List the JITI (Just In Time Indexes) of selected predicates. The
predicate jiti_list/0
list all just-in-time indexed predicates. The predicate jiti_list/1
takes one of the patterns below. All parts except for Name can be
variables. The last pattern takes an arbitrary number of arguments.
- Module:Head
- Module:Name/Arity
- Module:Name
The columns use the following notation:
- The Indexed column describes the
- A plain integer refers to a 1-based argument number
- A+B is a multi-argument index on the arguments A and B.
- A/B is a deep-index on sub-argument B of argument A.
- The Buckets specifies the number of buckets of the hash table
- The Speedup specifies the selectivity of the index
- The Flags describes additional properties, currently:
denotes that the index contains multiple compound
terms with the same name/arity that may be used to create deep indexes.
The deep indexes themselves are created as just-in-time indexes.