/* $Id$ Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 1985-2011, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ :- module(qsave, [ qsave_program/1, % +File qsave_program/2 % +File, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(error)). /** Save current program as a state or executable This library provides qsave_program/1 and qsave_program/2, which are also used by the commandline sequence below. == swipl -o exe -c file.pl ... == */ :- meta_predicate qsave_program(+, :). :- predicate_options(qsave_program/2, 2, [ local(integer), global(integer), trail(integer), goal(callable), toplevel(callable), init_file(atom), class(oneof([runtime,kernel,development])), autoload(boolean), map(atom), op(oneof([save,standard])), stand_alone(boolean), foreign(oneof([save,no_save])), emulator(atom) ]). :- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). :- dynamic verbose/1. :- volatile verbose/1. % contains a stream-handle %% qsave_program(+File) is det. %% qsave_program(+File, :Options) is det. % % Make a saved state in file `File'. qsave_program(File) :- qsave_program(File, []). qsave_program(FileBase, Options0) :- meta_options(is_meta, Options0, Options), check_options(Options), exe_file(FileBase, File), option(class(SaveClass), Options, runtime), option(init_file(InitFile), Options, DefInit), default_init_file(SaveClass, DefInit), save_autoload(Options), open_map(Options), create_prolog_flag(saved_program, true, []), create_prolog_flag(saved_program_class, SaveClass, []), ( exists_file(File) -> delete_file(File) ; true ), '$rc_open_archive'(File, RC), make_header(RC, SaveClass, Options), save_options(RC, SaveClass, [ init_file(InitFile) | Options ]), save_resources(RC, SaveClass), '$rc_open'(RC, '$state', '$prolog', write, StateFd), '$open_wic'(StateFd), setup_call_cleanup( ( current_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel), set_prolog_flag(access_level, system) % generate system modules ), ( save_modules(SaveClass), save_records, save_flags, save_imports, save_prolog_flags, save_operators(Options), save_format_predicates ), set_prolog_flag(access_level, OldLevel)), '$close_wic', close(StateFd), save_foreign_libraries(RC, Options), '$rc_close_archive'(RC), '$mark_executable'(File), close_map. is_meta(goal). is_meta(toplevel). exe_file(Base, Exe) :- current_prolog_flag(windows, true), file_name_extension(_, '', Base), !, file_name_extension(Base, exe, Exe). exe_file(Exe, Exe). default_init_file(runtime, none) :- !. default_init_file(_, InitFile) :- '$option'(init_file, InitFile). /******************************* * HEADER * *******************************/ make_header(RC, _, Options) :- option(emulator(OptVal), Options), !, absolute_file_name(OptVal, [access(read)], Emulator), '$rc_append_file'(RC, '$header', '$rc', none, Emulator). make_header(RC, _, Options) :- ( current_prolog_flag(windows, true) -> DefStandAlone = true ; DefStandAlone = false ), option(stand_alone(true), Options, DefStandAlone), !, current_prolog_flag(executable, Executable), '$rc_append_file'(RC, '$header', '$rc', none, Executable). make_header(RC, SaveClass, _Options) :- current_prolog_flag(unix, true), !, current_prolog_flag(executable, Executable), '$rc_open'(RC, '$header', '$rc', write, Fd), format(Fd, '#!/bin/sh~n', []), format(Fd, '# SWI-Prolog saved state~n', []), ( SaveClass == runtime -> ArgSep = ' -- ' ; ArgSep = ' ' ), format(Fd, 'exec ${SWIPL-~w} -x "$0"~w"$@"~n~n', [Executable, ArgSep]), close(Fd). make_header(_, _, _). /******************************* * OPTIONS * *******************************/ min_stack(local, 32). min_stack(global, 16). min_stack(trail, 16). convert_option(Stack, Val, NewVal) :- % stack-sizes are in K-bytes min_stack(Stack, Min), !, ( Val == 0 -> NewVal = Val ; NewVal is max(Min, Val*1024) ). convert_option(goal, Callable, Atom) :- !, term_to_atom(Callable, Atom). convert_option(toplevel, Callable, Atom) :- !, term_to_atom(Callable, Atom). convert_option(_, Value, Value). doption(Name) :- min_stack(Name, _). doption(goal). doption(toplevel). doption(init_file). doption(system_init_file). doption(class). doption(home). %% save_options(+ArchiveHandle, +SaveClass, +Options) % % Save the options in the '$options' resource. The home directory % is saved for development saves, so it keeps refering to the % development home. % % The script-file (-s script) is not saved at all. I think this is % fine to avoid a save-script loading itself. save_options(RC, SaveClass, Options) :- '$rc_open'(RC, '$options', '$prolog', write, Fd), ( doption(OptionName), '$option'(OptionName, OptionVal0), save_option_value(SaveClass, OptionName, OptionVal0, OptionVal1), OptTerm =.. [OptionName,OptionVal2], ( option(OptTerm, Options) -> convert_option(OptionName, OptionVal2, OptionVal) ; OptionVal = OptionVal1 ), format(Fd, '~w=~w~n', [OptionName, OptionVal]), fail ; true ), close(Fd). %% save_option_value(+SaveClass, +OptionName, +OptionValue, -FinalValue) save_option_value(Class, class, _, Class) :- !. save_option_value(runtime, home, _, _) :- !, fail. save_option_value(_, _, Value, Value). /******************************* * RESOURCES * *******************************/ save_resources(_RC, development) :- !. save_resources(RC, _SaveClass) :- feedback('~nRESOURCES~n~n', []), copy_resources(RC), ( current_predicate(_, M:resource(_,_,_)), forall(M:resource(Name, Class, FileSpec), ( mkrcname(M, Name, RcName), save_resource(RC, RcName, Class, FileSpec) )), fail ; true ). mkrcname(user, Name, Name) :- !. mkrcname(M, Name, RcName) :- atomic_list_concat([M, :, Name], RcName). save_resource(RC, Name, Class, FileSpec) :- absolute_file_name(FileSpec, [ access(read), file_errors(fail) ], File), !, feedback('~t~8|~w~t~32|~w~t~48|~w~n', [Name, Class, File]), '$rc_append_file'(RC, Name, Class, none, File). save_resource(RC, Name, Class, _) :- '$rc_handle'(SystemRC), copy_resource(SystemRC, RC, Name, Class), !. save_resource(_, Name, Class, FileSpec) :- print_message(warning, error(existence_error(resource, resource(Name, Class, FileSpec)), _)). copy_resources(ToRC) :- '$rc_handle'(FromRC), '$rc_members'(FromRC, List), ( member(rc(Name, Class), List), \+ user:resource(Name, Class, _), \+ reserved_resource(Name, Class), copy_resource(FromRC, ToRC, Name, Class), fail ; true ). reserved_resource('$header', '$rc'). reserved_resource('$state', '$prolog'). reserved_resource('$options', '$prolog'). copy_resource(FromRC, ToRC, Name, Class) :- setup_call_cleanup( '$rc_open'(FromRC, Name, Class, read, FdIn), setup_call_cleanup( '$rc_open'(ToRC, Name, Class, write, FdOut), ( feedback('~t~8|~w~t~24|~w~t~40|~w~n', [Name, Class, '']), copy_stream_data(FdIn, FdOut) ), close(FdOut)), close(FdIn)). /******************************* * MODULES * *******************************/ save_modules(SaveClass) :- forall(special_module(X), save_module(X, SaveClass)), forall((current_module(X), \+ special_module(X)), save_module(X, SaveClass)). special_module(system). special_module(user). define_predicate(Head) :- '$define_predicate'(Head), !. % autoloader define_predicate(Head) :- strip_module(Head, _, Term), functor(Term, Name, Arity), throw(error(existence_error(procedure, Name/Arity), _)). /******************************* * AUTOLOAD * *******************************/ define_init_goal(Options) :- option(goal(Goal), Options), !, define_predicate(Goal). define_init_goal(_). define_toplevel_goal(Options) :- option(toplevel(Goal), Options), !, define_predicate(Goal). define_toplevel_goal(_). save_autoload(Options) :- define_init_goal(Options), define_toplevel_goal(Options), option(autoload(true), Options, true), !, autoload(Options). save_autoload(_). /******************************* * MODULES * *******************************/ %% save_module(+Module, +SaveClass) % % Saves a module save_module(M, SaveClass) :- '$qlf_start_module'(M), feedback('~n~nMODULE ~w~n', [M]), save_unknown(M), ( P = (M:_H), current_predicate(_, P), \+ predicate_property(P, imported_from(_)), save_predicate(P, SaveClass), fail ; '$qlf_end_part', feedback('~n', []) ). save_predicate(P, _SaveClass) :- predicate_property(P, foreign), !, P = (M:H), functor(H, Name, Arity), feedback('~npre-defining foreign ~w/~d ', [Name, Arity]), '$add_directive_wic'('$predefine_foreign'(M:Name/Arity)). save_predicate(P, SaveClass) :- P = (M:H), functor(H, F, A), feedback('~nsaving ~w/~d ', [F, A]), ( H = resource(_,_,_), SaveClass \== development -> save_attribute(P, (dynamic)), ( M == user -> save_attribute(P, (multifile)) ), feedback('(Skipped clauses)', []), fail ; true ), ( no_save(P) -> true ; save_attributes(P), \+ predicate_property(P, (volatile)), ( nth_clause(P, _, Ref), feedback('.', []), '$qlf_assert_clause'(Ref, SaveClass), fail ; true ) ). no_save(P) :- predicate_property(P, volatile), \+ predicate_property(P, dynamic), \+ predicate_property(P, multifile). pred_attrib(meta_predicate(Term), Head, meta_predicate(M:Term)) :- !, strip_module(Head, M, _). pred_attrib(Attrib, Head, '$set_predicate_attribute'(M:Name/Arity, AttName, Val)) :- attrib_name(Attrib, AttName, Val), strip_module(Head, M, Term), functor(Term, Name, Arity). attrib_name(dynamic, dynamic, 1). attrib_name(volatile, volatile, 1). attrib_name(thread_local, thread_local, 1). attrib_name(multifile, multifile, 1). attrib_name(public, public, 1). attrib_name(transparent, transparent, 1). attrib_name(discontiguous, discontiguous, 1). attrib_name(notrace, trace, 0). attrib_name(show_childs, hide_childs, 0). attrib_name(built_in, system, 1). attrib_name(nodebug, hide_childs, 1). attrib_name(quasi_quotation_syntax, quasi_quotation_syntax, 1). save_attribute(P, Attribute) :- pred_attrib(Attribute, P, D), ( Attribute == built_in % no need if there are clauses -> ( predicate_property(P, number_of_clauses(0)) -> true ; predicate_property(P, volatile) ) ; true ), '$add_directive_wic'(D), feedback('(~w) ', [Attribute]). save_attributes(P) :- ( predicate_property(P, Attribute), save_attribute(P, Attribute), fail ; true ). % Save status of the unknown flag save_unknown(M) :- current_prolog_flag(M:unknown, Unknown), ( Unknown == error -> true ; '$add_directive_wic'(set_prolog_flag(M:unknown, Unknown)) ). /******************************* * RECORDS * *******************************/ save_records :- feedback('~nRECORDS~n', []), ( current_key(X), feedback('~n~t~8|~w ', [X, V]), recorded(X, V, _), feedback('.', []), '$add_directive_wic'(recordz(X, V, _)), fail ; true ). /******************************* * FLAGS * *******************************/ save_flags :- feedback('~nFLAGS~n~n', []), ( current_flag(X), flag(X, V, V), feedback('~t~8|~w = ~w~n', [X, V]), '$add_directive_wic'(flag(X, _, V)), fail ; true ). /******************************* * IMPORTS * *******************************/ %% save_imports % % Save import relations. An import relation is saved if a % predicate is imported from a module that is not a default module % for the destination module. If the predicate is dynamic, we % always define the explicit import relation to make clear that an % assert must assert on the imported predicate. save_imports :- feedback('~nIMPORTS~n~n', []), ( predicate_property(M:H, imported_from(I)), \+ default_import(M, H, I), functor(H, F, A), feedback('~t~8|~w:~w/~d <-- ~w~n', [M, F, A, I]), '$add_directive_wic'(qsave:restore_import(M, I, F/A)), fail ; true ). default_import(To, Head, From) :- '$get_predicate_attribute'(To:Head, (dynamic), 1), predicate_property(From:Head, exported), !, fail. default_import(Into, _, From) :- default_module(Into, From). %% restore_import(+TargetModule, +SourceModule, +PI) is det. % % Restore import relation. This notably deals with imports from % the module =user=, avoiding a message that the predicate is not % exported. restore_import(To, user, PI) :- !, export(user:PI), To:import(user:PI). restore_import(To, From, PI) :- To:import(From:PI). /******************************* * PROLOG FLAGS * *******************************/ save_prolog_flags :- feedback('~nPROLOG FLAGS~n~n', []), '$current_prolog_flag'(Flag, Value, _Scope, write, Type), \+ no_save_flag(Flag), feedback('~t~8|~w: ~w (type ~q)~n', [Flag, Value, Type]), '$add_directive_wic'(qsave:restore_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, Type)), fail. save_prolog_flags. no_save_flag(argv). no_save_flag(os_argv). no_save_flag(access_level). no_save_flag(tty_control). no_save_flag(readline). no_save_flag(associated_file). no_save_flag(cpu_count). no_save_flag(hwnd). % should be read-only, but comes % from user-code %% restore_prolog_flag(+Name, +Value, +Type) % % Deal with possibly protected flags (debug_on_error and % report_error are protected flags for the runtime kernel). restore_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, _Type) :- current_prolog_flag(Flag, Value), !. restore_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, _Type) :- current_prolog_flag(Flag, _), !, catch(set_prolog_flag(Flag, Value), _, true). restore_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, Type) :- create_prolog_flag(Flag, Value, [type(Type)]). /******************************* * OPERATORS * *******************************/ %% save_operators(+Options) is det. % % Save operators for all modules. Operators for =system= are % not saved because these are read-only anyway. save_operators(Options) :- !, option(op(save), Options, save), feedback('~nOPERATORS~n', []), forall(current_module(M), save_module_operators(M)), feedback('~n', []). save_operators(_). save_module_operators(system) :- !. save_module_operators(M) :- forall('$local_op'(P,T,M:N), ( feedback('~n~t~8|~w ', [op(P,T,M:N)]), '$add_directive_wic'(op(P,T,M:N)) )). /******************************* * FORMAT PREDICATES * *******************************/ save_format_predicates :- feedback('~nFORMAT PREDICATES~n', []), current_format_predicate(Code, Head), qualify_head(Head, QHead), D = format_predicate(Code, QHead), feedback('~n~t~8|~w ', [D]), '$add_directive_wic'(D), fail. save_format_predicates. qualify_head(T, T) :- functor(T, :, 2), !. qualify_head(T, user:T). /******************************* * FOREIGN LIBRARIES * *******************************/ %% save_foreign_libraries(+Archive, +Options) is det. % % Save current foreign libraries into the archive. save_foreign_libraries(RC, Options) :- option(foreign(save), Options), !, feedback('~nFOREIGN LIBRARIES~n', []), forall(current_foreign_library(FileSpec, _Predicates), ( find_foreign_library(FileSpec, File), term_to_atom(FileSpec, Name), '$rc_append_file'(RC, Name, shared, none, File) )). save_foreign_libraries(_, _). %% find_foreign_library(+FileSpec, -File) is det. % % Find the shared object specified by FileSpec. If posible, the % shared object is stripped to reduce its size. This is achieved % by calling strip -o . Note that the file is % a Prolog tmp file and will be deleted on halt. % % @bug Should perform OS search on failure find_foreign_library(FileSpec, SharedObject) :- absolute_file_name(FileSpec, [ file_type(executable), file_errors(fail) ], File), !, ( absolute_file_name(path(strip), Strip, [ access(execute), file_errors(fail) ]), tmp_file(shared, Stripped), format(atom(Cmd), '"~w" -o "~w" "~w"', [ Strip, Stripped, File ]), shell(Cmd) -> SharedObject = Stripped ; SharedObject = File ). /******************************* * UTIL * *******************************/ open_map(Options) :- option(map(Map), Options), !, open(Map, write, Fd), asserta(verbose(Fd)). open_map(_) :- retractall(verbose(_)). close_map :- retract(verbose(Fd)), close(Fd), !. close_map. feedback(Fmt, Args) :- verbose(Fd), !, format(Fd, Fmt, Args). feedback(_, _). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Option checking and exception generation. This should be in a library! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ option_type(Name, integer) :- min_stack(Name, _MinValue). option_type(class, oneof([runtime,kernel,development])). option_type(autoload, boolean). option_type(map, atom). option_type(op, oneof([save, standard])). option_type(stand_alone, boolean). option_type(foreign, oneof([save, no_save])). option_type(goal, callable). option_type(toplevel, callable). option_type(init_file, atom). option_type(emulator, ground). check_options([]) :- !. check_options([Var|_]) :- var(Var), !, throw(error(domain_error(save_options, Var), _)). check_options([Name=Value|T]) :- !, ( option_type(Name, Type) -> ( must_be(Type, Value) -> check_options(T) ; throw(error(domain_error(Type, Value), _)) ) ; throw(error(domain_error(save_option, Name), _)) ). check_options([Term|T]) :- Term =.. [Name,Arg], !, check_options([Name=Arg|T]). check_options([Var|_]) :- throw(error(domain_error(save_options, Var), _)). check_options(Opt) :- throw(error(domain_error(list, Opt), _)). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message/3. prolog:message(no_resource(Name, Class, File)) --> [ 'Could not find resource ~w/~w on ~w or system resources'- [Name, Class, File] ].