/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2002, University of Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(progman, [ progman_groups/1, % -ListOfExistingGroups progman_group_info/3, % +Group, -File, -Items progman_make_group/1, % +Group progman_make_group/2, % +Group, +GroupFile progman_make_item/4, % +Group, +Title, +CmdLine, +Cwd progman_make_item/5, % +Group, +Title, +CmdLine, +Cwd, +Icon progman_setup/0 % Installs icons ]). :- ( current_prolog_flag(dde, true) -> true ; print_message(error, missing_feature('DDE')) ). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MS-Windows PROGMAN interface and installation for SWI-Prolog and XPCE/SWI-Prolog. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ %% progman_groups(-Groups) % % Return list of atoms containing the titles of the currently % available program groups. progman_groups(Groups) :- open_dde_conversation(progman, progman, DDE), dde_request(DDE, groups, Lines), close_dde_conversation(DDE), check_error(Lines), lines_to_atoms(Lines, Groups0), Groups = Groups0. %% progman_group_info(+Group, -File, -Items) % % Extracts info on the given group: Filename used to store the % group and a list of item(Title, CmdLine, Dir) terms. progman_group_info(Group, File, Items) :- open_dde_conversation(progman, progman, DDE), dde_request(DDE, Group, Info), close_dde_conversation(DDE), check_error(Info), lines_to_atoms(Info, [GrounInfo|ItemLines]), line_to_args(GrounInfo, [_,File|_]), maplist(map_item_info, ItemLines, Items). %% progman_make_group(+Name) is det. %% progman_make_group(+Name, +File) is det. % % Create a group in the program manager. If file is given, this % is the file used by Windows to store the group info. progman_make_group(Name) :- open_dde_conversation(progman, progman, DDE), dde_fmt_execute(DDE, '[CreateGroup("~w")]', [Name]), close_dde_conversation(DDE). progman_make_group(Name, File) :- open_dde_conversation(progman, progman, DDE), dde_fmt_execute(DDE, '[CreateGroup("~w", "~w")]', [Name, File]), close_dde_conversation(DDE). %% progman_make_item(+Group, +Title, +CmdLine, +Dir) % % Make a new program item in the named group. If the item already % exists, delete it. progman_make_item(Group, Title, CmdLine, Dir) :- progman_make_item(Group, Title, CmdLine, Dir, -). progman_make_item(Group, Title, CmdLine, Dir, Icon) :- ( nonvar(Icon), Icon = IconFile:IconNum -> true ; Icon = IconFile -> IconNum = '' ; IconFile = '', IconNum = '' ), progman_group_info(Group, _File, Items), open_dde_conversation(progman, progman, DDE), dde_fmt_execute(DDE, '[ShowGroup("~w", 1)]', Group), ( memberchk(item(Title, _, _), Items) -> dde_fmt_execute(DDE, '[ReplaceItem("~w")]', [Title]) ; true ), dde_fmt_execute(DDE, '[addItem(~w,~w,~w,~w,,,~w,,)]', [CmdLine, Title, IconFile, IconNum, Dir]), close_dde_conversation(DDE). %% program_group(+Default, -Group) % % Given a default group name, ask for a new name if this group % already exists. program_group(Default, Group) :- progman_groups(Existing), memberchk(Default, Existing), !, ( '$confirm'(progman_replace(Default)) -> Group = Default ; format('Enter new group name: '), read_line(NewDef), program_group(NewDef, Group) ). program_group(Default, Default). /******************************* * ERRORS AND WARNINGS * *******************************/ %% check_error(+Return) % % Map return-codes into exeptions. check_error(error(Error)) :- throw(error(dde_error, Error)). check_error(_). :- multifile prolog:message/3. prolog:message(progman_replace(Default)) --> [ 'Put (replace) items in existing group ~w? '-[Default], flush ]. prolog:message(error(dde_error, Msg)) --> [ 'DDE error: ~w'-[Msg] ]. /******************************* * INSTALL * *******************************/ progman_setup :- explain(start), program_group('SWI-Prolog', Group), current_prolog_flag(executable, PlExe), prolog_to_os_filename(PlExe, OsPlExe), progman_make_group(Group), progman_make_item(Group, 'SWI-Prolog', OsPlExe, 'c:'), explain(end). /******************************* * EXPLAIN * *******************************/ explanation(start, ''). explanation(start, '*******************************************************'). explanation(start, 'SWI-Prolog installation run'). explanation(start, '*******************************************************'). explanation(start, ''). explanation(end, ''). explanation(end, 'Program manager setup completed'). explanation(end, ''). explain(Id) :- explanation(Id, X), format('~w~n', [X]), fail ; true. %% line_to_args(+Line, -Args) % % Translate a line (Atom) as returned by PROGMAN's request for % the contents of a group into a list of atomic arguments. Arguments % are separated by `,', may be double-quoted and don't contain % blank space. line_to_args(Line, Args) :- name(Line, Str), phrase(line(Args), Str). map_item_info(Line, item(Title, CmdLine, Dir)) :- line_to_args(Line, [Title, CmdLine, Dir|_]). line([Arg|More]) --> string(Arg), !, line(More). line(Args) --> char(","), !, line(Args). line([Arg|More]) --> char([C]), string_val(A0), ( char(",") ; end_of_string ), !, { name(Arg, [C|A0]) }, line(More). line([]) --> []. string(Arg) --> char(""""), !, string_val(A0), char(""""), !, { name(Arg, A0) }. string_val([]) --> []. string_val([C|M]) --> char([C]), string_val(M). char([C], [C|T], T). end_of_string([], []). %% lines_to_atoms(+Lines, -Atoms) % % Break a multiline answer from PROGMAN in multiple atoms, each % describing a single line of the answer without the \r\n. lines_to_atoms(Lines, Atoms) :- name(Lines, Str), string_to_atoms(Str, [], Atoms). string_to_atoms([], [], []) :- !. string_to_atoms([], S0, [A]) :- !, reverse(S0, S), name(A, S). string_to_atoms([13,10|Rest], S0, [A|T]) :- !, reverse(S0, S), name(A, S), string_to_atoms(Rest, [], T). string_to_atoms([10|Rest], S0, [A|T]) :- !, reverse(S0, S), name(A, S), string_to_atoms(Rest, [], T). string_to_atoms([C|T], M, A) :- string_to_atoms(T, [C|M], A). %% read_line(-Line) % % Flush pending output and read input upto a newline. Return the % entered line as an atom. read_line(Line) :- flush_output, prompt(O, ''), read_chars(Chars), prompt(_, O), name(Line, Chars). read_chars([C|T]) :- get0(C), \+ memberchk(C, [10,13,4]), read_chars(T). read_chars([]). %% dde_fmt_execute(+DdeId, +Format, +Args) % % Utility predicate to create DDE commands from a formatted spec. dde_fmt_execute(DDE, Fmt, Args) :- format(string(Cmd), Fmt, Args), dde_execute(DDE, Cmd).