;; (37) The painting went from the first to the second floor. Did the painting move? Most likely but not surely. (note SP37) (instance ThePainting PaintedPicture) (file Mid-level-ontology.kif) (file Transportation.kif) ; formalize this that the painting traverses the floors (as in a large painting in an atrium spanning floors (exists (?BUILDING ?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2) (and (instance ?LEVEL1 BuildingLevel) (instance ?LEVEL2 BuildingLevel) (not (equals ?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2)) (floorCode ?LEVEL1 "1") (floorCode ?LEVEL2 "2") (instance ?BUILDING Building) (part ?LEVEL1 ?BUILDING) (part ?LEVEL2 ?BUILDING) (penetrates ThePainting ?LEVEL1) (penetrates ThePainting ?LEVEL2))) ; formalize this that the painting travelled from one floor to the other (exists (?BUILDING ?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2 ?T) (and (instance ?LEVEL1 BuildingLevel) (instance ?LEVEL2 BuildingLevel) (not (equals ?LEVEL1 ?LEVEL2)) (instance ?BUILDING Building) (part ?LEVEL1 ?BUILDING) (part ?LEVEL2 ?BUILDING) (instance ?T Translocation) (objectTransferred ?T ThePainting) (origin ?T ?LEVEL1) (destination ?T ?LEVEL2))) (query (and (instance ?T Translocation) (objectTransferred ?T ThePainting))) (answer yes)