2.10 Overview of the Debugger

Imperative languages like C++, Python or JavaScript execute mostly linear code with some branching and subroutine calls. Their debuggers support stepping through the code and pausing on each line, or running the program until it hits a breakpoint and pauses. When paused, the user can inspect the current program state or give the debugger commands.

Prolog has a logical execution model that involves attempting to prove logical predicates and needs a different debugging approach. SWI-Prolog uses the traditional Prolog "Byrd Box Model" or "4 Port Model" debugging approach described by Byrd, 1980, Clocksin & Melish, 1987 with a couple of extensions to implement its command line debugger. There are two other debuggers available that build on this infrastructure: a graphical debugger and remote debugging in the web interface provided by SWISH.

Reference information to all predicates available for manipulating the debugger is in the debugger section (section 4.39).

2.10.1 The Byrd Box Model And Ports

Standard Prolog debugging tools are built around the so-called "Byrd Box Model" or "4 Port Model" which models each predicate in a Prolog program as a state machine ("box") that transitions through states ("ports") as a program is evaluated. The developer can ask the engine to pause for program inspection when it reaches specific ports or predicates.

As we go through this overview, remember that a "port" is just another word for a "state" in the state machine that each predicate transitions through during evaluation. The state machine is called a "box" because it is drawn like this:

         Call   |                                      |   Exit
     ---------> +  descendant(X,Y) :- offspring(X,Y).  + --------->
                |                                      |
                |  descendant(X,Z) :-                  |
     <--------- +     offspring(X,Y), descendant(Y,Z). + <---------
         Fail   |                                      |   Redo

The standard ports are: call, redo, exit and fail. SWI-Prolog extends this with two more: unify and exception. Each trace happens at a particular phase of predicate resolution. Recall that when resolving or "proving" a predicate, the Prolog engine:

  1. Collects all rules that might match by having a head with the same name and number of arguments

  2. Finds the next matching rule whose head can be unified with the predicate

  3. Applies variable assignments from unification to clauses in the rule body and continues at #1 with the updated clauses
  4. After all of the body clauses of the matched rule have either succeeded, failed, or thrown an exception:

    This means there can be a lot of traces between the initial call and the end of tracing for a particular predicate.

2.10.2 Trace Mode Example

The trace/0 predicate turns on "trace mode", which, by default, produces a trace and pauses at every port of every predicate to allow inspection of the state of the program. This is normally done from the Prolog console window, but for embedded Prolog systems or when Prolog runs as a daemon it can also be done by getting a prompt via the libssh package.

Note: If the native graphics plugin (XPCE) is available, the commands gtrace/0 and gspy/1 activate the graphical debugger while tdebug/0 and tspy/1 allow debugging of arbitrary threads.

Each goal is printed using the Prolog predicate write_term/2. The style is defined by the Prolog flag debugger_write_options and can be modified using this flag or using the w, p and d commands of the tracer (section

Here's an example debugging session that shows the basic flow. The unify port is off by default since it doesn't add a lot of information in most cases for the command line debugger.

is_a(rock1, rock).
is_a(rock2, rock).
color(rock1, red).

noun(X, Type) :- is_a(X, Type).
adjective(X, color, Value) :- color(X, Value).
?- trace.

[trace]  ?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
   Call: (11) noun(_9774, rock) ? creep

The trace/0 predicate turned on trace mode, which is now indicated at every prompt by [trace] ?-. The initial query provided by the user was noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red) which is asking to find a "red rock". Finally: the first port triggered was a Call to the first predicate in the initial query, indicating the engine is about to look for the first rule that matches noun(_9774, rock).

Pressing spacebar, c, or enter caused the tracer to print creep followed by the next trace. There are many additional commands available that are described later in the overview.

is_a(rock1, rock).
is_a(rock2, rock).
color(rock1, red).

noun(X, Type) :- is_a(X, Type).
adjective(X, color, Value) :- color(X, Value).
[trace]  ?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
   Call: (12) is_a(_9774, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (12) is_a(rock1, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (11) noun(rock1, rock) ? creep

Next, the first clause of noun/2 gets a call trace since the engine is trying to find the next rule that matches is_a(_9774, rock). Since there is a fact that can unify: is_a(rock1, rock), the trace shows exit (i.e. succeeded) along with that value. Since that was the final predicate in the body of noun/2 , noun/2 also gets an exit trace that shows the unified value of its head: noun(rock1, rock).

is_a(rock1, rock).
is_a(rock2, rock).
color(rock1, red).

noun(X, Type) :- is_a(X, Type).
adjective(X, color, Value) :- color(X, Value).
[trace]  ?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
   Call: (11) adjective(rock1, color, red) ? creep
   Call: (12) color(rock1, red) ? creep
   Exit: (12) color(rock1, red) ? creep
   Exit: (11) adjective(rock1, color, red) ? creep
   X = rock1 ;

Prolog then moved to the next predicate in the initial query: adjective/3 and solved it in a similar way. Since that was the last predicate in the query, an answer was returned. Pressing ; requested the next answer and began Prolog backtracking.

is_a(rock1, rock).
is_a(rock2, rock).
color(rock1, red).

noun(X, Type) :- is_a(X, Type).
adjective(X, color, Value) :- color(X, Value).
[trace]  ?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
   Redo: (12) is_a(_9774, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (12) is_a(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (11) noun(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Call: (11) adjective(rock2, color, red) ? creep
   Call: (12) color(rock2, red) ? creep
   Fail: (12) color(rock2, red) ? creep
   Fail: (11) adjective(rock2, color, red) ? creep

The only choice point to redo (i.e. backtrack over) was the is_a/2 clause of noun/2 since there was one potential match left to attempt to unify: is_a(rock2, rock). This succeeds with an exit trace since it does unify with the redo predicate and causes noun(rock2, rock) to also succeed with exit just as above.

As the traces continue, you can see the fail port get activated for color(rock2, red) since there is no way to prove that predicate and thus the whole query returns false.

Tracing will continue for every query you pose until you enter notrace. to turn off trace mode.

2.10.3 Trace Mode Options: leash/1 and visible/1

When you enable trace mode with trace/0, the tracer will, by default, pause and wait for a command at every port it hits on every predicate. The leash/1 predicate can be used to modify the ports to pause at. This is a global setting, so changes will remain until they are changed again or SWI-Prolog is restarted. Disabling the tracer via notrace/0 doesn't affect which ports are leashed.

The leash/1 argument must start with + to add, or - to remove, followed by the name of a port such as call, exit, etc. There are special terms like all which can be used instead of manually adding or removing every port.

To stop only at the fail port, use leash/1 like this:

?- leash(-all).

?- leash(+fail).

?- trace.

[trace]  ?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
   Call: (11) noun(_3794, rock)
   Call: (12) is_a(_3794, rock)
   Exit: (12) is_a(rock1, rock)
   Exit: (11) noun(rock1, rock)
   Call: (11) adjective(rock1, color, red)
   Call: (12) color(rock1, red)
   Exit: (12) color(rock1, red)
   Exit: (11) adjective(rock1, color, red)
X = rock1 ;
   Redo: (12) is_a(_3794, rock)
   Exit: (12) is_a(rock2, rock)
   Exit: (11) noun(rock2, rock)
   Call: (11) adjective(rock2, color, red)
   Call: (12) color(rock2, red)
   Fail: (12) color(rock2, red) ? creep
   Fail: (11) adjective(rock2, color, red) ? creep

Now, only the lines that start with "Fail:" have "creep" after them because that was the only time the tracer paused for a command. To never pause and just see all the traces, use leash(-all) and don't turn any ports back on.

The default ports are still printed out because a different setting, visible/1, controls which ports are printed. visible/1 takes the same form of argument as leash/1. To only stop and show the fail port, use leash/1 and visible/1 like this:

?- leash(-all).

?- leash(+fail).

?- visible(-all).

?- visible(+fail).

?- trace.

[trace]  ?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
X = rock1 ;
   Fail: (12) color(rock2, red) ? creep
   Fail: (11) adjective(rock2, color, red) ? creep

2.10.4 Trace Mode Commands When Paused

You can do way more than just press spacebar when the tracer is paused at a port. All actions are single-character commands which are executed without waiting for a return (unless the command line option --no-tty is active). Pressing ? or h when paused will print out a list of these commands as well. Control Flow Commands

Abort aAbort Prolog execution (see abort/0)
Break bEnter a Prolog break environment (see break/0)
Creep cContinue execution, stop at next port. (Also return, space)
Exit eTerminate Prolog (see halt/0)
Fail fForce failure of the current goal
Find /Search for a port (see below for the description of this command (section
Ignore iIgnore the current goal, pretending it succeeded
Leap lContinue execution, stop at next spy point
No debug nContinue execution in’no debug' mode
Repeat find .Repeat the last find command (see’Find' (section
Retry rUndo all actions (except for database and I/O actions) back to the call port of the current goal and resume execution at the call port
Skip sContinue execution, stop at the next port of this goal (thus skipping all calls to children of this goal)
Spy +Set a spy point (see spy/1) on the current predicate. Spy points are described later in the overview (section 2.10.6).
No spy -Remove the spy point (see nospy/1) from the current predicate. Spy points are described later in the overview (section 2.10.6).
Up uContinue execution, stop at the next port of the parent goal (thus skipping this goal and all calls to children of this goal). This option is useful to stop tracing a failure driven loop.

Find (/) Description and Examples

The Find (/) command continues execution until a port matching a find pattern is found. After the /, the user can enter a line to specify the port to search for. This line consists of a set of letters indicating the port type, followed by an optional term, that should unify with the goal run by the port. If no term is specified it is taken as a variable, searching for any port of the specified type. If an atom is given, any goal whose functor has a name equal to that atom matches. Examples:

/fSearch for any fail port
/fe solveSearch for a fail or exit port of any goal with name solve
/c solve(a, _) Search for a call to solve/2 whose first argument is a variable or the atom a
/a member(_, _) Search for any port on member/2. This is equivalent to setting a spy point on member/2. Informational Commands

Alternatives AShow all goals that have alternatives
Goals gShow the list of parent goals (the execution stack). Note that due to tail recursion optimization a number of parent goals might not exist any more.
Help hShow available options (also ?)
Listing LList the current predicate with listing/1 Formatting Commands

Context CToggle’Show Context'. If on, the context module of the goal is displayed between square brackets (see modules section (section 6)). Default is off.
Display dSet the max_depth(Depth) option of debugger_write_options (section 2.12), limiting the depth to which terms are printed. See also the w and p options.
Print pSet the Prolog flag debugger_write_options to [quoted(true), portray(true), max_depth(10), priority(699)]. This is the default.
Write wSet the Prolog flag debugger_write_options to [quoted(true), attributes(write), priority(699)], bypassing portray/1, etc.

2.10.5 Trace Mode vs. Trace Point

A slight detour is useful to describe some related predicates that can be confusing: To only trace a single or select set of predicates, the trace/1 or trace/2 predicates can be used to set a trace point. Even though they use the same base predicate name trace, these predicates ignore the leash/1 and visible/1 global settings and don't pause when they trace a port. They really are a different feature that also happens to do tracing.

A trace point is set on a particular predicate and traces the ports of that predicate whether or not you are in trace/0 trace mode. Each trace point can trace different ports if the trace/2 variant is used.

?- trace(is_a/2).
%         is_a/2: [all]

?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
 T Call: is_a(_25702, rock)
 T Exit: is_a(rock1, rock)
X = rock1 ;
 T Redo: is_a(rock1, rock)
 T Exit: is_a(rock2, rock)

Notice that trace mode did not have to be turned on using trace/0 and that this only traced out the ports hit while executing is_a/2 and that the program was not ever paused.

In fact, if trace mode is turned on while using a trace point, things get very confusing because the trace point infrastructure itself will be traced!

?- trace(is_a/2).
%         is_a/2: [all]

?- trace.

[trace]  ?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
   Call: (11) noun(_29318, rock) ? creep
   Call: (12) is_a(_29318, rock) ? creep
   Call: (13) print_message(debug, frame(user:is_a(_29318, rock), trace(call))) ? creep
   Call: (18) push_msg(frame(user:is_a(_29318, rock), trace(call))) ? creep
   Call: (21) exception(undefined_global_variable, '$inprint_message', _30046) ? creep
   Fail: (21) exception(undefined_global_variable, '$inprint_message', _30090) ? creep
   Exit: (18) push_msg(frame(user:is_a(_29318, rock), trace(call))) ? creep
   Call: (19) prolog:message(frame(user:is_a(_29318, rock), trace(call)), _30140, _30142) ? creep
   Fail: (19) prolog:message(frame(user:is_a(_29318, rock), trace(call)), _30140, _30142) ? creep
   Call: (19) message_property(debug, stream(_30192)) ? creep
   Fail: (19) message_property(debug, stream(_30192)) ? creep
   Call: (20) message_property(debug, prefix(_30200)) ? creep
   Fail: (20) message_property(debug, prefix(_30200)) ? creep
 T Call: is_a(_29318, rock)
   Call: (17) pop_msg ? creep
   Exit: (17) pop_msg ? creep
   ...Lots more after this...

So, trace points are a confusingly named and separate feature from trace mode.

2.10.6 Spy Points and Debug Mode

Back to trace mode features: Because the tracing output of a Prolog program can often be quite large, sometimes it is useful to start trace mode at a particular point deep in the program. This is what a spy point is for. It specifies a predicate that should turn on trace mode.

A spy point is enabled like this: spy(mypredicate/2). After that command, the first time mypredicate/2 is encountered, trace mode will turn on and work just like it does normally. This includes paying attention to the global leash/1 and visible/1 settings. The spy point can be removed using nospy/1 or nospyall/0.

is_a(rock1, rock).
is_a(rock2, rock).
color(rock1, red).

noun(X, Type) :- is_a(X, Type).
adjective(X, color, Value) :- color(X, Value).
?- spy(is_a/2).
% Spy point on is_a/2

[debug]  ?- noun(X, rock), adjective(X, color, red).
 * Call: (12) is_a(_1858, rock) ? creep
 * Exit: (12) is_a(rock1, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (11) noun(rock1, rock) ? creep
   Call: (11) adjective(rock1, color, red) ? creep
   Call: (12) color(rock1, red) ? creep
   Exit: (12) color(rock1, red) ? creep
   Exit: (11) adjective(rock1, color, red) ? creep
X = rock1 ;
 * Redo: (12) is_a(_1858, rock) ? creep
 * Exit: (12) is_a(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (11) noun(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Call: (11) adjective(rock2, color, red) ? creep
   Call: (12) color(rock2, red) ? creep
   Fail: (12) color(rock2, red) ? creep
   Fail: (11) adjective(rock2, color, red) ? creep

After the spy point is hit, the output above is identical to the traces generated by running trace/0 with the initial query, but is obviously missing all of the traces before the spy point.

Note that after spy/1 is called, there is a new tag in front of ?-, the [debug] tag:

?- spy(is_a/2).
% Spy point on is_a/2

[debug] ?-

This means the system is in "debug mode". Debug mode does two things: it tells the system to watch for spy points and it turns off some optimizations that would make the traces confusing. The ideal 4-port model (Byrd, 1980) as described in many Prolog books (Clocksin & Melish, 1987) is not visible in many Prolog implementations because code optimisation removes part of the choice and exit points. Backtrack points are not shown if either the goal succeeded deterministically or its alternatives were removed using the cut. When running in debug mode, choice points are only destroyed when removed by the cut and last call optimisation is switched off. [Note: This implies the system can run out of stack in debug mode, while no problems arise when running in non-debug mode.]

Debug mode can be turned off again using nodebug/0, but then the spy point will be ignored (but remembered). Turning debug mode back on via debug/0 will hit the spy point again.

is_a(rock1, rock).
is_a(rock2, rock).
color(rock1, red).

noun(X, Type) :- is_a(X, Type).
adjective(X, color, Value) :- color(X, Value).
?-  spy(is_a/2).
% Spy point on is_a/2

[debug]  ?- nodebug.

?- noun(X, rock).
X = rock1 ;
X = rock2.

?- debug.

[debug]  ?- noun(X, rock).
 * Call: (11) is_a(_47826, rock) ? creep
 * Exit: (11) is_a(rock1, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (10) noun(rock1, rock) ? creep
X = rock1 ;
 * Redo: (11) is_a(_47826, rock) ? creep
 * Exit: (11) is_a(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (10) noun(rock2, rock) ? creep
X = rock2.

So, debug mode allows Prolog to watch for spy points and enable trace mode when it hits one. The tracing/0 and debugging/0 predicates will report if the system is in either of those modes.

2.10.7 Breakpoints

Sometimes even spy points aren't enough. There may be a predicate that is used in many different places and it would be helpful to turn on tracing mode only when one particular call to it is made. Breakpoints allow for turning on trace mode when a specific source file, line number, and character in that line are hit. The predicates used are set_breakpoint/4 and set_breakpoint/5. Many breakpoints can be active at a time.

Note that the interface provided by these predicates is not intended for end-users. The built-in PceEmacs editor that is also embedded in the graphical debugger allow setting break points based on the cursor position.

Example.pl has now been modified to have multiple calls to noun/2 :

is_a(rock1, rock).
is_a(rock2, rock).
color(rock1, red).

noun(X, Type) :- is_a(X, Type).
adjective(X, color, Value) :- color(X, Value).
test_noun1(X, Type) :- noun(X, Type).
test_noun2(X, Type) :- noun(X, Type).

To enable tracing just when noun/2 is called from test_noun2/2 , set_breakpoint/4 can be used like this:

?- set_breakpoint('/...path.../Example.pl', 8, 24, ID).
% Breakpoint 1 in 1-st clause of test_noun2/2 at Example.pl:8
ID = 1.

?- debug.

[debug]  ?- noun(X, rock).
X = rock1 .

[debug]  ?- test_noun1(X, rock).
X = rock1 .

[debug]  ?- test_noun2(X, rock).
   Call: (11) noun(_44982, rock) ? creep
   Call: (12) is_a(_44982, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (12) is_a(rock1, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (11) noun(rock1, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (10) test_noun2(rock1, rock) ? creep
X = rock1 .

[trace]  ?- notrace.

[debug]  ?-

The call to set_breakpoint/4 had to specify the source file ("Example.pl"), the line number (8), and the character within that line (24) to precisely specify what clause should turn on trace mode (this is much easier using the graphical debugger because it shows source code).

The breakpoint won't get triggered if the system isn't in debug mode but, unlike setting a spy point, set_breakpoint/4 does not do this automatically. So, it was turned on manually using debug/0.

The output shows that only the call to test_noun2/2 (where the breakpoint was set) actually turned on trace mode. Note that the [Trace] ?- at the end shows that trace mode is left on after being triggered. It can be turned off again via notrace/0, which will leave the system in debug mode. All debugging modes can be shut off at once by calling nodebug/0 since shutting off debug mode automatically turns off trace mode.

In addition, SWI-Prolog supports attaching an arbitrary goal to each breakpoint via set_breakpoint_condition/2, which yields Conditional Breakpoints. A conditional breakpoint is the same as the regular breakpoints discussed thus far, except that whenever the breakpoint is triggered, the given goal is invoked and trace mode is only turned on in case it succeeds.

To enable tracing just when noun/2 is called from test_noun2/2 with rock2 as the first argument, set_breakpoint_condition/2 can be used like below. Note that the condition is a Prolog string that is parsed to obtain the goal as well as the variable names. The resulting goal is called in the module in which the clause body is executed (see clause_property/2, property module).

?- set_breakpoint('/...path.../Example.pl', 8, 24, ID).
ID = 1.

?- set_breakpoint_condition(1, "X == rock2").

?- debug.

[debug]  ?- test_noun2(X, rock).
X = rock1 ;
X = rock2.

[debug]  ?- test_noun2(rock2, rock).
   Call: (11) noun(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Call: (12) is_a(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (12) is_a(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (11) noun(rock2, rock) ? creep
   Exit: (10) test_noun2(rock2, rock) ? creep

[trace]  ?-

2.10.8 Command Line Debugger Summary

In summary, there are really two distinct "tracing" features: trace mode and trace points. Both write traces to the console using the "Byrd Box Model" but that's where similarity ends. Trace Mode

Trace mode is the main Prolog command line debugger that allows for tracing the transitions through the resolution states of predicates represented by ports in the "Byrd Box Model" and optionally pausing for a command when certain ports are hit.

It can be turned on manually via trace/0, or (when put into debug mode using debug/0) when a specific predicate is encountered via spy/1, or when a specific call to a predicate is encountered via set_breakpoint/4 or set_breakpoint/5.

When in trace mode, visible/1 controls which ports are written to the console, and leash/1 controls which ports cause execution to pause to allow program inspection.

When execution is paused, there are many commands that can be used to inspect the state of the program, cause goals to fail or succeed, etc.

Trace mode is turned off via notrace/0 and debug mode is turned off via nodebug/0. Trace Points

Trace points are a separate feature from trace mode that allow writing specified ports to the console when a predicate is being evaluated. It does not ever pause program execution and does not need to be in trace or debug mode to work.

They are turned on via trace/1 and trace/2.

They don't pay attention to visible/1 (because the ports shown are set in trace/2) or leash/1 (because they don't pause execution).

They can be turned off via trace/2.