), '$defined_predicate'(DefModule:Head), !. current_predicate(Name, Module:Head) :- current_prolog_flag(autoload, true), \+ current_prolog_flag(Module:unknown, fail), functor(Head, Name, Arity), '$find_library'(Module, Name, Arity, _LoadModule, _Library), !. generate_current_predicate(Name, Module, Head) :- current_module(Module), QHead = Module:Head, '$c_current_predicate'(Name, QHead), '$get_predicate_attribute'(QHead, defined, 1). '$defined_predicate'(Head) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Head, defined, 1), !. %% predicate_property(?Predicate, ?Property) is nondet. % % True when Property is a property of Predicate. :- meta_predicate predicate_property(:, ?). :- '$iso'(predicate_property/2). predicate_property(Pred, Property) :- % Mode ?,+ nonvar(Property), !, property_predicate(Property, Pred). predicate_property(Pred, Property) :- % Mode +,- define_or_generate(Pred), '$predicate_property'(Property, Pred). %% property_predicate(+Property, ?Pred) % % First handle the special cases that are not about querying % normally defined predicates: =undefined=, =visible= and % =autoload=, followed by the generic case. property_predicate(undefined, Pred) :- !, Pred = Module:Head, current_module(Module), '$c_current_predicate'(_, Pred), \+ '$defined_predicate'(Pred), % Speed up a bit \+ current_predicate(_, Pred), functor(Head, Name, Arity), \+ system_undefined(Module:Name/Arity). property_predicate(visible, Pred) :- !, visible_predicate(Pred). property_predicate(autoload(File), _:Head) :- !, current_prolog_flag(autoload, true), ( callable(Head) -> functor(Head, Name, Arity), ( '$find_library'(_, Name, Arity, _, File) -> true ) ; '$find_library'(_, Name, Arity, _, File), functor(Head, Name, Arity) ). property_predicate(Property, Pred) :- define_or_generate(Pred), '$predicate_property'(Property, Pred). %% define_or_generate(+Head) is semidet. %% define_or_generate(-Head) is nondet. % % If the predicate is known, try to resolve it. Otherwise generate % the known predicate, but do not try to (auto)load the predicate. define_or_generate(M:Head) :- callable(Head), atom(M), '$get_predicate_attribute'(M:Head, defined, 1), !. define_or_generate(M:Head) :- callable(Head), nonvar(M), M \== system, !, '$define_predicate'(M:Head). define_or_generate(Pred) :- current_predicate(_, Pred), '$define_predicate'(Pred). '$predicate_property'(interpreted, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, foreign, 0). '$predicate_property'(visible, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, defined, 1). '$predicate_property'(built_in, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, system, 1). '$predicate_property'(exported, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, exported, 1). '$predicate_property'(public, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, public, 1). '$predicate_property'(foreign, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, foreign, 1). '$predicate_property'((dynamic), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (dynamic), 1). '$predicate_property'((volatile), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (volatile), 1). '$predicate_property'((thread_local), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (thread_local), 1). '$predicate_property'((multifile), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, (multifile), 1). '$predicate_property'(imported_from(Module), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, imported, Module). '$predicate_property'(transparent, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, transparent, 1). '$predicate_property'(meta_predicate(Pattern), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, meta_predicate, Pattern). '$predicate_property'(file(File), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, file, File). '$predicate_property'(line_count(LineNumber), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, line_count, LineNumber). '$predicate_property'(notrace, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, trace, 0). '$predicate_property'(nodebug, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, hide_childs, 1). '$predicate_property'(spying, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, spy, 1). '$predicate_property'(references(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, references, N), N \== 0. % show negative for debugging! '$predicate_property'(number_of_clauses(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, number_of_clauses, N). '$predicate_property'(number_of_rules(N), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, number_of_rules, N). '$predicate_property'(indexed(Indices), Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, indexed, Indices). '$predicate_property'(noprofile, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, noprofile, 1). '$predicate_property'(iso, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, iso, 1). '$predicate_property'(quasi_quotation_syntax, Pred) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, quasi_quotation_syntax, 1). system_undefined(user:prolog_trace_interception/4). system_undefined(user:prolog_exception_hook/4). system_undefined(system:'$c_call_prolog'/0). system_undefined(system:window_title/2). %% visible_predicate(:Head) is nondet. % % True when Head can be called without raising an existence error. % This implies it is defined, can be inherited from a default % module or can be autoloaded. visible_predicate(Pred) :- Pred = M:Head, current_module(M), ( callable(Head) -> ( '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, defined, 1) -> \+ hidden_system_predicate(Pred) ; \+ current_prolog_flag(M:unknown, fail), functor(Head, Name, Arity), '$find_library'(M, Name, Arity, _LoadModule, _Library) ) ; ( default_module(M, DefM), '$c_current_predicate'(_, DefM:Head), \+ '$get_predicate_attribute'(DefM:Head, imported, _), \+ hidden_system_predicate(Pred) ; '$in_library'(Name, Arity, _), functor(Head, Name, Arity), \+ '$get_predicate_attribute'(Pred, defined, 1) ) ). hidden_system_predicate(_:Head) :- functor(Head, Name, _), sub_atom(Name, 0, _, _, $), \+ current_prolog_flag(access_level, system). %% clause_property(+ClauseRef, ?Property) is nondet. % % Provide information on individual clauses. Defined properties % are: % % * line_count(-Line) % Line from which the clause is loaded. % * file(-File) % File from which the clause is loaded. % * source(-File) % File that `owns' the clause: reloading this file wipes % the clause. % * fact % Clause has body =true=. % * erased % Clause was erased. % * predicate(:PI) % Predicate indicator of the predicate this clause belongs % to. Can be used to find the predicate of erased clauses. clause_property(Clause, Property) :- '$clause_property'(Property, Clause). '$clause_property'(line_count(LineNumber), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, line_count, LineNumber). '$clause_property'(file(File), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, file, File). '$clause_property'(source(File), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, owner, File). '$clause_property'(fact, Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, fact, true). '$clause_property'(erased, Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, erased, true). '$clause_property'(predicate(PI), Clause) :- '$get_clause_attribute'(Clause, predicate_indicator, PI). /******************************* * REQUIRE * *******************************/ :- meta_predicate require(:). %% require(:ListOfPredIndicators) is det. % % Tag given predicates as undefined, so they will be included % into a saved state through the autoloader. % % @see autoload/0. require(M:List) :- ( is_list(List) -> require(List, M) ; throw(error(type_error(list, List), _)) ). require([], _). require([N/A|T], M) :- !, functor(Head, N, A), '$require'(M:Head), require(T, M). require([H|_T], _) :- throw(error(type_error(predicate_indicator, H), _)). /******************************** * MODULES * *********************************/ %% current_module(?Module) is nondet. % % True if Module is a currently defined module. current_module(Module) :- '$current_module'(Module, _). %% module_property(?Module, ?Property) is nondet. % % True if Property is a property of Module. Defined properties % are: % % * file(File) % Module is loaded from File. % * line_count(Count) % The module declaration is on line Count of File. % * exports(ListOfPredicateIndicators) % The module exports ListOfPredicateIndicators % * exported_operators(ListOfOp3) % The module exports the operators ListOfOp3. module_property(Module, Property) :- nonvar(Module), nonvar(Property), !, property_module(Property, Module). module_property(Module, Property) :- % -, file(File) nonvar(Property), Property = file(File), !, ( nonvar(File) -> '$current_module'(Modules, File), ( atom(Modules) -> Module = Modules ; '$member'(Module, Modules) ) ; '$current_module'(Module, File), File \== [] ). module_property(Module, Property) :- current_module(Module), property_module(Property, Module). property_module(Property, Module) :- module_property(Property), ( Property = exported_operators(List) -> '$exported_ops'(Module, List, []), List \== [] ; '$module_property'(Module, Property) ). module_property(class(_)). module_property(file(_)). module_property(line_count(_)). module_property(exports(_)). module_property(exported_operators(_)). %% module(+Module) is det. % % Set the module that is associated to the toplevel to Module. module(Module) :- atom(Module), current_module(Module), !, '$module'(_, Module). module(Module) :- '$module'(_, Module), print_message(warning, no_current_module(Module)). /******************************** * SYSTEM INTERACTION * *********************************/ shell(Command) :- shell(Command, 0). shell :- getenv('SHELL', Shell), !, % Unix, also Cygwin shell(Shell). shell :- getenv(comspec, ComSpec), !, % Windows shell(ComSpec). shell :- shell('/bin/sh'). %% win_add_dll_directory(+AbsDir) is det. % % Add AbsDir to the directories where dependent DLLs are searched % on Windows systems. :- if(current_prolog_flag(windows, true)). :- export(win_add_dll_directory/1). win_add_dll_directory(Dir) :- win_add_dll_directory(Dir, _), !. win_add_dll_directory(Dir) :- prolog_to_os_filename(Dir, OSDir), getenv('PATH', Path0), atomic_list_concat([Path0, OSDir], ';', Path), setenv('PATH', Path). :- endif. /******************************* * SIGNALS * *******************************/ :- meta_predicate on_signal(+, :, :), current_signal(?, ?, :). %% on_signal(+Signal, -OldHandler, :NewHandler) is det. on_signal(Signal, Old, New) :- atom(Signal), !, '$on_signal'(_Num, Signal, Old, New). on_signal(Signal, Old, New) :- integer(Signal), !, '$on_signal'(Signal, _Name, Old, New). on_signal(Signal, _Old, _New) :- '$type_error'(signal_name, Signal). %% current_signal(?Name, ?SignalNumber, :Handler) is nondet. current_signal(Name, Id, Handler) :- between(1, 32, Id), '$on_signal'(Id, Name, Handler, Handler). :- multifile prolog:called_by/2. prolog:called_by(on_signal(_,_,New), [New+1]) :- ( new == throw ; new == default ), !, fail. /******************************* * DLOPEN * *******************************/ %% open_shared_object(+File, -Handle) is det. %% open_shared_object(+File, -Handle, +Flags) is det. % % Open a shared object or DLL file. Flags is a list of flags. The % following flags are recognised. Note however that these flags % may have no affect on the target platform. % % * =now= % Resolve all symbols in the file now instead of lazily. % * =global= % Make new symbols globally known. open_shared_object(File, Handle) :- open_shared_object(File, Handle, []). % use pl-load.c defaults open_shared_object(File, Handle, Flags) :- ( is_list(Flags) -> true ; throw(error(type_error(list, Flags), _)) ), map_dlflags(Flags, Mask), '$open_shared_object'(File, Handle, Mask). dlopen_flag(now, 2'01). % see pl-load.c for these constants dlopen_flag(global, 2'10). % Solaris only map_dlflags([], 0). map_dlflags([F|T], M) :- map_dlflags(T, M0), ( dlopen_flag(F, I) -> true ; throw(error(domain_error(dlopen_flag, F), _)) ), M is M0 \/ I. /******************************* * I/O * *******************************/ format(Fmt) :- format(Fmt, []). /******************************* * FILES * *******************************/ % absolute_file_name(+Term, -AbsoluteFile) absolute_file_name(Name, Abs) :- atomic(Name), !, '$absolute_file_name'(Name, Abs). absolute_file_name(Term, Abs) :- '$chk_file'(Term, [''], [access(read)], true, File), !, '$absolute_file_name'(File, Abs). absolute_file_name(Term, Abs) :- '$chk_file'(Term, [''], [], true, File), !, '$absolute_file_name'(File, Abs). /******************************** * MEMORY MANAGEMENT * *********************************/ %% garbage_collect is det. % % Invoke the garbage collector. The argument of the underlying % '$garbage_collect'/1 is the debugging level to use during % garbage collection. This only works if the system is compiled % with the -DODEBUG cpp flag. Only to simplify maintenance. garbage_collect :- '$garbage_collect'(0). %% set_prolog_stack(+Name, +Option) is det. % % Set a parameter for one of the Prolog stacks. set_prolog_stack(Stack, Option) :- Option =.. [Name,Value0], Value is Value0, '$set_prolog_stack'(Stack, Name, _Old, Value). %% prolog_stack_property(?Stack, ?Property) is nondet. % % Examine stack properties. prolog_stack_property(Stack, Property) :- stack_property(P), stack_name(Stack), Property =.. [P,Value], '$set_prolog_stack'(Stack, P, Value, Value). stack_name(local). stack_name(global). stack_name(trail). stack_property(limit). stack_property(spare). stack_property(min_free). /******************************* * TERM * *******************************/ :- '$iso'((numbervars/3)). %% numbervars(+Term, +StartIndex, -EndIndex) is det. % % Number all unbound variables in Term using '$VAR'(N), where the % first N is StartIndex and EndIndex is unified to the index that % will be given to the next variable. numbervars(Term, From, To) :- numbervars(Term, From, To, []). /******************************* * GVAR * *******************************/ %% nb_setval(+Name, +Value) is det. % % Bind the non-backtrackable variable Name with a copy of Value nb_setval(Name, Value) :- duplicate_term(Value, Copy), nb_linkval(Name, Copy).