This library provides tools to control the Prolog debuggers. Traditionally this code was built-in. Because these tools are only required in (interactive) debugging sessions they have been moved into the library.
, with one of the following terms, where Spec
is of the form M:Head.
error(Formal, Context)
exceptions that
unify. The tracer is started when a matching exception is raised. This
predicate enables debug mode using debug/0
to get more context about the exception. Even with debug mode disabled
exceptions are still trapped and thus one may call nodebug/0
to run in normal mode after installing a trap. Exceptions are trapped in
any thread. Debug mode is only enabled in the calling thread. To enable
debug mode in all threads use tdebug/0.
Calling debugging/0 lists the enabled traps. The predicate notrap/1 removes matching (unifying) traps.
In many cases debugging an exception that is caught is as simple as below (assuming run/0 starts your program).
?- gtrap(_). ?- run.