; ; Copyright (C) 2002 Michal Sevcenko ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ; Lesser General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ; ; This file contains definitions of auxiliary predicates that help to ; define language representations of predicates defined within SUMO. ; The 'engFormat' binary predicate associates a concept (either relation or ; a function) with a string. When there is a need to visualise certain ; concept in natural language, the associated string is used. The string ; generally contains a natural language description of the concept, but ; it may contain special tags which are interpreted with the browser. ; The description of these tags follows: ; &%token - specifies a token that will be made into a hypertext link ; to concept (relation, function) being visualized ; %1, %2, ... - this tag will be substituted with a natural language ; representation of the concept's respective argument; if the argument ; is comound (not atomic, like variable or concept), it is enclosed in ; apostrofs, unless the tag is postfixed with an apostrof (like %2') ; %1a{text}, %2a{text}, ... will be replaced with text, if the respective ; argument is atomic, or with an empty string otherwise ; %1c{text}, %2c{text}, ... will be replaced with text, if the respective ; argument is compound, or with an empty string otherwise ; %n{text} will be replaced either with an empty string, if a predicate ; is being rendered as positive, or 'text' otherwise; the %n tag ; can be used as a shortcut for %n{not} ; %p{text} replaced with 'text' for positive rendering and with an ; empty string for negative rendering ; %*{range}[delim] will be replaced with a list of natural-language ; representation of a subset of arguments; range specifies which ; arguments will be included - it is a comma separated list of ; numbers or ranges; for example, range '1-4,6' denotes first, ; second, third, fourth and sixth argument; the delim parameter ; specifies the delimiter which will be used to separate ; representations of arguments; both {range} and [delim] may be omited ; - range defaults to all arguments, and delim defaults to a single ; space ; %% will be replaced with a single percent character ; ; Note: the translation is incomplete, some terms remain in english ; Note: this file is in windows-1250 encoding (termFormat cz Entity "entita") (termFormat cz Physical "fyzický objekt") (termFormat cz Object "objekt") (termFormat cz SelfConnectedObject "self connected object") (termFormat cz Substance "substance") (termFormat cz PureSubstance "čistá substance") (termFormat cz ElementalSubstance "elemental substance") (termFormat cz Metal "kov") (termFormat cz Atom "atom") (termFormat cz SubatomicParticle "subatomická částice") (termFormat cz AtomicNucleus "atomové jádro") (termFormat cz Electron "electron") (termFormat cz Proton "proton") (termFormat cz Neutron "neutron") (termFormat cz CompoundSubstance "compound substance") (termFormat cz Mixture "mixture") (termFormat cz Solution "solution") (termFormat cz CorpuscularObject "corpuscular object") (termFormat cz Region "region") (termFormat cz Collection "collection") (termFormat cz ContentBearingObject "content bearing object") (termFormat cz SymbolicString "symbolic string") (termFormat cz Character "character") (termFormat cz Icon "icon") (termFormat cz MotionPicture "motion picture") (termFormat cz LinguisticExpression "linguistic expression") (termFormat cz Language "language") (termFormat cz AnimalLanguage "animal language") (termFormat cz ArtificialLanguage "artificial language") (termFormat cz ComputerLanguage "computer language") (termFormat cz HumanLanguage "human language") (termFormat cz ConstructedLanguage "constructed language") (termFormat cz NaturalLanguage "natural language") (termFormat cz Word "word") (termFormat cz Formula "formula") (termFormat cz Agent "agent") (termFormat cz SentientAgent "sentient agent") (termFormat cz CognitiveAgent "cognitive agent") (termFormat cz Process "process") (termFormat cz DualObjectProcess "dual object process") (termFormat cz Abstract "abstract") (termFormat cz Quantity "quantity") (termFormat cz Attribute "attribute") (termFormat cz InternalAttribute "internal attribute") (termFormat cz RelationalAttribute "relational attribute") (termFormat cz Number "number") (termFormat cz RealNumber "real number") (termFormat cz ImaginaryNumber "imaginary number") (termFormat cz RationalNumber "rational number") (termFormat cz IrrationalNumber "irrational number") (termFormat cz NonnegativeRealNumber "nonnegative real number") (termFormat cz PositiveRealNumber "positive real number") (termFormat cz NegativeRealNumber "negative real number") (termFormat cz Integer "integer") (termFormat cz EvenInteger "even integer") (termFormat cz OddInteger "odd integer") (termFormat cz PrimeNumber "prime number") (termFormat cz NonnegativeInteger "nonnegative integer") (termFormat cz NegativeInteger "negative integer") (termFormat cz PositiveInteger "positive integer") (termFormat cz BinaryNumber "binary number") (termFormat cz ComplexNumber "complex number") (termFormat cz PhysicalQuantity "physical quantity") (termFormat cz ConstantQuantity "constant quantity") (termFormat cz TimeMeasure "time measure") (termFormat cz TimeDuration "time duration") (termFormat cz TimePosition "time position") (termFormat cz TimeInterval "time interval") (termFormat cz TimePoint "time point") (termFormat cz FunctionQuantity "function quantity") (termFormat cz UnaryConstantFunctionQuantity "unary constant functionquantity") (termFormat cz TimeDependentQuantity "time dependent quantity") (termFormat cz SetOrClass "set or class") (termFormat cz Class "class") (termFormat cz Set "set") (termFormat cz Relation "relation") (termFormat cz SingleValuedRelation "single valued relation") (termFormat cz TotalValuedRelation "total valued relation") (termFormat cz PartialValuedRelation "partial valued relation") (termFormat cz BinaryRelation "binary relation") (termFormat cz ReflexiveRelation "reflexive relation") (termFormat cz IrreflexiveRelation "irreflexive relation") (termFormat cz SymmetricRelation "symmetric relation") (termFormat cz AsymmetricRelation "asymmetric relation") (termFormat cz AntisymmetricRelation "antisymmetric relation") (termFormat cz TrichotomizingRelation "trichotomizing relation") (termFormat cz TransitiveRelation "transitive relation") (termFormat cz IntransitiveRelation "intransitive relation") (termFormat cz PartialOrderingRelation "partial ordering relation") (termFormat cz TotalOrderingRelation "total ordering relation") (termFormat cz EquivalenceRelation "equivalence relation") (termFormat cz CaseRole "case role") (termFormat cz ProbabilityRelation "probability relation") (termFormat cz SpatialRelation "spatial relation") (termFormat cz TemporalRelation "temporal relation") (termFormat cz PropositionalAttitude "propositional attitude") (termFormat cz ObjectAttitude "object attitude") (termFormat cz TernaryRelation "ternary relation") (termFormat cz QuaternaryRelation "quaternary relation") (termFormat cz QuintaryRelation "quintary relation") (termFormat cz List "list") (termFormat cz UniqueList "unique list") (termFormat cz Predicate "predicate") (termFormat cz Function "function") (termFormat cz UnaryFunction "unary function") (termFormat cz OneToOneFunction "one to one function") (termFormat cz SequenceFunction "sequence function") (termFormat cz BinaryFunction "binary function") (termFormat cz AssociativeFunction "associative function") (termFormat cz CommutativeFunction "commutative function") (termFormat cz TernaryFunction "ternary function") (termFormat cz QuaternaryFunction "quaternary function") (termFormat cz ContinuousFunction "continuous function") (termFormat cz LogicalOperator "logical operator") (termFormat cz BinaryPredicate "binary predicate") (termFormat cz TernaryPredicate "ternary predicate") (termFormat cz QuaternaryPredicate "quaternary predicate") (termFormat cz QuintaryPredicate "quintary predicate") (termFormat cz VariableArityRelation "variable arity relation") (termFormat cz RelationExtendedToQuantities "relation extended to quantities") (termFormat cz Proposition "proposition") (termFormat cz Graph "graph") (termFormat cz DirectedGraph "directed graph") (termFormat cz Tree "tree") (termFormat cz GraphPath "graph path") (termFormat cz GraphCircuit "graph circuit") (termFormat cz MultiGraph "multi graph") (termFormat cz PseudoGraph "pseudo graph") (termFormat cz GraphElement "graph element") (termFormat cz GraphNode "graph node") (termFormat cz GraphArc "graph arc") (termFormat cz GraphLoop "graph loop") (termFormat cz Hole "hole") (termFormat cz Pi "pi") (termFormat cz NumberE "number e") (termFormat cz AstronomicalBody "astronomical body") (termFormat cz GeographicArea "geographic area") (termFormat cz GeopoliticalArea "geopolitical area") (termFormat cz WaterArea "water area") (termFormat cz SaltWaterArea "salt water area") (termFormat cz FreshWaterArea "fresh water area") (termFormat cz StreamWaterArea "stream water area") (termFormat cz StaticWaterArea "static water area") (termFormat cz LandArea "land area") (termFormat cz Continent "continent") (termFormat cz Island "island") (termFormat cz Nation "nation") (termFormat cz StateOrProvince "state or province") (termFormat cz Address "address") (termFormat cz City "city") (termFormat cz Water "water") (termFormat cz Mineral "mineral") (termFormat cz OrganicObject "organic object") (termFormat cz Organism "organism") (termFormat cz Plant "plant") (termFormat cz FloweringPlant "flowering plant") (termFormat cz NonFloweringPlant "non flowering plant") (termFormat cz Alga "alga") (termFormat cz Fungus "fungus") (termFormat cz Moss "moss") (termFormat cz Fern "fern") (termFormat cz Animal "animal") (termFormat cz Microorganism "microorganism") (termFormat cz Bacterium "bacterium") (termFormat cz Virus "virus") (termFormat cz Vertebrate "vertebrate") (termFormat cz Invertebrate "invertebrate") (termFormat cz Worm "worm") (termFormat cz Mollusk "mollusk") (termFormat cz Arthropod "arthropod") (termFormat cz Arachnid "arachnid") (termFormat cz Myriapod "myriapod") (termFormat cz Insect "insect") (termFormat cz Crustacean "crustacean") (termFormat cz ColdBloodedVertebrate "cold blooded vertebrate") (termFormat cz WarmBloodedVertebrate "warm blooded vertebrate") (termFormat cz Amphibian "amphibian") (termFormat cz Bird "bird") (termFormat cz Fish "fish") (termFormat cz Mammal "mammal") (termFormat cz AquaticMammal "aquatic mammal") (termFormat cz HoofedMammal "hoofed mammal") (termFormat cz Marsupial "marsupial") (termFormat cz Carnivore "carnivore") (termFormat cz Canine "canine") (termFormat cz Feline "feline") (termFormat cz Rodent "rodent") (termFormat cz Primate "primate") (termFormat cz Ape "ape") (termFormat cz Monkey "monkey") (termFormat cz Hominid "hominid") (termFormat cz Human "human") (termFormat cz Reptile "reptile") (termFormat cz BiologicallyActiveSubstance "biologically active substance") (termFormat cz Nutrient "nutrient") (termFormat cz Protein "protein") (termFormat cz Enzyme "enzyme") (termFormat cz Carbohydrate "carbohydrate") (termFormat cz Vitamin "vitamin") (termFormat cz BodySubstance "body substance") (termFormat cz Hormone "hormone") (termFormat cz Blood "blood") (termFormat cz ToxicOrganism "toxic organism") (termFormat cz Food "food") (termFormat cz Meat "meat") (termFormat cz FruitOrVegetable "fruit or vegetable") (termFormat cz Beverage "beverage") (termFormat cz AnatomicalStructure "anatomical structure") (termFormat cz ReproductiveBody "reproductive body") (termFormat cz BodyPart "body part") (termFormat cz BodyCovering "body covering") (termFormat cz BodyJunction "body junction") (termFormat cz BodyVessel "body vessel") (termFormat cz Cell "cell") (termFormat cz Organ "organ") (termFormat cz Gland "gland") (termFormat cz Tissue "tissue") (termFormat cz Bone "bone") (termFormat cz Muscle "muscle") (termFormat cz FatTissue "fat tissue") (termFormat cz Noun "noun") (termFormat cz Verb "verb") (termFormat cz Adjective "adjective") (termFormat cz Adverb "adverb") (termFormat cz Particle "particle") (termFormat cz Morpheme "morpheme") (termFormat cz Phrase "phrase") (termFormat cz VerbPhrase "verb phrase") (termFormat cz NounPhrase "noun phrase") (termFormat cz PrepositionalPhrase "prepositional phrase") (termFormat cz Text "text") (termFormat cz Sentence "sentence") (termFormat cz Book "book") (termFormat cz Summary "summary") (termFormat cz Series "series") (termFormat cz Periodical "periodical") (termFormat cz Article "article") (termFormat cz Certificate "certificate") (termFormat cz Patent "patent") (termFormat cz Molecule "molecule") (termFormat cz Artifact "artifact") (termFormat cz Product "product") (termFormat cz StationaryArtifact "stationary artifact") (termFormat cz Building "building") (termFormat cz Room "room") (termFormat cz ArtWork "art work") (termFormat cz Fabric "fabric") (termFormat cz Clothing "clothing") (termFormat cz Device "device") (termFormat cz MusicalInstrument "musical instrument") (termFormat cz TransportationDevice "transportation device") (termFormat cz Weapon "weapon") (termFormat cz Machine "machine") (termFormat cz EngineeringComponent "engineering component") (termFormat cz EngineeringConnection "engineering connection") (termFormat cz Group "group") (termFormat cz AgeGroup "age group") (termFormat cz FamilyGroup "family group") (termFormat cz EthnicGroup "ethnic group") (termFormat cz OrganizationUnit "organization unit") (termFormat cz Organization "organization") (termFormat cz Corporation "corporation") (termFormat cz PoliticalOrganization "political organization") (termFormat cz Government "government") (termFormat cz EducationalOrganization "educational organization") (termFormat cz ReligiousOrganization "religious organization") (termFormat cz BiologicalProcess "biological process") (termFormat cz PhysiologicProcess "physiologic process") (termFormat cz OrganismProcess "organism process") (termFormat cz Birth "birth") (termFormat cz Death "death") (termFormat cz Breathing "breathing") (termFormat cz Ingesting "ingesting") (termFormat cz Eating "eating") (termFormat cz Drinking "drinking") (termFormat cz Growth "growth") (termFormat cz Replication "replication") (termFormat cz SexualReproduction "sexual reproduction") (termFormat cz AsexualReproduction "asexual reproduction") (termFormat cz PsychologicalProcess "psychological process") (termFormat cz OrganOrTissueProcess "organ or tissueprocess") (termFormat cz PathologicProcess "pathologic process") (termFormat cz Injuring "injuring") (termFormat cz Poisoning "poisoning") (termFormat cz IntentionalProcess "intentional process") (termFormat cz IntentionalPsychologicalProcess "intentional psychological process") (termFormat cz RecreationOrExercise "recreation or exercise") (termFormat cz OrganizationalProcess "organizational process") (termFormat cz EducationalProcess "educational process") (termFormat cz ReligiousProcess "religious process") (termFormat cz JoiningAnOrganization "joining an organization") (termFormat cz LeavingAnOrganization "leaving an organization") (termFormat cz Graduation "graduation") (termFormat cz Matriculation "matriculation") (termFormat cz Hiring "hiring") (termFormat cz TerminatingEmployment "terminating employment") (termFormat cz PoliticalProcess "political process") (termFormat cz MilitaryProcess "military process") (termFormat cz RegulatoryProcess "regulatory process") (termFormat cz Managing "managing") (termFormat cz Planning "planning") (termFormat cz QuantityChange "quantity change") (termFormat cz Increasing "increasing") (termFormat cz Heating "zahřívání") (termFormat cz Decreasing "decreasing") (termFormat cz Cooling "ochlazování") (termFormat cz Motion "motion") (termFormat cz BodyMotion "body motion") (termFormat cz Walking "walking") (termFormat cz Swimming "swimming") (termFormat cz Dancing "dancing") (termFormat cz DirectionChange "direction change") (termFormat cz Transfer "transfer") (termFormat cz Removing "removing") (termFormat cz Uncovering "uncovering") (termFormat cz Putting "putting") (termFormat cz Covering "covering") (termFormat cz Substituting "substituting") (termFormat cz Impelling "impelling") (termFormat cz Shooting "shooting") (termFormat cz Touching "touching") (termFormat cz Impacting "impacting") (termFormat cz Transportation "transportation") (termFormat cz Guiding "guiding") (termFormat cz Steering "steering") (termFormat cz ChangeOfPossession "change of possession") (termFormat cz Giving "giving") (termFormat cz UnilateralGiving "unilateral giving") (termFormat cz Lending "lending") (termFormat cz Getting "getting") (termFormat cz UnilateralGetting "unilateral getting") (termFormat cz Borrowing "borrowing") (termFormat cz Transaction "transaction") (termFormat cz FinancialTransaction "financial transaction") (termFormat cz Betting "betting") (termFormat cz Buying "buying") (termFormat cz Selling "selling") (termFormat cz Learning "learning") (termFormat cz Classifying "classifying") (termFormat cz Reasoning "reasoning") (termFormat cz Selecting "selecting") (termFormat cz Comparing "comparing") (termFormat cz Calculating "calculating") (termFormat cz Measuring "measuring") (termFormat cz Counting "counting") (termFormat cz Predicting "predicting") (termFormat cz Remembering "remembering") (termFormat cz Keeping "keeping") (termFormat cz Confining "confining") (termFormat cz Maintaining "maintaining") (termFormat cz Repairing "repairing") (termFormat cz TherapeuticProcess "therapeutic process") (termFormat cz Surgery "surgery") (termFormat cz Damaging "damaging") (termFormat cz Destruction "destruction") (termFormat cz Killing "killing") (termFormat cz Poking "poking") (termFormat cz Cutting "cutting") (termFormat cz Attaching "attaching") (termFormat cz Detaching "detaching") (termFormat cz Combining "combining") (termFormat cz Separating "separating") (termFormat cz ChemicalProcess "chemical process") (termFormat cz ChemicalSynthesis "chemical synthesis") (termFormat cz ChemicalDecomposition "chemical decomposition") (termFormat cz Combustion "combustion") (termFormat cz InternalChange "internal change") (termFormat cz SurfaceChange "surface change") (termFormat cz ShapeChange "shape change") (termFormat cz Coloring "coloring") (termFormat cz ContentDevelopment "content development") (termFormat cz Reading "reading") (termFormat cz Writing "writing") (termFormat cz Encoding "encoding") (termFormat cz Decoding "decoding") (termFormat cz Wetting "wetting") (termFormat cz Drying "drying") (termFormat cz Creation "creation") (termFormat cz Making "making") (termFormat cz Constructing "constructing") (termFormat cz Manufacture "manufacture") (termFormat cz Publication "publication") (termFormat cz Cooking "cooking") (termFormat cz Searching "searching") (termFormat cz Pursuing "pursuing") (termFormat cz Investigating "investigating") (termFormat cz DiagnosticProcess "diagnostic process") (termFormat cz SocialInteraction "social interaction") (termFormat cz Pretending "pretending") (termFormat cz Communication "communication") (termFormat cz Disseminating "disseminating") (termFormat cz Advertising "advertising") (termFormat cz Stating "stating") (termFormat cz Directing "directing") (termFormat cz Ordering "ordering") (termFormat cz Requesting "requesting") (termFormat cz Questioning "questioning") (termFormat cz Committing "committing") (termFormat cz Expressing "expressing") (termFormat cz Declaring "declaring") (termFormat cz Cooperation "cooperation") (termFormat cz Meeting "meeting") (termFormat cz Contest "contest") (termFormat cz ViolentContest "violent contest") (termFormat cz War "war") (termFormat cz Battle "battle") (termFormat cz Game "game") (termFormat cz Sport "sport") (termFormat cz LegalAction "legal action") (termFormat cz Maneuver "maneuver") (termFormat cz Perception "perception") (termFormat cz Seeing "seeing") (termFormat cz Smelling "smelling") (termFormat cz Tasting "tasting") (termFormat cz Hearing "hearing") (termFormat cz TactilePerception "tactile perception") (termFormat cz Radiating "radiating") (termFormat cz RadiatingLight "radiating light") (termFormat cz RadiatingSound "radiating sound") (termFormat cz Music "music") (termFormat cz StateChange "změna skupenství") (termFormat cz Melting "tání") (termFormat cz Boiling "var") (termFormat cz Condensing "kondenzace") (termFormat cz Freezing "tuhnutí") (termFormat cz FieldOfStudy "field of study") (termFormat cz Procedure "procedure") (termFormat cz ComputerProgram "computer program") (termFormat cz Plan "plan") (termFormat cz TruthValue "truth value") (termFormat cz PositionalAttribute "positional attribute") (termFormat cz DirectionalAttribute "directional attribute") (termFormat cz TimeZone "time zone") (termFormat cz SocialRole "social role") (termFormat cz OccupationalRole "occupational role") (termFormat cz Position "position") (termFormat cz NormativeAttribute "normative attribute") (termFormat cz SubjectiveAssessmentAttribute "subjective assessment attribute") (termFormat cz ObjectiveNorm "objective norm") (termFormat cz ContestAttribute "contest attribute") (termFormat cz AlethicAttribute "alethic attribute") (termFormat cz DeonticAttribute "deontic attribute") (termFormat cz PhysicalState "skupenství") (termFormat cz PerceptualAttribute "perceptual attribute") (termFormat cz TasteAttribute "taste attribute") (termFormat cz OlfactoryAttribute "olfactory attribute") (termFormat cz VisualAttribute "visual attribute") (termFormat cz ColorAttribute "color attribute") (termFormat cz PrimaryColor "primary color") (termFormat cz ShapeAttribute "shape attribute") (termFormat cz TextureAttribute "texture attribute") (termFormat cz SoundAttribute "sound attribute") (termFormat cz SaturationAttribute "saturation attribute") (termFormat cz BreakabilityAttribute "breakability attribute") (termFormat cz BiologicalAttribute "biological attribute") (termFormat cz AnimacyAttribute "animacy attribute") (termFormat cz SexAttribute "sex attribute") (termFormat cz DevelopmentalAttribute "developmental attribute") (termFormat cz DiseaseOrSyndrome "disease or syndrome") (termFormat cz PsychologicalAttribute "psychological attribute") (termFormat cz StateOfMind "state of mind") (termFormat cz EmotionalState "emotional state") (termFormat cz ConsciousnessAttribute "consciousness attribute") (termFormat cz Asleep "asleep") (termFormat cz Unconscious "unconscious") (termFormat cz Awake "awake") (termFormat cz TraitAttribute "trait attribute") (termFormat cz PsychologicalDysfunction "psychological dysfunction") (termFormat cz FiniteSet "finite set") (termFormat cz PairwiseDisjointClass "pairwise disjoint class") (termFormat cz MutuallyDisjointClass "mutually disjoint class") (termFormat cz Year "year") (termFormat cz LeapYear "leap year") (termFormat cz Month "month") (termFormat cz January "january") (termFormat cz February "february") (termFormat cz March "march") (termFormat cz April "april") (termFormat cz May "may") (termFormat cz June "june") (termFormat cz July "july") (termFormat cz August "august") (termFormat cz September "september") (termFormat cz October "october") (termFormat cz November "november") (termFormat cz December "december") (termFormat cz Day "day") (termFormat cz Monday "monday") (termFormat cz Tuesday "tuesday") (termFormat cz Wednesday "wednesday") (termFormat cz Thursday "thursday") (termFormat cz Friday "friday") (termFormat cz Saturday "saturday") (termFormat cz Sunday "sunday") (termFormat cz Week "week") (termFormat cz Hour "hour") (termFormat cz Minute "minute") (termFormat cz Second "second") (termFormat cz UnitOfMeasure "unit of measure") (termFormat cz SystemeInternationalUnit "systeme international unit") (termFormat cz LengthMeasure "length measure") (termFormat cz MassMeasure "mass measure") (termFormat cz AreaMeasure "area measure") (termFormat cz VolumeMeasure "volume measure") (termFormat cz TemperatureMeasure "temperature measure") (termFormat cz CurrencyMeasure "currency measure") (termFormat cz AngleMeasure "angle measure") (termFormat cz PlaneAngleMeasure "plane angle measure") (termFormat cz SolidAngleMeasure "solid angle measure") (termFormat cz InformationMeasure "information measure")