/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2011, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(win_dde, [ dde_request/3, % +Handle, +Key, -Value dde_execute/2, % +Handle, +Command dde_poke/3, % +Handle, +Item, +Data dde_register_service/2, % +Template, +Goal dde_unregister_service/1, % +Service dde_current_service/2, % -Service, -Topic dde_current_connection/2 % -Service, -Topic ]). :- meta_predicate dde_register_service(+, 0). /** Windows DDE interface This module provides both a client and server interface to Windows DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) facilities. DDE provides a proprietary means for interprocess communication based on Windows messages. This implies that applications that wish to use these predicates must provide a Windows `message loop'. Typically, this is provided by the GUI frontend of SWI-Prolog. If SWI-Prolog is embedded, the embedding environment must provide the message loop. Errors from the DDE layer are mapped to error-terms of this format == error(dde_error(Operation, Message), Context) == The interaction between DDE and threads is unclear to us. The current implementation uses a DDE instance for each thread that executes a DDE predicate. Although not protected, we advice to use a particular handle only from the thread in which it was created and to unregister services from the thread that created them. @see library(socket) provides platform independent interprocess communication. */ /******************************* * CLIENT * *******************************/ %% dde_request(+Handle, +Key, -Value) is det. % % Make a DDE request with default timeout value (meaning the % request can block forever). Value is unified with a % string-object (see string_list/2) on success. dde_request(Handle, Key, Value) :- dde_request(Handle, Key, Value, 0). %% dde_execute(+Handle, +Command) is det. % % Make a DDE execute request with default timeout value. dde_execute(Handle, Command) :- dde_execute(Handle, Command, 0). %% dde_poke(+Handle, +Item, +Data) is det. % % Make a DDE poke request with default timeout value. dde_poke(Handle, Item, Data) :- dde_poke(Handle, Item, Data, 0). /******************************* * SERVER * *******************************/ :- dynamic dde_service/6, dde_current_connection/3. %% dde_register_service(Template, +Goal) is det. % % Register a DDE service in this SWI-Prolog instance. Template % takes one of the formats % % $ Service(Topic, Item, Value) : % Register a service for dde_request/3 % % $ Service(Topic, Command) : % Register a service for dde_execute/2 % % Topic is either an atom or a variable. In the latter case, any % topic is confirmed on the Service. Item, Value and Command are % variables used to pass the arguments into the Goal. dde_register_service(Template, Goal) :- Template =.. [Service, Topic, Item, Value], !, strip_module(Goal, Module, PlainGoal), '$dde_register_service'(Service, on), asserta(win_dde:dde_service(Service, Topic, Item, Value, Module, PlainGoal)). dde_register_service(Template, Goal) :- Template =.. [Service, Topic, Command], !, strip_module(Goal, Module, PlainGoal), '$dde_register_service'(Service, on), asserta(win_dde:dde_service(Service, Topic, -, Command, Module, PlainGoal)). dde_register_service(Template, _Goal) :- throw(error(type_error(dde_service, Template), _)). %% dde_unregister_service(+Service) is det. % % Unregister a previously registered service. Succeeds silently if % the service was not registered. % % @see dde_current_service/2. dde_unregister_service(Service) :- ( retract(dde_service(Service, _, _, _, _, _)) -> '$dde_register_service'(Service, off) ; true ), retractall(dde_service(Service, _, _, _, _, _)). dde_unregister_all_services :- dde_current_service(Service, _), dde_unregister_service(Service), fail ; true. :- at_halt(dde_unregister_all_services). % required by Windows! %% dde_current_service(?Service, ?Topic) % % Unifies Service and Topic with currently supported servers/topics dde_current_service(Service, Topic) :- dde_service(Service, Topic, _, _, _, _). %% dde_current_connection(?Service, ?Topic) % % Unifies Service and Topic with the currently open server connections. dde_current_connection(Service, Topic) :- dde_current_connection(_, Service, Topic). /******************************* * CALL-BACKS * *******************************/ % '$dde_connect'(+Service, +Topic, +IsSelf) % % Called by the DDEML XTYP_CONNECT request. IsSelf is 0 if the % connection is requested by another Prolog, 1 otherwise. '$dde_connect'(Service, Topic, _Self) :- dde_service(Service, Topic, _, _, _, _). % '$dde_connect_confirm'(+Service, +Topic, +Handle) % % Called by the DDEML XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM request. Used to update % our list of current conversations. '$dde_connect_confirm'(Service, Topic, Handle) :- asserta(dde_current_connection(Handle, Service, Topic)). % '$dde_disconnect'(+Handle) % % Called by the DDEML XTYP_DISCONNECT request. Used to update our % list of current conversations. '$dde_disconnect'(Handle) :- retractall(dde_current_connection(Handle, _, _)). % '$dde_request'(+Handle, +Topic, +Item, -Answer) % % Called by the DDEML XTYP_REQUEST request. Answer should be unified % with a Prolog object that can be translated into a textual value % (atom, string, number or list-of-ascii-values). '$dde_request'(Handle, Topic, Item, Answer) :- dde_current_connection(Handle, Service, Topic), dde_service(Service, Topic, Item, Value, Module, Goal), !, Module:Goal, Answer = Value. '$dde_request'(_Handle, Topic, _Item, _Answer) :- throw(error(existence_error(dde_topic, Topic), _)). % '$dde_execute'(+Handle, +Topic, +Command) % % Called by the DDEML XTYP_EXECUTE request. Command is a % SWI-Prolog string object. Use atom_string or string_codes to % convert it into a standard object. '$dde_execute'(Handle, Topic, Command) :- dde_current_connection(Handle, Service, Topic), dde_service(Service, Topic, _, Command, Module, Goal), !, Module:Goal. '$dde_execute'(_Handle, Topic, _Command) :- throw(error(existence_error(dde_topic, Topic), _)). /******************************* * ERRORS * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:error_message//1. prolog:error_message(dde_error(Op,Msg)) --> [ 'DDE: ~w failed: ~w'-[Op,Msg] ].